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110th Congress                                                   Report
 2d Session             HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES                110-543

                         CONCURRENT RESOLUTION

                            ON THE BUDGET--

                            FISCAL YEAR 2009


                              R E P O R T

                                 of the

                        COMMITTEE ON THE BUDGET

                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES

                              to accompany

                            H. Con. Res. 312


                             together with

                             MINORITY VIEWS


 March 7, 2008.--Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the 
              State of the Union and ordered to be printed


                           WASHINGTON : 2008

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                        COMMITTEE ON THE BUDGET

             JOHN M. SPRATT, Jr., South Carolina, Chairman
ROSA L. DeLAURO, Connecticut         PAUL RYAN, Wisconsin,
CHET EDWARDS, Texas                    Ranking Minority Member
JIM COOPER, Tennessee                J. GRESHAM BARRETT, South Carolina
THOMAS H. ALLEN, Maine               JO BONNER, Alabama
ALLYSON Y. SCHWARTZ, Pennsylvania    SCOTT GARRETT, New Jersey
MARCY KAPTUR, Ohio                   MARIO DIAZ-BALART, Florida
XAVIER BECERRA, California           JEB HENSARLING, Texas
LLOYD DOGGETT, Texas                 DANIEL E. LUNGREN, California
EARL BLUMENAUER, Oregon              MICHAEL K. SIMPSON, Idaho
MARION BERRY, Arkansas               PATRICK T. McHENRY, North Carolina
ALLEN BOYD, Florida                  CONNIE MACK, Florida
JAMES P. McGOVERN, Massachusetts     K. MICHAEL CONAWAY, Texas
NIKI TSONGAS, Massachusetts          JOHN CAMPBELL, California
ROBERT C. ``BOBBY'' SCOTT, Virginia  JON C. PORTER, Nevada
BOB ETHERIDGE, North Carolina        RODNEY ALEXANDER, Louisiana
DARLENE HOOLEY, Oregon               ADRIAN SMITH, Nebraska
BRIAN BAIRD, Washington              JIM JORDAN, Ohio
GWEN MOORE, Wisconsin

                           Professional Staff

            Thomas S. Kahn, Staff Director and Chief Counsel
                 Austin Smythe, Minority Staff Director

                            C O N T E N T S

Overview.........................................................     3
Economic Assumptions.............................................     5
Title I. Recommended Levels and Amounts:
    Explanation of Committee Recommendations by Function:
        050 National Defense.....................................     7
        150 International Affairs................................    10
        250 General Science, Space, and Technology...............    12
        270 Energy...............................................    13
        300 Natural Resources and Environment....................    14
        350 Agriculture..........................................    15
        370 Commerce and Housing Credit..........................    16
        400 Transportation.......................................    17
        450 Community and Regional Development...................    18
        500 Education, Training, Employment, and Social Services.    19
        550 Health...............................................    21
        570 Medicare.............................................    22
        600 Income Security......................................    23
        650 Social Security......................................    25
        700 Veterans Benefits and Services.......................    26
        750 Administration of Justice............................    28
        800 General Government...................................    29
        900 Net Interest.........................................    30
        920 Allowances...........................................    31
        950 Undistributed Offsetting Receipts....................    32
        970 Overseas Deployments and Other Activities............    33
Title II. Reconciliation.........................................    35
Title III. Reserve Funds.........................................    37
Title IV. Budget Enforcement.....................................    41
Title V. Policy..................................................    45
Title VI. Sense of the House.....................................    47
Allocations to Committees........................................    49
Summary Tables...................................................    53
Votes of the Committee...........................................    71
House Rule XXVII.................................................    99
Other Matters To Be Included Under the Rules of the House........   101
Minority Views...................................................   102
Appendix--The Concurrent Resolution on the Budget................   109

                              T A B L E S

Allocation of Spending Authority to House Committee on 
  Appropriations.................................................    50
Allocations of Spending Authority to House Committees Other Than 
  Appropriations.................................................    51
Summary Table 1.--Fiscal Year 2009 Budget Resolution Total 
  Spending and Revenues..........................................    53
Summary Table 2.--Fiscal Year 2009 Budget Resolution 
  Discretionary Spending.........................................    55
Summary Table 3.--Fiscal Year 2009 Budget Resolution Mandatory 
  Spending.......................................................    57
Summary Table 4.--Tax Expenditure Estimates by Budget Function, 
  Fiscal Years 2007-2011.........................................    59
Summary Table 5.--Fiscal Year 2009 Budget Resolution Compared to 
  President's Budget.............................................    66
Summary Table 6.--Fiscal Year 2009 Budget Resolution Compared to 
  Total Spending and Revenues....................................    67
Summary Table 7.--Fiscal Year 2009 Budget Resolution Compared to 
  Total Spending and Revenues....................................    69

110th Congress                                                   Report
                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
 2d Session                                                     110-543






 March 7, 2008.--Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the 
              State of the Union and ordered to be printed


 Mr. Spratt, from the Committee on the Budget, submitted the following

                              R E P O R T

                             together with

                             MINORITY VIEWS

                    [To accompany H. Con. Res. 312]


    New direction and major changes needed in our economy. 
Congress has responded to the slowdown in our economy with a 
bipartisan stimulus plan designed to deliver timely, targeted, 
and temporary relief to 130 million households and also by 
making changes to address the underlying weakness in the 
housing market. But more needs to be done. The Administration's 
underinvestment in key government programs, disregard for 
fiscal responsibility, and failure to keep pace with the global 
economy has undermined the country's economic security and 
endangered our prospects for growth.
    The 2009 budget resolution will move the country forward. 
It takes specific actions to make the economy stronger and the 
country safer. The budget balances in 2012 while accommodating 
tax relief for millions of middle-income families. It makes 
prudent investments in high-impact programs to create jobs and 
restore economic vitality. It funds defense and includes the 
resources needed to deliver excellent health care to those who 
have served. Homeland security funding is increased relative to 
the Administration, and cuts to local law enforcement programs 
are rejected.
    U.S. economy is weakening. The likelihood of a recession in 
2008 is rising, while family incomes are declining, confidence 
is at a 16-year low, and gasoline prices are at record levels. 
The health of the overall labor market has taken a turn for the 
worse. Unemployment rose to 5.0 percent in December, with the 
small recent improvement due only to more people leaving the 
labor force entirely. The February employment report showed the 
largest single-month job loss, and the first consecutive months 
of job loss, in five years, with 85,000 jobs lost since 
December. Producer inflation was unusually high in 2007 and 
there is evidence that because of rising food and energy costs, 
inflation may be spreading to overall consumer prices.
    The economy is dragging anchor, impeded by record deficits 
and mountainous debt. The current slowdown comes on the heels 
of lackluster economic performance. The brief recession of 2001 
was followed by the weakest recovery in modern history--with 
GDP, investment, and other key indicators growing at below 
their average rates for other economic expansions. With the 
weak performance of the economy as a whole, the typical 
American family has fared poorly. The stagnant economy can be 
traced to the Administration's flawed fiscal policies. In 2001, 
the Administration inherited a projected ten-year (2002-2011) 
budget surplus of $5.6 trillion. This has been converted, under 
realistic estimates, into a $3.2 trillion deficit. This 
represents a swing of $8.8 trillion in the wrong direction--the 
largest fiscal deterioration in American history. More than 80 
cents of every dollar of new debt incurred since 2001 is owed 
to foreign investors, including foreign governments.
    President's 2009 budget continues same policies. Instead of 
rising to meet the challenges presented by the deteriorating 
economy, the President's 2009 budget proposes to make the 
problems worse. Deep cuts in services, ranging from energy 
assistance to cops on the beat, are proposed. These cuts would 
have a significant impact on working families and communities, 
but the savings are not nearly enough to offset the 
Administration's $3 trillion in deficit-financed tax cuts.

          2009 Budget Resolution: Rebuilding America's Future

    Our budget for 2009 will help revitalize our economy while 
ensuring strong defense and homeland security. The budget:
    Strengthens the economy by investing in programs to boost 
growth and create jobs.
    <bullet> Innovation: Supports the Democratic ``Innovation 
Agenda'' and the America COMPETES Act by increasing funds for 
technology and for research and development, including the 
National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, 
Department of Energy's Office of Science, and the National 
Institute of Standards and Technology.
    <bullet> Energy: Increases energy funding by $1.2 billion 
over the President's budget and supports increases in efficient 
and renewable energy programs.
    <bullet> Education: Provides a $7.1 billion increase for 
the education budget function (Function 500) and rejects the 
President's cuts and elimination of 47 education programs.
    <bullet> Infrastructure: Invests in highways, water and 
other infrastructure as well as including a reserve fund that 
can facilitate infrastructure initiatives in a deficit-neutral 
    Provides tax relief and help for families struggling to 
make ends meet in an economic downturn.
    <bullet> Tax Relief: Accommodates relief from the 
Alternative Minimum Tax for more than 20 million households, as 
well as middle-income tax cuts, consistent with the pay-as-you-
go principle.
    <bullet> Children's Health: Facilitates an increase of up 
to $50 billion to expand children's health insurance to cover 
millions of additional uninsured children, subject to the pay-
as-you-go rule.
    <bullet> Safety Net: Strengthens programs that support 
families by providing funding for home heating assistance, the 
Social Services Block Grant, and housing aid--in contrast to 
the President's budget which cuts funding for these programs.
    Restores fiscal responsibility and accountability.
    <bullet> Achieves a budget surplus of $178 billion in 2012, 
and beats the President's bottom line by $413 billion from 
    <bullet> Complies with the pay-as-you-go principle.
    <bullet> Includes nearly $1 billion in cap adjustments for 
program integrity efforts to crack down on waste, fraud, and 
    Makes America safer by funding defense, providing 
additional resources for veterans' health care, and adding 
substantially to homeland security.
    <bullet> Defense: Funds defense while shifting funds to 
high priorities such as the Cooperative Threat Reduction 
(commonly referred to as ``loose nukes'') and nuclear 
nonproliferation programs, and quality of life issues for the 
troops and their families.
    <bullet> Veterans: Addresses veterans' needs by rejecting 
the President's proposed new fees and increasing veterans 
funding by $3.6 billion relative to the amount needed to keep 
pace with inflation, enough to allow VA to treat 5.8 million 
patients in 2009, including 333,275 Iraq and Afghanistan war 
veterans. In addition, the budget includes two deficit-neutral 
reserve funds to accommodate increased education and other 
    <bullet> Homeland Security: Protects Americans at home by 
providing higher funding levels for the four budget functions 
that fund the bulk of the non-DOD homeland security 
initiatives; increases homeland security above the 
Administration's request and rejects the President's cuts to 
first responder programs, including Community Oriented Policing 
Services (COPS) and firefighter assistance grants.

                          ECONOMIC ASSUMPTIONS

    The budget resolution adopts the economic forecast of the 
Congressional Budget Office (CBO), as updated in February 2008 
to include the forecasted economic effects of the fiscal 
stimulus package, and takes CBO's March 2008 projections of 
spending and revenues under current law as the baseline. CBO's 
economic forecast is similar to the Blue Chip consensus 
forecast. Historically, CBO's economic forecast has proven to 
be slightly more accurate than that of the Administration.
    CBO's economic assumptions include the following (all 
references are to calendar years, not fiscal years, unless 
otherwise noted):
    Unemployment: CBO expects the unemployment rate to rise 
from an estimated 4.6 percent in 2007 to 5.2 percent in 2008 
and 5.5 percent in 2009. The unemployment rate is assumed to 
average 4.9 percent for the remainder of the budget window.
    Interest Rates: Interest rates are projected to be 
unusually low for 2008 and 2009 but rise closer to historical 
norms over the rest of the five-year budget window. Short-term 
interest rates are projected to fall to the 2.0 to 2.5 percent 
range in 2008 and 2009, rising to an average of 4.6 percent 
over the last four years of the budget window. Long-term rates 
are projected to fall to the 3.5 to 4.0 percent range in 2008 
and 2009, rising to an average of 5.1 percent over 2010-2013.
    Real GDP Growth: CBO projects that fourth-quarter-to-
fourth-quarter real GDP growth will fall from 2.5 percent in 
2007 to just 1.6 percent in 2008, with growth recovering to 3.0 
percent in 2009 and 3.1 percent over 2010-2013.
    Inflation: CBO forecasts relatively low inflation over the 
budget window. Most of the major inflation indices average 
around 2 percent throughout the budget window.
    Based on an economic forecast established last November, 
the Administration assumes much stronger growth in real GDP and 
tax bases than CBO projects. This and other differences in the 
economic forecast result in the Administration's forecast 
showing an extra $296 billion in revenue over fiscal years 
2009-2013 compared with CBO's March forecast.
    The budget resolution matches the total level of revenues 
under the CBO baseline over the 2008-2013 period, with revenue 
losses in 2009 and an offsetting gain in 2010-2013, consistent 
with the resolution's reconciliation instruction to the Ways 
and Means Committee regarding revenue. By following the 
baseline revenue total for 2008-2013, the budget resolution 
achieves current-law total revenue levels, but does not 
necessarily assume maintaining current tax law. Thus, the 
budget resolution accommodates reform of the Alternative 
Minimum Tax and extension of tax cuts benefitting middle-income 
households (including, but not limited to, the child tax 
credit, marriage penalty relief, the 10 percent bracket, and 
the deduction for State and local sales taxes), as long as such 
changes to tax law are accomplished, consistent with the House 
pay-as-you-go rule, in a deficit-neutral manner over the 2008-
2013 and 2008-2018 periods. The budget resolution also 
accommodates deficit-neutral extension of other expiring tax 
provisions, such as the research and experimentation tax credit 
and the deduction for small business expensing. In addition, 
the resolution accommodates deficit-neutral elimination of 
estate taxes on all but a minute fraction of estates by 
reforming and substantially increasing the unified tax credit. 
It also accommodates other high priority deficit-neutral 
revenue adjustments, such as tax incentives for energy 
efficiency and renewable energy, and a tax credit for local 
bonds to support the repair or construction of public schools.
    Under the Bush Administration (since January 2001) the 
federal debt has increased by $3.6 trillion to over $9.3 
trillion, and foreign holdings of Treasuries have increased 
from $1.0 trillion to $2.4 trillion (as of December 2007), 
accounting for more than half of the marketable debt held by 
the public.



                     FUNCTION 050: NATIONAL DEFENSE


                            Function Summary

    The National Defense function includes the military 
activities of the Department of Defense (DoD), the nuclear-
weapons related activities of the Department of Energy (DoE) 
and the National Nuclear Security Administration, the national 
security activities of several other agencies such as the 
Selective Service Agency, and portions of the activities of the 
Coast Guard and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The 
programs in this function include: the pay and benefits of 
active, Guard, and reserve military personnel; DoD operations 
including training, maintenance of equipment, and facilities; 
health care for military personnel and dependents; procurement 
of weapons; research and development; construction of military 
facilities, including housing; research on nuclear weapons; and 
the cleanup of nuclear weapons production facilities.

                     Function Levels and Priorities

                                         FUNCTION 050: NATIONAL DEFENSE
                                            [In billions of dollars]
                                        2008       2009       2010       2011       2012       2013    2009-2013
Total Spending:
    Budget Authority...............      590.7      542.5      550.4      557.0      565.8      576.2    2,792.0
    Outlays........................      576.2      573.4      560.7      560.1      556.7      568.8    2,819.7
    Budget Authority...............      587.2      537.8      545.5      552.0      560.7      571.2    2,767.1
    Outlays........................      572.7      568.7      555.9      555.1      551.6      563.8    2,795.0
Mandatory Spending:
    Budget Authority...............        3.5        4.7        4.9        5.1        5.1        5.1       24.8
    Outlays........................        3.4        4.7        4.9        5.0        5.1        5.1       24.7

    There is no higher priority than the defense of our nation. 
This budget resolution accordingly provides robust funding for 
Function 050 (National Defense). This resolution calls, 
however, for a reallocation of resources to address the most 
severe threats facing the nation, to emphasize readiness, to 
guarantee first-rate health care for members of our armed 
forces, and to improve the quality of life of our troops and 
their families. The resolution also calls for greater 
accountability at the Department of Defense. The resolution 
includes assumptions on specific defense policy in Title V, 
Section 502.
    The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the 
United States (commonly referred to as the 9/11 Commission) 
identified terrorists with weapons of mass destruction as one 
of the nation's gravest threats. It recommended that Congress 
supply more resources to secure nuclear weapons and the fissile 
materials used in making these weapons. It is the policy of 
this budget resolution that non-proliferation programs, such as 
the Cooperative Threat Reduction program, be given greater 
priority and higher funding.
    As a result of our overseas deployments, military readiness 
has suffered, especially the readiness of our National Guard 
and Reserve. The Commission on National Guard and Reserve 
concluded in its final report, issued on January 31, 2008, that 
there are substantial shortcomings in the nation's ability to 
respond during a national crisis. In view of this, the 
resolution calls for greater attention to mitigating readiness 
shortfalls to ensure our military is ready when called upon.
    The country owes a great debt of gratitude to those who 
have sacrificed and to those who are currently sacrificing by 
serving in the Armed Forces. To honor their service, the 
country should not only support the troops when they are called 
to duty, but it should also improve the quality of life of the 
troops and their families, and ensure that the resources are 
available when they are discharged from service to provide them 
the excellent health care they deserve and the assistance they 
need to make the transition to civilian life. For that reason, 
this resolution opposes Tricare fee increases proposed by the 
President and calls for a substantial increase in funding for 
the veterans' health care system. The budget resolution 
provides funding to continue addressing problems such as those 
identified at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. The resolution 
also calls for enhanced pay and benefits to improve the quality 
of life of the troops and their families, including emphasis on 
providing adequate funding for programs like the Yellow Ribbon 
Reintegration Program, which provides support and assistance to 
troops and their families while they are deployed and when they 
return from deployments to readjust to civilian life.
    The President's 2009 budget is noncompliant with section 
1008, Public Law 109-364, the John Warner National Defense 
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007, by excluding a full 
request for overseas military operations. The resolution 
reaffirms section 1008. It also calls on the Administration to 
end the practice of including non-war requirements in funding 
requests for overseas military operations as a way to avoid 
making tradeoffs in the defense budget. The Congressional 
Budget Office reported in September 2007 that 40 percent of 
supplemental funds requested for Army ``reset'' (fixing and 
replacing equipment) was instead used for upgrading the 
capability of weapons systems and procuring new equipment to 
eliminate shortfalls, and in some cases, shortfalls that were 
    It is the policy of the resolution that missile defense 
acquisition be funded at lower, but still adequate levels and 
development of space-based interceptors as part of the missile 
defense program should be de-emphasized. The resolution also 
points out the need to restrain excessive cost and schedule 
growth in defense research, development, and procurement 
programs. DoD has allowed the cost of its major acquisition 
programs to grow at an unsustainable rate. The Department's 
major acquisition programs grew by more than $392 billion above 
their initial projections from 2002 to 2007.
    The budget resolution recognizes the need for DoD to root 
out wasteful spending with far more diligence. Eighteen years 
after passage of the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990, DoD 
still cannot pass a standard audit. The Department cannot 
adequately track what it owns or what it spends in its annual 
budgets. DoD has awarded contracts for its foreign deployments 
that have been grossly more wasteful than domestic contracts, 
especially in Iraq. Furthermore, DoD continues to fund weapons 
systems that were developed years ago to counter Cold War-era 
threats, which may not be as effective in protecting the nation 
from today's threats.
    Over the last seven years, the Government Accountability 
Office (GAO) has performed numerous audits of DoD's financial 
management, contracting, and business practices. GAO made 2,864 
recommendations, of which 1,260 have yet to be implemented. The 
resolution assumes that enhancing accounting practices at DoD 
and implementing many GAO recommendations would yield 
substantial savings that could be applied to other security 
needs, including those mentioned above.
    The resolution also encourages the committees with 
jurisdiction over defense to conduct more oversight with the 
objective of ferreting out wasteful practices, fraud, and 
abuse. It encourages the committees to require DoD to report to 
Congress on its progress in implementing GAO audit 
recommendations and to report on the applicability of cold war-
era weapons to 21st century challenges. The resolution also 
directs GAO to report by the end of the 110th Congress on DoD's 
progress in implementing its audit recommendations.
    The budget resolution also recognizes the need for the DoD 
to do a better job of reconciling its plans with its budget, 
including the Navy's shipbuilding plan. Unrealistic 
expectations of technology development and ship designs have 
led to high unit costs and a plan that is not viable in terms 
of providing the Navy with an adequate ship force, or the 
shipbuilding industrial base with a sustainable level of work. 
The resolution therefore encourages more congressional 
oversight to ensure the Administration puts more emphasis on 
developing a viable shipbuilding plan to maintain a naval ship 
force and a shipbuilding industrial base that meets the 
challenges of the 21st century.
    In addition to emphasizing nuclear nonproliferation 
programs at the Department of Energy, the Committee recognizes 
the importance of the Department's Environmental Management 
program and that nuclear clean-up activities are a high 
    For mandatory programs, the budget resolution matches the 
President's request.


                            Function Summary

    Function 150 covers funding for U.S. international 
activities, including: operating and securing U.S. embassies 
and consulates throughout the world; providing military 
assistance to allies; aiding developing nations; dispensing 
economic assistance to fledgling democracies; promoting U.S. 
exports abroad; making U.S. payments to international 
organizations; and contributing to international peacekeeping 
efforts. This funding constitutes about one percent of the 
federal budget. The major agencies in this function include the 
Department of State and the U.S. Agency for International 

                     Function Levels and Priorities

                                       FUNCTION 150: INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS
                                            [In billions of dollars]
                                        2008       2009       2010       2011       2012       2013    2009-2013
Total Spending:
    Budget Authority...............       32.6       37.1       38.5       39.4       40.2       40.7      196.0
    Outlays........................       32.8       35.7       36.9       37.7       38.2       38.3      186.8
    Budget Authority...............       36.7       38.3       39.0       39.9       40.7       41.6      199.5
    Outlays........................       38.3       38.4       38.9       39.7       40.2       40.9      198.0
Mandatory Spending:
    Budget Authority...............       -4.1       -1.2       -0.5       -0.4       -0.5       -0.9       -3.5
    Outlays........................       -5.5       -2.7       -2.0       -2.0       -2.1       -2.5      -11.2

    The function's negative mandatory budget authority and 
outlay levels reflect receipts of the foreign military sales 
trust fund, the repayment of loans and credits by foreign 
nations, and the liquidation of economic assistance loans, 
foreign military financing loans, Export-Import Bank loans, and 
housing and other credit guaranty programs.
    The resolution's discretionary budget authority for 2009 is 
$4.0 billion (11.6 percent) above the 2008 level excluding 
emergencies and $3.3 billion (9.6 percent) more than the amount 
needed to maintain purchasing power at the 2008 level. The 
resolution matches the President's Function 150 request for 
HIV/AIDS relief. The resolution also provides funding for the 
Department of State to hire a significant number of new staff 
to strengthen the United States' diplomacy and national 
    Consistent with the President's budget, the resolution 
provides $2.6 billion for Foreign Military Financing (FMF) for 
Israel. The United States signed a new agreement with Israel in 
2007 to provide $30 billion in FMF over ten years.
    The resolution provides additional funding above the 
President's requested level for 2009 for the McGovern-Dole 
International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program. 
This additional funding will be used to maintain and expand the 
number of children, especially girls, who benefit from this 
program as food and transportation costs rise.
    The Committee notes the importance of robust funding for 
child survival and health programs, development assistance, and 
the United States' contributions to international organizations 
and peacekeeping.
    The Committee notes the large amount of funding for the 
Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) that remains unobligated 
or unspent. MCC has received about $7.5 billion in total 
appropriations from fiscal years 2004 through 2008.
    The Committee recognizes the humanitarian problem of 
millions of Iraqis who are refugees in neighboring countries or 
are internally displaced in Iraq.
    The Committee notes the strong support for H.R. 1595, the 
Guam World War II Loyalty Recognition Act, which the House 
approved on May 8, 2007. The bill authorizes compensation to 
the Guamanian victims of the Imperial Japanese military 
occupation during World War II.


                            Function Summary

    This function includes the National Science Foundation 
(NSF), programs at the National Aeronautics and Space 
Administration except for aviation programs, and general 
science programs at the Department of Energy (DOE).

                     Function Levels and Priorities

                              FUNCTION 250: GENERAL SCIENCE, SPACE, AND TECHNOLOGY
                                            [In billions of dollars]
                                        2008       2009       2010       2011       2012       2013    2009-2013
Total Spending:
    Budget Authority...............       27.4       29.9       31.2       32.5       33.9       35.3      162.7
    Outlays........................       26.5       28.7       30.6       32.2       33.6       34.5      159.5
    Budget Authority...............       27.3       29.8       31.0       32.3       33.7       35.2      162.1
    Outlays........................       26.3       28.6       30.5       32.1       33.4       34.4      158.9
Mandatory Spending:
    Budget Authority...............        0.1        0.1        0.1        0.1        0.1        0.1        0.6
    Outlays........................        0.1        0.1        0.1        0.1        0.1        0.1        0.6

    Funding in Function 250 exceeds the funding levels in the 
President's budget and the current services level for all five 
years in the budget window. Additional increases for scientific 
research and education are included in Function 270 (Energy), 
Function 300 (Environment and Natural Resources), Function 350 
(Agriculture), Function 370 (Commerce and Housing Credit), 
Function 400 (Transportation), Function 500 (Education, 
Training, Employment, and Social Services), and Function 550 
(Health), all of which receive more funding than the President 
requested. These increases will support the goals of the House 
Leadership's Innovation Agenda and the America COMPETES Act: to 
put NSF funding on a path toward doubling, to train more 
qualified science and math teachers, and to invest in basic 
research on energy technologies.
                         FUNCTION 270: ENERGY 


                            Function Summary

    Function 270 covers energy-related programs including 
research and development, environmental clean-up, and rural 
utility loans. Most of these programs are within the Department 
of Energy (DOE). This function covers about 20 percent of 
appropriated funding for DOE but does not include DOE's 
national security activities, which are in Function 050 
(National Defense), or its basic research and science 
activities, which are in Function 250 (General Science, Space 
and Technology). This function also includes the Agriculture 
Department's Rural Utilities Service, the Tennessee Valley 
Authority, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and the 
Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

                     Function Levels and Priorities

                                              FUNCTION 270: ENERGY
                                            [In billions of dollars]
                                        2008       2009       2010       2011       2012       2013    2009-2013
Total Spending:
    Budget Authority...............        3.5        4.7        4.6        4.7        4.8        4.9       23.7
    Outlays........................        1.7        2.2        2.9        3.4        3.7        4.0       16.2
    Budget Authority...............        5.0        6.1        6.1        6.2        6.3        6.4       31.0
    Outlays........................        3.9        4.5        5.2        5.7        6.1        6.3       27.8
Mandatory Spending:
    Budget Authority...............       -1.4       -1.4       -1.4       -1.5       -1.5       -1.5       -7.3
    Outlays........................       -2.2       -2.3       -2.3       -2.3       -2.3       -2.3      -11.6

    The resolution provides $1.1 billion in appropriated 
funding above the 2008 level and $1.2 billion above the 
President's budget for 2009, funding that could be used for 
energy efficiency and renewable energy programs. The resolution 
maintains the weatherization assistance program, which the 
President's budget unwisely terminates.
    The resolution also invests in new initiatives for 
renewable energy and energy efficiency, emerging energy and 
vehicle technologies, carbon capture and sequestration, and 
worker training for ``green collar jobs.''


                            Function Summary

    Function 300 includes programs concerned with environmental 
protection and enhancement; recreation and wildlife areas; and 
the development and management of the nation's land, water, and 
mineral resources. It includes programs within the following 
federal departments and agencies: Agriculture, Commerce, 
Interior, Transportation, the Army Corps of Engineers, and the 
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

                     Function Levels and Priorities

                                 FUNCTION 300: NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT
                                            [In billions of dollars]
                                      2008       2009       2010       2011       2012       2013     2009-2013
Total Spending:
    Budget Authority.............       32.6       38.7       33.8       34.7       35.6       36.5        179.2
    Outlays......................       34.4       35.6       36.2       36.4       36.7       37.3        182.2
    Budget Authority.............       31.7       37.6       32.6       33.4       34.3       35.3        173.1
    Outlays......................       33.9       34.9       35.1       35.2       35.4       36.0        176.6
Mandatory Spending:
    Budget Authority.............        0.9        1.1        1.2        1.2        1.2        1.2          6.0
    Outlays......................        0.5        0.6        1.1        1.2        1.3        1.3          5.6

    The resolution rejects the President's deep and misguided 
cuts to priority programs, such as the Land and Water 
Conservation Fund, the Fish and Wildlife Service's wildlife 
refuge system, the EPA's Clean Water State Revolving Fund and 
other grants to States and Tribes to address water and air 
quality, and other EPA programs. It also includes funding to 
address high-priority brownfield redevelopment concerns. In 
addition, the resolution accommodates the President's emergency 
Army Corps spending for efforts related to Hurricane Katrina 
rebuilding. Additionally, the resolution recognizes that in 
recent years, fire suppression costs have overwhelmed the 
Forest Service's budget, and that Congress should work to 
identify solutions to this problem and to address the impact of 
increasing fire suppression costs.
    The resolution includes deficit-neutral reserve funds for 
Secure Rural Schools and Payments in Lieu of Taxes, San Joaquin 
River Restoration and Navajo Nation Water Rights Settlements, 
and the establishment of the National Parks Centennial Fund. 
Additional funding addressing environmental quality is 
accommodated in the resolution's deficit-neutral renewable 
energy and energy efficiency reserve fund.
                       FUNCTION 350: AGRICULTURE


                            Function Summary

    Function 350 includes farm income stabilization, 
agricultural research, and other services administered by the 
U.S. Department of Agriculture. The discretionary programs 
include research and education programs, economics and 
statistics services, administration of the farm support 
programs, farm loan programs, meat and poultry inspection, and 
a portion of the Public Law (P.L.) 480 international food aid 
program. The mandatory programs include commodity programs, 
crop insurance, and certain farm loans.

                     Function Levels and Priorities

                                            FUNCTION 350: AGRICULTURE
                                            [In billions of dollars]
                                        2008       2009       2010       2011       2012       2013    2009-2013
Total Spending:
    Budget Authority...............       22.5       21.5       21.7       21.9       22.3       22.6      110.0
    Outlays........................       21.5       21.3       20.7       20.9       21.4       21.8      106.1
    Budget Authority...............        5.9        6.0        6.2        6.3        6.5        6.6       31.6
    Outlays........................        6.1        6.0        6.1        6.2        6.4        6.6       31.2
Mandatory Spending:
    Budget Authority...............       16.6       15.5       15.6       15.6       15.8       16.0       78.4
    Outlays........................       15.4       15.3       14.6       14.6       15.0       15.3       74.9

    The budget resolution provides greater funds than the 
President to ensure sufficient resources to bolster commodity 
support, agricultural research, and animal and plant inspection 
programs. The resolution also assumes sufficient resources for 
the farm bill, providing resources for such objectives as to 
secure an economic safety net for agricultural producers, 
conserve our natural resources, and address nutrition needs.


