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Summary Prices Exploration & Reserves Production Imports & Exports/Pipelines storage Consumption Publications & Analysis
Analysis of Natural Gas Imports/Exports & Pipelines
Major Changes in Natural Gas Pipeline Transportation Capacity, 1998-2008
This presentation graphically illustrates the areas of major growth on the national natural gas pipeline transmission network between 1998 and the end of 2008. Categories: Imports & Exports/Pipelines (Released, 11/18/2008, pps format)
How does natural gas travel from producing field to consumers?
Briefly describes the national natural gas transportation network which moves around 21 trillion cubic feet per year of natural gas to about 70 million customers. The network, excluding gathering system operators, is made up of more than 200 mainline transmission pipeline companies, more than 1,300 local distribution companies, and about 125 underground natural gas storage operators. Categories: Imports & Exports/Pipelines (Released, 10/10/2008)
Additions to Capacity on the U.S. Natural Gas Pipeline Network: 2007
This report examines new natural gas pipeline capacity added to the U.S. natural gas pipeline system during 2007 and the areas of the country where those additions were concentrated. In addition, it discusses and analyzes proposed natural gas pipeline projects that may be developed between 2008 and 2010 and the market factors supporting these initiatives. Categories: Import/Export & Pipelines, Consumption (Released, 7/17/2008, pdf format)
Distribution of Natural Gas: The Final Step in the Transmission Process
This special report analyzes the role of local distribution companies (LDCs) and transmission pipelines in delivering natural gas supplies to end-use customers, focusing upon the years 1996 through 2006. It also examines the changing dynamics of natural gas end-use markets, especially the trend toward large-volume users such as electric power generation plants and large industrial users receiving greater portions of their supplies from mainline natural gas transmission pipeline companies rather than the traditional LDC. Categories: Import/Export & Pipelines, Consumption (Released, 6/27/2008, pdf format)
What is liquefied natural gas (LNG) and how is it becoming an energy source for the United States?
The United States imports about 16% of the natural gas we consume. Most of these imports are delivered by pipeline (from Canada). But a growing volume of natural gas is coming to the United States in liquid form from overseas. With the demand for natural gas expected to increase, it's likely that U.S. imports of LNG also will need to increase. Categories: Imports & Exports/Pipelines (Released, 5/1/2008)
Natural Gas Year-In-Review 2007
This report provides an overview of the natural gas industry and markets in 2007 with special focus on the first complete set of supply and disposition data for 2007 from the Energy Information Administration (EIA). The analysis focuses on natural gas end-use consumption trends, natural gas prices, imports and exports of pipeline and liquefied natural gas, the above-average storage inventories in 2007, as well as pipeline expansions during the year. Categories: Prices, Production, Consumption, Imports/Exports & Pipelines, Storage (Released, 3/26/2008, pdf format)
U.S Natural Gas Imports and Exports: 2006
This special report examines recent trends in U.S. international trade of natural gas. Natural gas imports and exports data, including liquefied natural gas (LNG) data, are provided through 2006. Categories: Imports & Exports/Pipelines (Released, 3/3/2008, pdf format)
Natural Gas Compressor Stations On The Interstate Pipeline Network: Developments Since 1996
This special report looks at the use of natural gas pipeline compressor stations on the interstate natural gas pipeline network that serves the lower 48 States. It examines the compression facilities added over the past 10 years and how the expansions have supported pipeline capacity growth intended to meet the increasing demand for natural gas. Categories: Imports/Exports & Pipelines (Released, 11/02/2007, pdf format)
Natural Gas in the Rocky Mountains: Developing Infrastructure
This Supplement to EIA’s Short-Term Energy Outlook analyzes current natural gas production, pipeline and storage infrastructure in the Rocky Mountains, as well as prospective pipeline projects in these States. The influence of these factors on regional prices and price volatility is examined. Categories: Prices, Pipelines, (Released, 9/11/2007, html format)
About U.S. Natural Gas Pipelines
This information product provides the interested reader with a broad and non-technical overview of how the U.S. natural gas pipeline network operates, along with some insights into the many individual pipeline systems that make up the network. While the focus of the presentation is the transportation of natural gas over the interstate and intrastate pipeline systems, information on subjects related to pipeline development, such as system design and pipeline expansion, are also included. Categories: Pipelines, (Released, 6/1/2007, html format)
