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Key Senate panel gives planning for Florida's bullet-train top priority

April 19, 2002

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Senate's Commerce Committee agreed yesterday to put Central Florida on the short list of areas in line for federal high-speed rail planning dollars.

During consideration of a much broader rail bill, the commerce panel added the so-called Orlando Corridor to three other regions targeted for "highest priority" in the award of planning money. The other areas are: Chicago, Atlanta and Dallas-Fort Worth.

The decision to add Central Florida came at the request of U.S. Senator Bill Nelson, who wants federal transportation officials to support the state's high-speed rail project between Tampa and Orlando. The project already was on a list of a dozen areas designated elsewhere in the bill as high-speed rail corridors, which meant it is eligible for federal dollars.

"This is a small, but significant step," said Nelson, a longtime proponent of the project - whose ultimate fate will have to be decided by the governor and Florida Legislature.

Estimates vary, but high-speed rail officials say up to three-million people annually would take the 35-minute train ride between Tampa and Orlando.
