A Weekly e-Newsletter from
Senator Johnny Isakson (R-GA)

July 18, 2008

Dear Friends,

On Monday, President Bush announced that his administration is lifting its ban on offshore exploration, saying that we cannot decrease our dependence on foreign oil if we fail to explore our potential domestic supply.  That is absolutely something that we ought to do.  I spoke on the Senate floor on Tuesday in support this idea and urged members of Congress to take the next step needed to lift the ban and to work together to develop a comprehensive plan to address high energy prices

Solutions that embrace all ideas – from conservation to increased domestic exploration – are at our fingertips if only members of Congress would put aside their partisan differences.  The Congress of the United States is sitting on top of a ham sandwich starving to death.  America has within its reach every resource necessary to be self-sufficient when it comes to energy. All we have to do is have the political will and the common sense to make it happen. 

In my remarks, I outlined a number of initiatives I believe will provide a balanced approach to America’s long-term energy needs, including oil and natural gas exploration on the Outer Continental Shelf, nuclear energy, conservation and renewable resources such as solar and wind energy.  I called on Republican and Democratic colleagues alike to put their elephants and donkeys in the barn and look at the needs of the American people.  I also am working with a bipartisan group of senators led by Senator Chambliss and Senator Kent Conrad, D-N.D., who are committed to working together on legislation to address the nation’s energy crisis. If we leave this year without a comprehensive policy for energy independence, we will have done a disservice to the people of the United States and we will not have fulfilled our Constitutional responsibility.  

President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
The Senate passed legislation this week known as PEPFAR, which stands for the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief.  PEPFAR aims to direct a concerted effort toward addressing HIV/AIDS around the world. In 2003, Congress responded to the President’s request to authorize funds to enact PEPFAR by passing The United States Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Act of 2003, which authorized $15 billion over five years to fight diseases abroad.  The 2003 bill provided AIDS treatment to 1.5 million people and supported care for 6.6 million. 

In May 2007, President Bush requested Congress reauthorize PEPFAR. On Wednesday, the Senate passed S.2731, the Tom Lantos and Henry J. Hyde United States Global Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Reauthorization Act of 2008, by a vote of 80 to 16 with my support. This legislation reauthorizes PEPFAR and raises the authorized level of funding to $50 billion.  The House has passed its own version reauthorizing PEPFAR, but the House Foreign Affairs Committee has said it would accept the Senate version of the bill, which could pass the House as soon as next week.

The new bill aims to double that target number to 3 million people getting drug treatment, to prevent 12 million infections and to care for 12 million patients. I voted in favor of the bill because I am committed to continuing and expanding the success of this program. 

What’s on Tap?

The Senate will debate an energy bill introduced by Democratic Leader Harry Reid that addresses only speculation in commodities markets.

Johnny Isakson

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