Committee on International Relations



Wednesday, July 9, 2003

10:30 a.m. “A Survey and Analysis of Supporting Human Rights and Democracy: The U.S. Record 2002-2003" - Full Committee hearing.
Room 2172 Rayburn House Office Building
Witnesses: The Honorable Lorne W. Craner, Assistant Secretary, Bureau for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Department of State; The Honorable Roger P. Winter, Assistant Administrator, Bureau of Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance, USAID; The Honorable Jean J. Kirkpatrick, Board of Directors, International Republican Institute (Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations); The Honorable Harold H. Koh, Gerard C. And Bernice Latrobe Smith Professor of International Law, Yale Law School (Former Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor); Mr. Carl Gersham, President, National Endowment for Democracy; Mr. Tom Malinowski, Washington Advocacy Director, Human Rights Watch; Ms, Jennifer Windsor, Executive Director, Freedom House; Mr. Kenneth Wollack, President, National Democratic Institute for International Affairs.

2:30 p.m. Classified MEMBERS ONLY briefing on Developments in the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process with the Honorable William J. Burns, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, Department of State.
Room 2200 Rayburn House Office Building


No Committee Business - House in Recess

*** Presidential Messages, Executive and Other Communications Received ***

USAID Congressional Notification - Iraq - June 4, 2003, USAID, informing of the intent to obligate $26,000,000 in Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund (IRRF) under Iraq Transition Initiative (ITI) to provide fast flexible assistance to meet Iraq’s most critical challenges in the current transition phase; CN #173.

USAID Congressional Notification - Iraq - June 4, 2003, USAID, informing of the intent to obligate $50,000,000 in FY 03 IRRF under Strategic Objective “Restore Economically Critical Infrastructure.”; CN # 174.

Report on Training of Special Operations Forces - June 4, 2003, letter from the Department of Defense transmitting CLASSIFIED report for the period ending September 30, 2002, pursuant to Sec. 2011 of Title 10, U.S.C.; unnumbered.

USAID Congressional Notification - Kenya - June 6, 2003, USAID, informing of the intent to obligate $33,820,500 from the Capital Investment Fund in FY 03; CN # 175.

USAID Congressional Notification - Kenya - June 6, 2003, USAID, informing of the intent to obligate $8,900,000 from the Capital Investment Fund in FY 03 for information technology investments; CN # 176.

Report of Congress on the Acquisition of Technology Relating to Weapons of Mass Destruction and Advanced Conventional Munitions, July 1 through December 31, 2002 - June 9, 2003, letter from the Central Intelligence Agency transmitting CLASSIFIED report pursuant to Sec. 721 of the FY 97 Intelligence Authorization Act; unnumbered.

USAID Congressional Notification - Cuba - June 10, 2003, USAID, informing of the intent to obligate $332,000 in FY 03 ESF to support “Civil Society Development through Information Dissemination”; CN #177.

USAID Congressional Notification - East Timor - June 18, 2003, USAID, informing of the intent to obligate $4,400,000 in FY 03 ESF & reprogram $1,100,000 in FY 02 ESF prior year funds to revitalize the local economy; CN #178.

USAID Congressional Notification - East Timor - June 18, 2003, USAID, informing of the intent to obligate $1,400,000 for the strengthening of democracy; CN #179.

Certification Decision and Section 576 Determination and Memoranda of Justification Relating to Restrictions on Assistance to Serbia and Montenegro - June 18, 2003, letter from the Department of State transmitting CLASSIFIED report pursuant to Sec. 578 and Sec. 576 of P.L. 108-7; unnumbered.

USAID Congressional Notification - Afghanistan - June 20, 2003, USAID, informing of the intent to obligate $8,454,957 in FY 03 DA & $50,000,000 in CSH under Strategic Objective “Create Conditions for Stability in Afghanistan to Expand Educational Opportunity and Increase Access to Basic Health Services Especially in Rural Areas”; CN #180.

