*** Meetings/Hearings ***

Tuesday, January 29, 2002

Chairman of the Interim Administration of Afghanistan – Members to hold private meeting with H.E. Hamid Karzai; 3:30 p.m.

Kuwaiti Delegation – Members to hold private meeting with delegation headed by the Chairman of the Kuwait National Assembly’s Foreign Relations Committee, Hon. Mohammad Jassem Al-Saqer; 6:15 p.m.


*** Meetings/Hearings ***

Wednesday, January 23, 2002

President of the Grand National Party of the Republic of Korea – Members held private meeting with Lee Hoi-Chang.

*** Presidential Messages, Executive and Other Communications Received ***

U.S. Agency for International Development’s Comments on the GAO Report, "Global Health: Joint U.N. Programme on HIV/AIDS Needs to Strengthen Country-Level Efforts and Measure Results" – Oct. 19, 2001, letter from the Acting Deputy Administrator, Bureau for Legislative and Public Affairs at AID, transmitting comments pursuant to P.L. 97-258; unnumbered.

Semi-annual Report of the Peace Corps – Nov. 28, 2001, letter from the Peace Corps transmitting report covering the period April 1, 2001 - September 30, 2001, pursuant to Sec. 5 of the Inspector General Act of 1978; unnumbered.

U.S. Agency for International Development’s Comments on the GAO Report, "U.S. Agency for International Development: Status of Achieving Key Outcomes and Addressing Major Management Challenges" – Nov. 29, 2001, letter from the Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Legislative and Public Affairs at AID, transmitting comments pursuant to P.L. 97-258; unnumbered.

Periodic Report on the National Emergency with Respect to the Western Balkans – Jan. 23, communication from the President transmitting six-month periodic report pursuant to Sec. 401(c) of the National Emergencies Act, and Sec. 204(c) of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act; Ex. Comm. 5076, H. Doc. 107-160.

Periodic Report on the National Emergency with Respect to Libya – Jan. 23, communication from the President transmitting six-month periodic report pursuant to Sec. 401(c) of the National Emergencies Act, and Sec. 204(c) of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act; Ex. Comm. 5077, H. Doc. 107-161.

Continuation of Libya Emergency – Jan. 23, communication from the President transmitting notification that the Libya emergency is to continue in effect beyond January 7, 2002, pursuant to Sec. 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act; Ex. Comm. 5078, H. Doc. 107-162.

Periodic Report on the National Emergency with Respect to the Taliban in Afghanistan – Jan. 23, communication from the President transmitting six-month periodic report pursuant to Sec. 401(c) of the National Emergencies Act, and Sec. 204(c) of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act; Ex. Comm. 5079, H. Doc. 107-163.

Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Sierra Leone and Liberia – Jan. 23, communication from the President transmitting notification that the emergency is to continue in effect beyond January 18, 2002, pursuant to Sec. 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act; Ex. Comm. 5080, H. Doc. 107-165.

Periodic Report on the National Emergency with Respect to Sierra Leone and Liberia – Jan. 23, communication from the President transmitting six-month periodic report pursuant to Sec. 401(c) of the National Emergencies Act and Sec. 204(c) of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act; Ex. Comm. 5081, H. Doc. 107-166.

Continuation of Emergency with Respect to Terrorists who Threaten to Disrupt the Middle East Peace Process – Jan. 23, communication from the President transmitting notification that the emergency is to continue in effect beyond January 23, 2002, pursuant to Sec. 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act; Ex. Comm. 5082, H. Doc. 107-167.

Periodic Report on the National Emergency with Respect to Terrorists who Threaten to Disrupt the Middle East Peace Process – Jan. 23, communication from the President transmitting six-month periodic report on the national emergency, pursuant to Sec. 401(c) of the National Emergencies Act, and Sec. 204(c) of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act; Ex. Comm. 5083, H. Doc. 107-168.

Proposed Letter of Offer and Acceptance to the United Arab Emirates for Defense Articles and Services – Jan. 23, letter from the Director of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency transmitting notification (Transmittal No. 02-07) pursuant to Sec. 36(b) of the AECA; Ex. Comm. 5084.

