Thursday, September 20, 2007

Isakson Rejects Timelines for Withdrawal of Troops from Iraq

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., today voted against an amendment to the fiscal year 2008 defense authorization bill that would require President Bush to begin phased redeployment of U.S. forces from Iraq within 90 days and would prohibit the use of any funds for any deployment in Iraq beyond June 30, 2008. The amendment, which needed 60 votes to pass under Senate rules, failed by a vote of 28 to 70.

“A precipitous and final withdrawal that is notwithstanding whatever action may be taking place on the ground or what progress may have been made is wrong,” Isakson said. “While the situation in Iraq is grave, it would turn dire if we prematurely withdraw our forces.”

Isakson believes withdrawing troops before Iraq is fully secure or revealing timelines for the withdrawal of troops would send a message of hope to the terrorists and insurgents that America has lost its will. Isakson noted that during more than 20 hours of Foreign Relations hearings on Iraq, every witness – even those who opposed the President’s strategy – testified that withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq would result in thousands of lives lost and an increase in the sectarian violence across the region.

“If we have objectives and benchmarks for victory, we should give ourselves the chance for that to take place,” Isakson said. “We owe it to the legacy of the sacrifice made by the countless men and women who are in Iraq and those who have served before them.”



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