Mary Hodder’s Favorites

Biz Stone
biz How big is Twitter? We have 24 full time employees now—2x what we had a year ago (and the service has grown 6x)
hotdogsladies Even if I had the energy and desire to cheat on my wife, I suspect the Star Wars shirt I've worn for the last week might be the cockblocker.
Gina Trapani
ginatrapani every time I see the words "social media marketing" a little piece of me dies inside
Gina Trapani
ginatrapani gearing up for a big day at Comic-Con, where I will find any biz excuse to pop into the Battlestar Galactica cast green room
Nancy Scola
nancyscola More deep thoughts: bad campaigns (read HRC's) are like all-star games -- you might put on the uniform, but your loyalties lay elsewhere.
Lisa Petrides
lpetrides iskme is looking for a kick-a*$ director of development. please pass on any good leads,
om Twitter-Summize deal announced Next week.
John Moltz
Moltz That's loser talk, @BobbyAndersen, and I won't have it in this house, young man!
geodog @timoreilly taking conv private would mean we couldn't learn from it. Also unpleasant connotation that women's concerns not worthy of public
Steve Garfield
stevegarfield I figured out how you can read the blogging article in today's WSJ. Navigate to it via a Google News Search.
Amy Gahran
agahran Poof! There went Nokia's high-end US market!
Mimi The Cat
MimiTheCat Dawn bird songs inspire / Bell toy rumbles on the floor / You're awake! Feed me
Panther The Cat
Pantherthecat u know i'm really a dog in the body of a cat. ruuf.
Marcie Vargas
MarcieVargas I made favrd! Ok, not really, but I like to feel popular and witty in my own mind
Tim O'Reilly
timoreilly Retweeting @dliman: China's Cyber Militia:
Anil Dash
anildash America: It's not too late to petition for Cher's "Believe" to be our new national anthem. Favorite this tweet + show Congress your support.
Tom Conrad
tconrad @MaryHodder one trick in music semantics is that "songs" can appear on more than one album... not sure there is a geographic analog.
Beth Kanter
kanter If twitter is viagra for fundraising campaigns, what is email?
Alex Williams
podcasthotel Mary driving us to velvet. See u there.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams sara Rael Dornfest Jason Goldman Josh Kopelman veen Dennis Crowley Jason Shellen Maggie Mason Jerry Michalski Chris Sacca danah boyd Eric Costello Xeni Jardin Ross om Joshua Kinberg tedr Dave McClure peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt enoch choi Michael Parekh Adam Hertz adam Shelly Farnham Scott Beale bryan mason Rob Hayes Oren Michels Thomas Vander Wal Emily Davidow
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