Thursday, March 17, 2005

Isakson Receives ‘Taxpayers’ Friend’ Award
For C ommitment to Reducing Taxes, Debt
Isakson Gets an ‘A’ Rating from Nonpartisan Group  

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson (R-GA) today received the “Taxpayers’ Friend Award” from the National Taxpayers Union for his voting record in 2004. The award is given to members of Congress who consistently vote to control federal spending and reduce the burden on American taxpayers.

“I am very proud to receive this honor from the National Taxpayers Union, because I agree with them that we must take large and immediate steps to stop out-of-control federal spending,” Isakson said. “It is simply irresponsible for politicians to spend taxpayers’ dollars in such reckless fashion. It is threatening our economy, and it is threatening the future of our nation.”

The non-partisan National Taxpayers Union annually publishes a rating of Congress that is considered the most comprehensive scorecard available on federal tax, spending and regulatory issues.

The rating is based on every roll call vote affecting fiscal policy and assigns a "Taxpayer Score" to each member of Congress indicating their commitment to reducing or controlling federal spending, taxes, debt and regulation. The group analyzed 182 House and 93 Senate votes for 2004.

During 2004, Isakson was one of only 59 lawmakers who received an "A" and were eligible for the "Taxpayers' Friend Award."

“While many Members of Congress talk about reducing the size of government, Senator Isakson backed up those words with votes,” said John Berthoud, President of the National Taxpayers Union. “This Award proves that he is a consistent and effective ally in our battle to restore fiscal responsibility in Washington.”




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