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@innismir Well, I couldn't find a US-centric version... there IS an "Other Country" option you know. :P
Personalize a video message from Santa for your kids: -- really cool. Our daughter was wide-eyed.
Just re-watched The Office (UK) Xmas Special on DVD, still as funny and tragic as ever.
@hmbscully Lotus Notes? I had to use that piece of crap for a year back at SYMC and I am still mentally scarred from the experience.
@Beaker That can't be pretty. Did you ever get power back or are you still in the dark?
@cory_scott Was there ever any doubt? (tofurky)
55 degrees and sunny in mid-December! In Boston! Awesome.
Fascinating interview on conception and evolution of the Obama logo:
@zrlram At least the pilot noticed the warning light. Hope you get off the ground this time
@welshdragons Thanks for all the delicious food!
SOURCE plenary session underway. #sourceboston
@spacerog Hope you have a lighter handy.
Lounging in front of the TV with cocoa and biscotti.
@ikonoklasm Yay... see you tomorrow. Beware, @dinodaizovi and @alexsotirov are bad influences. :>
Apparently @adamjodonnell has the bladder control of a pregnant woman.
Just rode up the elevator with a cartload of beer that was also destined for the Veracode office. Should be a good afternoon.
Just had best grilled cheese ever at the Seaport.


Alex Payne Mike Murray Window Snyder Barack Obama fukami Joe Walker Mark Kriegsman oliver day Christian Heinrich Christofer Hoff Stephen Toulouse Stephen A. Ridley Adam Hansen Lisa Mike RSA Conference focalintent Ryan Naraine daveaitel dakami Thomas H. Ptacek rmogull Jennifer Leggio Wendy David caleb_sima Kate Munro TwitPic Apneet Jolly DanO RSA Blog MeetUp 2009 Aviv Raff Raffael Marty stacythayer SOURCE Conference Cameron Hotchkies