Natural Gas Year-In-Review 2006
This is a special report that provides an overview of the natural gas industry and markets in 2006 with special focus on the first complete set of supply and disposition data for 2006 from the Energy Information Administration. Topics discussed include natural gas end-use consumption trends, effects of the 2005 hurricanes on offshore production, imports and exports of pipeline and liquefied natural gas, and the above-average storage inventories in 2006. Categories: Prices, Production, Consumption, Imports/Exports & Pipelines, Storage (Released, 3/30/2007, pdf format)
U.S. Natural Gas Imports and Exports: Issues and Trends 2005
Categories: Imports & Exports/Pipelines (Released, 2/2/2007, pdf format)
U.S. LNG Imports – The Next Wave
“U.S. LNG imports – The Next Wave,” is now available as a special supplement to the January 2007 issue of the Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO). Although liquefied natural gas (LNG) imports still account for less than three percent of total U.S. natural gas supplies, the global market is growing and the Energy Information Administration (EIA) foresees another wave of U.S. LNG import growth over the next 2 years. The supplement focuses on recent trends in global and U.S. LNG trade, and presents factors expected to influence LNG imports through 2008. EIA expects year-over-year increases in LNG imports of 34.5 and 38.5 percent in 2007 and 2008, respectively. (Released, 1/11/2007, pdf format)
EIA Short-Term Outlook for Natural Gas
This presentation at the 2006 State Heating Oil and Propane Program Conference in North Falmouth, Massachusetts, outlined EIA's July 2006 forecast for natural gas supply, demand, and markets through 2007. (Presentation, 8/7/06)
Additions to Capacity on the U.S. Natural Gas Pipeline Network: 2005
This report examines the amount of new natural gas pipeline capacity added to the U.S. natural gas pipeline system during 2005 and the areas of the country where those additions were concentrated. In addition, it discusses and analyzes proposed natural gas pipeline projects that may be developed between 2006 and 2008 and the market factors supporting these initiatives. (8/8/06)
Overview of the Federal Offshore Royalty Relief Program
This report provides the basics of revenue collection and royalty payments for Federal offshore oil and natural gas production as well as provisions under which certain leases are exempt from royalty obligations. (6/23/06)
U.S. Natural Gas Imports and Exports: 2004
Categories: Prices, Imports & Exports/Pipelines, Storage (Published, 12/07/2005, pdf format)
Changes in U.S. Natural Gas Transportation Infrastructure in 2004
Categories: Pipelines (Published, 6/21/2005, pdf format)
U.S. Natural Gas Pipeline and Underground Storage Expansions in 2003
Categories: Imports & Exports/Pipelines Storage Consumption (Published, 9/29/2004, pdf format)
Natural Gas Outlook
Categories: Prices Imports & Exports/Pipelines Storage (Published, 9/1/2004, Power Point format)
U.S. Natural Gas Imports and Exports: Issues and Trends 2003
Categories: Prices Imports & Exports/Pipelines Storage (Published, 8/31/2004, pdf format)
Natural Gas Outlook
Categories: Prices Exploration/Production Imports & Exports/Pipelines Consumption (Published, 7/2/2004, Power Point format)
U.S. LNG Markets and Uses: June 2004
Categories: Imports & Exports/Pipelines Storage (Published, 6/21/2004, pdf format)
The Global Liquefied Natural Gas Market: Status & Outlook
Cateogories: Prices, Resources/Reserves, Exploration/Production, Consumption, Imports & Exports/Pipelines, Storage (Publication, 2003, PDF 5 Megs)
Natural Gas Outlook - Presented to: Kansas Corporation Commission
Categories: Prices, Exploration/Production, Imports & Exports/Pipelines, Storage, Consumption (Presentation, 11/21/2003, Power Point format)
Natural Gas Market Center and Hubs: A 2003 Update
Categories: Imports & Exports/Pipelines (Published, 10/29/2003, Html format)
Natural Gas Outlook North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) Annual Meeting
Categories: Prices, Exploration & Production, Imports & Exports/Pipelines, Storage, Consumption (Presentation, 9/17/2003, Power Point format)
Natural Gas Outlook: The Tennessee Regulatory Authority Natural Gas Symposium
Categories: Prices, Exploration & Production, Imports & Exports/Pipelines, Storage, Consumption (Presentation, 9/11/2003, Power Point format)
Outlook On Natural Gas, Arkansas Public Service Commission, "The Future Supply And Price of Natural Gas"
Categories: Prices, Imports/Exports, Storage, Consumption (Presentation, 7/3/2003, Power Point format)
Outlook On Gas Pricing and Storage Deliverability
