
Thursday, November 20, 2003

common sense on the low-income home energy assistance program

Q: Senator, what is LIHEAP?

A: The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) helps thousands of struggling Iowa families with their home-heating bills, providing a safety net for needy families. Many of our families face a terrible choice between paying energy bills or paying for other necessities such as housing, food, and prescription drugs. LIHEAP can help. This program is not designed to pay a household's entire energy costs. But for eligible households, it can lighten the burden of heating bills significantly.

Q: How has LIHEAP helped Iowans?

A: Last year, more than 4 million U.S. households, including some 75,000 Iowans, received LIHEAP assistance. A survey of Iowa households receiving LIHEAP aid found that 21 percent were going without needed medical care and/or prescription drugs in order to pay their heating bill, and 12 percent were cutting back on food purchases. LIHEAP is a program that I strongly believe in. As the ranking Democrat on the Senate Appropriations subcommittee that funds LIHEAP, I fought to increase LIHEAP funding to $1.8 billion nationwide in fiscal year 2003.

Q: Who is eligible for LIHEAP assistance?

A: In order to be eligible for LIHEAP aid, applicants must provide proof that their income falls within the income range listed below. SIZE OF HOUSEHOLD HOUSEHOLD INCOME UNDER ($) 1 $13,470 2 $18,180 3 $22,890 4 $27,600 5 6 $32,310 $37,020 Q: How do I apply for LIHEAP assistance?

A: The LIHEAP program is administered by local community action agencies in each county. Information on applying for LIHEAP aid can be found online at or by contacting my Davenport office at 563-322-1338. LIHEAP began accepting applications from the elderly and disabled on October 1, and from other citizens beginning November 1.