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But shouldn't I be able to hire people to help me make and sell any product I like? Shouldn't I be free to accept money from investors?
I agree that most "public" corporations are evil, their structure and governance is wholly controlled by the government.
If what the gov. wants to do with my money is so important, valuable, and efficient, why do they have to point guns at me to get me to pay?
Governments waste because they do things with my money I don't want from them. Private companies do wasteful things that their owners want
Its really hard to follow a line of thought over several posts
Can't speak for Canada, but to suggest that America's problems are because of its freedoms is to completely ignore the facts.
@sonicsociety Business is regulated by its customers. If they don't like the products, service, or practices they can go to its competitors
@sonicsociety Government is in no way responsive to its "citizens." Government is simply a large gang with a monopoly on force.
@sonicsociety Public corporation are unaccountable to their shareholders and the public interest precisely because of public regulations.
@sonicsociety Public org. are divorced from the signals that might help them improve. Private comp. must satisfy their cust. to survive.
The BBC, CBC, NPR etc. are and only can be effective at promoting the agenda of the their respective governments. Check their pay stubs.
@sonicsociety Under no circumstances have any US banks been allowed to act independently of the government regulations or control.
@sonicsociety The US banking system is wholly controlled and exclusively regulated by the government. They make all lending rules.
@sonicsociety One can know whether a company mistreats it's workers by asking them, you can't learn that by asking the government.
@sonicsociety I don't think the best for us to talk about politics is on twitter.
Really need this weekend. Need some biking, too.
@saulcolt My daughter is considering art schools l'ld love to see the Cooper Union building. I've been to the Art Institute in Chicago, wow
@sonicsociety You say we have choice with government, but the "major" candidates are all the same and one only gets to choose every 2yr. max
@sonicsociety The problem with lending institutions is that they are in bed with the government, and the Federal Reserve, not the other way.
@sonicsociety An independent press is much more effective at reporting on poor corporate practices than government ever could be.


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