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heading out on the bike
@davidstripinis wow. that may be a record. i hope the war stories are bloody and glory filled!
@davidstripinis i hope to god you're exaggerating the number of OT weekends you've worked
desparate need to chillax
fat with burrito
So far not too shnazzed on new Apple offerings
Got in good powder turns yesterday. Had big fun skiing the bumps!
happy new year people. 2009 has to kick 2008's ass.
@sacca please fund startups that computerize cars & freeways.i want my Minority Report driving experience.then the fuckers can text ad naus.
@biz oh SHIT! Bob Vila was king back then. He he had New England on lock!
@JennFowler stick w/beer. tacos + beer = 2gether 4eva.
@kevinrose i concur on AAPL buying. the company has too much momentum, too much cash and too many great products.
looking forward to some schussing with the lad soon. skiing with 6yr olds = plenty fun!
@megfowler unitarian universalist 100%. which is good, given that I'm a unitarian minister
Wondering when power will be back on in NE PDX
Have cosumed entire yule log. Will advise.
Not impressed with Portland's snow coping skills
@otherthings head up 24th to Noe. thats Parent Country!


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah crystal Evan Williams Dom Sagolla sara Steve Jenson jennycool Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell mai Josh Kopelman Jerry Michalski Chris Sacca danah boyd sean bonner Xeni Jardin Ross Om Malik Dave McClure peterme Tara missrogue Hunt Michael Parekh Kathy Johnson Scott Beale Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Stewart Butterfield Caterina Justine Megan McCarthy Mark Frauenfelder Beth Kanter Veronica Belmont Meg Hourihan
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