                            Function Summary

    Function 370 includes mortgage credit, the Postal Service, 
deposit insurance, and other advancement of commerce programs 
(the majority of the discretionary and mandatory spending in 
this function).
    The mortgage credit component of this function includes 
housing assistance through the Federal Housing Administration, 
the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae), the 
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac), the 
Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae), and 
rural housing programs of the Department of Agriculture. Most 
of the Commerce Department is provided for in this function, 
including the International Trade Administration, National 
Institute of Standards and Technology, and the Bureau of the 
Census. Finally, the function also includes funding for 
independent agencies such as the Securities and Exchange 
Commission, the Federal Trade Commission, and the majority of 
the Small Business Administration.

                     Function Levels and Priorities

                                  FUNCTION 370: COMMERCE AND HOUSING CREDIT\1\
                                            [In billions of dollars]
                                        2008       2009       2010       2011       2012       2013    2009-2013
Total Spending:
    Budget Authority...............       12.7       10.8       14.5        9.0        9.2        9.6       53.1
    Outlays........................        6.8        5.0        6.4        2.2        1.7        1.6       16.9
    Budget Authority...............        3.1        5.0        9.1        4.0        4.0        4.0       26.1
    Outlays........................        3.1        4.9        8.3        4.7        4.0        4.0       25.7
Mandatory Spending:
    Budget Authority...............        9.6        5.8        5.3        5.0        5.3        5.7       27.0
    Outlays........................        3.7        0.1       -1.9       -2.5       -2.2       -2.3      -8.8
\1\Includes on- and off-budget amounts.

    The discretionary function total includes significantly 
increased funding for the Bureau of the Census, reflecting 
continued preparation for the 2010 census, and continues to 
support agencies such as the National Institute of Standards 
and Technology. For 2009, and over the following four years, 
funding in Function 370 is above the level in the President's 
                      FUNCTION 400: TRANSPORTATION


                            Function Summary

    Function 400 consists mostly of the programs administered 
by the Department of Transportation, including programs for 
highways, mass transit, aviation, and maritime activities. This 
function also includes two components of the Department of 
Homeland Security: the Coast Guard and the Transportation 
Security Administration. In addition, this function includes 
several small transportation-related agencies and the research 
program for civilian aviation at the National Aeronautics and 
Space Administration (NASA).

                     Function Levels and Priorities

                                          FUNCTION 400: TRANSPORTATION
                                            [In billions of dollars]
                                        2008       2009       2010       2011       2012       2013    2009-2013
Total Spending:
    Budget Authority...............       79.8       73.4       77.5       78.5       79.5       80.5      389.4
    Outlays........................       77.8       80.4       83.9       86.1       88.1       90.4      428.9
    Budget Authority...............       27.4       24.7       28.6       29.4       30.2       31.1      143.9
    Outlays........................       76.1       78.4       81.6       83.7       85.7       88.0      417.4
Mandatory Spending:
    Budget Authority...............       52.4       48.8       48.9       49.2       49.3       49.4      245.5
    Outlays........................        1.7        2.1        2.2        2.3        2.4        2.5       11.6

    This budget resolution recognizes the importance of 
investing in infrastructure systems on which our nation 
depends. Our society depends on transportation systems to 
integrate the economies of our communities. However, those 
systems are stressed from growing congestion and a backlog of 
repair needs. It is imperative that, in the last year of the 
current surface transportation authorization, the budget place 
these systems in a position to address the challenges of the 
21st century. To that end, the resolution fully funds the 
highway, transit, and highway safety programs at the levels 
originally authorized in the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, 
Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users 
(SAFETEA-LU). Specifically, considering the country's 
infrastructure challenges, this resolution does not accept the 
President's estimate of revenue aligned budget authority 
(RABA), or the further cuts in highway and transit funding 
included in the President's 2009 budget. Rather, the resolution 
continues to invest in infrastructure, laying the groundwork 
for a reauthorization of these programs in FY 2010.
    This resolution increases funding for Amtrak and provides 
additional funding for grants to airports, in anticipation of a 
new aviation authorization.


                            Function Summary

    Function 450 includes federal programs to improve community 
economic conditions, promote rural development, and assist in 
federal preparations for and response to disasters. This 
function provides appropriated funding for the Community 
Development Block Grant, Department of Agriculture rural 
development programs, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Federal 
Emergency Management Agency, and other disaster mitigation and 
community development-related programs. It also provides 
mandatory funding for the federal flood insurance program.

                     Function Levels and Priorities

                                FUNCTION 450: COMMUNITY AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT
                                            [In billions of dollars]
                                        2008       2009       2010       2011       2012       2013    2009-2013
Total Spending:
    Budget Authority...............       20.0       14.6       14.8       15.1       15.5       15.8       75.7
    Outlays........................       27.8       24.3       21.8       17.9       15.8       15.6       95.3
    Budget Authority...............       20.3       14.5       14.8       15.1       15.4       15.7       75.6
    Outlays........................       27.8       22.9       20.7       18.1       16.0       15.8       93.5
Mandatory Spending:
    Budget Authority...............       -0.2          *          *          *          *          *        0.1
    Outlays........................          *        1.3        1.2       -0.2       -0.2       -0.2       1.8
*Less than $50 million.

    The budget resolution provides substantially more than the 
President's 2009 discretionary funding level for Function 450, 
rejecting the President's deep cuts to the Community 
Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, first responder grants, 
and rural development.


                            Function Summary

    Function 500 includes funding for the Department of 
Education, social services programs within the Department of 
Health and Human Services, and employment and training programs 
within the Department of Labor. It also contains funding for 
the Library of Congress and independent research and art 
agencies such as the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, the 
Smithsonian Institution, the National Gallery of Art, the John 
F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, the National 
Endowment for the Arts, and the National Endowment for the 

                     Function Levels and Priorities

                                            [In billions of dollars]
                                        2008       2009       2010       2011       2012       2013    2009-2013
Total Spending:
    Budget Authority...............       90.1       95.2      102.6      105.6      107.8      101.7      513.0
    Outlays........................       90.7       90.9       98.3      103.1      104.4      103.5      500.3
    Budget Authority...............       79.8       85.3       88.3       90.0       91.8       93.6      449.0
    Outlays........................       81.1       83.0       87.1       88.8       90.5       92.3      441.6
Mandatory Spending:
    Budget Authority...............       10.3        9.9       14.3       15.6       16.0        8.1       64.0
    Outlays........................        9.7        8.0       11.3       14.4       13.9       11.2       58.7

    The 2009 budget resolution specifically rejects the 
President's cuts to education funding, including his plan to 
eliminate many education programs, including all vocational 
education programs. The resolution also rejects the President's 
steep cuts to job training and social services--programs 
programs needed now more than ever when the economy is slowing 
and the cost of living is rising.
    In contrast to the President's funding cuts, the budget 
resolution makes a down payment towards addressing long-
standing needs in education, training, employment, and social 
services. To that end, the resolution provides an appropriated 
program level for Function 500 that is $7.1 billion above the 
2009 level in the President's budget, including 2009 funding 
and advance 2010 funding.
    The resolution's increased funding could be used to support 
vital assistance to help children learn and succeed. Increased 
funding could support key programs such as Head Start, Impact 
Aid, and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. It 
also could support the No Child Left Behind Act programs to 
ensure that children can read and achieve at grade level, 
including programs such as Title I, school improvement 
programs, teacher quality improvement, and education technology 
state grants. Finally, the resolution's funding increase for 
education can help make college more affordable and accessible 
by raising the maximum Pell grant, maintaining Supplemental 
Opportunity Educational Grants and Perkins Loans, and 
broadening access to Historically Black Colleges and 
Universities as well as Hispanic-serving institutions and 
minority-serving institutions, which continue to make important 
contributions towards increasing the percentage of minority 
students gaining a college degree.
    Increased funding could be used to enhance funding for the 
Workforce Investment Act programs, which provide important job 
training and assistance. It could also support training for 
green collar jobs in renewable energy and energy efficiency 
fields. Other aspects of the Democratic leadership's innovation 
agenda could also be supported, including math and science 
education, development of basic and applied research, as well 
as demonstrations of effective approaches to innovative 
learning such as those in H.R. 3631, the Revolutionizing 
Education Through Digital Investment Act of 2007.
    The resolution rejects the President's proposed cuts to the 
Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and provides a funding 
level that could be used to support an increase. The Committee 
continues to support two-year advance funding for the 
    The resolution also contains a reserve fund to accommodate 
legislation that makes college more affordable, consistent with 
the House pay-as-you-go rule.
                          FUNCTION 550: HEALTH


                            Function Summary

    Function 550 includes most direct health care services 
programs. Other health programs in this function fund anti-
bioterrorism activities, national biomedical research, 
protecting the health of the general population and workers in 
their places of employment, providing health services for 
under-served populations, and promoting training for the health 
care workforce. Some of the agencies funded in this function 
include the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Centers for 
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Health Resources and 
Services Administration, and the Food and Drug Administration 
(FDA). The major mandatory programs in this function are 
Medicaid, the State Children's Health Insurance Program 
(SCHIP), federal and retirees' health benefits, and health care 
for Medicare-eligible military retirees.

                     Function Levels and Priorities

                                              FUNCTION 550: HEALTH
                                            [In billions of dollars]
                                        2008       2009       2010       2011       2012       2013    2009-2013
Total Spending:
    Budget Authority...............      285.1      306.8      323.8      344.7      367.8      393.1    1,736.2
    Outlays........................      286.7      305.3      324.1      343.7      366.3      391.3    1,730.8
    Budget Authority...............       53.1       57.6       56.5       57.7       58.9       60.2      290.9
    Outlays........................       53.6       55.5       56.1       56.8       57.8       58.9      285.1
Mandatory Spending:
    Budget Authority...............      232.0      249.2      267.3      287.0      308.8      332.9    1,445.3
    Outlays........................      233.1      249.8      268.0      287.0      308.5      332.4    1,445.7

    The budget resolution rejects the Administration's harmful 
cuts to Medicaid.
    The discretionary resources for Function 550 for 2009 
represent an increase over both the 2008 level and the 
President's 2009 request, with a particular focus on NIH, CDC, 
FDA, and the Occupational Safety & Health Administration. The 
resolution increases resources for public health, which 
includes programs focused on addressing health promotion and 
disease prevention. Preventative health care measures and 
disease management have the potential to lead to more efficient 
use of health care spending, and reduced illness, as well as an 
improvement in the health of the public. The resolution also 
includes increased funding for food safety, access to quality 
health care for under-served populations, and other important 
    Programs in Function 550 are also addressed in the 
resolution's deficit-neutral reserve funds for SCHIP and for 
                        FUNCTION 570: MEDICARE 


                            Function Summary

    Function 570 (Medicare) includes only the Medicare program, 
which provides health insurance to senior citizens and persons 
with disabilities. Congress provides an annual appropriation 
for the costs of administering and monitoring the Medicare 
program. Nearly 99 percent of spending in this function occurs 
on the mandatory side of the budget, and almost all of the 
mandatory spending consists of payments for Medicare benefits.

                     Function Levels and Priorities

                                             FUNCTION 570: MEDICARE
                                            [In billions of dollars]
                                        2008       2009       2010       2011       2012       2013    2009-2013
Total Spending:
    Budget Authority...............      390.5      420.2      445.2      494.4      491.4      552.4    2,403.5
    Outlays........................      390.5      420.0      445.3      494.2      491.1      552.5    2,403.1
    Budget Authority...............        4.9        5.2        5.4        5.6        5.9        6.2       28.4
    Outlays........................        5.0        5.2        5.4        5.6        5.9        6.2       28.3
Mandatory Spending:
    Budget Authority...............      385.5      415.0      439.8      488.7      485.4      546.2    2,375.1
    Outlays........................      385.4      414.8      440.0      488.6      485.2      546.3    2,374.9

    The budget resolution rejects the Administration's harmful 
cuts to Medicare. The resolution assumes the extension of 
Medicare premium assistance for qualified individuals with 
incomes between 120 and 135 percent of the federal poverty 
level and limited financial resources. The resolution assumes 
that savings from Medicare program efficiency improvements will 
offset the costs of extending the premium assistance program as 
well other initiatives to improve the Medicare program for 
    The resolution assumes targeted assistance to hospitals 
with 100 beds or more that have faced a reduction in Medicare 
disproportionate share hospital payments due to assignment to a 
Micropolitan area.
    The resolution provides a discretionary cap adjustment of 
$198 million for additional activities aimed at detecting and 
preventing Medicare fraud. The Health Care Fraud and Abuse 
Control program--a joint effort of the Department of Health and 
Human Services, the HHS Office of Inspector General, and the 
Department of Justice--generated roughly $4 in program savings 
for every dollar spent in 2004 and 2005.
    The resolution also contains a reserve fund to accommodate 
legislation for Medicare program improvements.
                     FUNCTION 600: INCOME SECURITY


                            Function Summary

    Function 600 consists of a range of income security 
programs that provide cash or near-cash assistance (e.g., 
housing, nutrition, and energy assistance) to low-income 
persons, and benefits to certain retirees, persons with 
disabilities, and the unemployed. Housing assistance programs 
account for the largest share of discretionary funding in this 
function. Major federal entitlement programs in this function 
include unemployment insurance, trade adjustment assistance 
income support, food stamps, Temporary Assistance to Needy 
Families, foster care, and Supplemental Security Income. 
Federal and other retirement and disability programs comprise 
approximately one third of the funds in this function.

                     Function Levels and Priorities

                                          FUNCTION 600: INCOME SECURITY
                                            [In billions of dollars]
                                        2008       2009       2010       2011       2012       2013    2009-2013
Total Spending:
    Budget Authority...............      389.9      411.7      417.5      426.9      412.4      428.0    2,096.5
    Outlays........................      394.1      414.0      418.6      427.5      412.8      427.7    2,100.7
    Budget Authority...............       52.3       55.6       57.6       58.8       59.3       60.7      292.1
    Outlays........................       58.0       59.7       60.2       60.9       61.3       61.7      303.9
Mandatory Spending:
    Budget Authority...............      337.5      356.1      359.9      368.1      353.0      367.2    1,804.4
    Outlays........................      336.1      354.3      358.4      366.6      351.5      366.0    1,796.8

    The discretionary resources for Function 600 represent an 
increase over both the 2008 level and the President's request. 
The funding will support efforts to reduce the unacceptable 
number of Americans who live in poverty and to provide 
assistance to those in need. The budget resolution includes 
additional funding to address the current shortfall in the 
project-based rental assistance program, prevent a shortfall in 
the tenant-based rental assistance program which would occur 
under the President's budget, and improve supportive housing 
for the elderly, as in H.R. 2930 as passed by the House. The 
resolution also specifically rejects the President's cut to the 
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).
    Economic uncertainty and rising costs are increasing the 
need for food assistance for children and adults. The budget 
resolution rejects the President's proposals to terminate food 
stamps for 390,000 working families and eliminate the Commodity 
Supplemental Food Program and notes that legislation that 
passed the House with bipartisan support was an appropriate 
first step toward ensuring that nutrition assistance keeps up 
with inflation and rising food prices.
    Mandatory programs in Function 600 are also addressed in 
the resolution's deficit-neutral reserve funds for Trade 
Adjustment Assistance and Unemployment Insurance modernization, 
and child support enforcement.
                     FUNCTION 650: SOCIAL SECURITY 


                            Function Summary

    Function 650 consists of the two payroll tax-financed 
programs that are collectively known as Social Security: Old-
Age and Survivors Insurance and Disability Insurance (OASDI). 
This function includes Social Security benefit payments and 
funding to the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the 
Office of the Inspector General (OIG) to administer the program 
and ensure program integrity. Under provisions of the 
Congressional Budget Act and the Budget Enforcement Act, Social 
Security trust funds are off-budget and do not appear in the 
budget resolution totals. However, a small portion of spending 
in Function 650--the general fund transfer of income taxes on 
Social Security benefits--is considered on-budget and appears 
in the budget resolution totals. The table and discussion below 
contain information pertaining to both the on-budget and off-
budget components.

                     Function Levels and Priorities

                                        FUNCTION 650: SOCIAL SECURITY\1\
                                            [In billions of dollars]
                                        2008       2009       2010       2011       2012       2013    2009-2013
Total Spending:
    Budget Authority...............      619.6      654.3      688.7      723.9      765.5      811.7    3,644.0
    Outlays........................      616.6      651.4      685.8      720.5      761.8      807.6    3,627.0
    Budget Authority...............        5.0        5.2        5.4        5.5        5.7        5.9       27.7
    Outlays........................        4.9        5.2        5.3        5.5        5.7        5.8       27.5
Mandatory Spending:
    Budget Authority...............      614.6      649.1      683.3      718.3      759.8      805.8    3,616.3
    Outlays........................      611.7      646.2      680.4      715.0      756.1      801.8   3,599.5
\1\Includes on- and off-budget amounts.

    The resolution rejects the President's private account 
proposal for Social Security.
    The administrative budget for the SSA includes resources in 
Function 570 (Medicare) and Function 600 (Income Security) as 
well as Function 650. The resolution assumes a $10.4 billion 
discretionary funding level for the administrative expenses of 
SSA and the OIG. The increased resources will enable SSA to 
address the significant number of individuals waiting for 
disability and hearing decisions and thereby reduce its 
unacceptable backlog in case reviews.
    The budget also accommodates an additional $240 million 
above the funding level through a discretionary cap adjustment 
for program integrity initiatives. The cap adjustment allows 
the agency to conduct an increasing number of Continuing 
Disability Reviews (CDRs) and Supplemental Security Income 


                            Function Summary

    Function 700 covers the programs of the Department of 
Veterans Affairs (VA), including veterans' medical care, 
compensation and pensions, education and rehabilitation 
benefits, and housing programs. It also includes the Department 
of Labor's Veterans' Employment and Training Service, the 
United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, and the 
American Battle Monuments Commission. More than 99 percent of 
appropriated veterans' funding goes to VA, and more than 85 
percent of this funding is for VA medical care and hospital 

                     Function Levels and Priorities

                                  FUNCTION 700: VETERANS BENEFITS AND SERVICES
                                            [In billions of dollars]
                                        2008       2009       2010       2011       2012       2013    2009-2013
Total Spending:
    Budget Authority...............       86.4       93.3       96.0      101.8       99.1      105.1      495.3
    Outlays........................       83.6       92.4       95.7      101.5       98.3      104.3      492.2
    Budget Authority...............       43.3       48.2       49.4       50.8       52.2       53.7      254.2
    Outlays........................       40.6       47.5       49.3       50.5       51.6       53.1      252.0
Mandatory Spending:
    Budget Authority...............       43.1       45.1       46.6       51.0       46.9       51.4      241.0
    Outlays........................       43.0       45.0       46.5       51.0       46.7       51.1      240.2

    For 2009, the resolution provides $4.9 billion of 
discretionary budget authority over the 2008 level and $3.2 
billion above the President's 2009 budget. The resolution 
reflects the very high priority that Congress places on 
adequately funding veterans' medical care. The resolution also 
rejects the health care enrollment fees and drug co-payment 
increases proposed by the President's budget.
    The resolution provides full funding to support excellent 
health care for veterans. The resolution provides funding to 
continue addressing problems such as those identified at Walter 
Reed Army Medical Center to improve military and veterans' 
health care facilities and services.
    The resolution provides funding in Function 700 above the 
President's requested level for 2009 to address important 
priorities including veterans' mental health, post-traumatic 
stress disorder, and traumatic brain injury (TBI). There have 
been many TBIs in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Committee notes 
that there is legislation to address the prevalence of epilepsy 
among veterans, especially those with TBI. Research conducted 
by VA and the Department of Defense found that about half of 
Vietnam veterans who suffered penetrating head injuries 
developed epilepsy. The resolution also has additional funding 
for disability compensation claims processing so that VA can 
continue to address the inventory of pending claims.
    The Committee notes that many military service families are 
experiencing financial difficulties due to overseas military 
deployments and that Congress should consider ways to address 
these difficulties.


                            Function Summary

    The Administration of Justice function consists of federal 
law enforcement programs, litigation and judicial activities, 
correctional operations, and state and local justice 
assistance. Agencies within this function include: the Federal 
Bureau of Investigation; the Drug Enforcement Administration; 
Border and Transportation Security; the Bureau of Alcohol, 
Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; the United States Attorneys; 
legal divisions within the Department of Justice; the Legal 
Services Corporation; the federal Judiciary; and the Federal 
Bureau of Prisons. This function includes several components of 
the Department of Homeland Security.

                     Function Levels and Priorities

                                     FUNCTION 750: ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE
                                            [In billions of dollars]
                                        2008       2009       2010       2011       2012       2013    2009-2013
Total Spending:
    Budget Authority...............       46.2       48.1       49.1       50.3       51.6       53.0      252.1
    Outlays........................       44.3       47.9       49.6       50.6       51.5       52.5      252.2
    Budget Authority...............       45.5       45.1       48.3       49.7       51.1       52.5      246.7
    Outlays........................       43.3       46.3       48.0       49.4       50.9       52.1      246.7
Mandatory Spending:
    Budget Authority...............        0.7        3.0        0.8        0.7        0.6        0.4        5.5
    Outlays........................        1.0        1.6        1.6        1.2        0.6        0.5        5.4

    For Function 750, the budget resolution rejects the 
President's repeated cut of local law enforcement programs. 
Instead, the function total includes enough resources to 
increase homeland security programs and provide for law 
enforcement programs, such as the State Criminal Alien 
Assistance Program (SCAAP)--and recognizes the importance of 
this critical reimbursement program.
    In addition to rejecting the repeated cuts to SCAAP in the 
President's budget, the resolution also rejects the President's 
cuts to Community Oriented Policing Services and Edward Byrne 
Memorial Justice Assistance Grants--both of which are important 
priorities for keeping our communities safe. The resolution 
values the funding Byrne-JAG provides to local law enforcement 
at a time when many communities are combating problems 
including a methamphetamine epidemic and other crime.
    In addition, the resolution protects both our youth and 
victims of crime by restoring cuts to both juvenile justice and 
programs to prevent violence against women and by limiting 
amounts diverted from the Crime Victims Fund. The resolution 
provides funding above the President's budget level for 2009 
for these purposes and to protect the border.
                    FUNCTION 800: GENERAL GOVERNMENT


                            Function Summary

    This function includes the activities of the White House 
and the Executive Office of the President, the legislative 
branch, and programs designed to carry out the legislative and 
administrative responsibilities of the federal government, 
including the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), personnel 
management, fiscal operations, and property control.

                     Function Levels and Priorities

                                        FUNCTION 800: GENERAL GOVERNMENT
                                            [In billions of dollars]
                                        2008       2009       2010       2011       2012       2013    2009-2013
Total Spending:
    Budget Authority...............       56.4       23.5       20.0       20.6       21.3       22.0      107.4
    Outlays........................       56.9       23.9       20.0       20.5       21.3       21.8      107.5
    Budget Authority...............       17.1       17.8       18.3       18.8       19.4       20.1       94.4
    Outlays........................       17.4       18.3       18.4       18.8       19.3       19.9       94.6
Mandatory Spending:
    Budget Authority...............       39.4        5.7        1.7        1.8        1.9        1.9       13.0
    Outlays........................       39.5        5.6        1.6        1.7        2.0        1.9       12.9

    The budget resolution includes a program integrity 
initiative to increase IRS tax compliance efforts to collect 
unpaid taxes from those who are not paying what they owe. 
Funding in this function could be used for items such as H.R. 
3548, the Plain Language in Government Communications Act of 
2007, to enhance citizen access to government information and 
services by establishing plain language as the standard style 
of covered government documents issued to the public.
                       FUNCTION 900: NET INTEREST


                            Function Summary

    Function 900 consists primarily of the interest paid by the 
federal government to private and foreign government holders of 
U.S. Treasury securities. This amount is slightly offset by 
interest income received by the federal government on loans and 
cash balances and by earnings of the National Railroad 
Retirement Investment Trust.

                     Function Levels and Priorities

                                          FUNCTION 900: NET INTEREST\1\
                                            [In billions of dollars]
                                        2008       2009       2010       2011       2012       2013    2009-2013
Total Spending:
    Budget Authority...............      233.9      216.8      248.7      275.4      285.0      280.6    1,306.5
    Outlays........................      233.9      216.8      248.7      275.4      285.0      280.6    1,306.5
    Budget Authority...............  .........  .........  .........  .........  .........  .........  .........
    Outlays........................  .........  .........  .........  .........  .........  .........  .........
Mandatory Spending:
    Budget Authority...............      233.9      216.8      248.7      275.4      285.0      280.6    1,306.5
    Outlays........................      233.9      216.8      248.7      275.4      285.0      280.6   1,306.5
\1\Includes on- and off-budget amounts.

    Since 2001, the Federal government's net interest payments 
on its debt have grown dramatically, becoming one of the 
largest and fastest-growing components of the Federal budget, 
exceeding spending on education, veterans' affairs, and 
homeland security combined.
                        FUNCTION 920: ALLOWANCES


                            Function Summary

    This function displays the budgetary effect of proposals 
that cannot easily be distributed across other budget 
functions. In the past, this function has included funding for 
emergencies or proposals contingent on certain events.

                     Function Levels and Priorities

                                            FUNCTION 920: ALLOWANCES
                                            [In billions of dollars]
                                        2008       2009       2010       2011       2012       2013    2009-2013
Total Spending:
    Budget Authority...............        1.0  .........       -0.2       -0.2       -0.2       -0.2       -0.8
    Outlays........................        0.5        0.3       -0.1       -0.2       -0.2       -0.2       -0.3
    Budget Authority...............        1.0  .........  .........  .........  .........  .........  .........
    Outlays........................        0.5        0.3        0.1          *          *  .........        0.5
Mandatory Spending:
    Budget Authority...............  .........  .........       -0.2       -0.2       -0.2       -0.2       -0.8
    Outlays........................  .........  .........       -0.2       -0.2       -0.2       -0.2      -0.8
*Less than $50 million.

    The resolution includes $1.0 billion in 2008 discretionary 
budget authority to cover unanticipated needs, should they 
arise. The resolution also includes $750 million in mandatory 
savings over six years. These savings reflect a reconciliation 
instruction to the Ways and Means Committee. To meet the 
instructions, savings can be achieved in any program within the 
Committee's jurisdiction, other than Social Security, which 
reconciliation cannot impact.


                            Function Summary

    This function comprises major offsetting receipt items that 
would distort the funding levels of other functional categories 
if they were distributed to them.

                     Function Levels and Priorities

                               FUNCTION 950: UNDISTRIBUTED OFFSETTING RECEIPTS\1\
                                            [In billions of dollars]
                                        2008       2009       2010       2011       2012       2013    2009-2013
Total Spending:
    Budget Authority...............      -99.5      -81.0      -85.3      -88.9      -92.6      -97.1     -444.9
    Outlays........................      -99.5      -81.0      -85.3      -88.9      -92.6      -97.1     -444.9
    Budget Authority...............  .........  .........  .........  .........  .........  .........  .........
    Outlays........................  .........  .........  .........  .........  .........  .........  .........
Mandatory Spending:
    Budget Authority...............      -99.5      -81.0      -85.3      -88.9      -92.6      -97.1     -444.9
    Outlays........................      -99.5      -81.0      -85.3      -88.9      -92.6      -97.1    -444.9
\1\Includes on- and off-budget amounts.

    The negative spending in Function 950 represents CBO's 
baseline estimate of undistributed offsetting receipts.


                          Function Description

    This function includes funding for overseas deployments and 
other activities.

                            Function Summary

                                            [In billions of dollars]
                                        2008       2009       2010       2011       2012       2013    2009-2013
Total Spending:
    Budget Authority...............      108.1       70.0  .........  .........  .........  .........       70.0
    Outlays........................       28.9       74.8       47.4       18.3        5.2        1.8      147.4
    Budget Authority...............      108.1       70.0  .........  .........  .........  .........       70.0
    Outlays........................       28.9       74.8       47.4       18.3        5.2        1.8      147.4
Mandatory Spending:
    Budget Authority...............  .........  .........  .........  .........  .........  .........  .........
    Outlays........................  .........  .........  .........  .........  .........  .........  .........

    This function includes, as a placeholder, an amount equal 
to the President's pending request for 2008 and 2009 to account 
for any future House consideration of appropriations for 
overseas deployments and other activities.
                        TITLE II--RECONCILIATION


    Section 201 of the resolution contains reconciliation 
instructions. Reconciliation is a special congressional 
procedure used to implement the spending and revenue targets in 
a budget resolution. The instructions direct a committee to 
make changes in laws under its jurisdiction that affect 
revenues or direct spending to achieve a specified budgetary 
result. The legislation used to implement those instructions is 
reported as a reconciliation bill.
    Section 201 of the resolution contains two separate 
instructions to the Committee on Ways and Means. Subsection (a) 
directs the Committee to report a measure by September 12, 
2008, that reduces direct spending by $750 million for the 
period of fiscal years 2008 through 2013. Subsection (b) 
directs the Committee to report a measure by July 15, 2008, to 
decrease revenues by $70 billion in fiscal year 2009 and to 
increase revenues by $70 billion for the period of fiscal years 
2010 through 2013. When only one committee receives an 
instruction the measure is reported directly to the House.
    Last year the House adopted a rule relating to 
reconciliation instructions (Rule XXI, clause 7). The rule 
requires that any reconciliation instruction must not increase 
the deficit or reduce the surplus over the PAYGO time periods. 
These instructions satisfy the requirement established under 
clause 7 of Rule XXI.
                        TITLE III--RESERVE FUNDS


Sec. 301. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for the State Children's Health 
        Insurance Program
    The reserve fund accommodates legislation, within the 
jurisdiction of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, of up to 
$50 billion in additional outlays to improve children's health 
through reauthorization of the State Children's Health 
Insurance Program (SCHIP) as long as the authorizing 
legislation placed before the House complies with the pay-as-
you-go principle. These additional resources will sustain 
current caseloads, expand coverage, and reduce the number of 
uninsured children. There are over nine million uninsured 
children in this nation. Last year, Congress twice passed 
bipartisan legislation that would have expanded coverage to 
nearly four million additional children if the President had 
not twice vetoed the legislation.
Sec. 302. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for veterans and servicemembers
    The reserve fund accommodates legislation that enhances 
medical care for wounded or disabled military personnel or 
veterans; maintains affordable health care for military 
retirees and veterans; improves disability benefits or 
evaluations for wounded or disabled military personnel or 
veterans, including measures to expedite the claims process; 
expands eligibility to permit additional disabled military 
retirees to receive both disability compensation and retired 
pay; eliminates the offset between Survivor Benefit Plan 
annuities and veterans' dependency and indemnity compensation; 
or provides or increases benefits for Filipino veterans of 
World War II or their survivors and dependents, to the extent 
that any such legislation complies with the pay-as-you-go 
Sec. 303. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for education benefits for 
        servicemembers, veterans, and their families
    The reserve fund accommodates legislation that enhances 
education benefits or assistance for servicemembers, members of 
the National Guard, reservists, veterans, or their spouses, 
survivors, or dependents, to the extent that such legislation 
complies with the pay-as-you-go principle. Among the proposals 
that the reserve fund could accommodate is H.R. 3882, which 
would address a provision in law that results in certain 
members of the National Guard and Reserves receiving less in 
Montgomery GI bill (MGIB) education benefits than 
servicemembers who served about the same amount of time on 
active duty. The current requirement for receiving full MGIB 
benefits is active-duty service of 24 months.
Sec. 304. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for infrastructure investment
    The reserve fund accommodates legislation that provides for 
increased investment in infrastructure projects, so long as it 
complies with the pay-as-you-go principle. The fund 
accommodates new investment in highways, bridges, transit, 
rail, aviation, ports, waterways, and water treatment 
facilities, among other types of infrastructure.
Sec. 305. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for renewable energy and energy 
    The reserve fund accommodates legislation that provides tax 
incentives for or otherwise encourages the production of 
renewable energy or increased energy efficiency; encourages 
investment in emerging energy or vehicle technologies or carbon 
capture and sequestration; provides for reductions in 
greenhouse gas emissions; or facilitates the training of 
workers for these industries (``green collar jobs''), to the 
extent that any such legislation complies with the pay-as-you-
go principle. For example, one item that the reserve fund could 
accommodate is extension of the solar energy and fuel cell 
investment tax credit.

