*** Hearings/Meetings/Markups ***

Tuesday, June 13:

ZIMBABWE: DEMOCRACY ON THE LINE - Subcommittee on Africa to hold hearing; 10:00 a.m., 2172 Rayburn.

Wednesday, June 14:

THE TREATMENT OF RELIGIOUS MINORITIES IN WESTERN EUROPE - Full Committee to hold hearing; 10:00 a.m., 2172 Rayburn.

- Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere to hold hearing; 2:00 p.m., 2172 Rayburn.

Thursday, June 15:



*** Distinguished Visitors Received ***

Jordan - June 6, Members held private meeting with His Majesty King Abdullah bin Al-Hussein.

*** Legislation Introduced/Referred ***

June 6, 2000:

H.R. 4587 (McKinney) - to authorize the Broadcasting Board of Governors to make available to the Institute for Media Development certain materials of the Voice of America.

H. Con. Res. 346 (Wynn) - concerning the establishment of a permanent United Nations security force.

June 7, 2000:

H.R. 4596 (McKinney) - to require nationals of the United States that employ more than 20 persons in a foreign country to implement a Corporate Code of Conduct with respect to the employment of those persons, and for other purposes. (In addition, referred to the Committees on Government Reform, and Banking and Financial Services.)

H. Con. Res. 348 (Lewis) - expressing condemnation of the use of children as soldiers and expressing the belief that the United States should support and, where possible, lead efforts to end this abuse of human rights.

June 8, 2000:

H.R. 4602 (Gilman) - to protect United States citizens against expropriations of property by the Government of the Republic of Nicaragua. (In addition, referred to the Committee on Banking and Financial Services.)

H. J. Res. 100 (Smith) - calling upon the President to issue a proclamation recognizing the 25th anniversary of the Helsinki Final Act.

H. Con. Res. 349 (Crowley) - commending the member states of the United Nations Western European and Others Group for addressing over four decades of injustice and extending temporary membership in that regional bloc to the state of Israel.

H. Con. Res. 350 (DeFazio) - expressing the sense of the Congress with regard to political repression of foreign observers in Mexico.

June 9, 2000:

H. Res. 521 (DeMint) - expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that in international negotiations, including United Nations conferences, the United States should defend fundamental human rights to family, conscience, and life.

*** Time Limitation of Referred Bill ***

H.R. 984, Caribbean and Central America Relief and Economic Stabilization Act - June 6, Referral to the Committees on International Relations, Banking and Financial Services, the Judiciary, and Armed Services extended for a period ending not later than June 7, 2000.

*** Presidential Messages, Executive and Other Communications Received ***

Report on the Processing of Visa Applications - May 26, letter from the State Department transmitting the report, pursuant to Sec. 237 (b) of P.L. 106-113; unnumbered.

State Department Inspector General's Semiannual Report - June 1, letter from the State Department transmitting the report, pursuant to P.L. 95-452; unnumbered.

Proposed Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) to Israel for Defense Articles and Services - June 6, letter from the Defense Security Cooperation Agency forwarding (Transmittal No. 00-43), a copy of the Air Force's proposed LOA to Israel for defense articles and services, pursuant to Sec. 36(b)(1) of the AECA; Ex. Comm. 7933.

Proposed Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) to the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office for Defense Articles and Services - June 6, letter from the Defense Security Cooperation Agency forwarding (Transmittal No. 00-41), a CLASSIFIED copy of the Air Force's proposed LOA to TECRO for defense articles and services, pursuant to Sec. 36(b)(1) of the AECA; Ex. Comm. 7934.

Proposed Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) to the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office for Defense Articles and Services - June 6, letter from the Defense Security Cooperation Agency forwarding (Transmittal No. 00-42), a CLASSIFIED copy of the Air Force's proposed LOA to TECRO for defense articles and services, pursuant to Sec. 36(b)(1) of the AECA; Ex. Comm. 7935.

Request for Final Approval for the Memorandum of Agreement with Canada and the United Kingdom - June 6, letter from the Defense Department forwarding (Transmittal No. 14-99), a request for final approval for the Memorandum of Agreement with Canada and the U.K. concerning Chemical, Biological and Radiological Defense Material, pursuant to Sec. 27(f) of the AECA; Ex. Comm. 7936.

