portrait of Representative Rush Holt   
 Representative Rush Holt, 12th District of New Jersey
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XML Press Releases via RS
  • Holt, Hinchey, Baird Lead Congressional Effort To Protect Utah Public Lands - 12/22/2008 ...more
  • Holt Statement on President-Elect Obama's Expected Science Nominations - 12/19/2008 ...more
  • Holt: Investing In Research And Innovation Can Sustain Long Term Economic Growth - 12/15/2008 ...more

Innovation Infrastructure

Photo credit: Brian Wilson, Princeton University

On December 15, Rep. Holt hosted a roundtable discussion at Princeton University with Speaker Nancy Pelosi, other Congressional leaders, and university, business community, and research leaders. The participants concluded that innovation infrastructure is, as Rep. Holt said, “necessary for sustained economic growth, and our nation must increase its investment or suffer the consequences of continual neglect.”

Helping Those In Need

Food banks and food pantries in New Jersey and across the country are doing important work with the resources they have, but they need help as they face food shortages. Governor Corzine’s office announced that New Jersey’s food banks are reporting as much as a 30 percent increase in families seeking food assistance, while food supplies are down by 19 percent from the same time last year. If you need food or wish to help someone who does, click here.

The Presidential Inauguration

Barack Obama’s inauguration on January 20, 2009 will be a historic event, and the excitement in anticipation is great. The planning has just begun and many details have yet to be announced. Read more for important information about the inauguration.

Rep. Holt Meets With NJ National Guard

Rep. Holt met with troops from the 50th Brigade Combat Team before their deployment in June for final training in Texas and their final destination of several locations throughout Iraq. Rep. Holt heard the concerns of the troops and offered his assistance to them in any way before, during, and after their deployment. Here, Rep. Holt talks with, from left, Rep. Col. Kenneth Schechter, Col. Steve Ferrari, Lt. Col. Robert Jarvis and Lt. Col. James Moore. Read more.

Latest eGenda: 2008 End-of-Year Report

At the end of every year, I send out a report highlighting the various ways a representative can help you. This mailer is being sent to postal patrons in Central New Jersey, but I wanted to provide the online version in advance.

Some examples from the report of how I have responded to various needs that people have brought before me are creating property tax deductions for homeowners who do not itemize on their federal tax returns, obtaining emergency travel papers for a Ewing resident to return home from overseas, securing $240,000 for a job training program at Brookdale Community College to help unemployed and underemployed workers, and hosting a day in Washington D.C. for Central New Jersey first responders to meet with Congressional leaders and Administration officials. Read More

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