Sec. 306. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for middle-income tax relief and 
        economic equity

    The reserve fund for middle-income tax relief supports 
legislation to reduce tax burdens on middle-income families and 
taxpayers that complies with the pay-as-you-go principle. This 
includes legislation such as the extension of the 10 percent 
individual income tax rate, marriage penalty relief, the child 
tax credit, the research and experimentation tax credit, the 
deduction for small business expensing, and the deduction for 
State and local sales taxes. It also accommodates elimination 
of estate taxes on all but a minute fraction of estates, and a 
tax credit for school construction.

Sec. 307. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for reform of the alternative 
        minimum tax

    The reserve fund for Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) relief 
accommodates legislation that reforms the tax code to shield 
middle-income families from the AMT as long as it adheres to 
the pay-as-you-go principle. Without reform, the number of 
taxpayers subject to the AMT will rise from 4.2 million in 2007 
to 25.7 million in 2008 and to 28.3 million in 2009, according 
to the Joint Committee on Taxation.

Sec. 308. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for higher education

    The reserve fund accommodates reforms to the student loan 
programs or changes in law that increase benefits to students, 
consistent with the pay-as-you-go principle adopted by the 
House. Both the House and the Senate have passed bills to 
reauthorize the Higher Education Act, and this reserve fund 
will provide committees maximum flexibility in finding offsets 
to make college more affordable and accessible for students.

Sec. 309. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for affordable housing

    The reserve fund accommodates legislation that creates an 
affordable housing fund, offset by savings from reforming the 
regulation of certain government-sponsored entities, such as 
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, to the extent that such legislation 
complies with the pay-as-you-go principle.

Sec. 310. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for Medicare improvements

    The reserve fund accommodates additional mandatory spending 
for Medicare program improvements such as increasing the 
Medicare reimbursement rate for physicians while holding 
beneficiaries harmless from associated premium increases, as 
long as the legislation is consistent with the House pay-as-
you-go principle. Under current law, physicians face a 10.6 
percent cut in their Medicare payment rate on July 1 of this 
year, and further cuts every year through 2016. The reserve 
fund also accommodates other program improvements, such as 
greater access to preventive benefits; additional assistance 
for low-income beneficiaries; and better efficiencies within 
the Part D program, such as prompt payment of prescription drug 
claims; as long as the legislation is consistent with the pay-
as-you-go principle.

Sec. 311. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for health care quality, 
        effectiveness, and efficiency

    The reserve fund accommodates legislation that: provides 
incentives or other support for adoption of modern health 
information technology; establishes a new federal or public-
private initiative for research on the comparative 
effectiveness of different medical interventions; or that 
provides parity between health insurance coverage of mental 
health benefits and benefits for medical and surgical services, 
including parity in public programs; as long as the legislation 
is consistent with the House pay-as-you-go principle.

Sec. 312. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for Medicaid and other programs

    The reserve fund accommodates legislation that prevents or 
delays the implementation or administration of regulations or 
administrative actions affecting Medicaid, SCHIP, or other 
programs, as well as extension of the Transitional Medical 
Assistance (TMA) or Qualified Individuals (QI) programs, as 
long as the legislation complies with the pay-as-you-go 
principle. TMA provides temporary Medicaid assistance for 
families transitioning to the workforce and QI provides premium 
assistance for lower-income Medicare beneficiaries.

Sec. 313. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for trade adjustment assistance 
        and unemployment insurance modernization

    The reserve fund accommodates legislation to reauthorize 
and expand the trade adjustment assistance program (TAA) and 
modernize the unemployment insurance (UI) system, consistent 
with the pay-as-you go rule adopted by the House. Last year, 
the House passed legislation that included much-needed reforms 
to substantially increase the number of workers able to receive 
needed income support and job training, and it is awaiting 
Senate action.

Sec. 314. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for county payments legislation

    The reserve fund accommodates any legislation that 
reauthorizes the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-
Determination Act (Public Law 106-393) or makes changes to the 
Payments in Lieu of Taxes Act of 1976 (Public Law 94-565), to 
the extent that such legislation complies with the pay-as-you-
go principle. Public Law 106-393 provides economic assistance 
for roads and schools in rural communities affected by the loss 
of receipts from sales on federal lands in their communities. 
Federal payments under Public Law 94-565 to local governments 
are designed to offset lost property tax revenue from federal 
lands within the localities. Both forms of assistance are 
intended to compensate local governments for the tax-exempt 
status of the national forests and other federal lands.

Sec. 315. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for San Joaquin River 
        restoration and Navajo Nation water rights settlements

    The reserve fund accommodates legislation that would 
fulfill the purposes of the San Joaquin River Restoration 
Settlement Act, implement a Navajo Nation water rights 
settlement as authorized by the Northwestern New Mexico Rural 
Water Projects Act, or both, to the extent that the legislation 
complies with the pay-as-you-go principle.

Sec. 316. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for the National Park Centennial 

    The reserve fund accommodates any legislation that provides 
for the establishment of the National Parks Centennial Fund, so 
long as it complies with the pay-as-you-go principle. The 
Centennial Fund would provide additional funding for specific 
Interior-approved, community-supported projects within the 
National Park system to improve parks and provide better 
visitor experiences.

Sec. 317. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for child support enforcement

    The reserve fund accommodates legislation to increase the 
number of children who receive the full child support that is 
owed to them by enhancing federal collection efforts or 
supporting state initiatives to pass through 100 percent of 
collected child support to families, as long as the legislation 
complies with the pay-as-you-go principle. For every dollar the 
federal government spends on child support enforcement, $6.50 
is collected on behalf of working families. Last year, the 
child support enforcement system collected $22 billion in 
private support for 17 million children.
                      TITLE IV--BUDGET ENFORCEMENT


Sec. 401. Program Integrity Initiatives
    Section 401 provides for specific allocation adjustments 
for the Committee on Appropriations when the Committee reports 
legislation that includes increased appropriations for the 
following four program integrity initiatives: (1) continuing 
disability reviews and Supplemental Security Income 
redeterminations for the Social Security Administration; (2) 
improved compliance with the provisions of the Internal Revenue 
Code; (3) the healthcare fraud and abuse control program at the 
Department of Health and Human Services; and (4) unemployment 
insurance in-person reemployment and eligibility assessments 
and improper payment reviews.
    The adjustments under this section are intended to do no 
more than provide additional administrative funding for current 
program integrity activities to eliminate errors or fraud in 
the operation of a number of federal programs and to promote 
compliance with federal tax laws. For example, the adjustment 
for unemployment compensation programs is provided to increase 
limited administrative funding for current program integrity 
activities, and not to finance other proposals that would 
adversely affect workers who have received unemployment 
benefits. The section outlines procedures for these allocation 
Sec. 402. Oversight of Government Performance
    Section 402 directs Committees of the House of 
Representatives to review programs within their jurisdiction 
for waste, fraud, and abuse and to include recommendations for 
improved governmental performance in views and estimates 
submitted to the Budget Committee pursuant to section 301(d) of 
the Congressional Budget Act.
Sec. 403. Advance Appropriations
    Section 403 limits the amount and type of advance 
appropriations for fiscal years 2010 and 2011. Under this 
section, advance appropriations for fiscal year 2010 are 
restricted to $27.558 billion for the programs, projects, 
activities, or accounts listed below. Advances for 2011 are 
listed separately. The list is included in this report so that 
the Appropriations Committee can prepare appropriations bills 
for fiscal year 2009 accordingly. The list will also be 
included in the joint explanatory statement of managers to 
accompany the conference report on this resolution. The section 
defines advance appropriations as any new discretionary budget 
authority provided in a bill or joint resolution making general 
or continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2009 that first 
becomes available for any fiscal year after 2009.
Advance Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2010:
    Employment and Training Administration
    Education for the Disadvantaged
    School Improvement
    Children and Family Services (Head Start)
    Special Education
    Career, Technical and Adult Education
    Payment to Postal Service
    Tenant-based Rental Assistance
    Project-based Rental Assistance

Advance Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2011:

    The Corporation for Public Broadcasting

Sec. 404. Overseas Deployments and Emergency Needs

    Section 404 establishes a procedure whereby provisions or 
measures reported by the Committee on Appropriations will be 
exempt from the restrictions under titles III and IV of the 
Congressional Budget Act of 1974. The exemption will apply if: 
(1) the Committee determines and designates that amounts 
appropriated are necessary for overseas deployments and related 
activities; or, (2) the Committee provides discretionary 
appropriations and designates those amounts as necessary to 
meet emergency needs.

Sec. 405. Budgetary Treatment of Certain Discretionary Administrative 

    Section 405 provides that administrative expenses of the 
Social Security Administration and of the Postal Service shall 
be part of the annual appropriations process by including those 
expenses in the allocation to the Committee on Appropriations 
pursuant to section 302 of the Congressional Budget Act.

Sec. 406. Application and Effect of Changes in Allocations and 

    Section 406 details the allocation and aggregate adjustment 
procedures that are required to accommodate legislation for the 
reserve funds and program integrity initiatives in this 
resolution. This section provides that the adjustments shall 
apply while the legislation is under consideration and take 
effect upon enactment of the legislation. In addition, the 
section requires the adjustments to be printed in the 
Congressional Record.
    The section also notes that, for purposes of enforcement, 
aggregate and allocation levels resulting from adjustments made 
pursuant to this resolution will have the same effect as if 
adopted in the original levels of Title I of this budget 
resolution. This section also provides that the Committee on 
the Budget shall determine the budgetary levels and estimates 
which are required to enforce points of order under the 
Congressional Budget Act.

Sec. 407. Adjustments to Reflect Changes in Concepts and Definitions

    Section 407 requires the chairman of the Committee on the 
Budget to adjust levels and allocations in this budget 
resolution upon enactment of legislation that changes concepts 
or definitions.

Sec. 408. Exercise of Rulemaking Powers

    Section 408 provides that, once adopted, the provisions of 
the budget resolution are incorporated into the rules of the 
House of Representatives and shall supersede inconsistent 
rules. The section recognizes the constitutional right of the 
House of Representatives to change those rules at any time.
                            TITLE V--POLICY


    Title V of the resolution contains the following policy 
    Sec. 501. Policy on middle-income tax relief
    Sec. 502. Policy on defense priorities
                      TITLE VI--SENSE OF THE HOUSE


    Title VI of the resolution contains the following Sense of 
the House sections:
    Sec. 601. Sense of the House on the Innovation Agenda and 
America Competes Act.
    Sec. 602. Sense of the House on servicemembers' and 
veterans' health care and other priorities.
    Sec. 603. Sense of the House on homeland security.
    Sec. 604. Sense of the House regarding long-term fiscal 
    Sec. 605. Sense of the House regarding waste, fraud, and 
    Sec. 606. Sense of the House regarding extension of the 
statutory pay-as-you-go rule.
    Sec. 607. Sense of the House on long-term budgeting.
    Sec. 608. Sense of the House regarding the need to maintain 
and build upon efforts to fight hunger.
    Sec. 609. Sense of the House regarding affordable health 
    Sec. 610. Sense of the House regarding pay parity.
    Sec. 611. Sense of the House regarding subprime lending and 
    Sec. 612. Sense of the House regarding the importance of 
child support enforcement.
                       ALLOCATIONS TO COMMITTEES

    As required by Section 302(a) of the Congressional Budget 
Act of 1974, the discretionary levels established in the budget 
resolution are allocated to the Appropriations Committee and 
the mandatory spending levels are allocated to each of the 
committees with mandatory spending authority.
    In this report, the Appropriations Committee receives an 
allocation for 2009 and a revised allocation for 2008. The 
authorizing committees receive allocations for 2009 and the 
five-year period 2009 through 2013 as well as a revised 
allocation for 2008. The authorizing committee allocation is 
divided into current law amounts, reauthorization, and 
resolution changes. Reauthorization refers to amounts for 
legislation due for reauthorization that are part of the CBO 
baseline levels. ``Resolution changes'' refers to the budgetary 
impact of legislation enacted after the adoption of this 
resolution, anticipated to reflect a change from baseline 

                        [In millions of dollars]
                                                    2008\1\      2009
Discretionary Action:
  BA............................................   1,046,478   1,014,012
  OT............................................   1,092,822   1,106,894
Current Law Mandatory:
  BA............................................     585,962     576,002
  OT............................................     569,537     564,401
\1\Revision to amounts included in S. Con. Res. 21. Includes emergencies
  incorporated in the Congressional Budget Office March baseline.

                        [In millions of dollars]
                                        2008\1\      2009   ------------
Committee on Agriculture:
  Current Law:
    BA...............................     11,727      4,722       19,098
    OT...............................     14,389      4,172       18,040
    BA...............................        696     49,116      258,683
    OT...............................        195     48,992      256,484
    BA...............................     12,423     53,838      277,781
    OT...............................     14,584     53,164      274,524
Committee on Armed Services:
  Current Law:
    BA...............................    118,947    126,033      668,582
    OT...............................    118,740    125,867      667,924
Committee on Education and Labor:
  Current Law:
    BA...............................      5,425      4,844       37,814
    OT...............................      5,851      3,548       38,223
    BA...............................  .........      2,975       17,690
    OT...............................  .........      1,934       16,179
    BA...............................      5,425      7,819       55,504
    OT...............................      5,851      5,482       54,402
Committee on Energy and Commerce:
  Current Law:
    BA...............................    243,778    260,159    1,466,490
    OT...............................    245,897    260,365    1,467,530
    BA...............................  .........  .........       20,160
    OT...............................  .........      1,552       22,030
    BA...............................    243,778    260,159    1,486,650
    OT...............................    245,897    261,917    1,489,560
Committee on Financial Services:
  Current Law:
    BA...............................      7,255      3,992       23,648
    OT...............................      2,337       -566       -7,256
Committee on Foreign Affairs:
  Current Law:
    BA...............................     15,852     15,966       73,053
    OT...............................     15,819     15,955       73,024
Committee on Homeland Security:
  Current Law:
    BA...............................      1,751      1,561        8,455
    OT...............................      1,443      1,532        8,509
Committee on House Administration:
  Current Law:
    BA...............................         70         69          341
    OT...............................        225         19          343
Committee on the Judiciary:
  Current Law:
    BA...............................      6,228      8,673       34,780
    OT...............................      6,505      7,343       35,103
Committee on Natural Resources:
  Current Law:
    BA...............................      5,393      5,725       28,500
    OT...............................      5,182      5,320       27,863

Committee on Oversight and Government
  Current Law:
    BA...............................     85,092     88,841      480,005
    OT...............................     83,280     86,824      467,921
Committee on Science and Technology:
  Current Law:
    BA...............................        126        126          630
    OT...............................        108        115          619
Committee on Small Business:
  Current Law:
    BA...............................       -333  .........  ...........
    OT...............................       -333  .........  ...........
Committee on Transportation and
  Current Law:
    BA...............................     63,279     56,120      116,919
    OT...............................     13,701     14,286       75,635
    BA...............................        920      3,405      190,697
    OT...............................  .........  .........        1,752
  Resolution Change:
    BA...............................  .........      1,496        4,176
    OT...............................  .........  .........  ...........
    BA...............................     64,199     61,021      311,792
    OT...............................     13,701     14,286       77,387
Committee on Veterans Affairs:
  Current Law:
    BA...............................        746      1,166        5,595
    OT...............................        801      1,247        6,208
    BA...............................  .........        930       12,395
    OT...............................  .........        857       12,074
    BA...............................        746      2,096       17,990
    OT...............................        801      2,104       18,282
Committee on Ways and Means:
  Current Law:
    BA...............................    858,297    824,391    4,589,714
    OT...............................    858,642    825,106    4,597,261
    BA...............................  .........        947       65,298
    OT...............................  .........        698       58,515
  Resolution Change:
    BA...............................  .........  .........         -750
    OT...............................  .........  .........         -750
    BA...............................    858,297    825,338    4,654,262
    OT...............................    858,642    825,804    4,655,026
\1\Revision to amounts for 2008 included in S. Con. Res. 21.

                                                                [In billions of dollars]
                            Fiscal year                                2008        2009        2010        2011        2012        2013       2009-2013
Total Spending:
  BA..............................................................   3,029.347   3,032.185   3,093.126   3,247.404   3,315.728   3,472.298    16,160.741
  OT..............................................................   2,932.743   3,063.405   3,148.367   3,262.946   3,300.867   3,458.775    16,234.360
  BA..............................................................   2,556.254   2,529.246   2,564.161   2,698.039   2,740.065   2,866.862    13,398.373
  OT..............................................................   2,462.616   2,563.380   2,622.295   2,716.979   2,728.965   2,857.394    13,489.013
  BA..............................................................     473.093     502.939     528.965     549.365     575.663     605.436     2,762.368
  OT..............................................................     470.127     500.025     526.072     545.967     571.902     601.381     2,745.347
  Total...........................................................   2,546.245   2,723.000   2,939.435   3,214.493   3,479.113   3,616.784    15,972.824
  On-budget.......................................................   1,879.540   2,027.124   2,205.864   2,442.025   2,669.315   2,771.740    12,116.067
  Off-budget......................................................     666.705     695.876     733.571     772.468     809.798     845.044     3,856.757
Surplus/Deficit (-):
  Total...........................................................    -386.498    -340.405    -208.932     -48.453     178.246     158.009      -261.536
  On-budget.......................................................    -583.076    -536.256    -416.431    -274.954     -59.650     -85.654    -1,372.946
  Off-budget......................................................     196.578     195.851     207.499     226.501     237.896     243.663     1,111.410
Debt Subject to Limit (end of year)...............................       9,567      10,200      10,724      11,104      11,295      11,495            na
Debt Held by the Public (end of year).............................       5,397       5,754       5,981       6,048       5,886       5,744            na

                                                                       By Function
National Defense (050):
  BA..............................................................     590.686     542.497     550.414     557.026     565.800     576.223     2,791.960
  OT..............................................................     576.173     573.362     560.726     560.099     556.699     568.829     2,819.715
International Affairs (150):
  BA..............................................................      32.648      37.111      38.516      39.433      40.247      40.677       195.984
  OT..............................................................      32.843      35.702      36.918      37.679      38.154      38.346       186.799
General Science, Space, and Technology (250):
  BA..............................................................      27.407      29.934      31.165      32.474      33.853      35.298       162.724
  OT..............................................................      26.456      28.700      30.604      32.201      33.564      34.477       159.546
Energy (270):
  BA..............................................................       3.548       4.674       4.645       4.712       4.803       4.895        23.729
  OT..............................................................       1.681       2.192       2.878       3.371       3.738       4.020        16.199
Natural Resources and Environment (300):
  BA..............................................................      32.560      38.651      33.782      34.670      35.568      36.490       179.161
  OT..............................................................      34.440      35.576      36.192      36.420      36.745      37.299       182.232
Agriculture (350):
  BA..............................................................      22.456      21.529      21.719      21.891      22.263      22.621       110.023
  OT..............................................................      21.528      21.279      20.680      20.876      21.435      21.816       106.086
Commerce and Housing Credit (370):
  BA..............................................................      12.666      10.818      14.454       8.973       9.230       9.635        53.110
  OT..............................................................       6.818       4.980       6.402       2.168       1.719       1.641        16.910
  BA..............................................................      11.216       9.560      13.887       8.998       9.246       9.642        51.333
  OT..............................................................       5.381       3.722       5.835       2.193       1.735       1.648        15.133
  BA..............................................................       1.450       1.258       0.567      -0.025      -0.016      -0.007         1.777
  OT..............................................................       1.437       1.258       0.567      -0.025      -0.016      -0.007         1.777
Transportation (400):
  BA..............................................................      79.794      73.444      77.507      78.534      79.485      80.478       389.448
  OT..............................................................      77.795      80.443      83.861      86.062      88.134      90.443       428.943
Community and Regional Development (450):
  BA..............................................................      20.029      14.553      14.826      15.134      15.450      15.755        75.718
  OT..............................................................      27.819      24.251      21.816      17.874      15.817      15.561        95.319
Education, Training, Employment and Social Services (500):
  BA..............................................................      90.077      95.235     102.594     105.612     107.828     101.690       512.959
  OT..............................................................      90.729      90.947      98.345     103.135     104.397     103.490       500.314

Health (550):
  BA..............................................................     285.101     306.795     323.767     344.749     367.766     393.085     1,736.162
  OT..............................................................     286.688     305.334     324.138     343.718     366.312     391.326     1,730.828
Medicare (570):
  BA..............................................................     390.458     420.191     445.225     494.370     491.353     552.389     2,403.528
  OT..............................................................     390.454     419.974     445.349     494.193     491.110     552.503     2,403.129
Income Security (600):
  BA..............................................................     389.865     411.699     417.519     426.924     412.355     427.988     2,096.485
  OT..............................................................     394.100     414.032     418.617     427.541     412.831     427.703     2,100.724
Social Security (650):
  BA..............................................................     619.586     654.285     688.653     723.873     765.529     811.701     3,644.041
  OT..............................................................     616.633     651.371     685.760     720.475     761.768     807.646     3,627.020
  BA..............................................................      19.378      21.308      23.794      27.330      30.342      33.162       135.936
  OT..............................................................      19.378      21.308      23.794      27.330      30.342      33.162       135.936
  BA..............................................................     600.208     632.977     664.859     696.543     735.187     778.539     3,508.105
  OT..............................................................     597.255     630.063     661.966     693.145     731.426     774.484     3,491.084
Veterans Benefits and Services (700):
  BA..............................................................      86.365      93.268      96.000     101.800      99.115     105.094       495.277
  OT..............................................................      83.551      92.443      95.710     101.475      98.271     104.266       492.165
Administration of Justice (750):
  BA..............................................................      46.237      48.104      49.101      50.338      51.622      52.967       252.132
  OT..............................................................      44.282      47.936      49.602      50.596      51.501      52.542       252.177
General Government (800):
  BA..............................................................      56.407      23.520      19.961      20.611      21.319      22.007       107.418
  OT..............................................................      56.920      23.890      19.987      20.496      21.332      21.787       107.492
Net Interest (900):
  BA..............................................................     233.896     216.833     248.734     275.397     284.954     280.592     1,306.510
  OT..............................................................     233.896     216.833     248.734     275.397     284.954     280.592     1,306.510
  BA..............................................................     349.296     334.233     370.534     406.997     427.954     436.292     1,976.010
  OT..............................................................     349.296     334.233     370.534     406.997     427.954     436.292     1,976.010
  BA..............................................................    -115.400    -117.400    -121.800    -131.600    -143.000    -155.700      -669.500
  OT..............................................................    -115.400    -117.400    -121.800    -131.600    -143.000    -155.700      -669.500
Allowances (920):
  BA..............................................................       1.000       0.000      -0.150      -0.200      -0.200      -0.200        -0.750
  OT..............................................................       0.531       0.307      -0.053      -0.164      -0.178      -0.200        -0.288
Undistributed Offsetting Receipts (950):
  BA..............................................................     -99.495     -80.956     -85.306     -88.917     -92.612     -97.087      -444.878
  OT..............................................................     -99.495     -80.956     -85.306     -88.917     -92.612     -97.087      -444.878
  BA..............................................................     -86.330     -67.060     -70.645     -73.364     -76.104     -79.691      -366.864
  OT..............................................................     -86.330     -67.060     -70.645     -73.364     -76.104     -79.691      -366.864
  BA..............................................................     -13.165     -13.896     -14.661     -15.553     -16.508     -17.396       -78.014
  OT..............................................................     -13.165     -13.896     -14.661     -15.553     -16.508     -17.396       -78.014
Overseas Deployments and Other Activities (970):
  BA..............................................................     108.056      70.000  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........        70.000
  OT..............................................................      28.901      74.809      47.407      18.251       5.176       1.775       147.418

                                                                [In billions of dollars]
                            Fiscal year                                2008        2009        2010        2011        2012        2013       2009-2013
Total Spending:
  BA..............................................................   1,154.534   1,089.773   1,042.073   1,055.523   1,076.220   1,099.928     5,363.517
  OT..............................................................   1,121.723   1,182.855   1,159.554   1,134.891   1,127.022   1,147.385     5,751.707
  BA..............................................................   1,149.274   1,084.282   1,036.430   1,049.716   1,070.237   1,093.761     5,334.426
  OT..............................................................   1,116.542   1,177.437   1,153.940   1,129.111   1,121.069   1,141.248     5,722.805
  BA..............................................................       5.260       5.491       5.643       5.807       5.983       6.167        29.091
  OT..............................................................       5.181       5.418       5.614       5.780       5.953       6.137        28.902

                                                                       By Function
National Defense (050):
  BA..............................................................     587.221     537.769     545.539     551.962     560.690     571.154     2,767.114
  OT..............................................................     572.736     568.657     555.853     555.062     551.624     563.771     2,794.967
International Affairs (150):
  BA..............................................................      36.702      38.313      39.044      39.875      40.720      41.563       199.515
  OT..............................................................      38.332      38.364      38.945      39.665      40.208      40.862       198.044
General Science, Space, and Technology (250):
  BA..............................................................      27.282      29.809      31.040      32.349      33.728      35.173       162.099
  OT..............................................................      26.349      28.586      30.479      32.070      33.440      34.357       158.932
Energy (270):
  BA..............................................................       4.986       6.097       6.079       6.163       6.281       6.400        31.020
  OT..............................................................       3.903       4.507       5.223       5.703       6.062       6.336        27.831
Natural Resources and Environment (300):
  BA..............................................................      31.707      37.556      32.570      33.422      34.324      35.251       173.123
  OT..............................................................      33.901      34.946      35.093      35.185      35.415      35.970       176.609
Agriculture (350):
  BA..............................................................       5.884       6.013       6.152       6.305       6.472       6.642        31.584
  OT..............................................................       6.084       5.961       6.070       6.229       6.388       6.559        31.207
Commerce and Housing Credit (370):
  BA..............................................................       3.061       5.012       9.110       4.019       3.962       3.967        26.070
  OT..............................................................       3.107       4.852       8.257       4.667       3.956       3.981        25.713
    BA............................................................       2.811       4.754       8.843       3.744       3.678       3.674        24.693
    OT............................................................       2.870       4.594       7.990       4.392       3.672       3.688        24.336
    BA............................................................       0.250       0.258       0.267       0.275       0.284       0.293         1.377
    OT............................................................       0.237       0.258       0.267       0.275       0.284       0.293         1.377
Transportation (400):
  BA..............................................................      27.383      24.682      28.574      29.373      30.205      31.081       143.915
  OT..............................................................      76.137      78.354      81.637      83.719      85.726      87.955       417.391
Community and Regional Development (450):
  BA..............................................................      20.276      14.528      14.800      15.107      15.421      15.726        75.582
  OT..............................................................      27.770      22.941      20.657      18.102      16.038      15.773        93.511
Education, Training, Employment and Social Services (500):
  BA..............................................................      79.771      85.295      88.261      90.022      91.810      93.605       448.993
  OT..............................................................      81.068      82.951      87.077      88.764      90.506      92.290       441.588
Health (550):
  BA..............................................................      53.121      57.559      56.478      57.702      58.948      60.207       290.894
  OT..............................................................      53.614      55.494      56.132      56.755      57.800      58.900       285.081
Medicare (570):
  BA..............................................................       4.929       5.227       5.430       5.649       5.912       6.213        28.431
  OT..............................................................       5.011       5.200       5.394       5.616       5.873       6.168        28.251
Income Security (600):
  BA..............................................................      52.336      55.620      57.646      58.780      59.330      60.746       292.122
  OT..............................................................      57.995      59.704      60.227      60.945      61.288      61.711       303.875

Social Security (650):
  BA..............................................................       5.010       5.233       5.376       5.532       5.699       5.874        27.714
  OT..............................................................       4.944       5.160       5.347       5.505       5.669       5.844        27.525
    BA............................................................  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ............
    OT............................................................  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ............
    BA............................................................       5.010       5.233       5.376       5.532       5.699       5.874        27.714
    OT............................................................       4.944       5.160       5.347       5.505       5.669       5.844        27.525
Veterans Benefits and Services (700):
  BA..............................................................      43.262      48.150      49.377      50.760      52.218      53.740       254.245
  OT..............................................................      40.575      47.484      49.255      50.482      51.604      53.142       251.967
Administration of Justice (750):
  BA..............................................................      45.492      45.122      48.311      49.654      51.054      52.522       246.663
  OT..............................................................      43.319      46.315      48.019      49.383      50.925      52.091       246.733
General Government (800):
  BA..............................................................      17.055      17.788      18.286      18.849      19.446      20.064        94.433
  OT..............................................................      17.446      18.263      18.385      18.752      19.302      19.900        94.602
Allowances (920):
  BA..............................................................       1.000  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ............
  OT..............................................................       0.531       0.307       0.097       0.036       0.022  ..........         0.462
Overseas Deployments and Other Activities (970):
  BA..............................................................     108.056      70.000  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........        70.000
  OT..............................................................      28.901      74.809      47.407      18.251       5.176       1.775       147.418

                                         SUMMARY TABLE 3.--FISCAL YEAR 2009 BUDGET RESOLUTION MANDATORY SPENDING
                                                                [In billions of dollars]
                            Fiscal year                                2008        2009        2010        2011        2012        2013       2009-2013
Total Spending:
  BA..............................................................   1,874.813   1,942.412   2,051.053   2,191.881   2,239.508   2,372.370    10,797.224
  OT..............................................................   1,811.020   1,880.550   1,988.813   2,128.055   2,173.845   2,311.390    10,482.653
    BA............................................................   1,406.980   1,444.964   1,527.731   1,648.323   1,669.828   1,773.101     8,063.947
    OT............................................................   1,346.074   1,385.943   1,468.355   1,587.868   1,607.896   1,716.146     7,766.208
    BA............................................................     467.833     497.448     523.322     543.558     569.680     599.269     2,733.277
    OT............................................................     464.946     494.607     520.458     540.187     565.949     595.244     2,716.445

