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Steroid Use in Sports

Steroid use among teenagers is increasing rapidly, with some experts estimating that nearly half a million teens have used steroids and other performance enhancing drugs in recent years. The related health risks can be devastating: heart and liver damage, infection, changes in sexual characteristics, violent rages, and even severe depression that can lead to suicide. Because of the influence of professional athletes on teen behavior, the Oversight and Government Reform Committee is investigating steroid use in professional sports and the adequacy of efforts by the Major League Baseball, the NFL, and other professional sports leagues to eliminate their use.

Chairman Waxman operates an anonymous tipline related to steroid use. Click here if you have information that can assist the Committee's investigation.

Latest News

Friday, January 02, 2009

Chairman Waxman Releases Letter Regarding Illegal Steroid Use in Professional Wrestling

In a letter to Office of National Drug Control Policy Director John P. Walters, Chairman Waxman summarizes results of the Committee’s investigation into steroid use in professional wrestling and requests that ONDCP examine the widespread steroid abuse and systemic deficiencies in testing policies and practices.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Chairman Waxman, Ranking Member Davis Question Major League Baseball on 2005 Testimony

Chairman Waxman and Ranking Member Davis asked for additional information from Major League Baseball and the Major League Baseball Players’ Association in response to questions about their 2005 congressional testimony on steroid use in Major League Baseball.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Joint Statement of Chairman Waxman and Ranking Member Davis

Chairman Henry A. Waxman and Ranking Minority Member Tom Davis released a joint statement in response to an announcement by Major League Baseball and the Major League Baseball Players Association that they have agreed on an enhanced drug policy.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Chairman Waxman and Ranking Member Davis Request Justice Department Investigation

Chairman Henry A. Waxman and Ranking Member Tom Davis sent a letter to Attorney General Mukasey today requesting an investigation into the truthfulness of Roger Clemens’s testimony.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Committee Holds Second Day of Hearings on the Mitchell Report and Steroids in Baseball

The full Committee held a hearing entitled “The Mitchell Report: The Illegal Use of Steroids in Major League Baseball, Day 2.” This hearing examined allegations of steroid use by Roger Clemens and several other major league players that appeared in Senator George Mitchell’s Report to the Commissioner of Baseball of an Independent Investigation into the Illegal Use of Steroids and Other Performance Enhancing Substances by Players in Major League Baseball.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Committee Holds Hearing on Myths and Facts about Human Growth Hormone, B12, and Other Substances

The full Committee held a hearing at 10:00 a.m. to examine the myths and facts about performance-enhancing substances such as human growth hormone, B12 and other substances.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Chairman Waxman Releases Letter to Rusty Hardin

Chairman Waxman wrote to Rusty Hardin about his recent comments.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Committee Releases Updated Schedule of Depositions and Interviews for Major League Baseball Players

Today the Oversight and Government Reform Committee released an updated schedule of depositions and interviews related to allegations in Senator Mitchell’s Report to the Commissioner of Baseball of an Independent Investigation into the Illegal Use of Steroids and Other Performance Enhancing Substances by Players in Major League Baseball.

Update: The deposition previously scheduled for Tuesday, January 29, has been rescheduled to Friday, February 1.

Update: The deposition previously scheduled for Wednesday, January 30, has been rescheduled to Monday, February 4.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Hearing on Steroids in Major League Baseball and the Mitchell Report

The full Committee held a hearing entitled “The Mitchell Report: The Illegal Use of Steroids in Major League Baseball.” This hearing examined Senator George Mitchell’s investigation into the illegal use of steroids in Major League Baseball.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Chairman Waxman Schedules Hearings on Steroid Use and the Mitchell Report

On January 15 and February 13, the committee will hold hearings to obtain additional information regarding the Report to the Commissioner of Baseball of an Independent Investigation into the Illegal use of Steroids and Other Performance Enhancing Substances by Players in Major League Baseball, commonly known as the “Mitchell Report.”

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Waxman and Davis Joint Statement on Mitchell Report

Following the release of the Mitchell report, Chairman Henry A. Waxman and Ranking Minority Member Tom Davis released a statement. Chairman Waxman has scheduled a hearing on January 15, 2008 to further examine steroid use and the Mitchell report.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Committee Requests Information on Drug Testing Policies at TNA Entertainment

Chairman Waxman and Ranking Member Davis request information regarding the drug testing policies of TNA Entertainment.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Committee Requests Information on Drug Testing Policies in Professional Wrestling

Chairman Waxman and Ranking Minority Member Davis request information regarding the drug testing policies of World Wrestling Entertainment.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Rep. Waxman Urges NFL to Reexamine Drug Policy

In the wake of new reports about widespread use of HGH by NFL players, and new information in the case of Carolina Panthers players who used numerous performance enhancing drugs, Rep. Waxman asks the NFL to reassess its drug policy.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Rep. Waxman's Statement on the Investigation into Rafael Palmeiro’s March 17, 2005, Testimony

Rep. Waxman makes a statement as the report on its investigation of Rafael Palmeiro’s March 17, 2005 Testimony is submitted to the Committee.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Committee Will Not Not Make Palmeiro Perjury Referral

Reps. Waxman and Davis today released the Committee's investigation of Rafael Palmeiro's testimony at the Committee's March 17 hearings on steroids in Major League Baseball.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

GAO Finds Illegal Steroids Easily Purchased, Difficult to Police

Rep. Waxman and Rep. Davis release a new GAO report that finds that illegal steroids are easily obtained over the Internet and that law enforcement authorities face significant challenges in efforts to investigate, prosecute, and deter steroid trafficking.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Waxman-Davis Statement on Palmeiro Documents

Reps. Waxman and Davis release a statement on the ongoing review of documents related to Rafael Palmeiro's positive drug test and suspension from Major League Baseball.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Waxman-Davis Statement on Receipt of Palmeiro Documents

Reps. Waxman and Davis release a statement on their receipt of documents related to Rafael Palmeiro's positive drug test and suspension.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Waxman-Davis Statement on Palmeiro Document Request

Chairman Davis and Ranking Member Waxman request documents from Major League Baseball related to Rafael Palmeiro's positive drug test and suspension.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Rep. Waxman's Statement on the Suspension of Rafael Palmeiro

Statement of Rep. Henry A. Waxman, Ranking Member, Committee on Government Reform, on the Suspension of Rafael Palmeiro from Major League Baseball

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Waxman and Davis Question New NHL Drug Policy

In a letter to NHL commissioner Gary Bettman and players representative Robert Goodenow, Chairman Davis and Ranking Member Waxman raise questions about the NHL’s new steroid policy.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Committee Holds Hearing on Steroid Use Among Women

Today the Government Reform Committee holds a hearing examining steroid use among young women for athletic training and body image.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Committee Approves Clean Sports Act of 2005 (H.R. 2565)

Today the Committee unanimously approved the Clean Sports Act of 2005 (H.R. 2565), a bill to strengthen the testing procedures and toughen the penalties for the use of performance-enhancing drugs in professional American sports.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Waxman, Davis, and McCain Introduce Clean Sports Act of 2005 (H.R. 2565)

Today Rep. Waxman, Chairman Davis, and Sen. McCain introduced a bill to to address the problem of performance enhancing drugs in sports.

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