Intent to Sign Amendment Three to the Joint Fighter Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) Framework Memorandum of Understanding Between the United States and the United Kingdom – Jan. 23, letter from the Department of Defense transmitting notification pursuant to Sec. 27(f) of the AECA; Ex. Comm. 5085.

Certification for a Technology Demonstration and System Prototype Projects (TDSP) Project Arrangement with Norway for SKJOLD Experimentation – Jan. 23, letter from the Department of Defense transmitting notification pursuant to Sec. 27(f) of the AECA; Ex. Comm. 5086.

Certification of Proposed Manufacturing License Agreement with Turkey – Jan. 23, letter from the Department of State transmitting notification (Transmittal No. DTC-141-01) pursuant to Sec. 36(d) of the AECA; Ex. Comm. 5087.

Certification of a Proposed License for the Export of Defense Articles or Defense Services Sold Under Contract to the United Kingdom – Jan. 23, letter from the Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative Affairs transmitting notification (Transmittal No. DTC-156-01) pursuant to Sec. 36(c) of the AECA; Ex. Comm. 5088.

Certification of a Proposed License for the Export of Defense Articles or Defense Services Sold Under Contract to Taiwan – Jan. 23, letter from the Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative Affairs transmitting notification (Transmittal No. DTC-127-01) pursuant to Sec. 36(c) and Sec. 36(d) of the AECA; Ex. Comm. 5089.

International Agreements – Jan. 23, letter from the Department of State transmitting copies of international agreements, other than treaties, entered into by the United States and Peru, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, and the Netherlands, pursuant to Sec. 112(b)(a) of P.L. 92-403; Ex. Comm. 5090.

Danger Pay Allowance Designated for Afghanistan – Jan. 23, notification from the Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative Affairs of a 25% danger pay allowance pursuant to P.L. 98-164; Ex. Comm. 5091.

Text of Agreements in Which the American Institute in Taiwan is a Party in the Year 2000 – Jan. 23, letter from the Department of State transmitting agreements pursuant to the Taiwan Relations Act (P.L. 96-8); Ex. Comm. 5092.

International Agreements – Jan. 23, letter from the Department of State transmitting copies of international agreements, other than treaties, entered into by the United States and Ghana, Bulgaria, and Japan, pursuant to Sec. 112(b)(a) of P.L. 92-403; Ex. Comm. 5093.

Report on Peacekeeping Efforts in the Former Yugoslavia – Jan. 23, communication from the President transmitting a supplemental report, consistent with the War Powers Resolution (P.L. 93-148), to help ensure that the Congress is kept fully informed on continued U.S. contributions in support of peacekeeping efforts; Ex. Comm. 5094; H. Doc. 107-172.

U.S. Commission on International Freedom’s FY01 Financial Report – Jan. 23, letter from the Commission on International Religious Freedom transmitting report pursuant to Sec. 208(e) of P.L. 105-292; Ex. Comm. 5095.

Department of Commerce Final Rule – Jan. 23, letter from the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Administration transmitting the Department’s final rule on Implementation of the Wassenaar Agreement List of Dual Use Items, pursuant to Sec. 251 of P.L. 104-121; Ex. Comm. 5096.

Transfer of Excess Defense Articles to the Government of Egypt – Jan. 23, notification from the Defense Security Cooperation Agency of the proposed transfer of seven excess M728 Combat Engineer Vehicles to the Government of Egypt, pursuant to Sec. 516 of the FAA; unnumbered.

Transfer of Excess Defense Articles to the Dominican Republic – Jan. 23, notification from the Defense Security Cooperation Agency of the proposed transfer of 20,000 excess M16 rifles to the armed forces of the Dominican Republic, pursuant to Sec. 516 of the FAA; unnumbered.