Report on Chemical and Biological Weapons Proliferation Control Efforts - June 6, letter from the State Department transmitting the CLASSIFIED report for the period of February 1, 1999 to January 31, 2000, pursuant to Sec. 308 of P.L. 102-182; Ex. Comm. 7937.

International Agreements - June 6, letter from the State Department transmitting copies of international agreements, other than treaties, entered into by the U.S. and the European Community, Greece, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Turkey and Madagascar. Pursuant to Sec. 112 (b)(a) of P.L. 92-403; Ex. Comm. 7938.

Presidential Determination Regarding Certification of Major Illicit Drug Producing and Drug Transit Countries - June 6, letter from the State Department transmitting the President's determination regarding certification of the 26 major illicit drug producing and transit countries, pursuant to Sec. 490 of the FAA; Ex. Comm. 7939.

Notification that Defense Department Costs for Operations in East Timor Exceeds $50 Million - June 6, letter from the Defense Department transmitting notification that Operation Stabilise in East Timor exceeds $50 million, pursuant to Sec. 1003(a)(1) of P.L. 104-106; Ex. Comm. 8025.

Presidential Determination Waiving Certain Restrictions on the Maintenance of a Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Office and on Expenditure of PLO Funds - June 6, letter from the State Department transmitting PD 2000-19 a Presidential Determination waiving certain restrictions on the maintenance of a Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Office and on expenditure of PLO funds, pursuant to Sec. 538(d) of P.L. 106-113; Ex. Comm. 8026.

Funds for Nonproliferation and Disarmament (NDF) Activities - June 6, letter from the State Department transmitting notification of State's intent to obligate funds for purposes of Nonproliferation and Disarmament activities, pursuant to Title II of P.L. 106-113; Ex. Comm. 8027.

Audit Report of the U.S. Institute for Peace - June 6, letter from the U.S. Institute for Peace transmitting the report, pursuant to Sec. XVII of P.L. 98-525; Ex. Comm. 8028.

Report of the National Commission of Terrorism - June 6, letter from the National Commission on Terrorism transmitting the report, pursuant to P.L. 105-277; Ex. Comm. 8031; H. Doc. No. 106-250.

First Quarter Report on United States Assistance to United Nations Peacekeeping Operations - June 6, letter from the State Department transmitting the report, pursuant to Sec. 4 of P.L. 79-264; unnumbered.

Proposed License for the Export of Defense Articles and Services to Australia - June 6, letter from the State Department forwarding (Transmittal No. DTC-33-00), a proposed license for the export of defense articles and services to Australia, pursuant to Sec. 36(c) of the AECA; unnumbered.

Proposed License for the Export of Defense Articles and Services to Germany, Italy, Russia and Kazakhstan - June 6, letter from the State Department forwarding (Transmittal No. DTC-46-00), a proposed license for the export of defense articles and services to Germany, Italy, Russia and Kazakhstan, pursuant to Sec. 36(c) of the AECA; unnumbered.

Proposed License for the Export of Defense Articles and Services to Russia - June 6, letter from the State Department forwarding (Transmittal No. DTC-45-00), a proposed license for the export of defense articles and services to Russia, pursuant to Sec. 36(c) of the AECA; unnumbered.

Proposed License for the Export of Defense Articles and Services to Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina - June 6, letter from the State Department forwarding (Transmittal No. DTC-30-00), a proposed license for the export of defense articles and services to Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, pursuant to Sec. 36(c) of the AECA; unnumbered.

Funds to the Department of Justice for the International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITAP) in Haiti - June 6, letter from the State Department transmitting notification that State intends to make available to the Department of Justice for the ICITAP in Haiti, pursuant to Sec. 534(d) and 634A of the FAA; unnumbered.

Draft Strategic Plan for the State Department - June 6, letter from the State Department transmitting the draft report, pursuant to P.L. 103-62; unnumbered.

Treasury Department Final Rule - June 7, letter from the Treasury Department transmitting the Department's final rule on Iranian Transactions Regulations: Licensing of Imports of, and Dealings in, Certain Iranian-Origin Foodstuffs and Carpets, pursuant to Sec. 251 of P.L. 104-121; Ex. Comm. 8039.

Proposed Transfer of Excess Defense Articles and Services to Bahrain - June 7, letter from the Defense Security Cooperation Agency transmitting notification of the proposed transfer of excess defense articles and services, pursuant to Sec. 516 of the FAA; unnumbered.

