Congressman Todd Akin, Representing the 2nd District of Missoure, Skip Navigation Links
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01-16-2008: Tax Hikes are the Wrong Medicine

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My 3 Point Energy Plan:

America is blessed with rich natural resources, including enough traditional fuels to meet our needs for more than 100 years - and that's just what we've discovered already. Our engineers and scientists are continuing to create the next generation of en energy efficient vehicles, homes and offices.

As an engineer and a member of the House Science committee, I know we have the resources to meet America's energy needs. That's why I've introduced and supported legislation to promote American energy:

Extreme environmentalists would have us believe that we must choose between our lifestyles and our environment. I am confident that we can cultivate domestic energy sources while fulfilling our responsibility to conserve and steward the resources we have been given. The truth is that we are still several decades away from significantly reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. Any rational energy strategy must include a bridge from where we are to where we will be. And that bridge must protect our economy and our way of life. That's why I am a strong supporter of the Republican "All of the Above" energy strategy. Under "All of the Above," we continue to utilize traditional energy sources while redoubling our commitment to developing the fuels of the future.

That's a safe, sane and responsible energy plan. It's my goal and it is a legacy we can be pleased to leave for future generations.

Energy legislation I've sponsored:


Energy Press Releases:
July 30, 2008 Akin Criticizes Democratic Leadership for Failing to Address Energy Reform Prior to August Recess
July 11, 2008 As Oil Reaches Historic High Akin Renews Call for Domestic Energy Development
June 11, 2008 MEDIA ADVISORY: Akin to Hold Roadside Press Conference on the Pelosi Energy Premium and how it is crippling our economy
June 9, 2008 Akin to Introduce $150 Barrel Energy Extortion Act
December 06, 2007 Congressman Akin Calls on Democrats to Pass Energy Bill that Actually Produces Energy

    My Goals
  • Develop American Energy
  • Lower Fuel Prices
  • Reward American Innovation
  • Use American Resources
  • Create American Jobs
  • Protect American Security


SPEAKER PELOSI says she won't allow even a debate before Congress's August recess begins in eight days."
The Wall Street Journal; editorial 7/24/08

My Pledge:
"I will vote to increase U.S. oil production to lower gas prices for Americans."

other pledge signers.

Energy Resource Links

Gas Prices
Report Price Gouging
Local Gas Prices
House Republican Energy
Gas Mileage Tips
Brief Energy Facts
Short Term Energy Outlook

See how Republicans and Democrats voted on energy issues.

"WHY NOT have a vote on offshore drilling?... When they took the majority, House Democrats proclaimed that 'bills should generally come to the floor under a procedure that allows open, full and fair debate consisting of a full amendment process that grants the minority the right to offer its alternatives.' Why not on drilling?"

The Washington Post; editorial 7/25/08

"MORE THAN 100 House Republicans marched onto the Capitol steps this week to introduce the American Energy Act, which includes drilling offshore and in the oil shale of Western mountain regions but also contains increased tax benefits for businesses and families that reduce their energy consumption."

The Washington Post; July 26, 2008

"AND AFTER promising fairness and open debate, Pelosi has resorted to hard-nosed parliamentary devices that effectively bar any chance for Republicans to offer policy alternatives." "'I'm trying to save the planet; I'm trying to save the planet,' she says impatiently when questioned.'"

Politico; July 29, 2008

Akin holds press conference on energy issues.