Transfer of Excess Defense Articles to the Government of the Dominican Republic – Jan. 23, notification from the Defense Security Cooperation Agency of the proposed transfer of excess defense articles to the Dominican Republic, pursuant to Sec. 516 of the FAA; unnumbered.

Transfer of Excess Defense Articles to Jordan – Jan. 23, notification from the Defense Security Cooperation Agency of the proposed transfer of 20,000 excess ammunition to Jordan, pursuant to Sec. 516 of the FAA; unnumbered.

Transfer of Excess Defense Articles to Israel – Jan. 23, notification from the Defense Security Cooperation Agency of the proposed transfer of excess M16 rifle parts to Israel, pursuant to Sec. 516 of the FAA; unnumbered.

Transfer of Excess Defense Articles to Israel – Jan. 23, notification from the Defense Security Cooperation Agency of the proposed transfer of 30,000 excess M16 rifles to Israel, pursuant to Sec. 516 of the FAA; unnumbered.

Proposed Letter of Offer and Acceptance to Turkey for Defense Articles and Services – Jan. 23, letter from the Director of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency transmitting notification (Transmittal No. 02-01) pursuant to Sec. 36(b) of the AECA; unnumbered.

Periodic Report on the National Emergency with Respect to the Russian Federation – Jan. 24, communication from the President transmitting six-month periodic report on the national emergency, pursuant to Sec. 401(c) of the National Emergencies Act, and Sec. 204(c) of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act; Ex. Comm. 5213, H. Doc. 107-174.

United Nations Documents – Jan. 23, letter from the Department of State transmitting Security Council Resolutions 1387-1390 and 33 letters, reports and statements, pursuant to Sec. 4(b) and Sec. 4(c) of P.L. 79-264; unnumbered.

Iraq’s Compliance with United Nations Security Council Resolutions – Jan. 24, communication from the President transmitting report on the status of efforts to obtain Iraq’s compliance with the resolutions adopted by the U.N. Security Council, pursuant to P.L. 102-1; Ex. Comm. 5214, H. Doc. 107-175.

Listing of All Outstanding Letters of Offer to Sell Any Major Defense Equipment for $1 Million or More – Jan. 24, letter from the Director of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency transmitting CLASSIFIED report pursuant to Sec. 36(a) of the AECA; Ex. Comm. 5215.

International Agreements – Jan. 24, letter from the Department of State transmitting copies of international agreements, other than treaties, entered into by the United States and Honduras, Nicaragua, and Pakistan, pursuant to Sec. 112(b)(a) of P.L. 92-403; Ex. Comm. 5216.

Consulate in Podgorica, Montenegro, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia – Jan. 24, letter from the Under Secretary of State for Management of the Department of State’s intent to open a consulate to augment coverage of Montenegro from Embassy Belgrade, pursuant to Sec. 160(a) of the FRAA FY 88-89 (P.L. 100-204); unnumbered

Report on Withdrawal of Russian Armed Forces and Military Equipment – Jan. 24, letter from the Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative Affairs transmitting CLASSIFIED report pursuant to paragraph 5(D) of the Senate’s Resolution of Advice and Consent to the ratification of the CFE Flank Document; Ex. Comm. 5217.

Commerce with, and Assistance to, Cuba from Other Foreign Countries – Jan. 25, letter from the White House transmitting CLASSIFIED report pursuant to Sec. 108(a) of the LIBERTAD Act (P.L. 104-114); unnumbered.

Congressional Notification Transmittal Sheet – Department of State Funds to the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) – Jan. 25, notification from the Department of State of its intent to obligate $600,000 in FY 02 SEED funds to INL, pursuant to Sec. 632(a) of the FAA; unnumbered.

Congressional Notification Transmittal Sheet – Department of State Funds to the U.S. Department of Commerce Commercial Law Development Program – Jan. 25, notification from the Department of State of its intent to obligate $525,000 in FY 02 SEED funds to the U.S. Department of Commerce, pursuant to Sec. 632(a) of the FAA; unnumbered.

