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Finished two duets with one of my daughters. I played guitar, she played piano. Was fun.
actually, not installing it because the CD drive cannot read either of the sound bank discs. joy.
installing Reason on the new MBP
@dje yeah, I made the mistake of bringing over the old OS last time. This time I've started from scratch and take what I need from a backup.
turned off the old MBP now that SuperDuper backup is complete - next time I may reinstall the OS from scratch
f'ing postgresql83 port has a corrupt checksum...blood boiling
@jseifer precompiled binaries...I just want the shit to work
macports is for masochists
damnit, macports, figure out what I want for me!
I really hate the way iPhone loses its place in the current song when I sync.
lazy twitter: should I use my Time Machine backup as the method for transferring my stuff from my old laptop to my new one?
new MBP just arrived
did I mention I am really loving the Dark Knight soundtrack - great for coding
Initial feelings about Twhirl FriendFeed integration: too much data! :-) Twitter is onto something with this whole 140 characters thing.
I'm not really a big FriendFeed user yet, but I'm going to try out Twirhl's FriendFeed integration for craps and giggles
cleaned my 17" MBP for the first time in...forever.
the web is the ultimate ammo depot for any sort of argument...someone out there will provide "facts" that you can use for your purposes
Google Analytics event tracking feature looks somewhat useful
submitted two proposals to OSCON
was wondering what Rails Metal is - clarification provided: and


Blaine Cook Brian Oberkirch Tim Kersey Thor Muller Lachlan Hardy Geoffrey Grosenbach Michael Koziarski Adam Keys Alex Payne Imran Ali Bruce Williams Obie stueccles Bill de hOra Nathaniel Talbott Jay Phillips Cris Pearson Josh Owens rick Chad Fowler Joshua Porter Sebastian Küpers Seth Ladd c3 Jonathan Nelson Mike Levin Matthew Williams Darrin Eden Joe O'Brien Jason Seifer Bob Lee Dave Johnson Rails Jim Van Fleet Marcel Molina why the lucky stiff