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How to get married in style. Nice one, Cabel! OK, going home.
@SundeepToor That could have have been misconstrued!! Uh, what I mean is, I think I'm going to call it a night and head home...!
@SundeepToor It may take more than slaps to get me to work right now...!!
@SundeepToor Jason becomes perversely excited by all this slapping.
Going home before midnight seems like _cheating_ somehow
All the sleepless nights working on the music video have caught up with me. I spent the last hour just staring at the screen.
@kevincoffey I share your pain. Signed Mr Insomniac.
@samgilbey @kevincoffey @onehugeeye Tuesday 1pm Dovetail. Lemme check in the morning in case I'm already booked up, but otherwise, yes!
The Christmas Drink season has started. Just went to my first shindig, but back in the office now to carry on animating.
Expect to see pictures of Nat's Nob Box on Flickr soon
@samgilbey @onehugeeye @kevincoffey Any kind of food! When shall we do it? Next week is better for me. Another deadline :(
@samgilbey @onehugeeye Yeah let's hook up! It's been too long.
Yesterday was a write off doing last minute amends. The week really starts today with a massive amount of animation for a new job.
Pissed off. Went home because I haven't slept since Saturday but had to come BACK to work to fix a typo the client supplied in their doc.
@onehugeeye Nice reels, dude. Glad I had the opportunity to work with you on some of those pieces.
Updates on Wyld Stallyons: a bit more info about The Blizzards video:
@onehugeeye Yeah, and another job as well! Oh well! Maybe next time...!
Two sets of clients happy. I'm happy.


Scott Beale Janina John Gruber teh_real_chock Gedeon Maheux Scott McNulty Twitterrific Veer hotdogsladies Cali Lewis Andrew Skinner alex amelines Kevin Coffey Andy Ihnatko Cabel M. Sasser Leo Laporte Lisa Mesztig Abigail Shaw Vorbic Stu Maschwitz ScottBourne danegolden alexlindsay DaisyWhitney bobstaake kennbell patrick_wilson John C. Dvorak ronbrinkmann Ayz Waraich David Stripinis samgilbey Sundeep Toor