Proposed License for the Export of Defense Articles and Services to Turkey - June 7, letter from the State Department forwarding (Transmittal No. DTC-24-00), a proposed license for the export of defense articles and services to Turkey, pursuant to Sec. 36(c) of the AECA; unnumbered.

Proposed Manufacturing License Agreement with Norway - June 7, letter from the State Department forwarding (Transmittal No. DTC-22-00), a proposed Manufacturing License Agreement with Norway, pursuant to Sec. 36(d) of the AECA; unnumbered.

Proposed License for the Export of Defense Articles and Services to Sweden - June 7, letter from the State Department forwarding (Transmittal No. DTC-21-00), a proposed license for the export of defense articles and services to Sweden, pursuant to Sec. 36(c) of the AECA; unnumbered.

Danger Pay Level for Eritrea - June 7, letter from the State Department transmitting notification that the danger pay rate for Eritrea is designated at the 15% level, pursuant to P.L. 96-465; unnumbered.

Proposed Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) to Australia for Defense Articles and Services - June 8, letter from the Defense Security Cooperation Agency forwarding (Transmittal No. 00-37), a CLASSIFIED copy of the Air Force's proposed LOA to Australia for defense articles and services, pursuant to Sec. 36(b)(1) of the AECA; Ex. Comm. 8058.

Report on the United States Program of Support for East European Democracy - June 8, letter from the State Department transmitting the report, pursuant to Sec. 704 of P.L. 101-179; Ex. Comm. 8059.

Presidential Determination Regarding Assistance for Peacekeeping in Sierra Leone - June 8, letter from the State Department transmitting PD 2000-20, a Presidential Determination that assistance in support of peacekeeping efforts in Sierra Leone without reimbursement from the United Nations is important to the security interests of the United States, pursuant to Sec. 10(d) of P.L. 79-264; unnumbered.

Response to the Report of the International Financial Institution Advisory Commission - June 8, letter from the Treasury Department transmitting the report, pursuant to Sec. 603 (i)(1) of P.L. 105-277; unnumbered.

U.S. Agency for International Development Inspector General's Semiannual Report - June 8, letter from the Agency for International Development transmitting the report, pursuant to P.L. 95-452; unnumbered.

Provision of Funds for the Terrorist Interdiction Program - June 9, letter from the State Department transmitting notification of State's intent to provide funds for the Terrorist Interdiction Program, pursuant to Sec. 634A of the FAA and Sec. 515 of P.L. 106-113; unnumbered.

Proposed Manufacturing License Agreement with Canada - June 9, letter from the State Department forwarding (Transmittal No. DTC-50-00), a proposed Manufacturing License Agreement with Canada, pursuant to Sec. 36(d) of the AECA; unnumbered.

Proposed Manufacturing License Agreement with the Republic of Korea - June 9, letter from the State Department forwarding (Transmittal No. DTC-40-00), a proposed Manufacturing License Agreement with the Republic of Korea, pursuant to Sec. 36(d) of the AECA; unnumbered.

Proposed License for the Export of Defense Articles and Services to the United Kingdom - June 9, letter from the State Department forwarding (Transmittal No. DTC-28-00), a proposed license for the export of defense articles and services to the U.K., pursuant to Sec. 36(c) of the AECA; unnumbered.

Proposed License for the Export of Defense Services and Technical Data to the Republic of Korea - June 9, letter from the State Department forwarding (Transmittal No. DTC-43-00), a proposed license for the export of defense services and technical data to the Republic of Korea, pursuant to Sec. 36(c) & (d) of the AECA; unnumbered.

Proposed License for the Export of Defense Articles and Services to Japan - June 9, letter from the State Department forwarding (Transmittal No. DTC-38-00), a proposed license for the export of defense articles and services to Japan, pursuant to Sec. 36(c) & (d) of the AECA; unnumbered.

Proposed License for the Export of Defense Articles and Services to Japan - June 9, letter from the State Department forwarding (Transmittal No. DTC-39-00), a proposed license for the export of defense articles and services to Japan, pursuant to Sec. 36(c) of the AECA; unnumbered.

Proposed License for the Export of Defense Articles and Services to Kazakhstan - June 9, letter from the State Department forwarding (Transmittal No. DTC-49-00), a proposed license for the export of defense articles and services to Kazakhstan, pursuant to Sec. 36(c) of the AECA; unnumbered.

