*** Hearings/Meetings/Markups ***

Wednesday, February 28:

MEXICAN SENATORIAL DELEGATION – Members to hold private meeting with three senior Senators from Mexico; 11:00 a.m.

INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING: ITS MISSION, BUDGET AND FUTURE – Subcommittee on International Operations and Human Rights to hold hearing; 2:00 p.m., 2200 Rayburn.

MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF IRELAND – Members to hold private meeting with H.E. Brian Cowen, TD; 2:00 p.m.

SWEDISH AMBASSADOR AND CHARGE D’AFFAIRES OF THE DELEGATION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION – Members to hold private meeting with H.E. Jan Eliasson and Mr. John B. Richardson; 3:30 p.m.

Thursday, March 1:

THE EARTHQUAKE IN INDIA: THE AMERICAN RESPONSE – Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia to hold hearing; 9:00 a.m., 2172 Rayburn.

PRESIDENT OF EL SALVADOR – Members to hold private meeting with H.E. Francisco Flores, 10:00 a.m.

CONDUCTING DIPLOMACY IN A GLOBAL AGE – Full Committee to hold hearing; 11:00 a.m., 2172 Rayburn.


*** Presidential Messages, Executive and Other Communications Received ***

Report on the Implementation of Title IV of the Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act – Feb 13, letter from the State Department transmitting the CLASSIFIED report regarding visa denials for aliens who have confiscated or trafficked in confiscated property in Cuba, a claim to which is owned by a U.S. national, pursuant to Sec. 2802 of P.L. 105-277; unnumbered.

Notification Regarding the Completion of the Delivery of Defense Articles and Services – Feb 15, letter from the Defense Security Cooperation Agency transmitting the notification that the delivery of defense articles and services to various countries in Central and South America was completed prior to September 1998, pursuant to Sec. 506 (b)(2) of the FAA; unnumbered.

Notification Regarding the Completion of the Delivery of Defense Articles and Services – Feb 15, letter from the Defense Security Cooperation Agency transmitting the notification that the delivery of defense articles and services to Mexico was completed prior to June 1999, pursuant to Sec. 506 (b)(2) of the FAA; unnumbered.

Notification Regarding the Completion of the Delivery of Defense Articles and Services – Feb 15, letter from the Defense Security Cooperation Agency transmitting the notification that the delivery of defense articles and services to various countries in Central and South America was completed prior to June 1999, pursuant to Sec. 506 (b)(2) of the FAA; unnumbered.

Notification Regarding the Completion of the Delivery of Defense Articles and Services – Feb 15, letter from the Defense Security Cooperation Agency transmitting the notification that the delivery of defense articles and services to the Economic Community of West African States’ Peacekeeping Force was completed prior to December 1997, pursuant to Sec. 506 (b)(2) of the FAA; unnumbered.

Proposed Transfer of Excess Defense Articles and Services to Bahrain – Feb 15, letter from the Defense Security Cooperation Agency transmitting the proposed transfer of excess defense articles and services to Bahrain, pursuant to Sec. 516 of the FAA; unnumbered.

Proposed Transfer of Excess Defense Articles and Services to Egypt – Feb 15, letter from the Defense Security Cooperation Agency transmitting the proposed transfer of excess defense articles and services to Egypt, pursuant to Sec. 516 of the FAA; unnumbered.

Report on the Economic Impact of U.S. Sanctions with Respect to Cuba – Feb 16, letter from the U.S. International Trade Commission transmitting the report; unnumbered.

FY 2001 Proposed International Military Education and Training (IMET) Reallocations – Feb 20, letter from the Defense Security Cooperation Agency transmitting notification that implementation of the FY 2001 IMET program will require revisions to the levels justified in the FY 2001 Congressional Budget Justification, pursuant to Sec. 634A of the FAA and Sec. 515 of P.L. 106-429; unnumbered.

Section 8 Narcotics Report – Feb 20, letter from the Joint Staff transmitting the CLASSIFIED report, pursuant to Sec. 8 of P.L. 101-623; unnumbered.

Provision of Funds to Support the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor – Feb 21, letter from the State Department transmitting the notification, pursuant to Title III of P.L. 106-429; unnumbered.

Report on the Assessment of the Acquisition of Technology Relating to Weapons of Mass Destruction and Advanced Conventional Munitions – Feb 21, letter from the Central Intelligence Agency transmitting the report, pursuant to Sec. 721 of P.L. 104-293; unnumbered.

Provision of Funds to Support the Enhanced International Peacekeeping Initiative – Feb 23, letter from the State Department transmitting the notification, pursuant to Sec. 634A of the FAA; unnumbered.

Imposition of Certain Foreign Policy-Based Export Controls – Feb 23, letter from the Commerce Department transmitting notification that the Department is imposing certain foreign policy-based export controls on Serbian persons designated pursuant to Executive Order 13088, pursuant to Sec. 6(f) of P.L. 96-72; unnumbered.

Provision of Funds to Support OSCE Activities in Europe – Feb 23, letter from the State Department transmitting the notification, pursuant to Title III of P.L. 106-429; unnumbered.