                                                                       By Function
National Defense (050):
  BA..............................................................       3.465       4.728       4.875       5.064       5.110       5.069        24.846
  OT..............................................................       3.437       4.705       4.873       5.037       5.075       5.058        24.748
International Affairs (150):
  BA..............................................................      -4.054      -1.202      -0.528      -0.442      -0.473      -0.886        -3.531
  OT..............................................................      -5.489      -2.662      -2.027      -1.986      -2.054      -2.516       -11.245
General Science, Space, and Technology (250):
  BA..............................................................       0.125       0.125       0.125       0.125       0.125       0.125         0.625
  OT..............................................................       0.107       0.114       0.125       0.131       0.124       0.120         0.614
Energy (270):
  BA..............................................................      -1.438      -1.423      -1.434      -1.451      -1.478      -1.505        -7.291
  OT..............................................................      -2.222      -2.315      -2.345      -2.332      -2.324      -2.316       -11.632
Natural Resources and Environment (300):
  BA..............................................................       0.853       1.095       1.212       1.248       1.244       1.239         6.038
  OT..............................................................       0.539       0.630       1.099       1.235       1.330       1.329         5.623
Agriculture (350):
  BA..............................................................      16.572      15.516      15.567      15.586      15.791      15.979        78.439
  OT..............................................................      15.444      15.318      14.610      14.647      15.047      15.257        74.879
Commerce and Housing Credit (370):
  BA..............................................................       9.605       5.806       5.344       4.954       5.268       5.668        27.040
  OT..............................................................       3.711       0.128      -1.855      -2.499      -2.237      -2.340        -8.803
    BA............................................................       8.405       4.806       5.044       5.254       5.568       5.968        26.640
    OT............................................................       2.511      -0.872      -2.155      -2.199      -1.937      -2.040        -9.203
    BA............................................................       1.200       1.000       0.300      -0.300      -0.300      -0.300         0.400
    OT............................................................       1.200       1.000       0.300      -0.300      -0.300      -0.300         0.400
Transportation (400):
  BA..............................................................      52.411      48.762      48.933      49.161      49.280      49.397       245.533
  OT..............................................................       1.658       2.089       2.224       2.343       2.408       2.488        11.552
Community and Regional Development (450):
  BA..............................................................      -0.247       0.025       0.026       0.027       0.029       0.029         0.136
  OT..............................................................       0.049       1.310       1.159      -0.228      -0.221      -0.212         1.808
Education, Training, Employment and Social Services (500):
  BA..............................................................      10.306       9.940      14.333      15.590      16.018       8.085        63.966
  OT..............................................................       9.661       7.996      11.268      14.371      13.891      11.200        58.726
Health (550):
  BA..............................................................     231.980     249.236     267.289     287.047     308.818     332.878     1,445.268
  OT..............................................................     233.074     249.840     268.006     286.963     308.512     332.426     1,445.747
Medicare (570):
  BA..............................................................     385.529     414.964     439.795     488.721     485.441     546.176     2,375.097
  OT..............................................................     385.443     414.774     439.955     488.577     485.237     546.335     2,374.878
Income Security (600):
  BA..............................................................     337.529     356.079     359.873     368.144     353.025     367.242     1,804.363
  OT..............................................................     336.105     354.328     358.390     366.596     351.543     365.992     1,796.849

Social Security (650):
  BA..............................................................     614.576     649.052     683.277     718.341     759.830     805.827     3,616.327
  OT..............................................................     611.689     646.211     680.413     714.970     756.099     801.802     3,599.495
    BA............................................................      19.378      21.308      23.794      27.330      30.342      33.162       135.936
    OT............................................................      19.378      21.308      23.794      27.330      30.342      33.162       135.936
    BA............................................................     595.198     627.744     659.483     691.011     729.488     772.665     3,480.391
    OT............................................................     592.311     624.903     656.619     687.640     725.757     768.640     3,463.559
Veterans Benefits and Services (700):
  BA..............................................................      43.103      45.118      46.623      51.040      46.897      51.354       241.032
  OT..............................................................      42.976      44.959      46.455      50.993      46.667      51.124       240.198
Administration of Justice (750):
  BA..............................................................       0.745       2.982       0.790       0.684       0.568       0.445         5.469
  OT..............................................................       0.963       1.621       1.583       1.213       0.576       0.451         5.444
General Government (800):
  BA..............................................................      39.352       5.732       1.675       1.762       1.873       1.943        12.985
  OT..............................................................      39.474       5.627       1.602       1.744       2.030       1.887        12.890
Net Interest (900):
  BA..............................................................     233.896     216.833     248.734     275.397     284.954     280.592     1,306.510
  OT..............................................................     233.896     216.833     248.734     275.397     284.954     280.592     1,306.510
    BA............................................................     349.296     334.233     370.534     406.997     427.954     436.292     1,976.010
    OT............................................................     349.296     334.233     370.534     406.997     427.954     436.292     1,976.010
    BA............................................................    -115.400    -117.400    -121.800    -131.600    -143.000    -155.700      -669.500
    OT............................................................    -115.400    -117.400    -121.800    -131.600    -143.000    -155.700      -669.500
Allowances (920):
  BA..............................................................  ..........  ..........      -0.150      -0.200      -0.200      -0.200        -0.750
  OT..............................................................  ..........  ..........      -0.150      -0.200      -0.200      -0.200        -0.750
Undistributed Offsetting Receipts (950):
  BA..............................................................     -99.495     -80.956     -85.306     -88.917     -92.612     -97.087      -444.878
  OT..............................................................     -99.495     -80.956     -85.306     -88.917     -92.612     -97.087      -444.878
    BA............................................................     -86.330     -67.060     -70.645     -73.364     -76.104     -79.691      -366.864
    OT............................................................     -86.330     -67.060     -70.645     -73.364     -76.104     -79.691      -366.864
    BA............................................................     -13.165     -13.896     -14.661     -15.553     -16.508     -17.396       -78.014
    OT............................................................     -13.165     -13.896     -14.661     -15.553     -16.508     -17.396       -78.014

                                                                  [Billions of dollars]
                                                                     Corporations                                 Individuals
                      Function                      ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Total
                                                       2007     2008     2009     2010     2011     2007     2008     2009     2010     2011    2007-11
National Defense
  Exclusion of benefits and allowances to Armed      .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      3.0      3.2      3.3      3.4      3.9       16.8
   Forces personnel................................
  Exclusion of military disability benefits........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1        0.5
  Deduction for overnight-travel expenses of         .......  .......  .......  .......  .......    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)      0.1        0.2
   National Guard and Reserve Members..............
International Affairs
  Exclusion of income earned abroad by U.S.          .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      3.8      4.0      4.2      4.4      4.6       21.0
  Exclusion of certain allowances for Federal        .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      0.6      0.7      0.7      0.8      0.8        3.6
   employees abroad................................
  Deferral of active income of controlled foreign        5.8      6.4      7.0      7.5      7.9  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......       34.6
  Inventory property sales source rule exception...      6.4      6.6      6.8      7.0      7.2  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......       34.0
  Deferral of certain active financing income......      2.3      2.6      0.8  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......        5.7
General Science, Space, and Technology
  Tax credit for increasing research activities....      5.0      3.2      1.9      1.5      1.0      0.1      0.1    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)       12.8
  Expensing of research and experimental                 1.3      2.2      4.6      5.8      6.2    (\1\)    (\1\)      0.1      0.1      0.1       20.9
  Expensing of exploration and development costs:
    Oil and gas....................................      1.1      0.8      0.6      0.5      0.5    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)        3.5
    Other fuels....................................    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)        0.2
  Excess of percentage over cost depletion:
    Oil and gas....................................      1.1      1.2      1.2      1.2      1.2    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)        5.9
    Other fuels....................................      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)        0.7
  Tax credit and deduction for small refiners with     (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......        0.1
   capital costs associated with EPA sulfur
   regulation compliance...........................
  Tax credit for enhanced oil recovery costs.......      0.1    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)      0.1    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)        0.3
  Tax credit for producing fuels from a non-             3.7      1.4    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)      0.8      0.3    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)        6.2
   conventional source.............................
  Tax credits for alcohol fuels (\2\)..............    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......        0.2
  Tax credits for biodiesel fuels (\3\)............      0.1      0.1      (1)  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......        0.2
  Exclusion of interest on State and local             (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1        0.5
   government qualified private activity bonds for
   energy production facilities....................
  Exclusion of energy conservation subsidies         .......  .......  .......  .......  .......    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)        0.1
   provided by public utilities....................
  Energy credit (Section 48).......................      0.1      0.1    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)        0.3
  Tax credits for electricity production from            1.0      1.5      1.8      1.6      1.4      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1        7.8
   renewable resources.............................
  Tax credit for holders of clean renewable energy     (\1\)    (\1\)      0.1      0.1      0.1    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)        0.3
  Tax credits for investments in clean coal power        0.1      0.1      0.2      0.2      0.3  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......        0.8
   generation facilities...........................
  Expensing of the cost of property used in the        (\4\)      0.2      0.5      0.7      0.6  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......        2.1
   refining of liquid fuels........................
  Amortization of geological and geophysical             0.1      0.2      0.2      0.2      0.1    (\1\)      0.1      0.1      0.1    (\1\)        1.1
   expenditures associated with oil and gas
  Deduction for expenditures on energy-efficient       (\1\)      0.1    (\1\)    (\4\)    (\4\)    (\1\)      0.1    (\1\)    (\4\)    (\4\)        0.2
   commercial building property....................
  Tax credit for the purchase of qualified energy    .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      0.3      0.2  .......  .......  .......        0.6
   efficiency improvements to existing homes.......
  Tax credit for the production of energy-efficient      0.1    (\1\)  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......        0.2
  Tax credits for alternative technology vehicles..      0.1    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)      0.2      0.2      0.2      0.1    (\1\)        0.9
  Tax credit for clean-fuel vehicle refueling          (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)        0.1
Natural Resources and Environment
  Expensing of exploration and development costs,        0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)        0.5
   nonfuel minerals................................
  Excess of percentage over cost depletion, nonfuel      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1        1.1
  Expensing of timber-growing costs................      0.2      0.2      0.2      0.2      0.2    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)        1.1
  Exclusion of interest on State and local               0.2      0.2      0.2      0.2      0.2      0.4      0.5      0.5      0.5      0.6        3.5
   government qualified private activity bonds for
   sewage, water, and hazardous waste facilities...
  Special rules for mining reclamation reserves....    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)        0.2
  Special tax rate for nuclear decommissioning           0.6      0.7      0.8      0.8      0.9  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......        3.8
   reserve funds...................................
  Exclusion of contributions in aid of construction    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......        0.2
   for water and sewer utilities...................
  Tax exclusion for earnings of certain                (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......        0.1
   environmental settlement funds..................
  Amortization and expensing of reforestation          (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1        0.6
  Expensing of soil and water conservation             (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)      0.1        0.2
  Expensing of fertilizer and soil conditioner         (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)      0.2      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1        0.6
  Expensing of the costs of raising dairy and          (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1        0.5
   breeding cattle.................................
  Exclusion of cost-sharing payments...............    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)        0.1
  Exclusion of cancellation of indebtedness income   .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1        0.5
   of farmers......................................
  Income averaging for farmers and fisherman.......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)        0.1
  Five-year carryback period for net operating         (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)        0.2
   losses attributable to farming..................
Commerce and Housing
  Financial institutions:
    Exemption of credit union income...............      1.6      1.7      1.8      1.9      1.9  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......        8.9
  Insurance companies:
    Exclusion of investment income on life               2.5      2.6      2.7      2.7      2.8     26.1     26.8     27.5     28.2     28.9      150.9
     insurance and annuity contracts...............
    Small life insurance company taxable income          0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......        0.3
    Special treatment of life insurance company          2.0      2.0      2.1      2.2      2.3  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......       10.7
    Deduction of unpaid property loss reserves for       3.4      3.5      3.6      3.6      3.7  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......       17.8
     property and casualty insurance companies.....
    Special deduction for Blue Cross and Blue            1.0      1.0      1.0      1.1      1.1  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......        5.2
     Shield companies..............................
    Tax exemption for certain small insurance            0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......        0.3
    Deduction for mortgate interest on owner-        .......  .......  .......  .......  .......     73.7     79.9     85.2     90.5    101.0      430.2
     occupied residences...........................
    Deduction for property taxes on owner-occupied   .......  .......  .......  .......  .......     16.8     14.3     14.2     13.9     27.9       87.1
    Exclusion of capital gains on sales of           .......  .......  .......  .......  .......     28.5     29.0     30.1     31.1     34.9      153.5
     principal residences..........................
    Exclusion of interest on State and local             0.4      0.4      0.4      0.4      0.4      0.9      1.0      1.1      1.1      1.2        7.4
     government qualified private activity bonds
     for owner-occupied housing....................
    Exclusion of interest on State and local             0.2      0.2      0.2      0.2      0.2      0.5      0.5      0.6      0.6      0.6        4.0
     government qualified private activity bonds
     for rental housing............................
    Depreciation of rental housing in excess of          0.4      0.5      0.5      0.6      0.7      3.9      4.4      4.9      5.4      6.0       27.4
     alternative depreciation system...............
    Tax credit for low-incoming housing............      4.4      4.6      4.9      5.3      5.7      0.7      0.7      0.7      0.8      0.8       28.7
    Tax credit for rehabilitation of historic            0.3      0.3      0.3      0.4      0.4      0.1      0.1      0.2      0.2      0.2        2.2
    Tax credit for rehabilitation of structures,         (1)      (1)      (1)      1.0      1.0      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.2      0.2        0.8
     other than historic structures................
    Tax credit for Gulf Opportunity Zone employers       0.1  .......  .......  .......  .......      0.1  .......  .......  .......  .......        0.2
     providing in-kind lodging for employees and
     income exclusion for the employees............
    Deduction for premiums for qualified mortgage    .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      (1)      0.1      (1)      (1)      (1)        0.1
  Other business and commerce:
    Reduced rates of tax on dividends and long-term  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......    127.1    127.9    131.0    146.6     99.3      631.9
     capital gains.................................
    Exclusion of capital gains at death............  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......     51.9     53.7     57.5     60.1     56.7      279.9
    Carryover basis of capital gains on gifts......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      5.5      5.7      5.9      6.1      6.0       29.2
    Deferral of gain on non-dealer installment           3.3      1.7      0.9      0.8      1.0      2.3      1.2      0.6      0.5      0.9       13.2
    Deferral of gain on like-kind exchanges........      3.3      3.3      3.3      3.3      3.4      1.0      1.0      1.0      1.1      1.0       21.7
    Depreciation of buildings other than rental          0.6      0.7      0.7      0.7      0.7      0.6      0.7      0.7      0.7      0.7        6.7
     housing in excess of alternative depreciation
    Depreciation of equipment in excess of the           1.8      6.2     11.1     16.5     21.4     -0.3      0.8      2.3      4.1      5.6       69.6
     alternative depreciation system...............
    Expensing under section 179 of depreciable           0.4      0.3      0.2      0.2      0.0      2.9      2.2      1.6      1.7     -0.1        9.5
     business property.............................
    Amortization of business startup costs.........      (1)      (1)      (1)      (1)      (1)      0.7      0.8      0.8      0.9      0.9        4.1
    Reduced rates on first $10,000,000 of corporate      3.5      3.5      3.5      3.4      3.4  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......       17.3
     taxable income................................
    Exemptions from imputed interest rules.........    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)      0.4      0.4      0.4      0.5      0.5        2.2
    Expensing of magazine circulation expenditures.    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)        0.1
    Special rules for magazines, paperback book,       (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)        0.2
     and record returns............................
    Completed contract rules.......................      0.4      0.4      0.5      0.6      0.6    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)        2.5
    Cash accounting, other than agriculture........    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)      0.8      0.8      0.9      0.9      1.0        4.4
    Exclusion of interest on State and local             0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.2      0.3      0.3      0.4      0.4      0.4        2.5
     government small-issue qualified private
     activity bonds................................
    Exception from net operating loss limitations        0.5      0.5      0.5      0.5      0.5  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......        2.5
     for corporations in bankruptcy proceedings....
    Tax credit for employer-paid FICA taxes on tips      0.2      0.3      0.3      0.3      0.3      0.2      0.2      0.2      0.2      0.2        2.5
    Deduction of certain film and television             0.1      0.1    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)        0.4
     production costs..............................
    Deduction for income attributable to domestic        3.9      5.5      5.9      7.4      8.8      1.3      1.8      2.0      2.6      3.4       42.6
     production activities.........................
    Tax credit for the cost of carrying tax-paid       (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......        0.1
     distilled spirits in wholesale inventories....
    Additional first-year depreciation for Gulf          0.9      0.4      0.1      0.0     -0.1      0.4      0.2      0.0      0.0      0.0        1.8
     Opportunity Zone property.....................
    Tax credit for employers for retention of          (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)  .......        0.1
     employees affected by Hurricanes Katrina,
     Rita, and Wilma...............................
    Exclusion of interest on State and local           (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)        0.1
     government qualified private activity bonds
     for highway projects and rail-truck transfer
    Tax credit for certain expenditures on railroad      0.1      0.1      0.1    (\1\)    (\1\)  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......        0.3
     track maintenance.............................
    Deferral of tax on capital construction funds        0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......        0.5
     of shipping companies.........................
    Exclusion of employer-paid transportation        .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      4.7      4.8      4.9      5.1      5.2       24.7
Community and Regional Development
  New York City Liberty Zone tax incentives........      0.1      0.1    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1        0.7
  Empowerment zone tax incentives..................      0.2      0.2      0.2      0.2      0.1      0.4      0.4      0.5      0.3      0.1        2.6
  Renewal community tax incentives.................      0.3      0.4      0.4      0.2    (\1\)      0.4      0.4      0.4      0.2    (\1\)        4.3
  New markets tax credit...........................      0.3      0.4      0.4      0.4      0.3      0.4      0.5      0.5      0.5      0.4        4.2
  District of Columbia tax incentives..............    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.2        0.6
  Expensing of environmental remediation costs           0.1    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)      0.2    (\1\)    (\4\)    (\4\)    (\4\)        0.1
  Accelerated depreciation for business property on      0.2      0.2    (\1\)     -0.1     -0.1      0.1      0.1    (\1\)    (\4\)      0.1        0.6
   Indian reservations.............................
  Tax credit for Indian reservation employment.....    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)        0.1
  Exclusion of interest on state and local             (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)        0.1
   qualified private activity bonds for green
   buildings and sustainable design projects.......
  Exclusion of interest on State and local               0.3      0.3      0.4      0.4      0.4      0.8      0.9      0.9      0.9      1.0        6.2
   government qualified private activity bonds for
   private airports, docks, and mass-communting
Education, Training, Employment, and Social
  Education and training:
    Tax credits for tuition for post-secondary       .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      3.1      4.4      4.9      4.7      5.5       22.6
    Deduction for interest of student loans........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      0.9      0.9      0.9      1.0      0.5        4.3
    Deduction for higher education expenses........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      2.2      0.6  .......  .......  .......        2.9
    Exclusion of earnings of Coverdell education     .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1        0.5
     savings accounts..............................
    Exclusion of tax on earnings of qualified        .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      0.6      0.7      0.9      1.0      1.2        4.4
     tuition programs..............................
    Exclusion of scholarship and fellowship income.  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      1.6      1.7      1.8      1.9      2.0        9.0
    Exclusion of income attributable to the          .......  .......  .......  .......  .......    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)        0.1
     discharge of certain student loan debt and
     NHSC Educational Loan repayments..............
    Exclusion of employer-provided education         .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      0.8      0.8      0.9      0.9      0.2        3.7
     assistance benefits...........................
    Exclusion of employer-provided tuition           .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      0.2      0.2      0.2      0.2      0.2        1.1
     reduction benefits............................
    Parental personal exemption for students age 19  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      0.4      0.1      0.1    (\1\)      0.4        1.0
     to 23.........................................
    Exclusion of interest on State and local             0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.3      0.3      0.4      0.4      0.4        2.5
     government qualified private activity bonds
     for student loans.............................
    Exclusion of interest on State and local             0.4      0.5      0.5      0.5      0.6      1.1      1.2      1.3      1.4      1.4        8.9
     government qualified private activity bonds
     for private nonprofit and qualified public
     educational facilities........................
    Tax credit for holders of qualified zone             0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......        0.6
     academy bonds.................................
    Deduction for charitable contributions to            0.7      0.8      0.8      0.8      0.8      5.9      6.2      6.5      6.9      7.3       36.8
     educational institutions......................
    Above-the-line deduction for teacher classroom   .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      0.2      0.1  .......  .......  .......        0.3
    Exclusion of employee meals and lodging (other   .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      0.9      0.9      1.0      1.0      1.0        5.0
     than military)................................
    Exclusion of benefits provided under cafeteria   .......  .......  .......  .......  .......     30.0     33.6     36.8     40.3     44.8      185.5
    Exclusion of housing allowances for ministers..  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      0.6      0.6      0.6      0.7      0.7        3.2
    Exclusion of miscellaneous fringe benefits.....  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      6.6      7.0      7.2      7.5      8.4       36.7
    Exclusion of employee awards...................  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      0.2      0.2      0.2      0.2      0.2        0.9
    Exclusion of income earned by voluntary          .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      2.0      2.0      2.1      2.1      2.2       10.4
     employees' beneficiary associations...........
    Special tax provisions for employee stock            0.8      0.9      1.0      1.1      1.2      0.3      0.3      0.3      0.3      0.3        6.5
     ownership plans (ESOPs).......................
    Work opportunity tax credit....................      0.4      0.5      0.5      0.6      0.5      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1        3.1
    Deferral of taxation on spread on acquisition    .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      0.4      0.4      0.3      0.2      0.3        1.5
     of stock under incentive stock option plans
     and employee stock purchase plans\6\..........
  Social services:
    Tax credit for children under age 17\7\........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......     45.0     44.8     44.8     44.8     21.9      201.3
    Tax credit for child and dependent care and      .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      3.0      2.6      2.6      2.5      2.5       13.2
     exclusion of employer-provided child care\8\..
    Tax credit for employer-provided dependent care    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)        0.2
    Exclusion of certain foster care payments......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      0.6      0.7      0.7      0.8      0.8        3.7
    Adoption credit and employee adoption benefits   .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      0.7      0.7      0.7      0.8      0.2        3.1
    Deduction for charitable contributions, other        1.8      1.9      1.9      1.9      1.9     32.0     33.6     35.3     37.1     39.6      187.0
     than for education and health.................
    Tax credit for disabled access expenditures....    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)        0.3
  Exclusion of employer contributions for health     .......  .......  .......  .......  .......    105.7    116.5    126.0    135.6    144.7      628.5
   care, health insurance premiums, and long-term
   care insurance premiums\9\......................
  Exclusion of medical care and TRICARE medical      .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      1.6      2.1      2.2      2.3      2.5       10.7
   insurance for military dependents, retirees, and
   retiree dependents not enrolled in Medicare.....
  Exclusion of health insurance benefits for         .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      0.8      1.2      1.3      1.4      1.7        6.4
   military retirees and retiree dependents
   enrolled in Medicare............................
  Deduction for health insurance premiums and long-  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      3.8      4.4      4.9      5.3      5.9       24.3
   term care insurance premiums by the self-
  Deduction for medical expenses and long-term care  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      8.4      9.5     10.8     12.4     16.7       57.9
  Exclusion of workers' compensation benefits        .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      7.5      8.1      8.8      9.5     10.3       44.2
   (medical benefits)..............................
  Health savings accounts..........................  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      0.3      0.6      0.9      1.2      1.6        4.6
  Exclusion of interest on State and local               0.7      0.7      0.8      0.8      0.9      1.8      1.9      2.0      2.1      2.2       14.0
   government qualified private activity bonds for
   private nonprofit hospital facilities...........
  Deduction for charitable contributions to health       0.9      0.9      0.9      0.9      0.9      4.0      4.3      4.5      4.7      5.0       27.0
  Tax credit for orphan drug research..............      0.3      0.3      0.3      0.3      0.4    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)        1.6
  Tax credit for purchase of health insurance by     .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      0.2      0.2      0.2      0.2      0.2        1.0
   certain displaced persons.......................
  Exclusion of Medicare benefits:
    Hospital insurance (Part A)....................  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......     20.1     21.7     23.5     25.6     30.2      121.1
    Supplementary medical insurance (Part B).......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......     14.5     15.6     16.3     17.6     20.9       84.9
    Prescription drug insurance (Part D)...........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      5.3      5.5      6.0      6.8      8.4       32.0
    Exclusion of certain subsidies to employers who      1.0      1.1      1.1      1.1      1.1  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......        5.3
     maintain prescription drug plans for Medicare
Income Security
  Exclusion of workers' compensation benefits        .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      2.6      2.7      2.7      2.7      3.0       13.7
   (disability and survivors payments).............
  Exclusion of damages on account of personal        .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      1.5      1.5      1.5      1.5      1.6        7.5
   physical injuries or physical sickness..........
  Exclusion of special benefits for disabled coal    .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      0.1    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)        0.2
  Exclusion of cash public assistance benefits.....  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      2.9      3.0      3.0      3.1      3.4       15.4
  Net exclusion of pension contributions and
    Employer plans.................................  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......    108.6    114.1    120.4    126.7    137.5      607.3
    Individual retirement plans....................  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......     15.5     17.0     18.5     20.0     23.2       94.1
    Plans covering partners and sole proprietors     .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      8.8      9.5     10.6     11.5     14.1       54.5
     (sometimes referred to as ``Keogh plans'')....
  Tax credit for certain individuals for elective    .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      0.9      0.9      0.9      0.9      0.9        4.4
   deferrals and IRA contributions.................
  Exclusion of other employee benefits:
    Premiums on group term life insurance..........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      2.6      2.6      2.7      2.7      2.7       13.3
    Premiums on accident and disability insurance..  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      2.8      2.9      3.0      3.1      3.4       15.3
  Additional standard deduction for the blind and    .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      1.7      1.6      1.7      1.8      2.2        8.9
   the elderly.....................................
  Deduction for casualty and theft losses..........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      0.8      0.3      0.3      0.3      0.3        2.0
  Earned income credit (EIC).......................  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......     44.7     46.5     47.9     48.9     46.9      234.9
  Exclusion of survivor annuities paid to families     (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)        0.1
   of public safety officers killed in the line of
  Exclusion of disaster mitigation payments........    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)        0.2
Social Security and Railroad Retirement
  Exclusion of untaxed social security and railroad  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......     22.4     23.1     24.0     25.0     30.6      125.1
   retirement benefits.............................
Veterans' Benefits and Services
  Exclusion of veterans' disability compensation...  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      3.1      3.3      3.5      3.6      3.8       17.2
  Exclusion of veterans' pensions..................  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1        0.5
  Exclusion of veterans' readjustment benefits.....  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      0.3      0.3      0.4      0.4      0.4        1.8
  Exclusion of interest on State and local             (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)    (\1\)      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1        0.4
   government qualified private activity bonds for
   veterans' housing...............................
General Purpose Fiscal Assistance
  Exclusion of interest on public purpose State and      7.8      8.4      8.8      9.2      9.6     20.0     21.5     22.5     23.6     24.7      156.0
   local government bonds..........................
  Deduction of nonbusiness State and local           .......  .......  .......  .......  .......     33.9     29.6     29.6     30.0     52.0      175.1
   government income taxes, sales taxes, and
   personal property taxes\10\.....................
  Deferral of interest on savings bonds............  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......      1.1      1.2      1.2      1.2      1.3        6.0
\1\Positive tax expenditure of less than $50 million.
\2\In addition, the credit from excise tax for alcohol fuels results in a reduction in excise tax receipts, net of income tax effect, of $10.9 billion
  over the fiscal years 2007 through 2011.
\3\In addition, the credit from excise tax for biodiesel fuels results in a reduction in excise tax receipts, net of income tax effect, of less than $50
  million in each of the fiscal years 2007 through 2011.
\4\Negative tax expenditure of less than $50 million.
\5\Estimate includes amounts of employer-provided health insurance purchased through cafeteria plans and employer-provided child care purchased through
  dependent care flexible spending accounts. These amounts are also included in other line items in this table.
\6\Tax expenditure estimate does not include offsetting denial of corporate deduction for qualified stock option compensation.
\7\Tax expenditure estimate includes refundable amounts, amounts used to offset income taxes, and amounts used to offset other taxes. The amount of
  refundable child tax credit and earned income tax credit used to offset taxes other than income tax or paid out as refunds is: $58.1 billion in 2007,
  $59.6 billion in 2008, $61.0 billion in 2009, $62.0 billion in 2010, and $48.9 in 2011.
\8\Estimate includes employer-provided child care purchased through dependent care flexible spending accounts.
\9\Estimate includes employer-provided health insurance purchased through cafeteria plans.
\10\Deduction for state and local sales taxes expires after December 31, 2007.

Note.--Details may not add to totals due to rounding.

Source: Joint Committee on Taxation.

