Together with local officials, community leaders and many others, holds roundtable discussion on response and preparation for a major earthquake

Palm Springs, CA, Nov 13, 2008 - Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack (CA-45) today participated in the Great Southern California ShakeOut -- the largest earthquake drill in U.S. history. Joined by local elected officials and community leaders, law enforcement and public safety officers and many others, Bono Mack emphasized the importance of preparation in the case of a major earthquake. Bono Mack served as co-chair for Riverside County’s regional associate group, which helped coordinate local efforts for disaster preparedness and encouraged local residents to participate in the ShakeOut event.

“Being prepared can make all the difference when it comes to dealing with a natural disaster like an earthquake,” said Bono Mack. “This was a valuable learning opportunity and a chance for us to come together – as community leaders, health care providers, emergency service workers, law enforcement and public safety officers, scientists, and so many others – to maximize our effectiveness in assessing and dealing with a major earthquake.

“I congratulate everyone who participated and who worked so hard to make this event such a tremendous success, especially my partners in the Riverside County regional associate group. As the largest earthquake drill in U.S. history, this event was made possible by the outstanding efforts of these individuals and groups throughout our region and beyond.

“While this was an excellent step to building our readiness for a major earthquake, it was also clear that people are still woefully unprepared. It is essential that individuals take the time now to develop their readiness plans and do what it takes to keep themselves and their families safe. We cannot wait until disaster strikes to know what to do, where to go, or who to call. I am hopeful that through this drill, people are now more aware of what they need to do in an emergency and what steps they need to take to be better prepared.”

Bono Mack notes that more information on earthquake preparedness is available on her website at and also on the ShakeOut’s website at These sites include important information including how to develop your family’s disaster plan and other useful resources about what to expect in the case of a major earthquake.


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