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Kewl: just got 1st B'day wish from a Plaxo friend.I think I could get used to being a New Years baby!
Waxing philosophical:one of great things about new year is we can collectively resolve to change.Despite obstacles & 2008,2009 can be great
yowza! fingers thawing,muse evidently back after prolonged absence,words&insights flowing,belly warmed by oatmeal.Is this story for 2009?
Feel like Dr. Zhivago: heat went off again over night, 55 degrees this AM, not certain if fingers are going to break off as I type.
starting new year off right by cooking large pot of McCann's Irish Oatmeal. Feel so virtuous & heart-smart!
@blogdiva Thanks for enlivening our lives during 2008!
@sengseng. Did you lend Juicy Tubes to @AmandaSena for her kissing project?
2009 has already presented unforeseen opportunities for me:offer to move to Pyongyang & catalog The Dear Leader's 20000 videos! who knew!
#09prayer My prayer is for world peace, a sustainable planet, and growing tolerance for how our differences enrich life on earth. IMAGINE!
CNN: sadly, don't think we'll be treated to winsome little Kathy Griffin/Anderson Cooper offspring in next few eons. Where's the luv?
RE Dick Clark -- as husband of a PT, it's actually great to see the progress he's made after stroke.
CNN: awesome: they've got the Divine Sarah Palin on from Key West. Rock on, granny, then get out of our lives, permanently
@cheeky_geeky I didn't realize that kissing was the way to add to Twitterati. Thanks for the tip.
CNN: Oh dear, Anderson has to make nice w/ Kathy for another hr.? Hardship pay?
I'm gonna try to avoid midnight Whale, so HAPPY NYE, Y'ALL!!!
OMG! I'm channeling Guy Lombardo & the Royal Canadians playing Auld Lang Syne
CNN: is NYE when Anderson's Gloria Vanderbilt side comes out?
CNN: Is it true about Kathy Griffin, Anderson Cooper and the Dear Leader?
so glad that my oldest son is spending this NYE in D.C., not Iraq!
Am I only one who remembers Dick Clark from when American Bandstand was local Philly show? How could I only be 19?


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah Evan Williams Dennis Crowley Maggie Mason Jerry Michalski danah boyd Mary Hodder Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton nanek Ross Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Paul Terry Walhus Dion Hinchcliffe Hillary Hartley Scott Beale Clay Johnson Vinu Dave Winer Jason Calacanis GregElin Susan Scrupski Stephen Randall brady forrest Alex Rainert Alex Hillman Ruby Sinreich Edward Vielmetti John Tropea Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Dennis D. McDonald
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