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January 2 Marks the Third Anniversary of Sago Mine Tragedy

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January 2 marks the third anniversary of the Sago mine tragedy, in which 12 miners died after being trapped by an explosion. Chairman Miller offers his condolences to the miners’ families and promises to work toward improved health and safety for all miners and workers.
House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee co-chairs Congressman George Miller and Congresswoman Rosa L. DeLauro announced that the Steering and Policy Committee will hold a hearing focused on the economic outlook and the components of an economic recovery plan necessary to spur job creation and create long-term growth. Also participating in the hearing, which will feature a panel of economists and experts in infrastructure investments, will be the Chairs of the House Science and Technology, Energy and Commerce, Transportation and Infrastructure, Budget, Appropriations and Ways and Means Committees.

The hearing on the state of the economy and the need for a comprehensive jobs and economic recovery package will take place on Wednesday 7 January 2009 at 10:00 AM in Washington, DC in the Ways and Means Committee Hearing Room (1100 Longworth House Office Building).
“The state of our economy demands Congress act quickly to pass at the earliest date an economic recovery plan to provide immediate relief to Americans and to create or save millions of American jobs,” said Speaker Nancy Pelosi.  “This hearing will build upon the stimulus package the House passed in September and the numerous hearings held by our other committees, to ensure we make the necessary investments in an innovative and bold way to strengthen the economy.”

"We know that smart, strategic investments in our nation's infrastructure are key to getting Americans back to work and getting our economy moving forward," said Congressman Miller, the chair of the House Education and Labor Committee. "This hearing will help the new Congress take swift, effective action to create jobs, rebuild our economy, strengthen our competitiveness through strategic investments in education and lay the foundation for a robust and innovative future."

“Families are struggling, facing times tougher than they have ever been in recent memory.  This moment requires bold solutions that will drive economic growth and job creation directly.  With this hearing we will examine what we need to do to get our economy moving again and how we can work together to reverse the daunting trends, jumpstart our economy and ensure our economy grows and prospers in the years ahead,” said Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro.


Dr. Mark M. Zandi
Chief economist and cofounder of Moody’s

Robert Reich

Former Secretary of Labor and a professor at the University of California at Berkeley

Martin Feldstein
George F. Baker Professor of Economics at Harvard University and President Emeritus of the National Bureau of Economic Research
Norman R. Augustine
Author of the Gathering Storm, which focused the nation’s attention on the critical need for investments in basic science and research, in addition to his other accolades

Maria Zuber
E. A. Griswold Professor of Geophysics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology



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