
Tuesday, October 21, 2003

common sense on: prevention comes in flu shots

Q: What is influenza? A: Influenza, flu for short, is a virus that causes symptoms such as fever, chills, a dry cough, headache, runny nose, and sore throat and muscles. The flu is easily spread from an ill person to others by coughing and sneezing. The flu usually strikes in late fall and throughout the winter. According to the Iowa Department of Public Health, the flu season arrives around Thanksgiving and lasts through the winter, with January and February being the worst stretch.

Q: How can I prevent the flu? An annual flu shot is the best way to reduce the chances that you will get the flu. It is highly recommended for those 50 years or older, those in the high-risk category (see below), and those in close contact with them. Q: Who should get a flu shot? A: Anyone can get the flu, which normally causes a week or two of illness and discomfort. But for some, the flu can be deadly. In fact, it is the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S., claiming some 36,000 lives each year. Those at highest risk include the elderly, the very young, those with chronic medical problems, and health care professionals.

Q: When should I get a flu shot? A: According to the Centers for Disease Control, the best time to get a flu shot is from October to mid-November. However, shots can be taken at any time during the season. However, bear in mind that it takes one to two weeks after the shot for a person to develop a protective antibody. Because the virus may change slightly from year to year, the vaccine is changed annually and should be received each flu season. Also, a person’s immunity to the flu declines over time, and may be too low to provide protection after one year. Q: Where should I get a flu shot?

A: You can get a flu shot from your doctor or pharmacist, or from a public immunization clinic. The Medicare program covers the flu shot and the cost of administration. For those covered under Medicaid, you need to check first with your local social services or health department. Many private health insurance plans also cover the flu vaccine. The vaccine usually costs between $10-$15. For more information, Iowans can contact the Centers for Disease Control at 800-232-2522 (Spanish 800-232-0233) or the Iowa Department of Public Health Center for Acute Disease Epidemiology at 800-362-2736, or visit the CDC website at