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Boston is a Winter Wonderland. But not in a good way.
More snow. But just small stuff this time.
Millennials suck. We weren't like that when we were in our early twenties. Really.
Apple Store during a snowstorm: 3 employees per customer. Entirely new levels of service.
Boston is totally panicking because of a little snowstorm. Ridiculous. Back home in Switzerland, most summer days are like this
CNBC is now actually calling the current mess "New Economy". I can still remember when that meant something more positive
CGM video becoming less popular? 9 out of the 10 most popular online videos in 2008 were professional content.
Just canceled our cable TV line at home. With all the stuff that you can get through Web/Apple TV, there's really no reason to have one.
U.S. government now less creditworthy than Campbell Soups?
Playing with Google Native Client. A Google OS through the back door? Somebody in Redmond is panicking...
The UK government plans a bail-out (sort of) for tech startups, not just for fat, old companies.
You know your product really, really sucks when the President-elect has to issue a statement denying he's using it.
@mariasipka Stealth mode. It's currently much better to spend time talking directly to customers instead of investors.
Testing Boxee on my Apple TV. Amazing. Hulu, torrents, Comedy Channel, etc. Should cancel my cable subscription.
Totally new idea: Making Web 2.0 startups profitable instead of selling them to Google. #digg
XING's new iPhone app seems to hate me. Can't confirm any new contacts.
Why is Microsoft's cloud platform called "Zurich"? Because it's expensive, slightly boring and ideal for banks?
Software industry still looking for a great new business model. And it's not support services for open source.
Summary for Gladwell's new book "Outliers": 1. Be lucky enough to be born at right time/place; 2. Work really really hard. -> Success ...


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