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The ULine catalog sucks me in, and I keep readin & readin. It's a dang supply catalog! Why am I so engrossed? (I must really love what I do)
Subprime mortgages had ~1 trillion $ in defaults in '07-08. Non-subprime defaults in '09-10 projected to be >1 trillion. Guh. GUHHHHH.
Done working for the night. Think I'll climb into bed and watch Frost/Nixon.
Ever since I heard it this afternoon, I've been whistling the USC song. Makin sandwich? USC fight song. Checkin email? USC fight song. Etc..
@billba He goes back, after the tussle is over, to find someone's stepped on his dropped sandwich, and he's so, so sad. (Also: fired.)
The USC fight song is frickin' awesome. And I say that as a Notre Dame grad. Dang you, USC! Dang you and your frickin' awesome fight song.
Video of shoe thrown at Bush: I picture a Secret Service guy, off to one side, tucking into 1st bite of a hoagie, and right then lookin up.
@malki Ohhhh, you don't use delivery confirmation then, I take it? It's all-digital, and free.
@malki Whassa whossa? Where'd you read that?
Going to a cookie makin' party. I am 9 years old right now...I am so excited for this
My wife has an uncanny ability to spot actors anywhere and everywhere. I, on the other hand, can barely "see" them even when pointed to them
Didn't notice it until Scales pointed it out to me at the party tonight: I was talking with the doctor from "Firefly". (I'm the lamest.)
@andrewfulton When done right, a peppermint latte can be pretty good. Hard to find it done right, though.
We've gone a little nuts on the homemade latte supplies. We now have 4 Monin syrups: vanilla, sugar-free vanilla,chocolate, and peppermint.
Drawing the final (#300) Artist Edition for "Nerds on Parade". I'll take a shot and post it when it's done: It's a two-page spread.
@pkarlsson You're making "lussekatter"? Does that, or does that not, contain "cat"? My Swedish is rusty.
@billba I'm shipping hugs to Bill Barnes.
Shippin', shippin', shippin'... Keep them doggies shippin', RAWHIDE!!!
Shipping all day + theater rehearsal at night + trickier-than-usual-strip-to-draw = strip finished at 2:50 AM. GUH.


Scott Kurtz Paul Southworth Danielle Corsetto Scott Christian Sava Alan Gardner Kris Straub Karl Kerschl Meredith Gran Wil Shipley jeph jacques Phillip Karlsson Bill Barnes guigar MagnoliaPearl Shortpacked David Malki ! phdcomics everythingloria Emerald City ComiCon