Proposed Manufacturing License Agreement with Canada - June 9, letter from the State Department forwarding (Transmittal No. DTC-51-00), a proposed Manufacturing License Agreement with Canada, pursuant to Sec. 36(d) of the AECA; unnumbered.

Proposed Transfer of Excess Defense Articles and Services to the Dominican Republic - June 9, letter from the Defense Security Cooperation Agency transmitting notification of the proposed transfer of excess defense articles and services to the Dominican Republic, pursuant to Sec. 516 of the FAA; unnumbered.

Proposed Transfer of Excess Defense Articles and Services to Greece - June 9, letter from the Defense Security Cooperation Agency transmitting notification of the proposed transfer of excess defense articles and services to Greece, pursuant to Sec. 516 of the FAA; unnumbered.

United Nations Documents - June 9, letter from the State Department transmitting the following documents: 1) Security Council Resolution 1300, concerning UNDOF; 2)Security Council Resolution 1301, concerning Western Sahara; 3) Letter on UNAMSIL; 4) Letter on East Timor; 5) Report on UNAMSIL; 6) Report on Security Council Resolutions 425 and 426; 7) Letter on Kosovo; 8) Report on Cyprus; 9) Report on UNMOVIC; 10) Letter on Tajikistan; 11) Report on Iraq; 12) Report on Eritrea and Ethiopia; and 13) Statement on the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Pursuant to Sec. 4(b) and 4(c) of P.L. 79-264; unnumbered.

Notification Regarding the Issuance of an Export License Authorizing an Export to China - June 9, letter from the State Department transmitting notification of the issuance of an export license authorizing an export to China, pursuant to Sec. 1523 of P.L. 105-261; unnumbered.

Proposed Transfer of Excess Defense Articles and Services to the United Arab Emirates - June 12, letter from the Defense Security Cooperation Agency transmitting notification of the proposed transfer of excess defense articles and services to the U.A.E., pursuant to Sec. 516 of the FAA and Sec. 524 of P.L. 106-113; unnumbered.

*** Memorials ***

Memorializing the President and the Congress to authorize humanitarian assistance to the people of Taiwan and urging the President to seek public renunciation from China of any potential use of force by China against Taiwan; and affirming that Taiwan's future should be resolved peacefully - June 6, memorial of the Legislature of the State of Utah, relative to House Joint Resolution No. 10; Memorial 324.

Memorializing the Congress of the United States to repeal the new 25 percent Weatherization Program match requirement scheduled to go into effect in 2001, which would place states like New Hampshire at potential risk of loss of all federal funding for this valuable program and to support increased funding for much-needed federal programs, so that states can best assist residents and businesses to decrease their fuel consumption and afford essential heating costs - June 6, a memorial of the Senate of the State of New Hampshire, relative to Senate Resolution No. 14; Memorial 335.

Memorializing the President and Congress of the United States to take whatever action necessary to obtain the release of Americans who may be held against their will in North Korea, China, Russia, and Vietnam - June 8, a memorial of the Legislature of the State of Minnesota, relative to Resolution No. 4; Memorial 342.

*** Hearings/Markups Printed ***

(Hearing before the Subcommittee on International Economic Policy and Trade, March 3, 1999 - Serial No. 106-49.)

(Hearing before the Subcommittee on International Economic Policy and Trade, March 23, 1999 - Serial No. 106-50.)

(Hearing before the Subcommittee on International Economic Policy and Trade, April 14, 1999 - Serial No. 106-51.)

(Markup before the Full Committee, July 22, 1999 - Serial No. 106-95.)

(Markup before the Full Committee, September 9, 1999 - Serial No. 106-94.)

(Hearing before the Subcommittee on International Economic Policy and Trade, September 29, 1999 - Serial No. 106-78.)

(Hearing before the Subcommittee on International Operations and Human Rights, October 6, 1999 - Serial No. 106-97.)

(Markup before the Subcommittee on Africa, October 14, 1999 - Serial No. 106-100.)


*** Floor ***

Congratulating Representative Stephen Chen - June 9, Senate agreed to S. Con. Res. 121, congratulating Representative Stephen S.F. Chen on the occasion of his retirement from the diplomatic service of Taiwan.