                                                                [In billions of dollars]
                            Fiscal year                                2008        2009        2010        2011        2012        2013       2009-2013
                                                                    Budget Resolution
Total Spending:
  BA..............................................................   3,029.347   3,032.185   3,093.126   3,247.404   3,315.728   3,472.298    16,160.741
  OT..............................................................   2,932.743   3,063.405   3,148.367   3,262.946   3,300.867   3,458.775    16,234.360
  BA..............................................................   2,556.254   2,529.246   2,564.161   2,698.039   2,740.065   2,866.862    13,398.373
  OT..............................................................   2,462.616   2,563.380   2,622.295   2,716.979   2,728.965   2,857.394    13,489.013
  Total...........................................................   2,546.245   2,723.000   2,939.435   3,214.493   3,479.113   3,616.784    15,972.824
  On-budget.......................................................   1,879.540   2,027.124   2,205.864   2,442.025   2,669.315   2,771.740    12,116.067
Surplus/Deficit (-):
  Total...........................................................    -386.498    -340.405    -208.932     -48.453     178.246     158.009      -261.536
  On-budget.......................................................    -583.076    -536.256    -416.431    -274.954     -59.650     -85.654    -1,372.946

                                                           President's Budget (CBO Reestimate)
Total Spending:
  BA..............................................................   3,030.266   2,998.447   3,016.547   3,151.518   3,232.886   3,379.701    15,779.099
  OT..............................................................   2,932.873   3,040.929   3,081.921   3,168.679   3,215.130   3,363.019    15,869.678
  BA..............................................................   2,557.173   2,496.522   2,488.473   2,603.580   2,658.957   2,776.091    13,023.623
  OT..............................................................   2,462.746   2,541.918   2,556.638   2,624.115   2,645.015   2,763.442    13,131.128
  Total...........................................................   2,537.181   2,698.662   2,899.950   3,039.910   3,215.019   3,341.807    15,195.349
  On-budget.......................................................   1,870.476   2,016.786   2,181.936   2,277.624   2,409.398   2,494.657    11,380.401
Surplus/Deficit (-):
  Total...........................................................    -395.692    -342.267    -181.971    -128.769      -0.111     -21.212      -674.329
  On-budget.......................................................    -592.270    -525.132    -374.702    -346.491    -235.617    -268.785    -1,750.727

Total Spending:
  BA..............................................................      -0.919      33.738      76.579      95.886      82.842      92.597       381.642
  OT..............................................................      -0.130      22.476      66.446      94.267      85.737      95.756       364.682
  BA..............................................................      -0.919      32.724      75.688      94.459      81.108      90.771       374.750
  OT..............................................................      -0.130      21.462      65.657      92.864      83.950      93.952       357.885
  Total...........................................................       9.064      24.338      39.485     174.583     264.094     274.976       777.476
  On-budget.......................................................       9.064      10.338      23.928     164.401     259.916     277.083       735.666
Surplus/Deficit (-):
  Total...........................................................       9.194       1.862     -26.961      80.316     178.357     179.220       412.794
  On-budget.......................................................       9.194     -11.124     -41.729      71.537     175.966     183.131       377.781

                                            [In billions of dollars]
              Fiscal year                  2009        2010        2011        2012        2013       2009-2013
Total Spending:
  BA..................................       2.838      63.779     218.057     286.381     442.951     1,014.006
  OT..................................     130.662     215.624     330.203     368.124     526.032     1,570.645
    BA................................     -27.008       7.907     141.785     183.811     310.608       617.103
    OT................................     100.764     159.679     254.363     266.349     394.778     1,175.933
    BA................................      29.846      55.872      76.272     102.570     132.343       396.903
    OT................................      29.898      55.945      75.840     101.775     131.254       394.712
  Total...............................     176.755     393.190     668.248     932.868   1,070.539     3,241.600
  On-budget...........................     147.584     326.324     562.485     789.775     892.200     2,718.368
  Off-budget..........................      29.171      66.866     105.763     143.093     178.339       523.232
Surplus/Deficit (-):
  Total...............................      46.093     177.566     338.045     564.744     544.507     1,670.955
  On-budget...........................      46.820     166.645     308.122     523.426     497.422     1,542.435
  Off-budget..........................      -0.727      10.921      29.923      41.318      47.085       128.520

                                                   By Function
National Defense (050):
  BA..................................     -48.189     -40.272     -33.660     -24.886     -14.463      -161.470
  OT..................................      -2.811     -15.447     -16.074     -19.474      -7.344       -61.150
International Affairs (150):
  BA..................................       4.463       5.868       6.785       7.599       8.029        32.744
  OT..................................       2.859       4.075       4.836       5.311       5.503        22.584
General Science, Space, and Technology
  BA..................................       2.527       3.758       5.067       6.446       7.891        25.689
  OT..................................       2.244       4.148       5.745       7.108       8.021        27.266
Energy (270):
  BA..................................       1.126       1.097       1.164       1.255       1.347         5.989
  OT..................................       0.511       1.197       1.690       2.057       2.339         7.794
Natural Resources and Environment
  BA..................................       6.091       1.222       2.110       3.008       3.930        16.361
  OT..................................       1.136       1.752       1.980       2.305       2.859        10.032
Agriculture (350):
  BA..................................      -0.927      -0.737      -0.565      -0.193       0.165        -2.257
  OT..................................      -0.249      -0.848      -0.652      -0.093       0.288        -1.554
Commerce and Housing Credit (370):
  BA..................................      -1.848       1.788      -3.693      -3.436      -3.031       -10.220
  OT..................................      -1.838      -0.416      -4.650      -5.099      -5.177       -17.180
    BA................................      -1.656       2.671      -2.218      -1.970      -1.574        -4.747
    OT................................      -1.659       0.454      -3.188      -3.646      -3.733       -11.772
    BA................................      -0.192      -0.883      -1.475      -1.466      -1.457        -5.473
    OT................................      -0.179      -0.870      -1.462      -1.453      -1.444        -5.408
Transportation (400):
  BA..................................      -6.350      -2.287      -1.260      -0.309       0.684        -9.522
  OT..................................       2.648       6.066       8.267      10.339      12.648        39.968
Community and Regional Development
  BA..................................      -5.476      -5.203      -4.895      -4.579      -4.274       -24.427
  OT..................................      -3.568      -6.003      -9.945     -12.002     -12.258       -43.776
Education, Training, Employment and
 Social Services (500):
  BA..................................       5.158      12.517      15.535      17.751      11.613        62.574
  OT..................................       0.218       7.616      12.406      13.668      12.761        46.669
Health (550):
  BA..................................      21.694      38.666      59.648      82.665     107.984       310.657
  OT..................................      18.646      37.450      57.030      79.624     104.638       297.388

Medicare (570):
  BA..................................      29.733      54.767     103.912     100.895     161.931       451.238
  OT..................................      29.520      54.895     103.739     100.656     162.049       450.859
Income Security (600):
  BA..................................      21.834      27.654      37.059      22.490      38.123       147.160
  OT..................................      19.932      24.517      33.441      18.731      33.603       130.224
Social Security (650):
  BA..................................      34.699      69.067     104.287     145.943     192.115       546.111
  OT..................................      34.738      69.127     103.842     145.135     191.013       543.855
    BA................................       1.930       4.416       7.952      10.964      13.784        39.046
    OT................................       1.930       4.416       7.952      10.964      13.784        39.046
    BA................................      32.769      64.651      96.335     134.979     178.331       507.065
    OT................................      32.808      64.711      95.890     134.171     177.229       504.809
Veterans Benefits and Services (700):
  BA..................................       6.903       9.635      15.435      12.750      18.729        63.452
  OT..................................       8.892      12.159      17.924      14.720      20.715        74.410
Administration of Justice (750):
  BA..................................       1.867       2.864       4.101       5.385       6.730        20.947
  OT..................................       3.654       5.320       6.314       7.219       8.260        30.767
General Government (800):
  BA..................................     -32.887     -36.446     -35.796     -35.088     -34.400      -174.617
  OT..................................     -33.030     -36.933     -36.424     -35.588     -35.133      -177.108
Net Interest (900):
  BA..................................     -17.063      14.838      41.501      51.058      46.696       137.030
  OT..................................     -17.063      14.838      41.501      51.058      46.696       137.030
    BA................................     -15.063      21.238      57.701      78.658      86.996       229.530
    OT................................     -15.063      21.238      57.701      78.658      86.996       229.530
    BA................................      -2.000      -6.400     -16.200     -27.600     -40.300       -92.500
    OT................................      -2.000      -6.400     -16.200     -27.600     -40.300       -92.500
Allowances (920):
  BA..................................      -1.000      -1.150      -1.200      -1.200      -1.200        -5.750
  OT..................................      -0.224      -0.584      -0.695      -0.709      -0.731        -2.943
Undistributed Offsetting Receipts
  BA..................................      18.539      14.189      10.578       6.883       2.408        52.597
  OT..................................      18.539      14.189      10.578       6.883       2.408        52.597
    BA................................      19.270      15.685      12.966      10.226       6.639        64.786
    OT................................      19.270      15.685      12.966      10.226       6.639        64.786
    BA................................      -0.731      -1.496      -2.388      -3.343      -4.231       -12.189
    OT................................      -0.731      -1.496      -2.388      -3.343      -4.231       -12.189
Overseas Deployments and Other
 Activities (970):
  BA..................................     -38.056    -108.056    -108.056    -108.056    -108.056      -470.280
  OT..................................      45.908      18.506     -10.650     -23.725     -27.126         2.913

                       TOTAL SPENDING AND REVENUES
                           [Percentage change]
                Fiscal year                 2009  2010  2011  2012  2013
Total Spending:
  BA......................................  0.1   2.1   7.2   9.5   14.6
  OT......................................  4.5   7.4   11.3  12.6  17.9
    BA....................................  -1.1  0.3   5.5   7.2   12.2
    OT....................................  4.1   6.5   10.3  10.8  16.0
    BA....................................  6.3   11.8  16.1  21.7  28.0
    OT....................................  6.4   11.9  16.1  21.6  27.9
  Total...................................  6.9   15.4  26.2  36.6  42.0
  On-budget...............................  7.9   17.4  29.9  42.0  47.5
  Off-budget..............................  4.4   10.0  15.9  21.5  26.7
Surplus/Deficit (-):
  Total...................................  -11.  -45.  -87.  -146  -140
                                             9     9     5    .1    .9
  On-budget...............................  -8.0  -28.  -52.  -89.  -85.
                                                   6     8     8     3
  Off-budget..............................  -0.4  5.6   15.2  21.0  24.0

                               By Function
National Defense (050):
  BA......................................  -8.2  -6.8  -5.7  -4.2  -2.4
  OT......................................  -0.5  -2.7  -2.8  -3.4  -1.3
International Affairs (150):
  BA......................................  13.7  18.0  20.8  23.3  24.6
  OT......................................  8.7   12.4  14.7  16.2  16.8
General Science, Space, and Technology
  BA......................................  9.2   13.7  18.5  23.5  28.8
  OT......................................  8.5   15.7  21.7  26.9  30.3
Energy (270):
  BA......................................  31.7  30.9  32.8  35.4  38.0
  OT......................................  30.4  71.2  100.  122.  139.
                                                         5     4     1
Natural Resources and Environment (300):
  BA......................................  18.7  3.8   6.5   9.2   12.1
  OT......................................  3.3   5.1   5.7   6.7   8.3
Agriculture (350):
  BA......................................  -4.1  -3.3  -2.5  -0.9  0.7
  OT......................................  -1.2  -3.9  -3.0  -0.4  1.3
Commerce and Housing Credit (370):
  BA......................................  -14.  14.1  -29.  -27.  -23.
                                             6           2     1     9
  OT......................................  -27.  -6.1  -68.  -74.  -75.
                                             0           2     8     9
    BA....................................  -14.  23.8  -19.  -17.  -14.
                                             8           8     6     0
    OT....................................  -30.  8.4   -59.  -67.  -69.
                                             8           2     8     4
    BA....................................  -13.  -60.  -101  -101  -100
                                             2     9    .7    .1    .5
    OT....................................  -12.  -60.  -101  -101  -100
                                             5     5    .7    .1    .5
Transportation (400):
  BA......................................  -8.0  -2.9  -1.6  -0.4  0.9
  OT......................................  3.4   7.8   10.6  13.3  16.3
Community and Regional Development (450):
  BA......................................  -27.  -26.  -24.  -22.  -21.
                                             3     0     4     9     3
  OT......................................  -12.  -21.  -35.  -43.  -44.
                                             8     6     7     1     1
Education, Training, Employment and Social
 Services (500):
  BA......................................  5.7   13.9  17.2  19.7  12.9
  OT......................................  0.2   8.4   13.7  15.1  14.1
Health (550):
  BA......................................  7.6   13.6  20.9  29.0  37.9
  OT......................................  6.5   13.1  19.9  27.8  36.5
Medicare (570):
  BA......................................  7.6   14.0  26.6  25.8  41.5
  OT......................................  7.6   14.1  26.6  25.8  41.5
Income Security (600):
  BA......................................  5.6   7.1   9.5   5.8   9.8
  OT......................................  5.1   6.2   8.5   4.8   8.5
Social Security (650):
  BA......................................  5.6   11.1  16.8  23.6  31.0
  OT......................................  5.6   11.2  16.8  23.5  31.0
    BA....................................  10.0  22.8  41.0  56.6  71.1
    OT....................................  10.0  22.8  41.0  56.6  71.1
    BA....................................  5.5   10.8  16.1  22.5  29.7
    OT....................................  5.5   10.8  16.1  22.5  29.7
Veterans Benefits and Services (700):
  BA......................................  8.0   11.2  17.9  14.8  21.7
  OT......................................  10.6  14.6  21.5  17.6  24.8
Administration of Justice (750):
  BA......................................  4.0   6.2   8.9   11.6  14.6
  OT......................................  8.3   12.0  14.3  16.3  18.7
General Government (800):
  BA......................................  -58.  -64.  -63.  -62.  -61.
                                             3     6     5     2     0
  OT......................................  -58.  -64.  -64.  -62.  -61.
                                             0     9     0     5     7
Net Interest (900):
  BA......................................  -7.3  6.3   17.7  21.8  20.0
  OT......................................  -7.3  6.3   17.7  21.8  20.0
    BA....................................  -4.3  6.1   16.5  22.5  24.9
    OT....................................  -4.3  6.1   16.5  22.5  24.9
    BA....................................  1.7   5.5   14.0  23.9  34.9
    OT....................................  1.7   5.5   14.0  23.9  34.9
Allowances (920):
  BA......................................  -100  -115  -120  -120  -120
                                            .0    .0    .0    .0    .0
  OT......................................  -42.  -110  -130  -133  -137
                                             2    .0    .9    .5    .7
Undistributed Offsetting Receipts (950):
  BA......................................  -18.  -14.  -10.  -6.9  -2.4
                                             6     3     6
  OT......................................  -18.  -14.  -10.  -6.9  -2.4
                                             6     3     6
    BA....................................  -22.  -18.  -15.  -11.  -7.7
                                             3     2     0     8
    OT....................................  -22.  -18.  -15.  -11.  -7.7
                                             3     2     0     8
    BA....................................  5.6   11.4  18.1  25.4  32.1
    OT....................................  5.6   11.4  18.1  25.4  32.1
Overseas Deployments and Other Activities
  BA......................................  -35.  -100  -100  -100  -100
                                             2    .0    .0    .0    .0
  OT......................................  158.  64.0  -36.  -82.  -93.
                                             8           8     1     9

                         VOTES OF THE COMMITTEE


    House rule XIII, clause 3(b), requires that each committee 
report that accompanies any bill or resolution of a public 
nature include the total number of votes cast for and against 
on each roll call vote, on a motion to report, and any 
amendments offered to the measure or matter, along with the 
names of those voting for and against.
    Described and listed below are the roll call votes from the 
Committee on the Budget on the Concurrent Resolution on the 
Budget for Fiscal Year 2009.
    On March 5, 2008, the Committee met in open session. A 
quorum was present.
    After calling the Committee to order, Chairman Spratt 
reminded all members that pursuant to unanimous consent agreed 
to at the Committee's organizational meeting held January 18, 
2007, and consistent with House rule XVI, clause 4, he was 
authorized to declare a recess at any time.
    Chairman Spratt asked unanimous consent that the reading of 
the budget aggregates, function levels, and other appropriate 
matters be dispensed with; that the aggregates, function 
levels, and other matter be opened to amendment; that the 
reading of each amendment be by title, and that the reading of 
each amendment be dispensed with. There were no objections.
    The Committee adopted and ordered reported the Concurrent 
Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2009. The following 
votes were taken by the Committee:
    1. An amendment was offered by Representatives Campbell, 
Hensarling, and Barrett to establish a Joint Select Committee 
on earmark reform and create a point of order against 
considering any bills, joint resolutions, or conference reports 
containing an earmark or limited tax or tariff benefit for the 
remainder of this year.
    The amendment was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 16 
ayes to 21 nays.

                               VOTE NO. 1
 Name &                      Answer    Name &                    Answer
 State     Aye       No     Present    State     Aye      No     Present
SPRATT               X                RYAN        X
 (SC)                                  (WI)
 (Chair                                (Ranki
 man)                                  ng)
DeLAURO              X                BARRETT     X
 (CT)                                  (SC)
EDWARDS              X                BONNER      X
 (TX)                                  (AL)
COOPER               X                GARRETT     X
 (TN)                                  (NJ)
ALLEN                X                DIAZ-BA     X
 (ME)                                  LART
SCHWART              X                HENSARL     X
 Z (PA)                                ING
KAPTUR               X                LUNGREN
 (OH)                                  (CA)
BECERRA              X                SIMPSON     X
 (CA)                                  (ID)
DOGGETT              X                McHENRY     X
 (TX)                                  (NC)
BLUMENA              X                MACK        X
 UER                                   (FL)
BERRY                X                CONAWAY     X
 (AR)                                  (TX)
BOYD                 X                CAMPBEL     X
 (FL)                                  L (CA)
McGOVER              X                TIBERI      X
 N (MA)                                (OH)
SUTTON               X                PORTER      X
 (OH)                                  (NV)
ANDREWS              X                ALEXAND     X
 (NJ)                                  ER
SCOTT                                 SMITH       X
 (VA)                                  (NE)
ETHERID              X                JORDAN      X
 GE                                    (OH)
HOOLEY               X
BAIRD                X
MOORE,               X
BISHOP               X
MOORE,               X

    2. An amendment was offered by Representatives Ryan, 
Lungren and McHenry to provide reconciliation instructions to 
extend all tax cuts enacted in 2001 and 2003 at the cost of 
$683 billion over five years and strike the reconciliation 
instructions on revenues and spending in the Chairman's mark. 
The amendment was not offset.
    The amendment was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 16 
ayes and 21 nays.

                               VOTE NO. 2
 Name &                      Answer    Name &                    Answer
 State     Aye       No     Present    State     Aye      No     Present
SPRATT               X                RYAN        X
 (SC)                                  (WI)
 (Chair                                (Ranki
 man)                                  ng)
DeLAURO              X                BARRETT     X
 (CT)                                  (SC)
EDWARDS              X                BONNER      X
 (TX)                                  (AL)
COOPER                                GARRETT     X
 (TN)                                  (NJ)
ALLEN                X                DIAZ-BA     X
 (ME)                                  LART
SCHWART              X                HENSARL     X
 Z (PA)                                ING
KAPTUR               X                LUNGREN
 (OH)                                  (CA)
BECERRA              X                SIMPSON     X
 (CA)                                  (ID)
DOGGETT              X                McHENRY     X
 (TX)                                  (NC)
BLUMENA              X                MACK        X
 UER                                   (FL)
BERRY                X                CONAWAY     X
 (AR)                                  (TX)
BOYD                 X                CAMPBEL     X
 (FL)                                  L (CA)
McGOVER              X                TIBERI      X
 N (MA)                                (OH)
SUTTON               X                PORTER      X
 (OH)                                  (NV)
ANDREWS              X                ALEXAND     X
 (NJ)                                  ER
SCOTT                X                SMITH       X
 (VA)                                  (NE)
ETHERID              X                JORDAN      X
 GE                                    (OH)
HOOLEY               X
BAIRD                X
MOORE,               X
BISHOP               X
MOORE,               X

    3. An amendment was offered by Representatives Garrett and 
Porter to provide reconciliation instructions to extend the 
2007 alternative minimum tax ``patch'' for the 2008 tax year at 
a cost of $61 billion over five years and strike the 
reconciliation instructions on revenues and spending in the 
Chairman's mark. The amendment was not offset.
    The amendment was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 16 
ayes and 22 nays.

                               VOTE NO. 3
 Name &                      Answer    Name &                    Answer
 State     Aye       No     Present    State     Aye      No     Present
SPRATT               X                RYAN        X
 (SC)                                  (WI)
 (Chair                                (Ranki
 man)                                  ng)
DeLAURO              X                BARRETT     X
 (CT)                                  (SC)
EDWARDS              X                BONNER      X
 (TX)                                  (AL)
COOPER               X                GARRETT     X
 (TN)                                  (NJ)
ALLEN                X                DIAZ-BA     X
 (ME)                                  LART
SCHWART              X                HENSARL     X
 Z (PA)                                ING
KAPTUR               X                LUNGREN
 (OH)                                  (CA)
BECERRA              X                SIMPSON     X
 (CA)                                  (ID)
DOGGETT              X                McHENRY     X
 (TX)                                  (NC)
BLUMENA              X                MACK        X
 UER                                   (FL)
BERRY                X                CONAWAY     X
 (AR)                                  (TX)
BOYD                 X                CAMPBEL     X
 (FL)                                  L (CA)
McGOVER              X                TIBERI      X
 N (MA)                                (OH)
SUTTON               X                PORTER      X
 (OH)                                  (NV)
ANDREWS              X                ALEXAND     X
 (NJ)                                  ER
SCOTT                X                SMITH       X
 (VA)                                  (NE)
ETHERID              X                JORDAN      X
 GE                                    (OH)
HOOLEY               X
BAIRD                X
MOORE,               X
BISHOP               X
MOORE,               X

    4. An amendment was offered by Representatives Bonner, 
Hensarling, and Tiberi to: (1) provide reconciliation 
instructions directing committees to reduce total mandatory 
spending within their jurisdictions by at least .008391 
percent, for a total of $77 billion in mandatory cuts over five 
years; and (2) strike the reconciliation instructions on 
revenues and spending in the Chairman's mark. The amendment 
exempted the Committee on Veterans' Affairs and excluded 
veterans' programs, net interest, and Social Security.
    The amendment was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 15 
ayes and 22 nays.

                               VOTE NO. 4
 Name &                      Answer    Name &                    Answer
 State     Aye       No     Present    State     Aye      No     Present
SPRATT               X                RYAN        X
 (SC)                                  (WI)
 (Chair                                (Ranki
 man)                                  ng)
DeLAURO              X                BARRETT     X
 (CT)                                  (SC)
EDWARDS              X                BONNER      X
 (TX)                                  (AL)
COOPER               X                GARRETT     X
 (TN)                                  (NJ)
ALLEN                X                DIAZ-BA     X
 (ME)                                  LART
SCHWART              X                HENSARL     X
 Z (PA)                                ING
KAPTUR               X                LUNGREN
 (OH)                                  (CA)
BECERRA              X                SIMPSON
 (CA)                                  (ID)
DOGGETT              X                McHENRY     X
 (TX)                                  (NC)
BLUMENA              X                MACK        X
 UER                                   (FL)
BERRY                X                CONAWAY     X
 (AR)                                  (TX)
BOYD                 X                CAMPBEL     X
 (FL)                                  L (CA)
McGOVER              X                TIBERI      X
 N (MA)                                (OH)
SUTTON               X                PORTER      X
 (OH)                                  (NV)
ANDREWS              X                ALEXAND     X
 (NJ)                                  ER
SCOTT                X                SMITH       X
 (VA)                                  (NE)
ETHERID              X                JORDAN      X
 GE                                    (OH)
HOOLEY               X
BAIRD                X
MOORE,               X
BISHOP               X
MOORE,               X

    5. An amendment was offered by Representatives Hensarling 
and Bonner to provide reconciliation instructions directing the 
Committee on Ways and Means and the Committee on Energy and 
Commerce to cut spending by not less than $1 billion for 2013 
and to strike the reconciliation instructions on revenues and 
spending in the Chairman's mark. The amendment also included 
policy language stating that the committees shall meet the 
instruction by reporting legislation to eliminate excess 
general revenue Medicare funding pursuant to section 802 of the 
Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act 
of 2003.
    The amendment was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 14 
ayes and 22 nays.

                               VOTE NO. 5
 Name &                      Answer    Name &                    Answer
 State     Aye       No     Present    State     Aye      No     Present
SPRATT               X                RYAN        X
 (SC)                                  (WI)
 (Chair                                (Ranki
 man)                                  ng)
DeLAURO              X                BARRETT     X
 (CT)                                  (SC)
EDWARDS              X                BONNER      X
 (TX)                                  (AL)
COOPER               X                GARRETT     X
 (TN)                                  (NJ)
ALLEN                X                DIAZ-BA     X
 (ME)                                  LART
SCHWART              X                HENSARL     X
 Z (PA)                                ING
KAPTUR               X                LUNGREN
 (OH)                                  (CA)
BECERRA              X                SIMPSON
 (CA)                                  (ID)
DOGGETT              X                McHENRY     X
 (TX)                                  (NC)
BLUMENA              X                MACK        X
 UER                                   (FL)
BERRY                X                CONAWAY     X
 (AR)                                  (TX)
BOYD                 X                CAMPBEL     X
 (FL)                                  L (CA)
McGOVER              X                TIBERI      X
 N (MA)                                (OH)
SUTTON               X                PORTER               X
 (OH)                                  (NV)
ANDREWS                               ALEXAND     X
 (NJ)                                  ER
SCOTT                X                SMITH       X
 (VA)                                  (NE)
ETHERID              X                JORDAN      X
 GE                                    (OH)
HOOLEY               X
BAIRD                X
MOORE,               X
BISHOP               X
MOORE,               X

    6. An amendment was offered by Representatives Diaz-Balart 
and Tiberi to provide reconciliation instructions to extend the 
marginal tax rate reductions of the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts at a 
cost of $337.2 billion over five years. The amendment was not 
    The amendment was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 13 
ayes and 21 nays.

                               VOTE NO. 6
 Name &                      Answer    Name &                    Answer
 State     Aye       No     Present    State     Aye      No     Present
SPRATT               X                RYAN        X
 (SC)                                  (WI)
 (Chair                                (Ranki
 man)                                  ng)
DeLAURO              X                BARRETT     X
 (CT)                                  (SC)
EDWARDS              X                BONNER
 (TX)                                  (AL)
COOPER               X                GARRETT
 (TN)                                  (NJ)
ALLEN                X                DIAZ-BA     X
 (ME)                                  LART
SCHWART              X                HENSARL     X
 Z (PA)                                ING
KAPTUR               X                LUNGREN
 (OH)                                  (CA)
BECERRA              X                SIMPSON     X
 (CA)                                  (ID)
DOGGETT              X                McHENRY     X
 (TX)                                  (NC)
BLUMENA              X                MACK        X
 UER                                   (FL)
BERRY                X                CONAWAY     X
 (AR)                                  (TX)
BOYD                 X                CAMPBEL     X
 (FL)                                  L (CA)
McGOVER              X                TIBERI      X
 N (MA)                                (OH)
SUTTON               X                PORTER
 (OH)                                  (NV)
ANDREWS                               ALEXAND     X
 (NJ)                                  ER
SCOTT                X                SMITH       X
 (VA)                                  (NE)
ETHERID              X                JORDAN      X
 GE                                    (OH)
HOOLEY               X
BAIRD                X
MOORE,               X
BISHOP               X
MOORE,               X

    7. An amendment was offered by Representatives Tiberi, 
Bonner, Smith, and Diaz-Balart to provide reconciliation 
instructions to extend the marriage penalty provisions of the 
2001 and 2003 tax cuts at a cost of $28.8 billion over five 
years. The amendment was not offset.
    The amendment was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 14 
ayes and 20 nays.

                               VOTE NO. 7
 Name &                      Answer    Name &                    Answer
 State     Aye       No     Present    State     Aye      No     Present
SPRATT               X                RYAN        X
 (SC)                                  (WI)
 (Chair                                (Ranki
 man)                                  ng)
DeLAURO              X                BARRETT     X
 (CT)                                  (SC)
EDWARDS              X                BONNER
 (TX)                                  (AL)
COOPER               X                GARRETT
 (TN)                                  (NJ)
ALLEN                X                DIAZ-BA     X
 (ME)                                  LART
SCHWART              X                HENSARL     X
 Z (PA)                                ING
KAPTUR                                LUNGREN
 (OH)                                  (CA)
BECERRA              X                SIMPSON     X
 (CA)                                  (ID)
DOGGETT              X                McHENRY     X
 (TX)                                  (NC)
BLUMENA              X                MACK        X
 UER                                   (FL)
BERRY                X                CONAWAY     X
 (AR)                                  (TX)
BOYD                 X                CAMPBEL     X
 (FL)                                  L (CA)
McGOVER              X                TIBERI      X
 N (MA)                                (OH)
SUTTON               X                PORTER      X
 (OH)                                  (NV)
ANDREWS                               ALEXAND     X
 (NJ)                                  ER
SCOTT                X                SMITH       X
 (VA)                                  (NE)
ETHERID              X                JORDAN      X
 GE                                    (OH)
HOOLEY               X
BAIRD                X
MOORE,               X
BISHOP               X
MOORE,               X

    8. An amendment was offered by Representatives Porter, 
Tiberi, and Jordan to provide reconciliation instructions to 
extend the child tax credit of the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts at a 
cost of $78.1 billion over five years. The amendment was not 
    The amendment was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 16 
ayes and 22 nays.

                               VOTE NO. 8
 Name &                      Answer    Name &                    Answer
 State     Aye       No     Present    State     Aye      No     Present
SPRATT               X                RYAN        X
 (SC)                                  (WI)
 (Chair                                (Ranki
 man)                                  ng)
DeLAURO              X                BARRETT     X
 (CT)                                  (SC)
EDWARDS              X                BONNER      X
 (TX)                                  (AL)
COOPER               X                GARRETT     X
 (TN)                                  (NJ)
ALLEN                X                DIAZ-BA     X
 (ME)                                  LART
SCHWART              X                HENSARL     X
 Z (PA)                                ING
KAPTUR               X                LUNGREN
 (OH)                                  (CA)
BECERRA              X                SIMPSON     X
 (CA)                                  (ID)
DOGGETT              X                McHENRY     X
 (TX)                                  (NC)
BLUMENA              X                MACK        X
 UER                                   (FL)
BERRY                X                CONAWAY     X
 (AR)                                  (TX)
BOYD                 X                CAMPBEL     X
 (FL)                                  L (CA)
McGOVER              X                TIBERI      X
 N (MA)                                (OH)
SUTTON               X                PORTER      X
 (OH)                                  (NV)
ANDREWS              X                ALEXAND     X
 (NJ)                                  ER
SCOTT                X                SMITH       X
 (VA)                                  (NE)
ETHERID              X                JORDAN      X
 GE                                    (OH)
HOOLEY               X
BAIRD                X
MOORE,               X
BISHOP               X
MOORE,               X

    9. An amendment was offered by Representatives Campbell, 
Conaway, Ryan, and Hensarling to establish several new 
restrictions on the Pay-As-You-Go (PAYGO) rule of the 110th 
    The amendment was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 16 
ayes and 18 nays.

                               VOTE NO. 9
 Name &                      Answer    Name &                    Answer
 State     Aye       No     Present    State     Aye      No     Present
SPRATT               X                RYAN        X
 (SC)                                  (WI)
 (Chair                                (Ranki
 man)                                  ng)
DeLAURO              X                BARRETT     X
 (CT)                                  (SC)
EDWARDS              X                BONNER      X
 (TX)                                  (AL)
COOPER               X                GARRETT     X
 (TN)                                  (NJ)
ALLEN                X                DIAZ-BA     X
 (ME)                                  LART
SCHWART              X                HENSARL     X
 Z (PA)                                ING
KAPTUR                                LUNGREN
 (OH)                                  (CA)
BECERRA              X                SIMPSON     X
 (CA)                                  (ID)
DOGGETT                               McHENRY     X
 (TX)                                  (NC)
BLUMENA                               MACK        X
 UER                                   (FL)
BERRY                X                CONAWAY     X
 (AR)                                  (TX)
BOYD                 X                CAMPBEL     X
 (FL)                                  L (CA)
McGOVER              X                TIBERI      X
 N (MA)                                (OH)
SUTTON               X                PORTER      X
 (OH)                                  (NV)
ANDREWS              X                ALEXAND     X
 (NJ)                                  ER
SCOTT                X                SMITH       X
 (VA)                                  (NE)
ETHERID              X                JORDAN      X
 GE                                    (OH)
HOOLEY               X
BAIRD                X
MOORE,               X
MOORE,               X

    10. An amendment was offered by Representatives Hensarling, 
Ryan, and Simpson to require a separate vote on a debt limit 
    The amendment was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 16 
ayes and 22 nays.