Congressional Notification Transmittal Sheet – Department of State Funds to the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs – Jan. 25, notification from the Department of State of its intent to obligate $3,000,000 in FY 02 FREEDOM Support Act funds for demining activities in Armenia, pursuant to Sec. 632(a) of the FAA; unnumbered.

*** Legislation Introduced ***

January 23, 2002

H.R. 3616 (Kucinich) – to preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of apace for the benefit of all humankind by prohibiting the basing of weapons in space and the use of weapons to destroy or damage objects in space that are in orbit, and for other purposes. (Referred having primary jurisdiction to the Committee on Science; also referred to the Committee on Armed Services.)

January 24, 2002

H.R. 3624 (Cantor) – to prohibit assistance to the Palestinian Authority and any instrumentality of the Palestinian Authority.

H.R. 3627 (Graham) – to protect the United States and its allies by imposing sanctions on countries and entities that aid and abet individuals or entities engaged in terrorist activity or fail to cooperate in the war against terrorism, and for other purposes. (In addition, referred to the Committees on Ways and Means and the Judiciary.)

H. Con. Res. 302 (Rothman) – urging the Department of Justice to seek subrogation from the terrorists responsible for the attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001, with respect to claims paid under the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund of 2001, and urging the President to deposit amounts belonging to such terrorists which have been blocked or confiscated by the United State sin the general fund of the Treasury. (Referred having primary jurisdiction to the Committee on the Judiciary.)

H. Con. Res. 304 (Davis-IL) – expressing sympathy to the people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo who were tragically affected by the eruption of the Nyiragongo volcano on January 17, 2002, and supporting an increase in the amount of assistance provided by the United States to the people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

*** New Public Laws ***

S. 494, Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act of 2001– signed December 21, 2001; P.L. 107-99.

H.R. 3348, George P. Shultz National Foreign Affairs Training Center – signed January 16, 2002; P.L. 107-132.

*** Hearings/Markups Printed ***


(Hearing before the Full Committee, October 17, 2001 – Serial Number 107-49)


(Hearing before the Committee on International Relations, October 3, 2001 -- Serial Number 107-50)


(Hearing before the Subcommittee on Europe, October 10, 2001 -- Serial Number 107-51)


*** New Public Laws ***

H.R. 3338, Defense Appropriations – signed January 10, 2002 (P.L. 107-117).

*** Confirmations ***

Republic of Mauritius – Jan. 25, John Price, to be Ambassador, and to serve concurrently and without additional compensation as Ambassador to the Federal and Islamic Republic of The Comoros and Ambassador to the Republic of the Seychelles.

Republic of Chile – Jan. 25, William R. Brownfield, to be Ambassador.

Peace Corps – Jan. 25, Gaddi H. Vasquez, to be Director; Josephine K. Olsen, to be Deputy Director.

Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela – Charles S. Shapiro, to be Ambassador.

U.S. Department of State – Jan. 25, Christopher Bancroft Burnham, to be Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary for Resource Management; John V. Hanford III, to be Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom; Arthur E. Dewey, to be Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration.

Kingdom of Swaziland – Jan. 25, James David McGee, to be Ambassador.

Barbados – Jan. 25, Earl Norfleet Phillips, Jr., to be Ambassador, and to serve concurrently and without additional compensation as Ambassador to St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Antigua and Barbuda, the Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

Gabonese Republic – Jan. 25, Kenneth P. Moorefield, to be Ambassador, and to serve concurrently and without additional compensation as Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe.

Norway – Jan. 25, John D. Ong, to be Ambassador.

Federative Republic of Brazil – Jan. 25, Donna Jean Hrinak, to be Ambassador.

Office of National Drug Control Policy – Jan. 25, Andrea G. Barthwell, to be Deputy Director for Demand Reduction.

Foreign Claims Settlement Commission – Jan. 25, Mauricio J. Tamargo, to be Chairman.

U.S. Agency for International Development – Jan. 25, Adolfo A. Franco, to be an Assistant Administrator; Roger P. Winter, to be an Assistant Administrator; Frederick W. Schieck, to be Deputy Administrator.