Certification of a Proposed Manufacturing License with Canada - June 23, 2003, DOS (Transmittal No. DTC 012-03), pursuant to Sec. 36 (d) of the AECA; unnumbered.

Certification of a Proposed License for the Export of Defense Articles and/or Services to Japan - June 23, 2003, DOS (Transmittal No. DTC 035-03), pursuant to Sec. 36 ( c ) of the AECA; unnumbered.

Certification of a Proposed License for the Export of Defense Articles and/or Services to South Korea - June 23, 2003, DOS (Transmittal No. DTC 034-03), pursuant to Sec. 36 ( c ) & (d) of the AECA; unnumbered.

Certification of a Proposed License for the Export of Defense Articles and/or Services to Japan - June 23, 2003, DOS (Transmittal No. DTC 036-03), pursuant to Sec. 36 ( c ) of the AECA; unnumbered.

Certification of a Proposed License for the Export of Defense Articles and/or Services to Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Norway and the United Kingdom - June 23, 2003, DOS (Transmittal No. DTC 010-03), pursuant to Sec. 36 ( c ) of the AECA; unnumbered.

Certification of a Proposed License for the Export of Defense Articles and/or Services to Japan - June 23, 2003, DOS (Transmittal No. DTC 039-03), pursuant to Sec. 36 ( c ) of the AECA; unnumbered.

Certification of a Proposed License for the Export of Defense Articles and/or Services to South Korea - June 23, 2003, DOS (Transmittal No. DTC 043-03), pursuant to Sec. 36 ( c ) of the AECA; unnumbered.

Certification of a Proposed License for the Export of Defense Articles and/or Services to Israel - June 23, 2003, DOS (Transmittal No. DTC 038-03), pursuant to Sec. 36 ( c ) of the AECA; unnumbered.

Certification of a Proposed License for the Export of Defense Articles and/or Services to Japan - June 23, 2003, DOS (Transmittal No. DTC 037-03), pursuant to Sec. 36 ( c ) of the AECA; unnumbered.

USAID Congressional Notification - Zimbabwe - June 23, 2003, USAID, informing of the intent to obligate $2,250,000 in FY 03 ESF for “Peace and Democracy Advanced in Key-Conflict Prone Countries,” pursuant to Sec. 520 of the FOAA (P.L.. 108-7); CN # 181.

USAID Congressional Notification - Vietnam - June 23, 2003, USAID, informing of the intent to obligate $735,000 in DCA for Strategic Objective “Vietnam’s Enhanced Environment for Trade and Investment”; CN # 182.

USAID Congressional Notification - CEER - June 23, 2003, USAID, informing of the intent to obligate an additional $225,000 in FY 03 AEEB funds in support of “Increased, Better Informed Citizens’ Participation in Political & Economic Decision Making”; CN #183.

USAID Congressional Notification - CEER - June 23, 2003, USAID, informing of the intent to obligate an additional $135,000 in FY 03 AEEB funds and an additional $100,000 in FY 02 Carryover funds for the Strategic Objective “Mitigation of Adverse Social Impacts of the Transition to Market Based Democracies ”; CN #184.

USAID Congressional Notification - CEER - June 23, 2003, USAID, informing of the intent to obligate $100,000 in FY 02 AEEB funds for the Entrepreneurs Business Training Center in the Baltics; CN #185.

USAID Congressional Notification - Russia - June 23, 2003, USAID, informing of the intent to obligate an additional $1,000,000 in FY 03 FREEDOM Support Act funds for “Market Oriented Reforms Developed and Implemented in Selected Sectors,” pursuant to Sec. 517 of the FOAA (P.L. 108-7); CN #186.

USAID Congressional Notification - Russia - June 23, 2003, USAID, informing of the intent to obligate an additional $330,000 in FY 03 FREEDOM Support Act funds for Strategic Objective “Cross Cutting Programs,” pursuant to Sec. 517 of the FOAA (P.L. 108-7); CN #187.