                               VOTE NO. 10
 Name &                      Answer    Name &                    Answer
 State     Aye       No     Present    State     Aye      No     Present
SPRATT               X                RYAN        X
 (SC)                                  (WI)
 (Chair                                (Ranki
 man)                                  ng)
DeLAURO              X                BARRETT     X
 (CT)                                  (SC)
EDWARDS              X                BONNER      X
 (TX)                                  (AL)
COOPER               X                GARRETT     X
 (TN)                                  (NJ)
ALLEN                X                DIAZ-BA     X
 (ME)                                  LART
SCHWART              X                HENSARL     X
 Z (PA)                                ING
KAPTUR               X                LUNGREN
 (OH)                                  (CA)
BECERRA              X                SIMPSON     X
 (CA)                                  (ID)
DOGGETT              X                McHENRY     X
 (TX)                                  (NC)
BLUMENA              X                MACK        X
 UER                                   (FL)
BERRY                X                CONAWAY     X
 (AR)                                  (TX)
BOYD                 X                CAMPBEL     X
 (FL)                                  L (CA)
McGOVER              X                TIBERI      X
 N (MA)                                (OH)
SUTTON               X                PORTER      X
 (OH)                                  (NV)
ANDREWS              X                ALEXAND     X
 (NJ)                                  ER
SCOTT                X                SMITH       X
 (VA)                                  (NE)
ETHERID              X                JORDAN      X
 GE                                    (OH)
HOOLEY               X
BAIRD                X
MOORE,               X
BISHOP               X
MOORE,               X

    11. An amendment was offered by Representatives Ryan and 
Hensarling that included the following budget process 
proposals: (1) cost estimates for all conference reports; (2) 
roll call votes for new spending over $50 million; (3) 
publishing of all earmarks on the internet in a searchable 
format; (4) a 17-hour availability of all Committee on Rules 
reports prior to consideration; (5) a two-thirds vote for the 
waiver of certain rules; (6) a two-thirds vote for the waiver 
of a requirement regarding the availability of certain measures 
on the internet; (7) written justification for all earmarks; 
and (8) mandatory oversight for committees.
    The amendment was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 15 
ayes and 20 nays.

                               VOTE NO. 11
 Name &                      Answer    Name &                    Answer
 State     Aye       No     Present    State     Aye      No     Present
SPRATT               X                RYAN        X
 (SC)                                  (WI)
 (Chair                                (Ranki
 man)                                  ng)
DeLAURO              X                BARRETT     X
 (CT)                                  (SC)
EDWARDS              X                BONNER      X
 (TX)                                  (AL)
COOPER               X                GARRETT     X
 (TN)                                  (NJ)
ALLEN                X                DIAZ-BA
 (ME)                                  LART
SCHWART              X                HENSARL     X
 Z (PA)                                ING
KAPTUR                                LUNGREN
 (OH)                                  (CA)
BECERRA                               SIMPSON     X
 (CA)                                  (ID)
DOGGETT              X                McHENRY     X
 (TX)                                  (NC)
BLUMENA              X                MACK        X
 UER                                   (FL)
BERRY                X                CONAWAY     X
 (AR)                                  (TX)
BOYD                 X                CAMPBEL     X
 (FL)                                  L (CA)
McGOVER              X                TIBERI      X
 N (MA)                                (OH)
SUTTON               X                PORTER      X
 (OH)                                  (NV)
ANDREWS              X                ALEXAND     X
 (NJ)                                  ER
SCOTT                X                SMITH       X
 (VA)                                  (NE)
ETHERID              X                JORDAN      X
 GE                                    (OH)
HOOLEY               X
BAIRD                X
MOORE,               X
BISHOP               X
MOORE,               X

    12. An amendment was offered by Representatives Alexander 
and Garrett to increase spending in the Chairman's mark by $330 
billion over five years. The amendment included policy language 
assuming enactment of legislation characterized as implementing 
Senator Clinton's health care proposal.
    The amendment was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 1 
aye and 36 nays.

                               VOTE NO. 12
 Name &                      Answer    Name &                    Answer
 State     Aye       No     Present    State     Aye      No     Present
SPRATT               X                RYAN                 X
 (SC)                                  (WI)
 (Chair                                (Ranki
 man)                                  ng)
DeLAURO              X                BARRETT              X
 (CT)                                  (SC)
EDWARDS              X                BONNER               X
 (TX)                                  (AL)
COOPER               X                GARRETT              X
 (TN)                                  (NJ)
ALLEN                X                DIAZ-BA              X
 (ME)                                  LART
SCHWART              X                HENSARL              X
 Z (PA)                                ING
KAPTUR               X                LUNGREN
 (OH)                                  (CA)
BECERRA                               SIMPSON              X
 (CA)                                  (ID)
DOGGETT              X                McHENRY              X
 (TX)                                  (NC)
BLUMENA              X                MACK                 X
 UER                                   (FL)
BERRY                X                CONAWAY              X
 (AR)                                  (TX)
BOYD                 X                CAMPBEL              X
 (FL)                                  L (CA)
McGOVER              X                TIBERI               X
 N (MA)                                (OH)
SUTTON               X                PORTER               X
 (OH)                                  (NV)
ANDREWS              X                ALEXAND     X
 (NJ)                                  ER
SCOTT                X                SMITH                X
 (VA)                                  (NE)
ETHERID              X                JORDAN               X
 GE                                    (OH)
HOOLEY               X
BAIRD                X
MOORE,               X
BISHOP               X
MOORE,               X

    13. An amendment was offered by Representatives Ryan, 
Alexander, and Garrett to increase spending in the Chairman's 
mark by $195 billion over five years, reducing revenues 
accordingly. The amendment included policy language assuming 
enactment of legislation characterized as implementing Senator 
Obama's health care proposal.
    The amendment was not agreed to by a voice vote.
    14. An amendment was offered by Representatives Campbell, 
Jordan, and McHenry to provide reconciliation instructions to 
repeal the alternative minimum tax at a cost of $435 billion 
over years fiscal years 2008 through 2013 and to strike the 
reconciliation instructions on revenues.
    The amendment was not offset.
    The amendment was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 16 
ayes and 21 nays.

                               VOTE NO. 14
 Name &                      Answer    Name &                    Answer
 State     Aye       No     Present    State     Aye      No     Present
SPRATT               X                RYAN        X
 (SC)                                  (WI)
 (Chair                                (Ranki
 man)                                  ng)
DeLAURO              X                BARRETT     X
 (CT)                                  (SC)
EDWARDS              X                BONNER      X
 (TX)                                  (AL)
COOPER               X                GARRETT     X
 (TN)                                  (NJ)
ALLEN                X                DIAZ-BA     X
 (ME)                                  LART
SCHWART              X                HENSARL     X
 Z (PA)                                ING
KAPTUR               X                LUNGREN
 (OH)                                  (CA)
BECERRA                               SIMPSON     X
 (CA)                                  (ID)
DOGGETT              X                McHENRY     X
 (TX)                                  (NC)
BLUMENA              X                MACK        X
 UER                                   (FL)
BERRY                X                CONAWAY     X
 (AR)                                  (TX)
BOYD                 X                CAMPBEL     X
 (FL)                                  L (CA)
McGOVER              X                TIBERI      X
 N (MA)                                (OH)
SUTTON               X                PORTER      X
 (OH)                                  (NV)
ANDREWS              X                ALEXAND     X
 (NJ)                                  ER
SCOTT                X                SMITH       X
 (VA)                                  (NE)
ETHERID              X                JORDAN      X
 GE                                    (OH)
HOOLEY               X
BAIRD                X
MOORE,               X
BISHOP               X
MOORE,               X

    15. An amendment was offered by Representatives Diaz-
Balart, Mack, Porter, and Conaway to provide reconciliation 
instructions to extend the deduction for state and local sales 
taxes at a cost of $13.474 billion over five years. The 
amendment was not offset.
    The amendment was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 16 
ayes and 22 nays.

                               VOTE NO. 15
 Name &                      Answer    Name &                    Answer
 State     Aye       No     Present    State     Aye      No     Present
SPRATT               X                RYAN        X
 (SC)                                  (WI)
 (Chair                                (Ranki
 man)                                  ng)
DeLAURO              X                BARRETT     X
 (CT)                                  (SC)
EDWARDS              X                BONNER      X
 (TX)                                  (AL)
COOPER               X                GARRETT     X
 (TN)                                  (NJ)
ALLEN                X                DIAZ-BA     X
 (ME)                                  LART
SCHWART              X                HENSARL     X
 Z (PA)                                ING
KAPTUR               X                LUNGREN
 (OH)                                  (CA)
BECERRA              X                SIMPSON     X
 (CA)                                  (ID)
DOGGETT              X                McHENRY     X
 (TX)                                  (NC)
BLUMENA              X                MACK        X
 UER                                   (FL)
BERRY                X                CONAWAY     X
 (AR)                                  (TX)
BOYD                 X                CAMPBEL     X
 (FL)                                  L (CA)
McGOVER              X                TIBERI      X
 N (MA)                                (OH)
SUTTON               X                PORTER      X
 (OH)                                  (NV)
ANDREWS              X                ALEXAND     X
 (NJ)                                  ER
SCOTT                X                SMITH       X
 (VA)                                  (NE)
ETHERID              X                JORDAN      X
 GE                                    (OH)
HOOLEY               X
BAIRD                X
MOORE,               X
BISHOP               X
MOORE,               X

    16. An amendment was offered by Representatives Conaway, 
Simpson, Smith, Mack, Campbell, Diaz-Balart, and Lungren to 
provide reconciliation instructions to repeal the estate tax at 
a cost of $180.555 billion over five years. The amendment was 
not offset.
    The amendment was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 16 
ayes and 22 nays.

                               VOTE NO. 16
 Name &                      Answer    Name &                    Answer
 State     Aye       No     Present    State     Aye      No     Present
SPRATT               X                RYAN        X
 (SC)                                  (WI)
 (Chair                                (Ranki
 man)                                  ng)
DeLAURO              X                BARRETT     X
 (CT)                                  (SC)
EDWARDS              X                BONNER      X
 (TX)                                  (AL)
COOPER               X                GARRETT     X
 (TN)                                  (NJ)
ALLEN                X                DIAZ-BA     X
 (ME)                                  LART
SCHWART              X                HENSARL     X
 Z (PA)                                ING
KAPTUR               X                LUNGREN
 (OH)                                  (CA)
BECERRA              X                SIMPSON     X
 (CA)                                  (ID)
DOGGETT              X                McHENRY     X
 (TX)                                  (NC)
BLUMENA              X                MACK        X
 UER                                   (FL)
BERRY                X                CONAWAY     X
 (AR)                                  (TX)
BOYD                 X                CAMPBEL     X
 (FL)                                  L (CA)
McGOVER              X                TIBERI      X
 N (MA)                                (OH)
SUTTON               X                PORTER      X
 (OH)                                  (NV)
ANDREWS              X                ALEXAND     X
 (NJ)                                  ER
SCOTT                X                SMITH       X
 (VA)                                  (NE)
ETHERID              X                JORDAN      X
 GE                                    (OH)
HOOLEY               X
BAIRD                X
MOORE,               X
BISHOP               X
MOORE,               X

    17. An amendment was offered by Representatives Garrett and 
Jordan to create a point of order against including domestic 
emergency spending in supplemental appropriations legislation 
that primarily funds war and terrorism programs.
    The amendment was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 16 
ayes and 21 nays.

                               VOTE NO. 17
 Name &                      Answer    Name &                    Answer
 State     Aye       No     Present    State     Aye      No     Present
SPRATT               X                RYAN        X
 (SC)                                  (WI)
 (Chair                                (Ranki
 man)                                  ng)
DeLAURO              X                BARRETT     X
 (CT)                                  (SC)
EDWARDS              X                BONNER      X
 (TX)                                  (AL)
COOPER                                GARRETT     X
 (TN)                                  (NJ)
ALLEN                X                DIAZ-BA     X
 (ME)                                  LART
SCHWART              X                HENSARL     X
 Z (PA)                                ING
KAPTUR               X                LUNGREN
 (OH)                                  (CA)
BECERRA              X                SIMPSON     X
 (CA)                                  (ID)
DOGGETT              X                McHENRY     X
 (TX)                                  (NC)
BLUMENA              X                MACK        X
 UER                                   (FL)
BERRY                X                CONAWAY     X
 (AR)                                  (TX)
BOYD                 X                CAMPBEL     X
 (FL)                                  L (CA)
McGOVER              X                TIBERI      X
 N (MA)                                (OH)
SUTTON               X                PORTER      X
 (OH)                                  (NV)
ANDREWS              X                ALEXAND     X
 (NJ)                                  ER
SCOTT                X                SMITH       X
 (VA)                                  (NE)
ETHERID              X                JORDAN      X
 GE                                    (OH)
HOOLEY               X
BAIRD                X
MOORE,               X
BISHOP               X
MOORE,               X

    18. An amendment was offered by Representatives Porter, 
Hensarling, Barrett, and McHenry to create three separate 
302(a) allocations to the Appropriations Committee: a general 
allocation; an allocation for Veterans (Function 700) programs; 
and an allocation for National Defense (Function 050) programs.
    The amendment was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 15 
ayes and 23 nays.

                               VOTE NO. 18
 Name &                      Answer    Name &                    Answer
 State     Aye       No     Present    State     Aye      No     Present
SPRATT               X                RYAN        X
 (SC)                                  (WI)
 (Chair                                (Ranki
 man)                                  ng)
DeLAURO              X                BARRETT     X
 (CT)                                  (SC)
EDWARDS              X                BONNER      X
 (TX)                                  (AL)
COOPER               X                GARRETT     X
 (TN)                                  (NJ)
ALLEN                X                DIAZ-BA     X
 (ME)                                  LART
SCHWART              X                HENSARL     X
 Z (PA)                                ING
KAPTUR               X                LUNGREN
 (OH)                                  (CA)
BECERRA              X                SIMPSON     X
 (CA)                                  (ID)
DOGGETT              X                McHENRY     X
 (TX)                                  (NC)
BLUMENA              X                MACK        X
 UER                                   (FL)
BERRY                X                CONAWAY     X
 (AR)                                  (TX)
BOYD                 X                CAMPBEL              X
 (FL)                                  L (CA)
McGOVER              X                TIBERI      X
 N (MA)                                (OH)
SUTTON               X                PORTER      X
 (OH)                                  (NV)
ANDREWS              X                ALEXAND     X
 (NJ)                                  ER
SCOTT                X                SMITH       X
 (VA)                                  (NE)
ETHERID              X                JORDAN      X
 GE                                    (OH)
HOOLEY               X
BAIRD                X
MOORE,               X
BISHOP               X
MOORE,               X

    19. An amendment was offered by Representatives Hensarling, 
Bonner, and Barrett to increase appropriated funding for 
Veterans by $809 million in the Chairman's mark by reducing 
other unspecified appropriated funding.
    The amendment was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 15 
ayes and 20 nays.

                               VOTE NO. 19
 Name &                      Answer    Name &                    Answer
 State     Aye       No     Present    State     Aye      No     Present
SPRATT               X                RYAN        X
 (SC)                                  (WI)
 (Chair                                (Ranki
 man)                                  ng)
DeLAURO              X                BARRETT     X
 (CT)                                  (SC)
EDWARDS              X                BONNER
 (TX)                                  (AL)
COOPER               X                GARRETT     X
 (TN)                                  (NJ)
ALLEN                X                DIAZ-BA     X
 (ME)                                  LART
SCHWART              X                HENSARL     X
 Z (PA)                                ING
KAPTUR               X                LUNGREN
 (OH)                                  (CA)
BECERRA              X                SIMPSON     X
 (CA)                                  (ID)
DOGGETT              X                McHENRY     X
 (TX)                                  (NC)
BLUMENA                               MACK        X
 UER                                   (FL)
BERRY                X                CONAWAY     X
 (AR)                                  (TX)
BOYD                 X                CAMPBEL     X
 (FL)                                  L (CA)
McGOVER              X                TIBERI      X
 N (MA)                                (OH)
SUTTON               X                PORTER      X
 (OH)                                  (NV)
ANDREWS              X                ALEXAND     X
 (NJ)                                  ER
SCOTT                X                SMITH       X
 (VA)                                  (NE)
ETHERID              X                JORDAN      X
 GE                                    (OH)
HOOLEY               X
BAIRD                X
BISHOP               X
MOORE,               X

    20. An amendment was offered by Representatives Jordan, 
Garrett, and Mack to freeze non-defense, non-veterans 
discretionary funding at the fiscal year 2008 level in 2009.
    The amendment was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 15 
ayes and 22 nays.

                               VOTE NO. 20
 Name &                      Answer    Name &                    Answer
 State     Aye       No     Present    State     Aye      No     Present
SPRATT               X                RYAN        X
 (SC)                                  (WI)
 (Chair                                (Ranki
 man)                                  ng)
DeLAURO              X                BARRETT     X
 (CT)                                  (SC)
EDWARDS              X                BONNER      X
 (TX)                                  (AL)
COOPER               X                GARRETT     X
 (TN)                                  (NJ)
ALLEN                X                DIAZ-BA     X
 (ME)                                  LART
SCHWART              X                HENSARL     X
 Z (PA)                                ING
KAPTUR               X                LUNGREN
 (OH)                                  (CA)
BECERRA              X                SIMPSON     X
 (CA)                                  (ID)
DOGGETT              X                McHENRY     X
 (TX)                                  (NC)
BLUMENA              X                MACK        X
 UER                                   (FL)
BERRY                X                CONAWAY     X
 (AR)                                  (TX)
BOYD                 X                CAMPBEL     X
 (FL)                                  L (CA)
McGOVER              X                TIBERI      X
 N (MA)                                (OH)
SUTTON               X                PORTER
 (OH)                                  (NV)
ANDREWS              X                ALEXAND     X
 (NJ)                                  ER
SCOTT                X                SMITH       X
 (VA)                                  (NE)
ETHERID              X                JORDAN      X
 GE                                    (OH)
HOOLEY               X
BAIRD                X
MOORE,               X
BISHOP               X
MOORE,               X

    21. An amendment was offered by Representatives Smith, 
Barrett, and Ryan to include legislative text for legislative 
line item veto authority in the budget resolution.
    The amendment was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 15 
ayes and 23 nays.

                               VOTE NO. 21
 Name &                      Answer    Name &                    Answer
 State     Aye       No     Present    State     Aye      No     Present
SPRATT               X                RYAN        X
 (SC)                                  (WI)
 (Chair                                (Ranki
 man)                                  ng)
DeLAURO              X                BARRETT     X
 (CT)                                  (SC)
EDWARDS              X                BONNER      X
 (TX)                                  (AL)
COOPER               X                GARRETT     X
 (TN)                                  (NJ)
ALLEN                X                DIAZ-BA     X
 (ME)                                  LART
SCHWART              X                HENSARL     X
 Z (PA)                                ING
KAPTUR               X                LUNGREN
 (OH)                                  (CA)
BECERRA              X                SIMPSON              X
 (CA)                                  (ID)
DOGGETT              X                McHENRY     X
 (TX)                                  (NC)
BLUMENA              X                MACK        X
 UER                                   (FL)
BERRY                X                CONAWAY     X
 (AR)                                  (TX)
BOYD                 X                CAMPBEL     X
 (FL)                                  L (CA)
McGOVER              X                TIBERI      X
 N (MA)                                (OH)
SUTTON               X                PORTER      X
 (OH)                                  (NV)
ANDREWS              X                ALEXAND     X
 (NJ)                                  ER
SCOTT                X                SMITH       X
 (VA)                                  (NE)
ETHERID              X                JORDAN      X
 GE                                    (OH)
HOOLEY               X
BAIRD                X
MOORE,               X
BISHOP               X
MOORE,               X

    22. An amendment was offered by Representatives Conaway and 
Campbell to allow any Member who offers an amendment reducing 
budget authority in appropriations or continuing appropriations 
legislation to designate those savings for deficit reduction. 
If the amendment is successful, the Chairman of the 
Appropriations Committee would be required to reduce the 302(b) 
allocation for the appropriate subcommittee and not increase 
the allocation for any other subcommittee.
    The amendment was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 16 
ayes and 22 nays.

                               VOTE NO. 22
 Name &                      Answer    Name &                    Answer
 State     Aye       No     Present    State     Aye      No     Present
SPRATT               X                RYAN        X
 (SC)                                  (WI)
 (Chair                                (Ranki
 man)                                  ng)
DeLAURO              X                BARRETT     X
 (CT)                                  (SC)
EDWARDS              X                BONNER      X
 (TX)                                  (AL)
COOPER               X                GARRETT     X
 (TN)                                  (NJ)
ALLEN                X                DIAZ-BA     X
 (ME)                                  LART
SCHWART              X                HENSARL     X
 Z (PA)                                ING
KAPTUR               X                LUNGREN
 (OH)                                  (CA)
BECERRA              X                SIMPSON     X
 (CA)                                  (ID)
DOGGETT              X                McHENRY     X
 (TX)                                  (NC)
BLUMENA              X                MACK        X
 UER                                   (FL)
BERRY                X                CONAWAY     X
 (AR)                                  (TX)
BOYD                 X                CAMPBEL     X
 (FL)                                  L (CA)
McGOVER              X                TIBERI      X
 N (MA)                                (OH)
SUTTON               X                PORTER      X
 (OH)                                  (NV)
ANDREWS              X                ALEXAND     X
 (NJ)                                  ER
SCOTT                X                SMITH       X
 (VA)                                  (NE)
ETHERID              X                JORDAN      X
 GE                                    (OH)
HOOLEY               X
BAIRD                X
MOORE,               X
BISHOP               X
MOORE,               X

    23. An amendment was offered by Representatives Conaway and 
Garrett to create a point of order against the consideration of 
reconciliation legislation or amendments to it if either: (1) 
the total of a committee's provisions result in gross new 
direct spending that exceeds 20 percent of the total savings 
instruction for the committee, or (2) the effect of the 
adoption of an amendment would result in gross new direct 
spending that exceeds 20 percent of the total savings 
instruction for the committee.
    The amendment was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 16 
ayes and 22 nays.

                               VOTE NO. 23
 Name &                      Answer    Name &                    Answer
 State     Aye       No     Present    State     Aye      No     Present
SPRATT               X                RYAN        X
 (SC)                                  (WI)
 (Chair                                (Ranki
 man)                                  ng)
DeLAURO              X                BARRETT     X
 (CT)                                  (SC)
EDWARDS              X                BONNER      X
 (TX)                                  (AL)
COOPER               X                GARRETT     X
 (TN)                                  (NJ)
ALLEN                X                DIAZ-BA     X
 (ME)                                  LART
SCHWART              X                HENSARL     X
 Z (PA)                                ING
KAPTUR               X                LUNGREN
 (OH)                                  (CA)
BECERRA              X                SIMPSON     X
 (CA)                                  (ID)
DOGGETT              X                McHENRY     X
 (TX)                                  (NC)
BLUMENA              X                MACK        X
 UER                                   (FL)
BERRY                X                CONAWAY     X
 (AR)                                  (TX)
BOYD                 X                CAMPBEL     X
 (FL)                                  L (CA)
McGOVER              X                TIBERI      X
 N (MA)                                (OH)
SUTTON               X                PORTER      X
 (OH)                                  (NV)
ANDREWS              X                ALEXAND     X
 (NJ)                                  ER
SCOTT                X                SMITH       X
 (VA)                                  (NE)
ETHERID              X                JORDAN      X
 GE                                    (OH)
HOOLEY               X
BAIRD                X
MOORE,               X
BISHOP               X
MOORE,               X

    24. An amendment was offered by Representatives Hensarling, 
Lungren, and Ryan to create a point of order against 
legislation that includes any of the following: (1) earmarks; 
(2) increases in direct spending; or (3) increases for 
appropriations other than defense or veterans programs. The 
point of order would apply until Social Security surpluses are 
no longer transferred to the general fund.
    The amendment was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 16 
ayes and 22 nays.

                               VOTE NO. 24
 Name &                      Answer    Name &                    Answer
 State     Aye       No     Present    State     Aye      No     Present
SPRATT               X                RYAN        X
 (SC)                                  (WI)
 (Chair                                (Ranki
 man)                                  ng)
DeLAURO              X                BARRETT     X
 (CT)                                  (SC)
EDWARDS              X                BONNER      X
 (TX)                                  (AL)
COOPER               X                GARRETT     X
 (TN)                                  (NJ)
ALLEN                X                DIAZ-BA     X
 (ME)                                  LART
SCHWART              X                HENSARL     X
 Z (PA)                                ING
KAPTUR               X                LUNGREN
 (OH)                                  (CA)
BECERRA              X                SIMPSON     X
 (CA)                                  (ID)
DOGGETT              X                McHENRY     X
 (TX)                                  (NC)
BLUMENA              X                MACK        X
 UER                                   (FL)
BERRY                X                CONAWAY     X
 (AR)                                  (TX)
BOYD                 X                CAMPBEL     X
 (FL)                                  L (CA)
McGOVER              X                TIBERI      X
 N (MA)                                (OH)
SUTTON               X                PORTER      X
 (OH)                                  (NV)
ANDREWS              X                ALEXAND     X
 (NJ)                                  ER
SCOTT                X                SMITH       X
 (VA)                                  (NE)
ETHERID              X                JORDAN      X
 GE                                    (OH)
HOOLEY               X
BAIRD                X
MOORE,               X
BISHOP               X
MOORE,               X

    25. An amendment was offered by Representative Porter to 
add $73.2 billion in budget authority to Function 500 
(Education, Employment, Training, and Social Services) over 
five years and cut an equal amount from Function 920 
(Allowances) in order to increase funding for the Individuals 
with Disabilities Education Act.
    The amendment was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 15 
ayes and 21 nays.

                               VOTE NO. 25
 Name &                      Answer    Name &                    Answer
 State     Aye       No     Present    State     Aye      No     Present
SPRATT               X                RYAN        X
 (SC)                                  (WI)
 (Chair                                (Ranki
 man)                                  ng)
DeLAURO              X                BARRETT     X
 (CT)                                  (SC)
EDWARDS              X                BONNER      X
 (TX)                                  (AL)
COOPER               X                GARRETT     X
 (TN)                                  (NJ)
ALLEN                                 DIAZ-BA     X
 (ME)                                  LART
SCHWART              X                HENSARL     X
 Z (PA)                                ING
KAPTUR               X                LUNGREN
 (OH)                                  (CA)
BECERRA              X                SIMPSON
 (CA)                                  (ID)
DOGGETT              X                McHENRY     X
 (TX)                                  (NC)
BLUMENA              X                MACK        X
 UER                                   (FL)
BERRY                X                CONAWAY     X
 (AR)                                  (TX)
BOYD                 X                CAMPBEL     X
 (FL)                                  L (CA)
McGOVER              X                TIBERI      X
 N (MA)                                (OH)
SUTTON               X                PORTER      X
 (OH)                                  (NV)
ANDREWS              X                ALEXAND     X
 (NJ)                                  ER
SCOTT                X                SMITH       X
 (VA)                                  (NE)
ETHERID              X                JORDAN      X
 GE                                    (OH)
HOOLEY               X
BAIRD                X
MOORE,               X
BISHOP               X
MOORE,               X

    26. An amendment was offered by Representatives McHenry and 
Campbell to provide reconciliation instructions to direct a 
revision in the cross reference to the Social Security Act in 
order to limit qualifying taxpayer identification numbers to 
valid-for-work social security numbers of those legally present 
in the United States.
    The amendment was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 14 
ayes and 22 nays.

                               VOTE NO. 26
 Name &                      Answer    Name &                    Answer
 State     Aye       No     Present    State     Aye      No     Present
SPRATT               X                RYAN        X
 (SC)                                  (WI)
 (Chair                                (Ranki
 man)                                  ng)
DeLAURO              X                BARRETT     X
 (CT)                                  (SC)
EDWARDS              X                BONNER      X
 (TX)                                  (AL)
COOPER               X                GARRETT     X
 (TN)                                  (NJ)
ALLEN                                 DIAZ-BA              X
 (ME)                                  LART
SCHWART              X                HENSARL     X
 Z (PA)                                ING
KAPTUR               X                LUNGREN
 (OH)                                  (CA)
BECERRA              X                SIMPSON
 (CA)                                  (ID)
DOGGETT              X                McHENRY     X
 (TX)                                  (NC)
BLUMENA              X                MACK        X
 UER                                   (FL)
BERRY                X                CONAWAY     X
 (AR)                                  (TX)
BOYD                 X                CAMPBEL     X
 (FL)                                  L (CA)
McGOVER              X                TIBERI      X
 N (MA)                                (OH)
SUTTON               X                PORTER      X
 (OH)                                  (NV)
ANDREWS              X                ALEXAND     X
 (NJ)                                  ER
SCOTT                X                SMITH       X
 (VA)                                  (NE)
ETHERID              X                JORDAN      X
 GE                                    (OH)
HOOLEY               X
BAIRD                X
MOORE,               X
BISHOP               X
MOORE,               X

    27. A Sense of Congress amendment was offered by 
Representatives Conaway, Barrett, and Simpson on war funding.
    The amendment was not agreed to by voice vote.
    28. An amendment was offered by Representatives Garrett, 
Jordan, and Barrett to provide reconciliation instructions 
directing all committees with jurisdiction over mandatory 
spending to report legislation that would reduce total 
mandatory spending within their jurisdictions by one percent 
over five years. The amendment exempted the Committee on 
Veterans' Affairs.
    The amendment was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 16 
ayes and 22 nays.

                               VOTE NO. 28
 Name &                      Answer    Name &                    Answer
 State     Aye       No     Present    State     Aye      No     Present
SPRATT               X                RYAN        X
 (SC)                                  (WI)
 (Chair                                (Ranki
 man)                                  ng)
DeLAURO              X                BARRETT     X
 (CT)                                  (SC)
EDWARDS              X                BONNER      X
 (TX)                                  (AL)
COOPER               X                GARRETT     X
 (TN)                                  (NJ)
ALLEN                X                DIAZ-BA     X
 (ME)                                  LART
SCHWART              X                HENSARL     X
 Z (PA)                                ING
KAPTUR               X                LUNGREN
 (OH)                                  (CA)
BECERRA              X                SIMPSON     X
 (CA)                                  (ID)
DOGGETT              X                McHENRY     X
 (TX)                                  (NC)
BLUMENA              X                MACK        X
 UER                                   (FL)
BERRY                X                CONAWAY     X
 (AR)                                  (TX)
BOYD                 X                CAMPBEL     X
 (FL)                                  L (CA)
McGOVER              X                TIBERI      X
 N (MA)                                (OH)
SUTTON               X                PORTER      X
 (OH)                                  (NV)
ANDREWS              X                ALEXAND     X
 (NJ)                                  ER
SCOTT                X                SMITH       X
 (VA)                                  (NE)
ETHERID              X                JORDAN      X
 GE                                    (OH)
HOOLEY               X
BAIRD                X
MOORE,               X
BISHOP               X
MOORE,               X

    29. A Sense of House amendment was offered by 
Representatives Ryan and Moore (WI) on the importance of 
ensuring that children receive all the child support that is 
owed to them.
    The amendment was agreed to by voice vote.
    30. An amendment was offered by Representatives Jordan and 
Mack to establish ``the United States Authorization and Sunset 
Commission.'' The Commission would be required to submit 
recommendations abolishing at least 25 percent of agencies and 
programs operating without statutory authorization within 18 
months of its establishment and thereafter every 10 years. 
Legislative proposals submitted by the Commission would be 
considered in Congress under expedited procedures.
    The amendment was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 16 
ayes and 22 nays.

