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apple should release a video of steve jobs doing pushups just to quiet down the rumor-hungry gizmodos of the world
finally about to watch the latest aronofsky movie, the wrestler. oh yes, i've been waiting so long for this.
plan: 1) create a $0.99 fart machine, virtual lighter and bumper sticker rotator for the iphone. 2) be a zillionaire until the end of year
Duke Nukem Forever has been in vaporware lists since... 2001. WHY duke, WHY?
wish businessweek didn't have this many podcast offerings on itunes. can't we just get one feed with everything? @johnabyrne, help? :-)
@josemarques it was a fantastic night. damn you for knowing my secrets! ;-)
@josemarques no proper contact management, cumbersome settings, multiple access modes (storage, sync, modem, wtf). no hassle my ass :-)
why haven't mobile phones with windows nailed the syncing experience of the iphone yet? how complicated is it not to create 1000 menus?
wow, it's been 3 years and this post is still up with my ugly mug on it.
xmas lunch survival kit: wired mag, clay shirky's book, ipod + podcasts, noise cancelling headphones. now if i could only find my DS lite.
just got the word about UX London from @andybudd - guess where I am in june, huh?
woke up at 7am. been reading about superconductivity and the meissner effect since. just how weird is that?
@susanmernit twitter removed follower numbers for suspended or deleted accounts
how does it not tick valley entrepreneurs that there's posers out there in it just for the parties and fake credibility?
@paulozoom no, i typically like to criticize things without trying them out first ;-P of course. there's one about 2m from me right now.
everyone seems to be craving apple netbooks. i think you should be asking for proper displays where you don't see your FACE 100% of the time
i still don't know how apple got away with glossy displays across their entire new laptop line without heads getting chopped in cupertino
@ruidlopes the fact that it's there just to fake attention to detail while removing navigation context when clicked. i'll dm you the link.
@andr3 makes total sense on handheld if the rest of the page is designed to work on handheld - in this particular case (and most), it's not
if your page says you are an accessibility ninja but has a "skip to content" link that scrolls the screen 100 pixels, you're just a moron


Evan Williams Dunstan Rael Dornfest veen hans.gerwitz danah boyd Ross om tedr Dave McClure Andrew Crow peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Dion Hinchcliffe Scott Beale Buster McLeod Erika Hall Dan Saffer Dave Winer lane becker Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek joshua schachter João Antunes Stewart Butterfield Lisa McMillan Thor Muller Cal Henderson brady forrest Jyri Engeström Stowe Boyd José Marques David Young Emily Chang
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