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this may sound funny, but my wife makes the very best fried rice. Number 1!!!
kids have eaten dinner, wife is out with the girls, bath time, after bed some php'ing. Sounds like a n3rd saturday night!
@silverbell doesn't mean a thing without a picture.
@misscheeky I'm so so-ahaha-ahhah-ahhahha-ahhaah-ahhahhh-hahhaah-ahhahah-hahahah-ry. I had to sneak into your room, just to read your diary.
made "Twins Xmas Pageant" public on viddler:
ALLDATA Access at the Public Library is sweet. Need to replace my CV Joint Boot on the volvo and got the technical details FOR FREE!!
wow! potentiall expensive volvo repair turns out to be a single missing bolt. Wonder how much a shop would have charged me!
need to get two big contracts signed
I'm sitting in a conf room and their is a VHS tape of jackie chan's first strike
i love mysql scaffolds. i know, i know but it's been one of those days
what a day. long, busy, but rewarding. i'm kind of scatter-brained after all of it
what a day. everything has been CapEx-alicous
@felixc, @atlnav, @joeyw, @cowmix: ended up getting a panny dmc-fx33 @ costco.
@felixc, @atlnav, @joeyw, @cowmix: jury is still out but leaning towards the panny dmc-fs3s , still need to check out costco
i get to go and buy a new digital camera today
@Duder the people in the mac store are big and nice? or the store is big, and the people are nice?
still trying to find eurovan parts. resorting to and maybe have them shipped to my bro-in-law's mom's haus
I like this Madrugada song. Sounds a lot like Richard Thompson, I think
trying to use to manage statuses a little better. Seems like too many interfaces
oh man, i need to prioritize my "to do" list. but I need coffee first. busy day


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