                               VOTE NO. 30
 Name &                      Answer    Name &                    Answer
 State     Aye       No     Present    State     Aye      No     Present
SPRATT               X                RYAN        X
 (SC)                                  (WI)
 (Chair                                (Ranki
 man)                                  ng)
DeLAURO              X                BARRETT     X
 (CT)                                  (SC)
EDWARDS              X                BONNER      X
 (TX)                                  (AL)
COOPER               X                GARRETT     X
 (TN)                                  (NJ)
ALLEN                X                DIAZ-BA     X
 (ME)                                  LART
SCHWART              X                HENSARL     X
 Z (PA)                                ING
KAPTUR               X                LUNGREN
 (OH)                                  (CA)
BECERRA              X                SIMPSON     X
 (CA)                                  (ID)
DOGGETT              X                McHENRY     X
 (TX)                                  (NC)
BLUMENA              X                MACK        X
 UER                                   (FL)
BERRY                X                CONAWAY     X
 (AR)                                  (TX)
BOYD                 X                CAMPBEL     X
 (FL)                                  L (CA)
McGOVER              X                TIBERI      X
 N (MA)                                (OH)
SUTTON               X                PORTER      X
 (OH)                                  (NV)
ANDREWS              X                ALEXAND     X
 (NJ)                                  ER
SCOTT                X                SMITH       X
 (VA)                                  (NE)
ETHERID              X                JORDAN      X
 GE                                    (OH)
HOOLEY               X
BAIRD                X
MOORE,               X
BISHOP               X
MOORE,               X

    31. A Sense of Congress was offered by Representative 
McHenry against raising taxes on pensions.
    The Sense of Congress was not agreed to by a roll call vote 
of 16 ayes and 22 nays.

                               VOTE NO. 31
 Name &                      Answer    Name &                    Answer
 State     Aye       No     Present    State     Aye      No     Present
SPRATT               X                RYAN        X
 (SC)                                  (WI)
 (Chair                                (Ranki
 man)                                  ng)
DeLAURO              X                BARRETT     X
 (CT)                                  (SC)
EDWARDS              X                BONNER      X
 (TX)                                  (AL)
COOPER               X                GARRETT     X
 (TN)                                  (NJ)
ALLEN                X                DIAZ-BA     X
 (ME)                                  LART
SCHWART              X                HENSARL     X
 Z (PA)                                ING
KAPTUR               X                LUNGREN
 (OH)                                  (CA)
BECERRA              X                SIMPSON     X
 (CA)                                  (ID)
DOGGETT              X                McHENRY     X
 (TX)                                  (NC)
BLUMENA              X                MACK        X
 UER                                   (FL)
BERRY                X                CONAWAY     X
 (AR)                                  (TX)
BOYD                 X                CAMPBEL     X
 (FL)                                  L (CA)
McGOVER              X                TIBERI      X
 N (MA)                                (OH)
SUTTON               X                PORTER      X
 (OH)                                  (NV)
ANDREWS              X                ALEXAND     X
 (NJ)                                  ER
SCOTT                X                SMITH       X
 (VA)                                  (NE)
ETHERID              X                JORDAN      X
 GE                                    (OH)
HOOLEY               X
BAIRD                X
MOORE,               X
BISHOP               X
MOORE,               X

    32. Ms. DeLauro moved that the Committee adopt the 
aggregates, functional totals, and other matters of the 
Chairman's mark, as amended. The motion was agreed to by a 
voice vote.
    33. Ms. DeLauro moved that the Committee order the 
Chairman's mark of the concurrent resolution as amended to be 
reported to the House of Representatives with the 
recommendation that the concurrent resolution do pass. The 
motion was agreed to by a roll call vote of 22 ayes and 16 

                               VOTE NO. 33
 Name &                      Answer    Name &                    Answer
 State     Aye       No     Present    State     Aye      No     Present
SPRATT      X                         RYAN                 X
 (SC)                                  (WI)
 (Chair                                (Ranki
 man)                                  ng)
DeLAURO     X                         BARRETT              X
 (CT)                                  (SC)
EDWARDS     X                         BONNER               X
 (TX)                                  (AL)
COOPER      X                         GARRETT              X
 (TN)                                  (NJ)
ALLEN       X                         DIAZ-BA              X
 (ME)                                  LART
SCHWART     X                         HENSARL              X
 Z (PA)                                ING
KAPTUR      X                         LUNGREN
 (OH)                                  (CA)
BECERRA     X                         SIMPSON              X
 (CA)                                  (ID)
DOGGETT     X                         McHENRY              X
 (TX)                                  (NC)
BLUMENA     X                         MACK                 X
 UER                                   (FL)
BERRY       X                         CONAWAY              X
 (AR)                                  (TX)
BOYD        X                         CAMPBEL              X
 (FL)                                  L (CA)
McGOVER     X                         TIBERI               X
 N (MA)                                (OH)
SUTTON      X                         PORTER               X
 (OH)                                  (NV)
ANDREWS     X                         ALEXAND              X
 (NJ)                                  ER
SCOTT       X                         SMITH                X
 (VA)                                  (NE)
ETHERID     X                         JORDAN               X
 GE                                    (OH)
BAIRD       X
MOORE,      X
MOORE,      X

    34. Ms. DeLauro, pursuant to House rule XXII, clause 1 
moved that the Chairman be authorized to offer such motions in 
the House of Representatives as may be necessary to go to 
conference; and that the staff be authorized to make technical 
and conforming corrections in the concurrent resolution and 
committee amendments, and to calculate the remaining elements 
required on the resolution, prior to the filing of the 
concurrent resolution. The motions were agreed to by voice 
    Mr. Ryan stated the intention of the minority to file 
minority views for inclusion in the report on the Concurrent 
Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2009.
    Chairman Spratt adjourned the Committee.
                            HOUSE RULE XXVII

    The adoption of a conference agreement by the two houses on 
a concurrent resolution on the budget would result in the 
engrossment of a House Joint Resolution changing the statutory 
limit on the public debt pursuant to House Rule XXVII, clause 
3. The rule requires a joint resolution in the following form:
    Resolved, by the Senate and the House of Representatives of 
the United States in Congress assembled, that subsection (b) of 
section 3101 of title 31, United States Code, is amended by 
striking out the dollar limitation contained in such subsection 
and inserting in lieu thereof $10,200,000,000,000.

            Committee Oversight Findings and Recommendations

    Clause 3(c)(1) of Rule XIII requires that each committee 
report include oversight findings and recommendations pursuant 
to Clause 2(b)(1) of Rule X. The Committee on the Budget has no 
such findings at this time.

   New Budget Authority, Entitlement Authority, and Tax Expenditures

    Clause 3(c)(2) of Rule XIII provides that committee reports 
shall include the statement required by Section 308(a)(1) of 
the Congressional Budget Act of 1974. As a concurrent 
resolution that sets forth a blueprint for the Congressional 
budget, the budget resolution does not provide new budget 
authority or new entitlement authority or change revenues. 
Therefore, this report does not contain such a statement.

                General Performance Goals and Objectives

    Clause 3(c)(4) of Rule XIII requires that each committee 
report include a statement of general performance goals and 
objectives, including outcome-related goals and objectives, for 
which the measure authorizes funding. Because the Concurrent 
Resolution on the Budget does not authorize funding, the 
committee does not have any such goals and objectives to 

                             MINORITY VIEWS


                     THE STATUS QUO--AND THEN SOME

                 Taxes, Spending, and a Lack of Reform


    There are two visions of America.
    In one, American society starts with the individual, the 
family, the entrepreneur, and grows outward from their choices 
and actions exercised responsibly in a free and open economy. 
Government's primary roles are protecting the national 
security, upholding the rules of law, and providing a reliable 
safety net for those who need it, when they need it.
    In the other view, Americans are increasingly dependent on, 
and beholden to, the government. As government expands, it 
absorbs growing amounts of economic resources, gradually 
smothering the initiative of the people it is supposed to 
serve. On this path--the inevitable course of today's fiscal 
policies extended forward--the Federal Government by mid-
century will double in size, consuming as much as 40 percent of 
America's economic output, and mostly shuffling resources from 
one generation to another. This is the view of the resolution 
reported to the House by the Committee on the Budget, on a 
party-line vote.
    The Democratic budget contains the usual mix of higher 
taxes and higher spending--only more so. The Majority's ``new'' 
fiscal blueprint, as reported by the Budget Committee, calls 
for an even larger tax increase than last year, totaling $683 
billion over 5 years. But the budget still manages to soak up 
the additional revenue with an array of proposals to expand 
government, setting in motion a vicious cycle of ever-higher 
spending chased by ever-higher taxes. Further, the Democrats 
fail to fully budget for Iraq and Afghanistan--after 
criticizing the President's budget for the same thing.
    The budget also fails to rescue Social Security and 
Medicare from the financial crisis that is now unfolding, 
despite repeated warnings that these and other entitlement 
programs are the largest threat to the budget and the U.S. 

                              HIGHER TAXES

    <bullet> Imposes the Largest Tax Increase in History. 
Though Democrats claim otherwise, the budget raises taxes by 
$683 billion over the next 5 years. This occurs for two 
          --ASSUMED IN THE REVENUE FIGURES. First, the numbers 
        in the budget include, depend on, and require $683 
        billion in revenue increases resulting from automatic 
        tax hikes scheduled to occur after 31 December 2010. 
        These include increases in marginal tax rates; 
        elimination of the 10-percent bracket for lower-income 
        taxpayers; higher taxes on marriage, children, small 
        businesses, and estates; and higher tax rates on 
          --REQUIRED BY PAYGO. Second, the budget operates 
        under the Democrats' pay-as-you-go [PAYGO] rule, which 
        requires capturing the additional revenue from these 
        tax increases--as if simply retaining current policies 
        after 2010 (including provisions enacted in 2001 and 
        2003) constitutes a new tax ``cut.''
    Either way, the House Majority's budget raises taxes by 
nearly three times the largest enacted tax hike to date: the 
$240.6 billion increase in the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation 
Act of 1993.

                        DEMOCRATIC TAX INCREASES
                          [Dollars in billions]
                    Tax Increasea                         5-Year Total
Increase in Marginal Rates...........................      325.7 billion
Increase in Tax Per Child............................       50.9 billion
Increase in Marriage Penalty.........................       25.4 billion
Increase in Death Tax................................      180.6 billion
Increase in Taxes on Investments.....................       81.8 billion
Other Tax Increases..................................      18.7 billion
aReflects estimated revenue effects only.
Source: House Budget Committee Republican staff estimates.

    <bullet> Spreads Tax Hikes Widely. These assumed tax 
increases would hit middle-income families, low-income earners, 
families with children, small businesses, and a range of 
others. The budget contains a ``reserve fund'' and policy 
language claiming to protect ``middle-income'' tax benefits; 
but even these provisions still require raising the additional 
revenue, as embraced by the budget's revenue stream.
    Here are some examples of how much the Democratic budget 
will increase burdens on American taxpayers:
          --Some 116 million taxpayers will see an average tax 
        increase of more than $1,800 per year.
          --More than 6 million low-income individuals and 
        couples who currently pay no taxes will no longer be 
          --A family of four earning $50,000 will see their 
        taxes increase by $2,100.
          --Approximately 48 million married couples will face 
        an average tax increase of $3,000 per year.
          --Low-income families with one or two children will 
        no longer be eligible for the refundable child tax 
        credit in 2011.
          --Roughly 12 million single women with children will 
        see their taxes increase by $1,100 per year.
          --About 18 million seniors will be subjected to tax 
        increases of more than $2,100 per year.
          --Tax bills for an estimated 27 million small-
        business owners will increase by more than $4,000 each.
    <bullet> Sets the Table for Billions in Further Tax and 
Spending Hikes. The budget contains 16 ``reserve funds'' that 
call for an unspecified total in spending increases, if offset 
with commensurate savings or--as is far more likely--higher 
taxes. The only identified spending amount is a proposed $50 
billion increase for the State Children's Health Insurance 
Program [SCHIP]. Oddly, none of the reserve funds accommodates 
the health reform proposals of the two Democratic presidential 
    <bullet> Offers No Real AMT Fix. The Democrats recycle last 
year's distorted logic about the alternative minimum tax [AMT]. 
The budget employs a reconciliation instruction that 
``patches'' the AMT for 1 year (tax year 2008)--preventing the 
tax from ensnaring roughly 25 million new taxpayers for whom it 
was never intended. It then treats this as a new tax ``cut,'' 
and raises taxes by $70 billion in the subsequent 4 years to 
``pay for'' it.
    <bullet> Ignores Economic Consequences. With U.S. consumers 
already anxious over mortgage payments, food and gasoline 
prices, and spiraling health care expenses, the threatened tax 
increases only add to their economic worries. These tax hikes 
likely would reverse the economic gains achieved under the 2001 
and 2003 tax laws, which include: 8.3 million new jobs, an 
average of more than 150,000 per month; a 5.5-percent year-
over-year increase in business investment; and real growth in 
gross domestic product averaging more than 3.0 percent per year 
(even with the weak fourth quarter in 2007).
    <bullet> Reverses ``Stimulus''. Less than a month after 
Congress and the President enacted tax relief measures to 
``stimulate'' the economy, the Democratic budget takes back 
these benefits several times over. The proposed tax increase is 
more than four times the size of the tax-reducing ``stimulus'' 
    <bullet> Ignores Fiscal Consequences. Because these tax 
increases likely would slow economic growth, they will produce 
less revenue than expected. But the Democrats' spending 
proposals will not shrink. This combination will worsen 
deficits, increase debt, and make it more difficult to balance 
the budget. 

    <bullet> Employs Faulty Class Warfare Rhetoric. When 
Democrats insist they intend only to ``roll back'' tax breaks 
for the ``rich,'' they ignore the fact that upper income 
earners already bear the largest part of the tax burden; and 
their share of taxes actually increased after the 2001 and 2003 
laws. For example, those in the top 10 percent of income 
earners already were paying more than two-thirds of the tax 
burden; today they are paying more than 70 percent.

                        HUGE SPENDING INCREASES

    <bullet> Proposes a Record-Setting 1-Year Appropriations 
Increase. The budget promotes an astonishing 8.8-percent ($82 
billion) year-to-year increase in total nonemergency 
discretionary spending, which rises from the $933-billion 
enacted level in fiscal year 2008 to $1.105 trillion in 2009. 
The figure also reflects a $23.4-billion increase over the 
President's request in nondefense, nonemergency discretionary 
spending--which translates to $280 billion above the President 
over 5 years (including cap adjustments).
    <bullet> Increases ``Advance Appropriations''. The budget 
also increases by $2 billion, to $27.588 billion, the amount 
that can be appropriated in fiscal year 2010 or later. This 
gimmick builds spending into the base of government that is 
effectively exempt from budget disciplines.
    <bullet> Promises Reckless New Entitlement Spending. 
Despite warnings by numerous witnesses about the unsustainable 
rate of entitlement spending, the budget's reserve funds 
nevertheless provide for higher mandatory spending if coupled 
with even more tax increases. As noted above, the budget 
contains 16 reserve funds that create avenues for higher 
spending if offset with spending reductions or--as is more 
likely--higher taxes.


    <bullet> Ignores the Entitlement Warnings. The Budget 
Committee has been warned repeatedly that Social Security and 
Medicare cannot be sustained as currently structured, and--
along with other entitlements--are growing at rates that will 
cripple the economy and overwhelm the budget. Yet the budget 
puts off any significant reform for at least 5 years--causing 
the problem to worsen. As a result, the unfunded liabilities in 
Social Security and Medicare will increase by roughly $14 
trillion--from about $38.7 trillion today to about $52.5 
trillion by 2013.
    <bullet> Throws More Words at the Problem. The resolution's 
only response to the entitlement challenge is Sense of the 
House language urging ``governmental and nongovernmental 
experts to develop specific options to reform the health care 
system.'' The language contends that ``immediate policy action 
is needed,'' but says ``such action should be bipartisan, 
bicameral, involve both legislative and executive branch 
participants, as well as public participation, and be conducted 
in a manner that ensures full, fair, and timely Congressional 

                           NO ACCOUNTABILITY

    <bullet> Retains Bias Favoring Higher Spending, Higher 
Taxes. As noted, the budget raises taxes by $683 billion, by 
assuming all the 2001 and 2003 tax provisions will expire as 
scheduled after 31 December 2010. But at the same time it 
assumes that spending programs whose authorizations expire 
continue indefinitely.
    <bullet> Fails to Strengthen PAYGO. It retains the weak 
House pay-as-you-go [PAYGO] rule, which allows Democrats to 
chase higher spending with higher taxes, and to enact spending 
increases immediately, offset by gimmicks, or by savings that 
do not occur until later.
    <bullet> Offers No Emergency Provision. The budget fails to 
anticipate emergencies, and provides no criteria for domestic 
emergency spending--which is exempt from budget disciplines.
    <bullet> Contains No Earmark Reform. The budget does 
nothing to cure the continuing problem of congressional 
earmarks--though the fiscal year 2008 appropriations bills 
contained 11,737 such provisions, at a total cost of $16.9 


    <bullet> Abuses Fast-Track Reconciliation. The budget 
misuses budget reconciliation--which is intended to control 
spending and preclude any 60-vote hurdle in the Senate--in the 
following ways:
          --AMT. It jams a $70-billion tax increase to ``pay 
        for'' a 1-year alternative minimum tax ``patch''--as if 
        this patch were a new tax cut. But in fact, the patch 
        only prevents exposing 25 million additional taxpayers 
        to the AMT. Although the AMT was never intended for 
        these added taxpayers, the budget demands the 
        additional $70 billion in revenue anyway.
          --MEDICARE. The budget provides a nominal $750 
        million in 5-year savings to leverage unspecified 
        Medicare changes, with no real reform.
    <bullet> Rests on Straw Man Reserve Funds. Instead of 
providing funding for promised initiatives, the budget includes 
16 reserve funds that promise extra funding for pet initiatives 
if offsets are included. The reserve funds have no real effect 
because budget rules already permit initiatives not assumed in 
the budget to be financed by offsets.
    <bullet> Fails on War Funding. The Democratic Majority 
still has not provided all the President's requested 2008 
funding for Iraq and Afghanistan, and now their budget contains 
only $70 billion for the troops in fiscal year 2009. When the 
President submitted his 2009 budget in February, Democrats 
harshly criticized the administration for including only 
partial war funding for 2009--and now they are doing the same.


    In his first inaugural address, President Reagan said: ``I 
do not believe in a fate that will fall on us no matter what we 
do. I do believe in a fate that will fall on us if we do 
    The Democratic budget accepts the latter. It resigns itself 
to a philosophy in which bigger government is better 
government, and the only way to address America's challenges is 
through a vicious cycle of higher government spending chased by 
higher taxes. It is the status quo carried forward to its 
discouraging, and self-defeating, conclusion.
    There is another way--one that promotes the vitality of 
American society by nurturing the initiative of its 
individuals, its families, its entrepreneurs; one that restores 
America's fundamental character and strength; one that sees 
challenges as opportunities to make America greater still.
    The choice now lies before the House--which should begin by 
rejecting this budget.
                                   Paul Ryan.
                                   J. Gresham Barrett.
                                   Jeb Hensarling.
                                   John Campbell.
                                   Pat Tiberi.
                                   Patrick T. McHenry.
                                   Michael Simpson.
                                   Mario Diaz-Balart.
                                   K. Michael Conaway.
                                   Daniel E. Lungren.
                                   Scott Garrett.
                                   Connie Mack.
                                   Jim Jordan.
                                   Jon C. Porter.


  Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate 


  (a) Declaration.--The Congress determines and declares that 
the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2008 is 
revised and replaced and that this is the concurrent resolution 
on the budget for fiscal year 2009, including appropriate 
budgetary levels for fiscal years 2010 through 2013.
  (b) Table of Contents.--

Sec. 1. Concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2009.


Sec. 101. Recommended levels and amounts.
Sec. 102. Major functional categories.

                        TITLE II--RECONCILIATION

Sec. 201. Reconciliation in the House of Representatives.

                        TITLE III--RESERVE FUNDS

Sec. 301. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for SCHIP legislation.
Sec. 302. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for veterans and servicemembers.
Sec. 303. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for education benefits for 
          servicemembers, veterans, and their families.
Sec. 304. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for infrastructure investment.
Sec. 305. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for renewable energy and energy 
Sec. 306. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for middle-income tax relief and 
          economic equity.
Sec. 307. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for reform of the alternative 
          minimum tax.
Sec. 308. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for higher education.
Sec. 309. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for affordable housing.
Sec. 310. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for medicare improvements.
Sec. 311. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for health care quality, 
          effectiveness, and efficiency.
Sec. 312. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for Medicaid and other programs.
Sec. 313. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for trade adjustment assistance 
          and unemployment insurance modernization.
Sec. 314. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for county payments legislation.
Sec. 315. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for San Joaquin River restoration 
          and Navajo Nation water rights settlements.
Sec. 316. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for the National Park Centennial 
Sec. 317. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for child support enforcement.

                      TITLE IV--BUDGET ENFORCEMENT

Sec. 401. Program integrity initiatives.
Sec. 402. Oversight of government performance.
Sec. 403. Point of order against advance appropriations.
Sec. 404. Overseas deployments and emergency needs.
Sec. 405. Budgetary treatment of certain discretionary administrative 
Sec. 406. Application and effect of changes in allocations and 
Sec. 407. Adjustments to reflect changes in concepts and definitions.
Sec. 408. Exercise of rulemaking powers.

                             TITLE V--POLICY

Sec. 501. Policy on middle-income tax relief.
Sec. 502. Policy on defense priorities.

                      TITLE VI--SENSE OF THE HOUSE

Sec. 601. Sense of the House on the Innovation Agenda and America 
          Competes Act.
Sec. 602. Sense of the House on servicemembers' and veterans' health 
          care and other priorities.
Sec. 603. Sense of the House on homeland security.
Sec. 604. Sense of the House regarding long-term fiscal reform.
Sec. 605. Sense of the House regarding waste, fraud, and abuse.
Sec. 606. Sense of the House regarding extension of the statutory pay-
          as-you-go rule.
Sec. 607. Sense of the House on long-term budgeting.
Sec. 608. Sense of the House regarding the need to maintain and build 
          upon efforts to fight hunger.
Sec. 609. Sense of the House regarding affordable health coverage.
Sec. 610. Sense of the House regarding pay parity.
Sec. 611. Sense of the House regarding subprime lending and 
Sec. 612. Sense of House regarding the importance of child support 



  The following budgetary levels are appropriate for each of 
fiscal years 2008 through 2013:
          (1) Federal revenues.--For purposes of the 
        enforcement of this resolution:
                  (A) The recommended levels of Federal 
                revenues are as follows:
          Fiscal year 2008: $1,879,540,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2009: $2,027,124,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2010: $2,205,864,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2011: $2,442,025,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2012: $2,669,315,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2013: $2,771,740,000,000.
                  (B) The amounts by which the aggregate levels 
                of Federal revenues should be adjusted are as 
          Fiscal year 2008: $0.
          Fiscal year 2009: -$70,000,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2010: $23,000,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2011: $14,000,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2012: $16,000,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2013: $17,000,000,000.
          (2) New budget authority.--For purposes of the 
        enforcement of this resolution, the appropriate levels 
        of total new budget authority are as follows:
          Fiscal year 2008: $2,556,254,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2009: $2,529,246,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2010: $2,564,161,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2011: $2,698,039,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2012: $2,740,065,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2013: $2,866,862,000,000.
          (3) Budget outlays.--For purposes of the enforcement 
        of this resolution, the appropriate levels of total 
        budget outlays are as follows:
          Fiscal year 2008: $2,462,616,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2009: $2,563,380,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2010: $2,622,295,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2011: $2,716,979,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2012: $2,728,965,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2013: $2,857,394,000,000.
          (4) Deficits (on-budget).--For purposes of the 
        enforcement of this resolution, the amounts of the 
        deficits (on-budget) are as follows:
          Fiscal year 2008: $583,076,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2009: $536,256,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2010: $416,431,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2011: $274,954,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2012: $59,650,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2013: $85,654,000,000.
          (5) Debt subject to limit.--Pursuant to section 
        301(a)(5) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, the 
        appropriate levels of the debt subject to limit are as 
          Fiscal year 2008: $9,567,484,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2009: $10,199,551,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2010: $10,724,264,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2011: $11,103,954,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2012: $11,295,107,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2013: $11,495,218,000,000.
          (6) Debt held by the public.--The appropriate levels 
        of debt held by the public are as follows:
          Fiscal year 2008: $5,396,807,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2009: $5,753,900,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2010: $5,981,334,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2011: $6,047,654,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2012: $5,885,687,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2013: $5,744,120,000,000.


  The Congress determines and declares that the appropriate 
levels of new budget authority and outlays for fiscal years 
2008 through 2013 for each major functional category are:
          (1) National Defense (050):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $576,173,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $573,362,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $560,726,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $560,099,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $556,699,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, 568,829,000,000.
          (2) International Affairs (150):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $32,843,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $35,702,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $36,918,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $37,679,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $38,154,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $38,346,000,000.
          (3) General Science, Space, and Technology (250):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $26,456,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $28,700,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $30,604,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $32,201,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $33,564,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $34,477,000,000.
          (4) Energy (270):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $1,681,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $2,192,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $2,878,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $3,371,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $3,738,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $4,020,000,000.
          (5) Natural Resources and Environment (300):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $34,440,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $35,576,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $36,192,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $36,420,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $36,745,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $37,299,000,000.
          (6) Agriculture (350):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $21,528,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $21,279,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $20,680,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $20,876,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $21,435,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $21,816,000,000.
          (7) Commerce and Housing Credit (370):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $5,381,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $3,722,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $5,835,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $2,193,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $1,735,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $1,648,000,000.
          (8) Transportation (400):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $77,795,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $80,443,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $83,861,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $86,062,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $88,134,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $90,443,000,000.
          (9) Community and Regional Development (450):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $27,819,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $24,251,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $21,816,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $17,874,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $15,817,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $15,561,000,000.
          (10) Education, Training, Employment, and Social 
        Services (500):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $90,729,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $90,947,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $98,345,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $103,135,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $104,397,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $103,490,000,000.
          (11) Health (550):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $286,688,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $305,334,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $324,138,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $343,718,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $366,312,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $391,326,000,000.
          (12) Medicare (570):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $390,454,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $419,974,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $445,349,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $494,193,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $491,110,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $552,503,000,000.
          (13) Income Security (600):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $394,100,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $414,032,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $418,617,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $427,541,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $412,831,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $427,703,000,000.
          (14) Social Security (650):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $19,378,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $21,308,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $23,794,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $27,330,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $30,342,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $33,162,000,000.
          (15) Veterans Benefits and Services (700):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $83,551,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $92,443,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $95,710,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $101,475,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $98,271,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $104,266,000,000.
          (16) Administration of Justice (750):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $44,282,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $47,936,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $49,602,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $50,596,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $51,501,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $52,542,000,000.
          (17) General Government (800):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $56,920,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $23,890,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $19,987,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $20,496,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $21,332,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $21,787,000,000.
          (18) Net Interest (900):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $349,296,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $334,233,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $370,534,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $406,997,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $427,954,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $436,292,000,000.
          (19) Allowances (920):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $531,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, $0.
                          (B) Outlays, $307,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, -$53,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, -$164,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, -$178,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, -$200,000,000.
          (20) Undistributed Offsetting Receipts (950):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, -$86,330,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, -$67,060,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, -$70,645,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, -$73,364,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, -$76,104,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, -$79,691,000,000.
          (21) Overseas Deployments and Other Activities (970):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $28,901,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $74,809,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, $0.
                          (B) Outlays, $47,407,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, $0.
                          (B) Outlays, $18,251,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, $0.
                          (B) Outlays, $5,176,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, $0.
                          (B) Outlays, $1,775,000,000.

                        TITLE II--RECONCILIATION


  (a) Changes in Mandatory Spending.--Not later than September 
12, 2008, the House Committee on Ways and Means shall report a 
reconciliation bill making changes in laws within its 
jurisdiction sufficient to reduce direct spending by 
$750,000,000 for the period of fiscal years 2008 through 2013.
  (b) Changes in Revenue.--Not later than July 15, 2008, the 
House Committee on Ways and Means shall report a reconciliation 
bill making changes in laws within its jurisdiction that will 
reduce total revenues by $70,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2009 
and will increase total revenues by $70,000,000,000 for the 
period of fiscal years 2010 through 2013.
  (c) Adjustments to Allocations and Aggregates.--
          (1) Upon the reporting to the House of any bill that 
        has complied with reconciliation instructions, the 
        chairman of the Committee on the Budget may file with 
        the House appropriately revised allocations under 
        section 302(a) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 
        and revised functional levels and aggregates.
          (2) Upon the submission to the House of any 
        conference report recommending a reconciliation bill in 
        which a committee has complied with its reconciliation 
        instructions, the chairman of the Committee on the 
        Budget may file with the House appropriately revised 
        allocations under section 302(a) of such Act and 
        revised functional levels and aggregates.
          (3) Allocations and aggregates revised pursuant to 
        this subsection shall be considered to be allocations 
        and aggregates established by the concurrent resolution 
        on the budget pursuant to section 301 of such Act.

                        TITLE III--RESERVE FUNDS


  In the House, the chairman of the Committee on the Budget may 
revise the allocations of a committee or committees, 
aggregates, and other appropriate levels in this resolution for 
any bill, joint resolution, amendment, or conference report, 
which contains matter within the jurisdiction of the Committee 
on Energy and Commerce that expands coverage and improves 
children's health through the State Childrens Health Insurance 
Program (SCHIP) under title XXI of the Social Security Act and 
the program under title XIX of such Act (commonly known as 
Medicaid) and that increases new budget authority that will 
result in no more than $50,000,000,000 in outlays in fiscal 
years 2008 through 2013, and others which contain offsets so 
designated for the purpose of this section within the 
jurisdiction of another committee or committees, if the 
combined changes would not increase the deficit or decrease the 
surplus for the period of fiscal years 2008 through 2013 or for 
the period of fiscal years 2008 through 2018.


