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I was super excited about Calaboration, but iCal seems to have trouble w/ google auth. iCal prompts me with auth errors constantly.
@zenoss It was a good demo - I wish I hadn't missed the beginning. Glad to hear about Deki as well. Will have to give both a go.
Learning about Zenoss NMS at the Enthought offices. Sweet view of 6th street from the 21st floor conference room at the BoA building.
Google Maps Streetview coverage is very impressive. I found my parent's house in Mount Pleasant, SC with my mom's car in the driveway.
It's quiet and dark in the office this early. I should come in super early more often.
@cxj I find myself missing all the great things in Stuttgart as well - u/s-bahn, schlossgarten, fests
@cxj It was about 75/25F here today, but we have a cold front coming in and it's going to get down to the mid 30's tonight. :)
Found stuffing and sweet potatoes from thanksgiving in the fridge. Going to give it a go. 10 days after thanksgiving isn't bad.. right?
Beet risotto. Christmas colors epitomized.
Rockin' kids at Austin Java.
Everything is bigger in Texas, except the Christmas tree. I expected bigger.
Christmas carols at the Texas statehouse.
@sgerichten Rebecca and I will try to make it out to Little City this evening before the tree lighting. Good idea. :)
Wow.. new look for Google Reader.
The Evolution mail client is too buggy to use. I didn't think it was possible, but I'm more annoyed by Evolution than outlook.
Eating ridiculously hot and spicy Jungle Curry from Titaya Thai Cuisine under the LED glow of my new Z-Bar desk lamp. This thing is awesome.
This cisco router is driving me insane. "show run" returns a blank line. At least now I think I can blame hardware failure..
Eating a "cake by bridges" cupcake for breakfast courtesy of famed cupcake blogger @raquelita.
Chocolate torte at a Eastside Cafe with @jacksonwest and & @raquelita
@Justinkleach are there many people in the office today? How's the network behaving? Normally?


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