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Nelson makes boycott of Israel a factor in ports deal

Media release

March 1, 2006

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Amid continued criticism of the controversial Dubai ports deal, Florida’s U.S. Senator Bill Nelson yesterday became the first lawmaker to question the firm’s ties to its government-owner’s boycott against Israel.

During a meeting of the Senate Commerce Committee, Nelson put that question to Dubai Ports World COO Ted Bilkey when he asked whether the ports company engaged in the anti-Israel policies of its government owner, the United Arab Emirates.

“You’re owned by a holding company that’s owned by the Dubai government – and, it’s enforcing the boycott against Israel,” Nelson told Bilkey, at the hearing on how the administration approved DP World’s takeover of operations at six major U.S. ports.

Nelson was joined by a handful of other senators in challenging DP World’s links to the boycott, thus broadening senators’ homeland security concerns about the ports deal to significant foreign policy issues as well.

It has been illegal since 1977 for U.S. companies to comply with the boycott of Israel, including by telling members of the Arab League that their products don’t contain any Israeli materials. In 2004, 118 U.S. companies reported receiving such inquiries in connection with exports to the United Arab Emirates.
