*** Meetings/Hearings ***

*** no meeting or hearings scheduled ***


*** Floor ***

H. Con. Res. 211, Continued Support for Noble Laureate Daw Aung San Suu Kyi of Burma – Nov. 13, House completed debate. Nov. 14, House agreed to by a vote of 420 yeas to 0 nays.

H.R. 2541, Diplomatic Security Agent Enhanced Authorities – Nov. 13, House agreed to by a vote of 410 yeas to 0 nays.

Sudan Peace Act, S. 180 – Nov. 15, the House passed S. 180 after amending it to contain the text of H.R. 2052, as passed by the House. H.R. 2052 was then laid on the table. Subsequently, the House insisted on its amendment and asked for a conference with the Senate. Conferees were appointed.

*** Meetings/Hearings ***

Wednesday, November 14, 2001

THE MESSAGE IS AMERICA: RETHINKING U.S. PUBLIC DIPLOMACY Full Committee held hearing. Witnesses: Norman J. Pattiz, Member, Broadcasting Board of Governors; Hon. Edward S. Walker, Jr., President, Middle East Institute; John W. Leslie, Jr., Chairman, Weber Shandwick; Robert L. Wehling, Retired, Proctor & Gamble; Mouafac Harb, Al Hayat Newspaper; and John Romano, Producer/Writer.

PRIME MINISTER OF MONGOLIA – meeting held with H.E. Nambaryn Enkhbayar.

Thursday, November 15, 2001

AFRICA AND THE WAR ON GLOBAL TERRORISMSubcommittee on Africa held hearing. Witnesses: Hon. Susan E. Rice, Consultant on Africa Affairs; Suleiman Nyang, Ph.D., Howard University; and J. Stephen Morrison, Ph.D., CSIS.

NORTHEAST ASIA AFTER 9/11: REGIONAL TRENDS AND U.S. INTERESTS – Subcommittee on East Asia and the Pacific held hearing. Witnesses: C. Fred Bergsten, Director, Institute for International Economics; Bonnie S. Glaser, Consultant on Asian Affairs; Brad Glosserman, CSIS; Victor Cha, Georgetown University; and Celeste A. Wallander, CSIS.

*** Legislation Introduced ***

November 13, 2001

H. Con. Res. 268 (Morella) – expressing the sense of the Congress that women from all ethnic groups in Afghanistan should participate in the economic and political construction of Afghanistan.

H. Con. Res. 269 (Ros-Lehtinen) – calling for a U.S. effort to end restrictions on the freedoms and human rights of the enclaved people in the occupied area of Cyprus.

Nov. 14, 2001

H.R. 3290 (Capps) – to authorize the Secretary of Energy to guarantee loans to facilitate nuclear nonproliferation programs and activities of the Government of the Russian Federation, and for other purposes.

H.R. 3294 (McCarthy - NY) – to provide for the distribution of assets frozen pursuant to Executive Order 13224 and similar Executive orders to the State of New York, the State of Pennsylvania, and the Department of Defense to cover cleanup and reconstruction costs associated with the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. (In addition, referred to the Committees on Transportation and Armed Services.)

Nov. 15, 2001

H.R. 3304 (Millender-McDonald) – to authorize the provision of educational and health care assistance to the women and children of Afghanistan.

Nov. 16, 2001

H.R. 3330 (Pryce) – to authorize the provision of educational and health care assistance to the women and children of Afghanistan.

H. Con. Res. 273 (Rohrabacher) – reaffirming the special relationship between the United States and the Republic of the Philippines.

*** Reports Filed ***

H.R. 2581, to provide authorities to control exports, and for other purposes, with an amendment -- Report filed 11/16/01 (H. Rept. 107-297, pt. 1).

*** Presidential Messages, Executive and Other Communications Received ***

Draft Legislation, "Managerial Flexibility Act of 2001" – Nov. 13, letter from the Director of the Office of Management and Budget transmitting draft legislation; unnumbered. (In addition, referred to the Committees on Government Reform, Armed Services, Intelligence, Energy and Commerce, the Budget, Resources, Transportation, Science, the Judiciary, and House Administration.)

Extension of National Emergency Regarding Proliferation of Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Weapons – Nov. 13, Message from the President transmitting notification pursuant to Sec. 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act; H. Doc. 107-147.

6-Month Periodic Report on the National Emergency Regarding Iran – Nov. 13, Message from the President transmitting report pursuant to Sec. 401(c) of the National Emergencies Act; H. Doc. 107-148.

Extension of National Emergency Regarding Iran – Nov. 13, Message from the President transmitting notice pursuant to Sec. 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act; H. Doc. 107-149.

Proposed Technical Assistance Agreement for the Export of Defense Articles or Services to Japan – Nov. 13, letter from the Department of State transmitting report (DTC 149-01) pursuant to Sec. 36(c) and Sec. 36(d) of the AECA; unnumbered.

Proposed Letter of Offer and Acceptance to Egypt for Defense Articles and Services – Nov. 14, letter from the Defense Security Cooperation Agency transmitting notification (Transmittal No. 02-10) pursuant to Sec. 36(b) of the AECA; Ex. Comm. 4574

Waived Missile Sanctions Against the Government of Pakistan Essential to the National Security of the United States – Nov. 14, CLASSIFIED notification from the Department of state pursuant to Sec. 73 of the AECA; Ex. Comm. 4575.

Department of the Treasury’s Final Rule – Blocked Persons, Specially Designated Nationals, Specially Designated Terrorists, Foreign Terrorist Organizations, and Specially Designated Narcotics Traffickers – Nov. 14, letter from the Office of Foreign Assets Control, Department of the Treasury, transmitting Final Rule pursuant to Sec. 251 of P.L. 104-121; Ex. Comm. 4576.

