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Victor Vieth will be on Capitol Hill on January 28, 2008

For Immediate Release
January 24, 2008

Contact: Meredith Salsbery

WASHINGTON D.C. — Today, Congressman Tim Walz announced that Victor Vieth, Director of the Winona-based National Child Protection Training Center, will accompany him to the State of the Union address delivered by President Bush on January 28, 2008 to highlight the critical health and safety needs of America’s children.

“The National Child Protection Training Center at Winona State University is an incredibly valuable national resource and I am proud that it is based in southern Minnesota,” said Congressman Walz.  “I’ve asked Mr. Vieth to join me at the State of the Union to draw attention to the important work the Center is doing on behalf of children and families.  I’d like my colleagues to know more about the important work the Center does to end child abuse and give our children every opportunity to reach their full potential in life.”

“Child maltreatment touches every community,” said Veith.  “Every year, our country spends approximately $94 billion dollars addressing the aftermath of child abuse. The National Child Protection Training Center is dedicated to addressing this problem on the front end. We have implemented programs that positively impact on hundreds of thousands of children. We are grateful that our work has strong, bi-partisan support in Congress.”

Together with Senators Coleman and Klobuchar, Congressman Walz secured $1.2 million in the FY08 Omnibus Appropriations bill to fund the National Child Protection Training Center.  A fact sheet about the NCPTC is attached.

Vieth, who worked as a prosecutor in rural Minnesota from 1988-1997, has earned national recognition for his work to address child abuse in small communities. In 1999, Mr. Vieth became Director of the National Center for the Prosecution of Child Abuse. In August 2003, NDAA appointed Mr. Vieth to serve as the first director of the National Child Protection Training Center (NCPTC).

The NCPTC opened on the campus of Winona State University in August 2003.  The Center provides training and technical assistance, as well as curriculum development to help teach college students how to investigate and handle child abuse cases.  

Mr. Vieth has been named to the President’s Honor Roll of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children. The Young Lawyers Division of the American Bar Association named him one of “21 Young Lawyers Leading us Into the 21st Century.” Mr. Vieth is also the author of numerous articles pertaining to issues of child abuse and domestic violence.

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