*** Senate Bills Introduced/Referred ***

S. Con. Res. 119 (Gorton) - June 6, commending the Republic of Croatia for the conduct of its parliamentary and presidential elections; to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

S. 2677 (Frist) - June 6, to restrict assistance until certain conditions are satisfied and to support democratic and economic transition in Zimbabwe; to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

S. 2680 (Hutchinson) - June 6, to authorize such sums as may be necessary for a Balkan Stabilization Conference as convened by the United States and to express the sense of Congress that the president should convene such a conference to consider all outstanding issues related to the execution of the Dayton Accords and the peace agreement with Serbia that ended Operation Allied Force; to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

S. 2682 (Biden) - June 6, to authorize the Broadcasting Board of Governors to make available to the Institute for Medial Development certain materials of the Voice of America; to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

S. 2687 (Smith) - June 7, regarding the sale and transfer of Moskit anti-ship missiles by the Russian Federation; to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

*** Meetings/Hearings/Markups ***

High Performance Computer Export Control - June 6, Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs held hearing.

Business Meeting - June 7, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations ordered favorably reported the following business items: S. 2677; S. 2682; S. 2460; S. Res. 303; S. Con. Res. 117; S. Con. Res. 118; H. Con. Res. 304; H. Con. Res. 251, with an amendment; Inter-American Convention Against Corruptions ("the Convention"), adopted and opened for signature at the Specialized Conference of the Organization of American States (OAS) at Caracas, Venezuela, on March 29, 1996. The Convention was signed by the United States on June 27, 1996, at the twenty-seventh regular session of the OAS General Assembly meeting in Panama City, Panama (Treaty Doc.105-39); and various nominations.

Satellite Export Controls - June 7, Senate Subcommittee on International Economic Policy, Export and Trade Promotion held hearing.

Multilateral Development Institutions - June 8, Senate Subcommittee on International Trade and Finance held hearing.

Kosovo - June 8, Senate Subcommittee on European Affairs held hearing.

Business Meeting - June 8, House Committee on Banking and Financial Services ordered reported, as amended, H.R. 3886, International Counter-Money Laundering Act of 2000.

Business Meeting - June 8, House Committee on Ways and Means ordered reported, as amended, H.R. 4601, Debt Reduction and Reconciliation Act of 2000; The Committee also adversely reported H. J. Res. 90, withdrawing the approval of the United States from the Agreement establishing the World Trade Organization.

Romani Human Rights - June 8, Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe held hearing.

U.S. Leaving Panama - Counterdrug Implications - June 9, House Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy, and Human Resources held hearing.

*** Confirmations ***

Broadcasting Board of Governors - June 9, Edward E. Kaufman, to be a Member for a term expiring August 13, 2000.

Broadcasting Board of Governors - June 9, Alberto J. Mora, to be a Member for a term expiring August 13, 2000.

Paraguay - June 9, David N. Greenlee, to be Ambassador.

Papua New Guinea - June 9, Susan S. Jacobs, to be Ambassador and to serve concurrently and without additional compensation as Ambassador to Solomon Islands, and as Ambassador to the Republic of Vanuatu.

Lithuania - June 9, John F. Tefft, to be Ambassador.

Mongolia - June 9, John R. Dinger, to be Ambassador.

Venezuela - June 9, Donna Jean Hrinak, to be Ambassador.

Kyrgyz Republic - June 9, John Martin O'Keefe, to be Ambassador.

Australia - June 9, Edward William Gnehm, Jr., to be Ambassador.

Suriname - June 9, Daniel A. Johnson, Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador.

Bolivia - June 9, V. Manuel Rocha, to be Ambassador.

El Salvador - June 9, Rose M. Likins, to be Ambassador.

Turkey - June 9, W. Robert Pearson, to be Ambassador.

State Department - June 9, Marc Grossman, to be Director General of the Foreign Service, vice Edward William Gnehm, Jr.

Colombia - June 9, Anne Woods Patterson, to be Ambassador.

Argentina - June 9, James Donald Walsh, to be Ambassador.

*** Nominations ***

United States Institute of Peace - June 8, Holly J. Burkhalter, to be a Member of the Board of Directors for a term expiring January 19, 2001.

Barbados - June 8, James A. Daley, to be Ambassador and to serve concurrently and without additional compensation as Ambassador to St. Kitts and Nevis and to Saint Lucia.

*** New Public Laws ***

H.R. 3707, to authorize funds for the site selection and construction of a facility in Taipei Taiwan suitable for the mission of the American Institute in Taiwan. Signed May 26, 2000. (P.L. 106-212).