  In the House, the chairman of the Committee on the Budget may 
revise the allocations, aggregates, and other appropriate 
levels in this resolution for any bill, joint resolution, 
amendment, or conference report that--
          (1) enhances medical care for wounded or disabled 
        military personnel or veterans;
          (2) maintains affordable health care for military 
        retirees and veterans;
          (3) improves disability benefits or evaluations for 
        wounded or disabled military personnel or veterans, 
        including measures to expedite the claims process;
          (4) expands eligibility to permit additional disabled 
        military retirees to receive both disability 
        compensation and retired pay;
          (5) eliminates the offset between Survivor Benefit 
        Plan annuities and veterans' dependency and indemnity 
        compensation; or
          (6) provides or increases benefits for Filipino 
        veterans of World War II or their survivors and 
by the amounts provided in such measure if such measure would 
not increase the deficit or decrease the surplus for the period 
of fiscal years 2008 through 2013 or for the period of fiscal 
years 2008 through 2018.


  In the House, the chairman of the Committee on the Budget may 
revise the allocations, aggregates, and other appropriate 
levels in this resolution for any bill, joint resolution, 
amendment, or conference report that enhances education 
benefits or assistance for servicemembers (including Active 
Duty, National Guard, and Reserve), veterans, or their spouses, 
survivors, or dependents by the amounts provided in such 
measure if such measure would not increase the deficit or 
decrease the surplus for the period of fiscal years 2008 
through 2013 or for the period of fiscal years 2008 through 


  In the House, the chairman of the Committee on the Budget may 
revise the allocations, aggregates, and other appropriate 
levels in this resolution for any bill, joint resolution, 
amendment, or conference report that provides for increased 
investment in infrastructure projects by the amounts provided 
in such measure if such measure would not increase the deficit 
or decrease the surplus for the period of fiscal years 2008 
through 2013 or for the period of fiscal years 2008 through 


  In the House, the chairman of the Committee on the Budget may 
revise the allocations, aggregates, and other appropriate 
levels in this resolution for any bill, joint resolution, 
amendment, or conference report that provides tax incentives 
for or otherwise encourages the production of renewable energy 
or increased energy efficiency; encourages investment in 
emerging energy or vehicle technologies or carbon capture and 
sequestration; provides for reductions in greenhouse gas 
emissions; or facilitates the training of workers for these 
industries (``green collar jobs'') by the amounts provided in 
such measure if such measure would not increase the deficit or 
decrease the surplus for the period of fiscal years 2008 
through 2013 or for the period of fiscal years 2008 through 

                    ECONOMIC EQUITY.

  In the House, the chairman of the Committee on the Budget may 
revise the allocations, aggregates, and other appropriate 
levels in this resolution for any bill, joint resolution, 
amendment, or conference report that provides for tax relief 
for middle-income families and taxpayers or enhanced economic 
equity, such as extension of the child tax credit, extension of 
marriage penalty relief, extension of the 10 percent individual 
income tax bracket, elimination of estate taxes on all but a 
minute fraction of estates by reforming and substantially 
increasing the unified credit, extension of the research and 
experimentation tax credit, extension of the deduction for 
small business expensing, extension of the deduction for State 
and local sales taxes, and a tax credit for school construction 
bonds, by the amounts provided in such measure if such measure 
would not increase the deficit or decrease the surplus for the 
period of fiscal years 2008 through 2013 or for the period of 
fiscal years 2008 through 2018.

                    MINIMUM TAX.

  In the House, the chairman of the Committee on the Budget may 
revise the allocations, aggregates, and other appropriate 
levels in this resolution for any bill, joint resolution, 
amendment, or conference report that provides for reform of the 
Internal Revenue Code of 1986 by reducing the tax burden of the 
alternative minimum tax on middle-income families by the 
amounts provided in such measure if such measure would not 
increase the deficit or decrease the surplus for the period of 
fiscal years 2008 through 2013 or for the period of fiscal 
years 2008 through 2018.


  In the House, the chairman of the Committee on the Budget may 
revise the allocations, aggregates, and other appropriate 
levels in this resolution for any bill, joint resolution, 
amendment, or conference report that makes college more 
affordable or accessible through reforms to the Higher 
Education Act of 1965 or other legislation by the amounts 
provided in such measure if such measure would not increase the 
deficit or decrease the surplus for the period of fiscal years 
2008 through 2013 or for the period of fiscal years 2008 
through 2018.


  In the House, the chairman of the Committee on the Budget may 
revise the allocations, aggregates, and other appropriate 
levels in this resolution for any bill, joint resolution, 
amendment, or conference report that provides for an affordable 
housing fund, offset by reforming the regulation of certain 
government-sponsored enterprises, by the amounts provided in 
such measure if such measure would not increase the deficit or 
decrease the surplus for the period of fiscal years 2008 
through 2013 or for the period of fiscal years 2008 through 


  In the House, the chairman of the Committee on the Budget may 
revise the allocations, aggregates, and other appropriate 
levels in this resolution for any bill, joint resolution, 
amendment, or conference report that improves the Medicare 
program for beneficiaries and protects access to care, through 
measures such as increasing the reimbursement rate for 
physicians while protecting beneficiaries from associated 
premium increases and making improvements to the prescription 
drug program under part D, by the amounts provided in such 
measure if such measure would not increase the deficit or 
decrease the surplus for the period of fiscal years 2008 
through 2013 or for the period of fiscal years 2008 through 


  In the House, the chairman of the Committee on the Budget may 
revise the allocations, aggregates, and other appropriate 
levels in this resolution for any bill, joint resolution, 
amendment, or conference report that--
          (1) provides incentives or other support for adoption 
        of modern information technology, including electronic 
        prescribing, to improve quality and protect privacy in 
        health care;
          (2) establishes a new Federal or public-private 
        initiative for research on the comparative 
        effectiveness of different medical interventions; or
          (3) provides parity between health insurance coverage 
        of mental health benefits and benefits for medical and 
        surgical services, including parity in public programs;
by the amounts provided in such measure if such measure would 
not increase the deficit or decrease the surplus for the period 
of fiscal years 2008 through 2013 or for the period of fiscal 
years 2008 through 2018.


  (a) Regulations and Administrative Actions.--In the House, 
the chairman of the Committee on the Budget may revise the 
allocations, aggregates, and other appropriate levels in this 
resolution for any bill, joint resolution, amendment, or 
conference report that prevents or delays the implementation or 
administration of regulations or other administrative actions 
that would affect the Medicaid, SCHIP, or other programs by the 
amounts provided in such measure if such measure would not 
increase the deficit or decrease the surplus for the period of 
fiscal years 2008 through 2013 or for the period of fiscal 
years 2008 through 2018.
  (b) Transitional Medical Assistance and Qualifying 
Individuals.--In the House, the chairman of the Committee on 
the Budget may revise the allocations, aggregates, and other 
appropriate levels in this resolution for any bill, joint 
resolution, amendment, or conference report that extends the 
transitional medical assistance program or the qualifying 
individuals program, which are included in title XIX of the 
Social Security Act, by the amounts provided in such measure if 
such measure would not increase the deficit or decrease the 
surplus for the period of fiscal years 2008 through 2013 or for 
the period of fiscal years 2008 through 2018.


  In the House, the chairman of the Committee on the Budget may 
revise the allocations, aggregates, and other appropriate 
levels in this resolution for any bill, joint resolution, 
amendment, or conference report that reauthorizes the trade 
adjustment assistance program to better meet the challenges of 
globalization or modernizes the unemployment insurance system 
to improve access to needed benefits by the amounts provided in 
such measure if such measure would not increase the deficit or 
decrease the surplus for the period of fiscal years 2008 
through 2013 or for the period of fiscal years 2008 through 


  In the House, the chairman of the Committee on the Budget may 
revise the allocations, aggregates, and other appropriate 
levels in this resolution for any bill, joint resolution, 
amendment, or conference report that provides for the 
reauthorization of the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self 
Determination Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-393) or makes changes 
to the Payments in Lieu of Taxes Act of 1976 (Public Law 94-
565) by the amounts provided in such measure if such measure 
would not increase the deficit or decrease the surplus for the 
period of fiscal years 2008 through 2013 or for the period of 
fiscal years 2008 through 2018.


  In the House, the chairman of the Committee on the Budget may 
revise the allocations, aggregates, and other appropriate 
levels in this resolution for any bill, joint resolution, 
amendment, or conference report that would fulfill the purposes 
of the San Joaquin River Restoration Settlement Act or 
implement a Navajo Nation water rights settlement as authorized 
by the Northwestern New Mexico Rural Water Projects Act by the 
amounts provided in such measure if such measure would not 
increase the deficit or decrease the surplus for the period of 
fiscal years 2008 through 2013 or for the period of fiscal 
years 2008 through 2018.


  In the House, the chairman of the Committee on the Budget may 
revise the allocations, aggregates, and other appropriate 
levels in this resolution for any bill, joint resolution, 
amendment, or conference report that provides for the 
establishment of the National Parks Centennial Fund by the 
amounts provided in such measure for that purpose if such 
measure would not increase the deficit or decrease the surplus 
for the period of fiscal years 2008 through 2013 or for the 
period of fiscal years 2008 through 2018


  In the House, the chairman of the Committee on the Budget may 
revise the allocations, aggregates, and other appropriate 
levels in this resolution for any bill, joint resolution, 
amendment, or conference report that improves Federal child 
support collection efforts or results in more collected child 
support reaching families by the amounts provided in such 
measure if such measure would not increase the deficit or 
decrease the surplus for the period of fiscal years 2008 
through 2013 or for the period of fiscal years 2008 through 

                      TITLE IV--BUDGET ENFORCEMENT


  (a) Adjustments to Discretionary Spending Limits.--
          (1) Continuing disability reviews and supplemental 
        security income redeterminations.--In the House, prior 
        to consideration of a bill or joint resolution making 
        appropriations for fiscal year 2009 that appropriates 
        $264,000,000 for continuing disability reviews and 
        Supplemental Security Income redeterminations for the 
        Social Security Administration, and provides an 
        additional appropriation of up to $240,000,000, and the 
        amount is designated for continuing disability reviews 
        and Supplemental Security Income redeterminations for 
        the Social Security Administration, the allocation to 
        the Committee on Appropriations shall be increased by 
        the amount of the additional budget authority and 
        outlays resulting from that budget authority for fiscal 
        year 2009.
          (2) Internal revenue service tax compliance.--In the 
        House, prior to consideration of a bill or joint 
        resolution making appropriations for fiscal year 2009 
        that appropriates $6,997,000,000 to the Internal 
        Revenue Service and the amount is designated to improve 
        compliance with the provisions of the Internal Revenue 
        Code of 1986 and provides an additional appropriation 
        of up to $490,000,000, and the amount is designated to 
        improve compliance with the provisions of the Internal 
        Revenue Code of 1986, the allocation to the Committee 
        on Appropriations shall be increased by the amount of 
        the additional budget authority and outlays resulting 
        from that budget authority for fiscal year 2009.
          (3) Health care fraud and abuse control program.--In 
        the House, prior to consideration of a bill or joint 
        resolution making appropriations for fiscal year 2009 
        that appropriates up to $198,000,000 and the amount is 
        designated to the health care fraud and abuse control 
        program at the Department of Health and Human Services, 
        the allocation to the Committee on Appropriations shall 
        be increased by the amount of additional budget 
        authority and outlays resulting from that budget 
        authority for fiscal year 2009.
          (4) Unemployment insurance program integrity 
        activities.--In the House, prior to consideration of a 
        bill or joint resolution making appropriations for 
        fiscal year 2009 that appropriates $10,000,000 for in-
        person reemployment and eligibility assessments and 
        unemployment insurance improper payment reviews for the 
        Department of Labor and provides an additional 
        appropriation of up to $40,000,000, and the amount is 
        designated for in-person reemployment and eligibility 
        assessments and unemployment insurance improper payment 
        reviews for the Department of Labor, the allocation to 
        the Committee on Appropriations shall be increased by 
        the amount of additional budget authority and outlays 
        resulting from that budget authority for fiscal year 
  (b) Procedure for Adjustments.--
          (1) In general.--In the House, prior to consideration 
        of a bill, joint resolution, amendment, or conference 
        report, the chairman of the Committee on the Budget 
        shall make the adjustments set forth in subsection (a) 
        for the incremental new budget authority in that 
        measure and the outlays resulting from that budget 
        authority if that measure meets the requirements set 
        forth in subsection (a), except that no adjustment 
        shall be made for provisions exempted for the purposes 
        of titles III and IV of the Congressional Budget Act of 
        1974 under section 404 of this resolution.
          (2) Matters to be adjusted.--The adjustments referred 
        to in paragraph (1) are to be made to--
                  (A) the allocations made pursuant to the 
                appropriate concurrent resolution on the budget 
                pursuant to section 302(a) of the Congressional 
                Budget Act of 1974; and
                  (B) the budgetary aggregates as set forth in 
                this resolution.


  In the House, all committees are directed to review programs 
within their jurisdiction to root out waste, fraud, and abuse 
in program spending, giving particular scrutiny to issues 
raised by Government Accountability Office reports. Based on 
these oversight efforts and committee performance reviews of 
programs within their jurisdiction, committees are directed to 
include recommendations for improved governmental performance 
in their annual views and estimates reports required under 
section 301(d) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to the 
Committee on the Budget.


  (a) In General.--In the House, except as provided in 
subsection (b), a bill or joint resolution making a general 
appropriation or continuing appropriation, or an amendment 
thereto or a conference report thereon, may not provide for 
advance appropriations.
  (b) Exceptions.--In the House, an advance appropriation may 
be provided for fiscal year 2010 for programs, projects, 
activities, or accounts identified in the report to accompany 
this resolution or the joint explanatory statement of managers 
to accompany this resolution under the heading ``Accounts 
Identified for Advance Appropriations'' in an aggregate amount 
not to exceed $27,558,000,000 in new budget authority, and for 
2011, accounts separately identified under the same heading.
  (c) Definition.--In this section, the term ``advance 
appropriation'' means any new discretionary budget authority 
provided in a bill or joint resolution making general 
appropriations or any new discretionary budget authority 
provided in a bill or joint resolution continuing 
appropriations for fiscal year 2009 that first becomes 
available for any fiscal year after 2009.


  (a) Overseas Deployments and Related Activities.--In the 
House, if any bill, joint resolution, amendment, or conference 
report makes appropriations for fiscal year 2008 or fiscal year 
2009 for overseas deployments and related activities, and such 
amounts are so designated pursuant to this subsection, then new 
budget authority and outlays resulting therefrom shall not 
count for the purposes of titles III and IV of the 
Congressional Budget Act of 1974.
  (b) Emergency Needs.--In the House, if any bill, joint 
resolution, amendment, or conference report makes 
appropriations for discretionary amounts, and such amounts are 
designated as necessary to meet emergency needs, then the new 
budget authority and outlays resulting therefrom shall not 
count for the purposes of titles III and IV of the 
Congressional Budget Act of 1974.


  (a) In General.--In the House, notwithstanding section 
302(a)(1) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, section 
13301 of the Budget Enforcement Act of 1990, and section 4001 
of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989, the joint 
explanatory statement accompanying the conference report on any 
concurrent resolution on the budget shall include in its 
allocation under section 302(a) of the Congressional Budget Act 
of 1974 to the Committee on Appropriations amounts for the 
discretionary administrative expenses of the Social Security 
Administration and of the Postal Service.
  (b) Special Rule.--In the House, for purposes of applying 
section 302(f) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, 
estimates of the level of total new budget authority and total 
outlays provided by a measure shall include any off-budget 
discretionary amounts.


  (a) Application.--Any adjustments of allocations and 
aggregates made pursuant to this resolution shall--
          (1) apply while that measure is under consideration;
          (2) take effect upon the enactment of that measure; 
          (3) be published in the Congressional Record as soon 
        as practicable.
  (b) Effect of Changed Allocations and Aggregates.--Revised 
allocations and aggregates resulting from these adjustments 
shall be considered for the purposes of the Congressional 
Budget Act of 1974 as allocations and aggregates contained in 
this resolution.
  (c) Budget Committee Determinations.--In the House, for 
purposes of this resolution, the levels of new budget 
authority, outlays, direct spending, new entitlement authority, 
revenues, deficits, and surpluses for a fiscal year or period 
of fiscal years shall be determined on the basis of estimates 
made by the Committee on the Budget.


  In the House, upon the enactment of any bill or joint 
resolution providing for a change in concepts or definitions, 
the chairman of the Committee on the Budget may make 
adjustments to the levels and allocations in this resolution in 
accordance with section 251(b) of the Balanced Budget and 
Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (as in effect prior to 
September 30, 2002).


  The House adopts the provisions of this title--
          (1) as an exercise of the rulemaking power of the 
        House and as such they shall be considered as part of 
        the rules of the House, and these rules shall supersede 
        other rules of the House only to the extent that they 
        are inconsistent with other such rules of the House; 
          (2) with full recognition of the constitutional right 
        of the House to change those rules at any time, in the 
        same manner, and to the same extent as in the case of 
        any other rule of the House.

                            TITLE V--POLICY


  It is the policy of this resolution to--
          (1) minimize fiscal burdens on middle-income families 
        and their children and grandchildren;
          (2) provide immediate relief for the tens of millions 
        of middle-income households who would otherwise be 
        subject to the alternative minimum tax (AMT) under 
        current law, in the context of permanent, revenue-
        neutral AMT reform; and
          (3) support extension of middle-income tax relief and 
        enhanced economic equity through policies such as--
                  (A) extension of the child tax credit;
                  (B) extension of marriage penalty relief;
                  (C) extension of the 10 percent individual 
                income tax bracket;
                  (D) elimination of estate taxes on all but a 
                minute fraction of estates by reforming and 
                substantially increasing the unified tax 
                  (E) extension of the research and 
                experimentation tax credit;
                  (F) extension of the deduction for State and 
                local sales taxes;
                  (G) extension of the deduction for small 
                business expensing; and
                  (H) enactment of a tax credit for school 
                construction bonds.
This resolution assumes that the cost of enacting such policies 
is offset by reforms within the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 
that promote a fairer distribution of taxes across families and 
generations, economic efficiency, higher rates of tax 
compliance to close the ``tax gap,'' and reduced taxpayer 
burdens through tax simplification.


  It is the policy of this resolution that--
          (1) the Administration's budget requests should 
        comply with section 1008, Public Law 109-364, the John 
        Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal 
        Year 2007, and the Administration should no longer 
        attempt to fund overseas military operations through 
        emergency supplemental appropriations requests;
          (2) the Department of Defense should exclude nonwar 
        requirements from its funding requests for Iraq and 
          (3) implementing the recommendation of the National 
        Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States 
        (commonly referred to as the 9/11 Commission) to 
        adequately fund cooperative threat reduction and 
        nuclear nonproliferation programs (securing ``loose 
        nukes'') is a high priority and should receive far 
        greater emphasis than the President's budget provides;
          (4) readiness of our troops, particularly the 
        National Guard and Reserve, is a high priority, and 
        that greater emphasis needs to be placed on mitigating 
        equipment and training shortfalls;
          (5) TRICARE fees for military retirees under the age 
        of 65 should not be increased as the President's budget 
          (6) military pay and benefits should be enhanced to 
        improve the quality of life of military personnel;
          (7) improving military health care services continues 
        to be a high priority and adequate funding to ensure 
        quality health care for returning combat veterans 
        should be provided;
          (8) higher priority defense needs could be addressed 
        by funding missile defense at an adequate but lower 
        level, not providing funding for development of space-
        based missile defense interceptors, and by restraining 
        excessive cost and schedule growth in defense research, 
        development and procurement programs;
          (9) the Department of Defense should reassess current 
        defense plans to ensure that weapons developed to 
        counter cold war-era threats are not redundant and are 
        applicable to 21st century threats;
          (10) sufficient resources should be provided for the 
        Department of Defense to do an aggressive job of 
        addressing as many as possible of the 1,260 
        unimplemented recommendations made by the Government 
        Accountability Office (GAO) over the last 7 years to 
        improve practices at the Department of Defense, 
        including investigation of the billions of dollars of 
        obligations, disbursements and overcharges for which 
        the Department of Defense cannot account;
          (11) savings from the actions recommended in 
        paragraphs (8) and (10) of this section should be used 
        to fund the priorities identified in paragraphs (3) 
        through (7);
          (12) the Department of Defense report to Congress on 
        its assessment of cold war weapons and progress on 
        implementing GAO recommendations as outlined in 
        paragraphs (9) and (10) by a time determined by the 
        appropriate authorizing committees; and
          (13) the GAO report to the appropriate congressional 
        committees by the end of the 110th Congress regarding 
        the Department of Defense's progress in implementing 
        its audit recommendations.

                      TITLE VI--SENSE OF THE HOUSE

                    COMPETES ACT.

  It is the sense of the House that--
          (1) the House should provide sufficient funding so 
        that our Nation may continue to be the world leader in 
        education, innovation and economic growth;
          (2) last year, Congress passed and the President 
        signed the America COMPETES Act, bipartisan legislation 
        designed to ensure that American students, teachers, 
        businesses, and workers are prepared to continue 
        leading the world in innovation, research, and 
        technology well into the future;
          (3) this resolution supports the efforts authorized 
        in the America COMPETES Act, providing substantially 
        increased funding above the President's requested level 
        for 2009, and increased amounts after 2009 in Function 
        250 (General Science, Space and Technology) and 
        Function 270 (Energy);
          (4) additional increases for scientific research and 
        education are included in Function 500 (Education, 
        Employment, Training and Social Services), Function 550 
        (Health), Function 300 (Environment and Natural 
        Resources), and Function 370 (Commerce and Housing 
        Credit), all of which receive more funding than the 
        President's budget provides;
          (5) because America's greatest resource for 
        innovation resides within classrooms across the 
        country, the increased funding provided in this 
        resolution will support initiatives within the America 
        COMPETES Act to educate tens of thousands of new 
        scientists, engineers, and mathematicians, and place 
        highly qualified teachers in math and science K-12 
        classrooms; and
          (6) because independent scientific research provides 
        the foundation for innovation and future technologies, 
        this resolution will keep us on the path toward 
        doubling funding for the National Science Foundation, 
        basic research in the physical sciences, and 
        collaborative research partnerships, and toward 
        achieving energy independence through the development 
        of clean and sustainable alternative energy 

                    CARE AND OTHER PRIORITIES.

  It is the sense of the House that--
          (1) the House supports excellent health care for 
        current and former members of the United States Armed 
        Services--they have served well and honorably and have 
        made significant sacrifices for this Nation;
          (2) this resolution provides $48,150,000,000 in 
        discretionary budget authority for 2009 for Function 
        700 (Veterans Benefits and Services), including 
        veterans' health care, which is $4,888,000,000 more 
        than the 2008 level, $3,602,000,000 more than the 
        Congressional Budget Office's baseline level for 2009, 
        and $3,232,000,000 more than the President's budget for 
        2009; and also provides more discretionary budget 
        authority than the President's budget in every year 
        after 2009;
          (3) this resolution provides funding to continue 
        addressing problems such as those identified at Walter 
        Reed Army Medical Center to improve military and 
        veterans' health care facilities and services;
          (4) this resolution assumes the rejection of the 
        health care enrollment fees and pharmaceutical co-
        payment increases in the President's budget;
          (5) this resolution provides additional funding above 
        the President's inadequate budget levels for the 
        Department of Veterans Affairs to research and treat 
        veterans' mental health, post-traumatic stress 
        disorder, and traumatic brain injury; and
          (6) this resolution provides additional funding above 
        the President's inadequate budget levels for the 
        Department of Veterans Affairs to improve the speed and 
        accuracy of its processing of disability compensation 
        claims, including funding to hire additional personnel 
        above the President's requested level.


  It is the sense of the House that--
          (1) this resolution assumes additional homeland 
        security funding above the President's requested level 
        for 2009 and every subsequent year;
          (2) this resolution assumes funding above the 
        President's requested level for 2009, and additional 
        amounts in subsequent years, in the four budget 
        functions--Function 400 (Transportation), Function 450 
        (Community and Regional Development), Function 550 
        (Health), and Function 750 (Administration of 
        Justice)--that fund most nondefense homeland security 
        activities; and
          (3) the homeland security funding provided in this 
        resolution will help to strengthen the security of our 
        Nation's transportation system, particularly our ports 
        where significant security shortfalls still exist and 
        foreign ports, by expanding efforts to identify and 
        scan all high-risk United States-bound cargo, equip, 
        train and support first responders (including enhancing 
        interoperable communications and emergency management), 
        strengthen border patrol, and increase the preparedness 
        of the public health system.


  It is the sense of the House that--
          (1) both the Government Accountability Office and the 
        Congressional Budget Office have warned that the 
        Federal budget is on an unsustainable path of rising 
        deficits and debt;
          (2) using recent trend data and reasonable policy 
        assumptions, CBO has projected that the gap between 
        spending and revenues over the next 75 years will reach 
        6.9 percent of GDP;
          (3) publicly held debt will rise from 36 percent 
        today to 400 percent of GDP by the decade beginning in 
        2050 under CBO's alternative policy scenario;
          (4) the most significant factor affecting the long-
        term Federal fiscal landscape is the expectation that 
        total public and private health spending will continue 
        to grow faster than the economy;
          (5) the House calls upon governmental and 
        nongovernmental experts to develop specific options to 
        reform the health care system and control costs, that 
        further research and analysis on topics including 
        comparative effectiveness, health information 
        technology, preventative care, and provider incentives 
        is needed, and that of critical importance is the 
        development of a consensus on the appropriate methods 
        for estimating the budgetary impact and health outcome 
        effects of these proposals; and
          (6) immediate policy action is needed to address the 
        long-term fiscal challenges facing the United States, 
        including the rising costs of entitlements, in a manner 
        that is fiscally responsible, equitable, and lasting, 
        and that also honors commitments made to beneficiaries, 
        and that such action should be bipartisan, bicameral, 
        involve both legislative and executive branch 
        participants, as well as public participation, and be 
        conducted in a manner that ensures full, fair, and 
        timely Congressional consideration.


  It is the sense of the House that--
          (1) all committees should examine programs within 
        their jurisdiction to identify wasteful and fraudulent 
          (2) title IV of this resolution includes cap 
        adjustments to provide appropriations for agencies that 
        control programs that accounted for a significant share 
        of improper payments reported by Federal agencies: 
        Social Security Administration Continuing Disability 
        Reviews, the Medicare/Medicaid Health Care Fraud and 
        Abuse Control Program, and Unemployment Insurance 
        Program Integrity;
          (3) title IV also includes a cap adjustment for the 
        Internal Revenue Services for tax compliance efforts to 
        close the $300,000,000,000 tax gap;
          (4) the resolution's deficit-neutral reserve funds 
        require authorizing committees to cut lower priority 
        and wasteful spending to accommodate any new high-
        priority entitlement benefits; and
          (5) title IV of the resolution directs all committees 
        to review the performance of programs within their 
        jurisdiction and report recommendations annually to the 
        Committee on the Budget as part of the views and 
        estimates process required by section 301(d) of the 
        Congressional Budget Act.

                    AS-YOU-GO RULE.

  It is the sense of the House that to reduce the deficit, 
Congress should extend the PAYGO rules originally enacted in 
the Budget Enforcement Act of 1990.


  It is the sense of the Congress that the determination of the 
congressional budget for the United States Government and the 
President's budget request should include consideration of the 
Financial Report of the United States Government, especially 
its information regarding the Governments net operating cost, 
financial position, and long-term liabilities.

                    UPON EFFORTS TO FIGHT HUNGER.

  It is the sense of the House that--
          (1) 35.5 million Americans (12.6 million of them 
        children) are food insecure--uncertain of having, or 
        unable to acquire, enough food, and that 11.1 million 
        Americans are hungry because of lack of food;
          (2) despite the critical contributions of the 
        Department of Agriculture nutrition programs 
        (particularly the food stamp program), which 
        significantly reduced payment error rates while 
        providing help to partially mitigate the effects of 
        rising poverty and unemployment, significant need 
        remains, even among families that receive food stamps;
          (3) nearly 25 million people, including more than 
        nine million children and nearly three million seniors, 
        sought emergency food assistance from food pantries, 
        soup kitchens, shelters, and local charities last year;
          (4) legislation that passed the House with bipartisan 
        support was an appropriate first step toward ensuring 
        that nutrition assistance keeps up with inflation and 
        rising food prices; and
          (5) Department of Agriculture programs that help us 
        fight hunger should be maintained and that the House 
        should continue to seize opportunities to reach 
        Americans in need and to fight hunger.


  It is the sense of the House that--
          (1) nearly 47 million Americans, including nine 
        million children, lack health insurance;
          (2) people without health insurance are more likely 
        to experience problems getting medical care and to be 
        hospitalized for avoidable health problems;
          (3) most Americans receive health coverage through 
        their employers, and a major issue facing all employers 
        is the rising cost of health insurance;
          (4) small businesses, which have generated most of 
        the new jobs annually over the last decade, have an 
        especially difficult time affording health coverage, 
        because of higher administrative costs and fewer people 
        over whom to spread the risk of catastrophic costs;
          (5) because it is especially costly for small 
        businesses to provide health coverage, their employees 
        make up a large proportion of the Nation's uninsured 
        individuals; and
          (6) legislation consistent with the pay-as-you-go 
        principle should be adopted that makes health insurance 
        more affordable and accessible, with attention to the 
        special circumstances affecting employees of small 
        businesses, and that lowers costs and improves the 
        quality of health care by encouraging integration of 
        health information technology tools into the practice 
        of medicine, and by promoting improvements in disease 
        management and disease prevention.


  It is the sense of the House that rates of compensation for 
civilian employees of the United States should be adjusted at 
the same time, and in the same proportion, as are rates of 
compensation for members of the uniformed services.


  It is the sense of the House that--
          (1) over the last six months, the Nation has 
        experienced a significant increase in the number of 
        homeowners facing the risk of foreclosure with 
        estimates of as many as 2.8 million subprime and other 
        distressed borrowers facing the loss of their homes 
        over the next five years;
          (2) the rise in foreclosures not only has an 
        immediate, devastating impact on homeowners and their 
        families, but it also has ripple effects--
                  (A) local communities experiencing high 
                levels of foreclosures experience deterioration 
                as a result of the large number of vacant 
                foreclosed and abandoned homes;
                  (B) rising foreclosure rates can accelerate 
                drops in home prices, affecting all homeowners; 
                  (C) home mortgage default and foreclosure 
                rates increase risk for lenders, further 
                restricting the availability of credit, which 
                can in turn slow economic growth; and
          (3) the rise in foreclosures is not only a crisis for 
        subprime borrowers, but a larger problem for 
        communities as a whole, and considering the multi-
        layered effects of increasing foreclosures, the House 
        should consider steps to address this complex problem.


  It is the sense of the House that--
          (1) additional legislative action is needed to ensure 
        that States have the necessary resources to collect all 
        child support that is owed to families and to allow 
        them to pass 100 percent of support on to families 
        without financial penalty; and
          (2) when 100 percent of child support payments are 
        passed to the child, rather than administrative 
        expenses, program integrity is improved and child 
        support participation increases.
