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Happy New Year to everyone. Best wishes for a great year ahead. I am starting the new year with a sinus infection :(
Russian Professor predicts break-up of USA
I am at work today to catch up on email and knock out a few projects. Then, I'm off for the rest of the year.
Santa has been very good to me this year
Part 1 of my day is complete. Ready to move on to Part 2: Finish Christmas shopping. Uhg. Shopping Malls. Oh the humanity!
Finishing up some last minute work. Then I have to finish Christmas shopping. Busy day ahead.
The history of stellar congressional oversight of our financial system continues:
thanks @kjams, I found a place with electricity to plug in my computer so that I can do some work. Plus, I stopped buy starbucks on the ...
@kjams my blackberry still works :-)
Crud. Power is out!
My lights are flickering intermitently. Hope I don't loose power
Jihad declared on Facebook
Taking a half a day off of work to study for my math exam this Friday
Going home early today...Need to use up a few vacation days.
Australian couple served with legal documents via Facebook
Sipping on coffee and getting to work.
@brianbaute, agreed...The idea of the auto industry becoming beholden to the fed caused a lot of people on Wall Street to hunker down
Scary stuff regarding the so called bail out
@reverendrichie, wow! that yt video sure sheds a different light on the situation with the Ill gov


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