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HEARING UPDATE 5/22: EPA Contempt Vote to Precede Bodman Hearing (TIME CHANGE: 9:45 AM)

UPDATE: Immediately preceding the Select Committee hearing with DOE Secretary Stephen Bodman, the committee will hold a vote on a resolution recommending that EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson be found in contempt of Congress for his refusal to comply with a subpoena duly issued by the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming. For more information on the EPA subpoena please CLICK HERE.

The vote will take place in room 2175, Rayburn House Office Building, at 9:45 AM on Thursday May 22nd.


Contact: Select Committee, 202-225-4081

U.S. Energy Secretary to Appear Before Select Committee on Record Gas Prices, Energy Policy

Bush Energy Policy Examined at Height of Driving Season

WASHINGTON (May 20, 2008) – As oil and gas hit new records above $129 a barrel and $3.79 this week, many analysts are predicting even further increases in the price of gasoline as we edge towards the travel months of summer. To explore the Bush administration’s contributions to this energy crisis and the administration’s refusal to respond, Chairman Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) and the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming announced today that Secretary of Energy Stephen Bodman will testify before the Committee on Thursday, May 22, as Americans prepare for the Memorial Day weekend, the beginning of the summer driving season.

“Even as America looks down the barrel of $4 gasoline, the Bush administration refuses to use the tools it has available to help American families at the pump,” said Chairman Markey. “It’s time for Secretary Bodman to offer his two cents on the Bush administration’s energy policy that has led to a greater than two dollar increase in gas prices over the course of the president’s term.”

The administration has refused to aggressively use the SPR to drive down prices in recent weeks, but the White House has said it will not veto the bill sent to him from Congress after overwhelming, veto-proof votes this week. President Bush has released oil from the reserves twice before during his term, when prices were much lower.

Chairman Markey will also seek answers from Secretary Bodman on why the Bush administration continues to defend $18 billion in tax breaks to the top five most profitable oil companies that House Democrats want to redirect to fund renewable energy that could help consumers.

WHAT: Select Committee hearing, “Oversight of the Bush Administration’s Energy Policy.”

WHO: Samuel Bodman, Secretary, U.S. Department of Energy

WHEN: 9:45 AM, Thursday, May 22, 2008 – Immediately following the EPA contempt vote.

WHERE: 2175 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC and on the web at

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The House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming was formed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to increase the visibility and priority given to America's oil dependence and global warming challenges. It is chaired by Rep. Edward J. Markey (D-MA) and will actively explore the solutions, science and progress on these pressing issues during the 110th Congress.

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