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"Common Carriage" and the Open Internet after the DC Circuit's Data Roaming Decision

The FCC won a big legal victory today, when the DC Circuit denied a challenge by Verizon to its data roaming order. The data roaming order itself is important, since it updates the Commission's long-standing voice roaming rules to include wireless Internet access services. It allows smaller carriers to offer nationwide service, and it makes it so that all users can travel around the country without losing service or incurring high bills.

PK In The Know Podcast: 3D Systems vs. Formlabs and IRFA

On today's podcast we discuss patent lawsuits between 3D printer manufacturers and a bill in Congress that could open the door to more online music services.

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World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT-12)

Dec 03, 2012 12:00 AM - Dec 14, 2012 12:00 AM

Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates     

Hosted by: The International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

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Two of Public Knowledge's own, Rashmi Rangnath and Harold Feld, will be joining the US delegation in Dubai this December as the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) rewrites the International Telecommunications Regulations for the first time since 1988. This will be an important conference for the future of internet governance, and we will report on the outcomes as they are decided.



Screening of the film Middle of Nowhere

Nov 28, 2012 04:30 PM - Nov 28, 2012 07:30 PM

Location: Capitol Hill, House of Representatives, Rayburn 2322

Hosted by: Public Knowledge in partnership with Participant Media

Special Guests: Representative Henry Waxman (invited), Representative Bobby Rush (invited)

Join Public Knowledge for a screening of the Sundance Award-winning film, Middle of Nowheredirected by Ana Duvernay, and a conversation about the detrimental effects of prison phone rates.

Screening will be accompanied with opening remarks by Representatives Henry Waxman and Bobby Rush, followed by a short question and answer session with Public Knowledge and Participant Media.

Decision Upholding FCC's Data Roaming Order is a Win for Wireless Users

Today, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit upheld the Federal Communications Commission's "Data Roaming Order," which requires that wireless carriers offer data (wireless Internet access) roaming services to other carriers on "commercially reasonable terms." This allows wireless users to use all the functions of their phones even in places where their carriers might not have coverage. The court's decision is linked here.

The following statement can be attributed to John Bergmayer, Senior Staff Attorney at Public Knowledge:

Public Knowledge On IRFA: A Good Start To Fair Royalties

Background: The Internet Radio Fairness Act is a bill that has been introduced to both the Senate and Congress. It works to achieve parity and sustainability in the online radio marketplace by changing the standard by which online radio royalties are set to the same factors used for cable and satellite radio. The current standard has led to royalty rates that often amount to more than half of the service's revenues, in a field where no major online radio company has ever earned a profit.

The following can be attributed to Staff Attorney Jodie Griffin:

DC CIrcuit Opinion in Data Roaming Challenge

December 04, 2012

The DC Circuit's opinion in Cellco Partnership v. FCC. This document is available as a pdf.

PK Amicus Brief Supporting Data Roaming Rules

December 04, 2012

Public Knowledge's amicus brief supporting the FCC's data roaming rules. This document is available as a pdf.

Testimony of Public Knowledge in "Music Licensing Part One: Legislation in the 112th Congress"

November 29, 2012

Testimony of Jodie Griffin
Staff Attorney
Public Knowledge

Before the
U.S. House of Representative
Committee on the Judiciary
Subcommittee on Intellectual Property, Competition, and the Internet

Hearing On:
Music Licensing Part One: Legislation in the 112th Congress

Washington, DC
November 29, 2012

Executive Summary

The Internet Radio Fairness Act (IRFA) sets out to create fairness in the radio marketplace. To actually achieve that goal, IRFA must follow three key principles:

(1)  Encourage Markets. IRFA must use a royalty standard that encourages innovation in a robust and sustainable online radio marketplace.

(2)  Treat Like Services Alike. IRFA must apply the same royalty standard to all types of radio services, including online, cable, satellite, and AM/FM radio.

Spectrum Screen Comments

November 29, 2012