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anyone have a recommendation for a NAS? networked hard drive prefer around $200 and 1TB dont need a huge one, for personal stuff only
so any recommendations for what I should ask for for christmas? i cant think of anything I want?
@miss_sociable that site has actually been around for a long time, b4 facebook, myspace and all those
@natzg yeah I use tweetdeck when im at conferences but twitkit for passive during the day stuff
@natzg i like it b/c I dont have to switch to a client I can stay in browser and just glance over
@natzg ever tried twitkit? its a sidebar for firefox
T-Shirt Doubles As Thiller Dance Cheat Sheet
TheGuyFromBoston NSFW there is swearing LOTS OF SWEARING
Holly jolly Christmas sweaters taking the ugly sweater party to the next level
@KarlynM it is a good show, i lost track after i switched to dish and no longer had FX
@KarlynM i would have just downloaded them for free :)
@wnalyd very good point, but w/ the way she is talking she may deserve it :) Comiskey now refered to as The Cell
@wnalyd u can skip Wrigley, the scrubs suck :)
it would cost less, than a few extra flights


danah boyd Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Niles Kyle Ford Dan Patterson Dimitri Glazkov Chris Brogan Robert French Bob Robertson-Boyd Yannick Jesse Rodgers Aaron Post Patrick Berry Glenda Sims Marnie Webb Megg Jeffrey Zeldman Paul Stamatiou R. Tyler Ballance billerickson Stevie Rocco Nate Ritter Karl Katzke Stephanie Leary Robin2HoHoHo NikkiMassaroKauffman cone johnson eric hodgson rose pruyne Ben Hilary Mason Billy Adams kathleen vandervelde Tim Windsor Mark Greenfield
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