For Immediate Release
January 5, 2006
For Information Contact
Caley Gray (973) 523-5152


PATERSON - U.S. Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr. (D-NJ-8) announced today that a variety of community-based organizations in Passaic County have been awarded $1.6 million dollars collectively as part of a "Continuum of Care" homeless assistance grant issued by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The award, which was announced at a ceremony hosted by Eva's Village in Paterson, is designed to provide shelter and care for those without a home of their own.

In addition to the grants that were awarded by HUD, Congressman Pascrell also announced that he secured a $250,000 grant through the federal appropriation process in the amount of $250,000 for Eva's kitchen and sheltering program.

"These dollars are an investment in our people and our community, and I am proud that we were able to bring them home to Passaic County," stated Rep. Pascrell. "The $1.6 million in funding will go directly to those on the front lines in the battle against homelessness. I am proud to fight for our community in Washington and am committed to do what I can to help our most vulnerable populations."

Continuum of Care grants provide permanent and transitional housing to homeless persons as well as fund important services, including job training, health care, mental health counseling, substance abuse treatment and child care.

"We at Eva's Kitchen are so extremely grateful for the federal money provided with the help of Congressman Pascrell and the County Freeholders to bring affordable housing to an underserved population," stated Sister Gloria Perez, Executive Director of Eva's Village.  "The money will help people live a purposeful and meaningful life again."

 "All the work done by the various agencies, including the NJCDC, is remarkable and I am happy the folks at HUD recognized the tremendous successes we have seen here and answered our calls for funding" added Rep. Pascrell. "I commend all the recipients for their vision and achievements."

According to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, approximately 10 percent of all homeless persons experience long-term or chronic homelessness. Studies also find that this hardest-to-serve population utilizes more than half of all emergency shelter resources designed to assist homeless individuals and families.

The distribution breakdown of the funding is as follows:

Eva's Village- has been awarded $470,902 for Supportive Housing. The program will provide assistance to homeless providers to build, renovate and operate facilities that serve homeless families and individuals.

New Jersey Community Development Corporation has been awarded $454,080 for the Birch Street Permanent Housing Project for Shelter Plus Care which provides rental assistance for disabled homeless persons. The NJCDC will match the rental assistance with an equal dollar amount of supportive services.

The Paterson Coalition for Housing has been awarded $358,740 for supportive housing funds for Catherine A. Rowe Commons in Clifton.

The Hispanic Multi Purpose Service Center has been awarded $83,804 for their SWITCH program (Single Women In Transitional and Comprehensive Housing.)

St. Philip's Ministry of Paterson has been awarded $90,825 to develop nine supportive housing units.

Strengthen Our Sisters and NewBridge Services of West Milford were awarded $233,334 for a Passaic County Permanent Housing Project.