Categories: Prices, Imports, Pipelines, Storage, Consumption (Presentation, 6/23/2003, Power Point format)
Expansion and Change on the U.S. Natural Gas Pipeline Network - 2002
Categories: Pipelines (Feature Article, May 2003, HTML format)
U.S. LNG Markets and Uses
Categories: Imports & Exports/Pipelines, Storage (Feature Article, Jan. 2003, PDF Format)
U.S. Natural Gas Markets: Mid-Term Prospects for Natural Gas Supply
Categories: Prices, Resources & Reserves, Exploration & Production, Imports & Exports   (Publication, Dec. 2001, PDF format)
An Assessment of Recent Natural Gas Market Trends
Categories: Prices, Exploration & Production, Pipelines, Storage  (Presentation, Oct. 2001, HTML format)
Natural Gas Transportation - Infrastructure Issues and Operations Trends
Categories: Pipelines  (Publication, Oct. 2001, PDF format)
U.S. Natural Gas Imports and Exports-2000
Categories: Imports & Exports  (Feature Article, Aug. 2001, PDF 215 kb)
U.S. Natural Gas Markets: Recent Trends and Prospects for the Future
Categories: Prices, Exploration & Production, Imports & Exports, Pipelines, Storage, Consumption/Use;   (Publication, May 2001, PDF format)
Natural Gas Imports and Exports
Categories: Imports & Exports  (Presentation, Feb. 2001, PowerPoint format)
A Look at Western Natural Gas Infrastructure During the Recent El Paso Pipeline Disruption
Categories: Pipelines  (Feature Article, Nov. 2000, PDF format)
Status of Natural Gas Pipeline System Capacity Entering the 2000-2001 Heating Season
Categories: Pipelines  (Feature Article, Oct. 2000 PDF format)
U.S. Natural Gas Imports and Exports-1999
Categories: Imports & Exports  (Feature Article, Aug. 2000, PDF 214 kb)
Natural Gas Markets and EIA's Information Program
Categories: Prices, Imports & Exports, Pipelines, Storage  (Presentation, July 2000, HTML format)
Natural Gas Markets and Reliability of the Electric Power Industry
Categories: Prices, Resources & Reserves, Exploration & Production, Imports & Exports, Storage, Consumption/Use;   (Presentation, June 2000, HTML format)
The Evolution of Gas Markets in the United States
Categories: Prices, Pipelines, Storage  (Presentation, May 2000, HTML format)
Increasing Importance of Natural Gas Imports on the U.S. Marketplace
Categories: Imports & Exports  (Feature Article, Feb. 2000, PDF format)
Corporate Realignments and Investments in the Interstate Natural Gas Transmission System
Categories: Pipelines  (Feature Article, Nov. 1999, HTML format)
U.S. Natural Gas Imports and Exports-1998
Categories: Imports & Exports  (Feature Article, Aug. 1999, PDF 217 kb)
Natural Gas Pipeline and Storage Deliverability
Categories: Pipelines, Storage  (Presentation, March 1999, HTML format)
U.S. Natural Gas Imports and Exports-1997
Categories: Imports & Exports  (Feature Article, Aug. 1998, PDF 300 kb)
Deliverability on the Interstate Natural Gas Pipeline System
Categories: Pipelines  (Publication, May 1998, HTML format)
Natural Gas Pipeline Network: Changing and Growing
Categories: Pipelines  (Publication, 1998, PDF 366 kb)
Changes in the Pipeline Transportation Market
Categories: Pipelines  (Publication, 1998, PDF 153 kb)
Developing a PC-Based GIS for the North American Natural Gas Pipeline Network
Categories: Pipelines  (Presentation, Sept. 1997, HTML format)
U.S. Natural Gas Imports and Exports-1996
Categories: Imports & Exports  (Feature Article, Aug. 1997, PDF 309 kb)
West Texas Market Centers Interplay With North and East Texas and Louisiana Market Centers
Categories: Pipelines  (Presentation, June 1997, HTML format)
Natural Gas Pipeline and System Expansions
Categories: Pipelines  (Feature Article, April 1997, PDF 539 kb)
Natural Gas 1996: Issues and Trends
Categories: Prices, Imports & Exports, Storage, Consumption/Use  (Publication, Dec. 1996, HTML format)
Changes in Firm Transportation Capacity Contracting
Categories: Pipelines  (Publication, 1996, PDF 223 kb)
The Emergence of Natural Gas Market Centers
Categories: Pipelines  (Publication, 1996, PDF 575 kb)
Analysis of Firm Transportation Contracts: Results and Methodology
Categories: Pipelines  (Publication, 1996, PDF 387 kb)
Summary of Industry Surveys on Future Capacity Commitments
Categories: Pipelines  (Publication, 1996, PDF 2,184 kb)
Comparison of Firm Commitments by Pipeline Company
Categories: Pipelines  (Publication, 1996, PDF 12 kb)
Pipeline Expansions
Categories: Pipelines  (Publication, 1996, PDF format)
Analysis of Capacity Release Trading: Results and Methodology
Categories: Pipelines  (Publication, 1996, PDF 95 kb)
Natural Gas 1995: Issues and Trends
Categories: Pipelines, Consumption (See Chapters 3 and 4)  (Publication, Nov. 1995, PDF 1054 kb)
Energy Policy Act Transportation Study: Interim Report on Natural Gas Flow and Rates (EPACT)
Categories: Pipelines  (Publication, Oct. 1995, HTML format)
Natural Gas 1994: Issues and Trends
Categories: Pipelines, Storage (See Chapter 2)  (Publication, July 1994, PDF 1499 kb)