Congressional Notification Transmittal Sheet – Obligation of Funds by the Department of Energy to Kazakhstan – Nov. 14, notification (#02-01) sent by the Department of State.

Charter for the Establishment of the Department of State’s Industry Advisory Panel – Nov. 15, letter from the Department of State transmitting copy of Charter pursuant to the Federal Advisory Committee Act (P.L. 92-463); unnumbered.

Department of State’s Intent to Provide Funds to the UNHCR to Assist in the Return Home of East Timorese Refugees from West Timor – Nov. 15, notification from the Department of State pursuant to Title II of P.L. 106-429; unnumbered.

Congressional Notification Transmittal Sheet – Obligation of Economic Support Funds to the Iraqi National Congress Foundation – Nov. 15, notification sent by the Department of State; unnumbered.

Report on Steps the U.S. Government Has Taken to Collect Information Concerning Allegations of Genocide and Other Violations of International Law in the Former Republic of Yugoslavia – Nov. 15, letter from the Department of State transmitting CLASSIFIED report pursuant to Sec. 552 of P.L. 106-429; unnumbered.

Notification of the Department of State’s Intent to Support Humanitarian Demining Programs at Levels Above the Amount Justified in the Department’s FY02 Congressional Budget Justification – Nov. 16, notification pursuant to P.L. 107-44 and Sec. 634A of the FAA; unnumbered.

Proposed Technical Assistance Agreement for the Export of Defense Articles or Services to Mexico – Nov. 16, letter from the Department of State transmitting report (DTC 155-01) pursuant to Sec. 36(c) of the AECA; Ex. Comm. 4598.

Proposed Technical Assistance Agreement for the Export of Defense Articles or Services to the Republic of Korea – Nov. 16, letter from the Department of State transmitting report (DTC 137-01) pursuant to Sec. 36(c) of the AECA; Ex. Comm. 4599.

Proposed Technical Assistance Agreement for the Export of Defense Articles or Services to the United Kingdom – Nov. 16, letter from the Department of State transmitting report (DTC 138-01) pursuant to Sec. 36(c) of the AECA; Ex. Comm. 4600.

Proposed Manufacturing License Agreement with South Korea – Nov. 16, letter from the Department of State transmitting report (DTC 153-01) pursuant to Sec. 36(d) of the AECA; Ex. Comm. 4601.

Proposed Technical Assistance Agreement for the Export of Defense Articles or Services to Turkey – Nov. 16, letter from the Department of State transmitting report (DTC 125-01) pursuant to Sec. 36(c) and Sec. 36(d) of the AECA; Ex. Comm. 4602.

Proposed Technical Assistance Agreement for the Export of Defense Articles or Services to Japan – Nov. 16, letter from the Department of State transmitting report (DTC 120-01) pursuant to Sec. 36(c) and Sec. 36(d) of the AECA; Ex. Comm. 4603.

Proposed Technical Assistance Agreement for the Export of Defense Articles or Services to Germany, the Netherlands, and Spain – Nov. 16, letter from the Department of State transmitting report (DTC 114-01) pursuant to Sec. 36(c) and Sec. 36(d) of the AECA; Ex. Comm. 4604.

*** Hearings/Markups Printed ***


(Hearing before the Subcommittee on International Operations and Human Rights, July 31, 2001; Serial No. 107-36)


(Markup before the Committee on International Relations, September 6, 2001; Serial No. 107-37)


(Hearing before the Committee on International Relations, July 25, 2001; Serial No. 107-40)


*** Floor ***

H.R. 2500, CJS Appropriations – Nov. 14, House agreed to the conference report by a vote of 411 yeas to 15 nays. Nov. 15, Senate agreed to the conference report by a vote of 98 yeas to 1 nay, clearing the measure for the President.

*** Nominations ***

Department of State – Nov. 15, Arthur E. Dewey, to be Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration.

*** Confirmations ***

United Nations – Nov. 15, Ernest L. Johnson and Nancy Cain Marcus, to be Alternate Representatives of the U.S. to the 56th Session of the General Assembly; William J. Hybl, to be Representative of the U.S. to the 56th Session of the General Assembly.

Socialist Republic of Vietnam – Nov. 15, Raymond F. Burghardt, to be Ambassador.

Slovak Republic – Nov. 15, Ronald Weiser, to be Ambassador.

Commonwealth of the Bahamas – Nov. 15, J. Richard Blankenship, to be Ambassador.

Spain and Andorra – Nov. 15, George L. Argyros, Sr., to be Ambassador.

African Development Bank – Nov. 15, Cynthia Shepard Perry, to be U.S. Director for 5 years.

Inter-American Development Bank – Nov. 15, Jose A. Fourquet, to be U.S. Director for 3 years.

Federated States of Micronesia – Nov. 15, Larry Miles Dinger, to be Ambassador.

Asia-Pacific Economic Corporation (APEC) – Nov. 15, Charles L. Greenwood, Jr., to be Coordinator, with the rank of Ambassador.

Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe – Nov. 15, Stephan Michael Minikes, to be U.S. Representative, with the rank of Ambassador; and Robert M. Beecroft, to be Head of Mission, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Republic of Austria – Nov. 15, Lyons Brown, Jr., to be Ambassador.

Federal Republic of Yugoslavia – Nov. 15, William D. Montgomery, to be Ambassador.

Agency for International Development – Nov. 15, Constance Berry Newman and John Marshall, to be Assistant Administrators.

Italy – Nov. 15, Melvin F. Sembler, to be Ambassador.

Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization – Nov. 15, Charles Lester Pritchard to be U.S. representative, and also serve as Special Envoy for Negotiations with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

Thailand – Nov. 15, Darryl Norman Johnson, to be Ambassador.