USAID Congressional Notification - Turkmenistan - June 23, 2003, USAID, informing of the intent to obligate $50,000 in FY 02 Freedom Support Act Carryover funds for Strategic Objective “An Improved Environment for the Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises”; CN #188.

USAID Congressional Notification - Turkmenistan - June 23, 2003, USAID, informing of the intent to obligate an additional $500,000 in FY 02 Freedom Support Act Carryover funds for Strategic Objective “Strengthened Democratic Culture Among Citizens and Targeted Institutions”; CN #189.

Report to Congress on Actions Taken by the Department of State in Response to the Program Recommendations of the Amman, Jordan, Accountability Review Board - June 23, 2003, letter from the Department of State transmitting report pursuant to Sec. 301 of the Diplomatic Security Act; Ex. Comm. 2776.

Report Pursuant to Section 2 of the Iran Nonproliferation Act - June 25, 2003, letter from the Department of State transmitting CLASSIFIED report pursuant to Sec. 2 of P.L. 106-178; unnumbered.

Notice of Proposed Lease of Defense Articles to the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan - June 26, 2003, DSCA (Transmittal No. 02-03), pursuant to Sec. 62 (a) of the AECA; Ex. Comm. 2896.

Notification of 25 Percent Danger Pay for Saudi Arabia - June 26, 2003, DOS, pursuant to the Department of State Authorization Act of Fiscal Years 1985 and 1985 (P.L. 98-164); Ex. Comm. 2897.

The FY 2002 Reports on USG Assistance to and Cooperative Activities with Eurasia and SEED Act Implementation - June 26, 2003, DOS, pursuant to Sec. 104 of the FREEDOM Support Act, (P.L. 102-511) and Sec. 704 ( c ) of the SEED Act (P.L. 101-179); Ex. Comm. 2898. Available at <>

Presidential Determination 2003-16 RE: Suspension of Limitations Under the Jerusalem Embassy Act - June 26, 2003, DOS, pursuant to the Jerusalem Embassy Act (P.L. 104-45); Ex. Comm. 2934.

Secretary’s Determination to Waive the 100 ft. Setback Requirement with Respect to the Relocation of the Consulate General Frankfurt, Germany - June 27, 2003, pursuant to Sec. 606 (a) (3) of the Secure Embassy Construction and Counterterrorism Act of 1999 (P.L. 106-113); unnumbered.

Overseas Surplus Property Report to Congress - June 27, 2003, DOS, pursuant to Sec. 2215 of the Omnibus Appropriation (P.L. 105-277); unnumbered.

Determination Related to the Participation of the Magen David Adom Society of Israel in the Activities of the IRC and RCM - June 30, 2003, DOS, pursuant to Title II of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Appropriations (P.L. 108-7); unnumbered.

2002 Annual Report to Congress on Peacekeeping - July 1, 2003, The White House, pursuant to Sec. 4 of the United Nations Participation Act (P.L. 79-264); unnumbered.

Presidential Determination 2003-27 RE: Waiving Prohibition on United States Military Assistance to Parties to the Rome Statute Establishing the International Criminal Court - July 1, 2003, DOS, consistent with Sec. 2007 of the American Servicemembers’ Protection Act of 2002, Title II of P.L. 107-206; unnumbered.

Report to Congress on the Procurement Needs of the Government of Costa Rica and the Bahamas to Implement an Effective Counternarcotics Strategy - July 1, 2003, DOS, consistent with Senate Report 107-219 of the Committee on Appropriations, accompanying the Foreign Operations, Export Financing and Related Programs Appropriations Bill, 2003 (P.L. 108-7); unnumbered.

Visa Denials - July 2, 2003, letter from the U.S. Department of State transmitting CLASSIFIED report of visas denied on grounds of terrorist activity, pursuant to Sec. 51 of the State Department Basic Authorities Act; unnumbered.

Report on Adherence to and Compliance with Arms Control and Nonproliferation Agreements and Commitments - July 7, 2003, letter from the Department of State transmitting CLASSIFIED report pursuant to Sec, 403(a) of the Arms Control and Disarmament Act; unnumbered.