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Current News

January 2, 2009 - New Congress Begins January 6
Washington, DC – The 111th Congress will be gaveled into session by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi on January 6, 2009.  At that time, I will begin my first full term in the House of Representatives as the Congressperson for California's 12th Congressional District.

As we enter the new year, I think we all agree that our nation is faced with many daunting challenges.  Our economy is reeling from a record number of home foreclosures, years of regulatory neglect and a complete lack of oversight of Wall Street and financial institutions.  Our brave men and women in the armed forces are engaged in perilous duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, and renewed violence in the Holy Land threatens the stability of the entire region.  Here at home, state and local governments face almost insurmountable deficits, public schools struggle to adequately teach our children while weighed down with onerous federal regulations, and too many Americans go to bed every night knowing that, if a member of their family fell seriously ill, it would gut their life savings.

Still, with the start of this new Congress and the promise of a new President, I believe there is cause for optimism.  With every challenge comes an opportunity and I look forward to the opportunities our country has to fundamentally improve the lives of all Americans.

By the very fact that you visited this website, you have shown that you care about the future of our country and the role Congress plays in that future.  In a matter of weeks, we will unveil a new office website that will provide you with even more resources to stay up-to-date on my work here in Washington and allow you to more easily communicate with me and my staff.  If you have not already done so, I encourage you to sign up for “Jackie’s Journal”, my e-newsletter, so I can contact you with matters of importance and let you know what I'm thinking when vital issues are debated before Congress.

My wish list for our nation is long, but we can't accomplish everything right away, so I have chosen to focus on issues that address some of the root problems facing our country.  Despite regional and political differences, Americans share a belief that our government should be basically fair.  We agree that a person who works hard, contributes to society and plays by the rules should ...continue reading »

Read My Blog

December 24, 2008

As I prepare my home for visiting friends and relatives, the thought hits me that we are blessed to live in an area of many riches.  Among them is the tremendous diversity of nationalities, ethnicities and religious faiths represented...(more)

Posted on: 12-24-2008