U.S. Senator Jim Bunning
United States Senator, Kentucky
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Thank you for visiting my website. The basic Internet privacy policy of this site is simple: we do not collect personal information about you when you visit this site unless you specifically choose to provide that information. Personal information that is provided will only be used by my office so that we may contact you about an issue you have raised, help you with a problem, or respond to a request to be added to our mailing list. We view your personal privacy as a priority and will be glad to answer any questions or concerns you may have about our Internet privacy policy.


Personal Information
We do not collect personal information for any purpose other than to respond to you (for example, to respond to your questions or an e-mail alert if you signed up to receive one). If you choose to provide us with personal information by filling out and submitting the Contact form, we will use that information to respond to your message or request. We only share information you give us where you have specifically authorized us to do so, as otherwise required by law, in the course of an authorized law enforcement investigation, or in an emergency posing an imminent risk to life or public safety.


Links to Other Sites
This website has links to other useful sites on the Internet, including sites of other government agencies. If you follow any link that takes you to a location that does not include 'senate.gov' in the address, you will have left the Senate web server and you will need to refer to that site's own privacy policy. We do not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness or completeness of information contained on a linked website, nor do we endorse the organizations sponsoring linked websites or the views they express of offered products and services. We are not responsible for transmissions you may receive from linked websites.


Information Collected and Stored Automatically
The U.S. Senate collects aggregate data about visits to Senate websites, such as statistics that show which parts of each website were visited the most. The following information is also collected when you visit any U.S. Senate website: the domain from which you access the Senate website, the date and time of your visit, the pages you visit, and the address of the website, if any, that provided the link from which you reached the Senate site. This information is gathered only for the purpose of enabling us to improve the online service we provide to visitors to Senate websites.


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Related Links:
To learn more about the Senate's Internet security and privacy policy online, please click on U.S. Senate's Internet security and privacy policy.

To learn more about the Senate's Internet usage rules and policies, please click on U.S. Senate Internet Services Usage Rules and Policies.

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