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RT @GeorgeReese: [...] my definition of cloud service [...] : -- See also [neoTactics]
@l0r3zz No, Nexenta's NexentaStor allows you to choose any hardware configuration you like. I recommend Sun J4200 JBOB + Sun X<serie ......
Some hiccups with my promo code for GoGrid. Now worked out. Again, it's GGRB.
Want to try cloud computing via GoGrid? You can use this promo code for $100 in credit: GGRB
Cloud-Oriented Architectures Coming of Age?
RT iBreakCameras: Here's a political map of earth by country showing who has universal health care. (via @littleidea)
Headed in to GoGrid to catchup on some work. 2 Harrison in SF. DM around 3 or so if you want to get coffee. Yum... coffeeeee...
RT @timoreilly: Now that's a different approach to bailout! UK govt to provide £1bn emergency venture capital fund:
@GeorgeReese I think we're in extreme agreement. An older posting is here:
Lazy Sunday. Forgot what these were like while working on CloudScale.
Auto scaling is overrated, but not useless. The smugmug use case is for *backend* scaling of image processing. Scaling is case by case.
Pacquiao FTW!
@vd Ain't that the truth. Sun might catch on one day.
There's just no doubt that TweetDeck is your friend. Too bad there isn't an iPhone equivalent. Or is there? #iphone #lazyweb
RT @shinzui: Although it's immature today, Ruby will soon emerge as a principal toolset in next-generation IT solutions.
Anyone know how Amazon handles or recommends handling SIDs for their Windows on EC2 offering? #lazyweb #AWS
@markimbriaco I'm sorry you had difficulties with Puppet. Been there. Current functionality + roadmap is quite compelling however.
@markimbriaco Maybe the tire isn't as flat as you think it is.


Blaine Cook Dave Winer James Turnbull Scott Hussein Rafer Simone Brunozzi John Gruber Werner Vogels             whurley CNN Breaking News Robert J. Berger Darth Vader Benson Schliesser rentzsch Daniel Jalkut Joyent Fake Henry Rollins Bay Area Earthquakes Nik Cubrilovic Jesse Robbins Barack Obama Jeff Clavier Miguel de Icaza Fred Wilson David Sifry Wil Wheaton Stephen Colbert Gordon Fischer Steve Gillmor MacRumorsLive David Berlind Aptana Tim O'Reilly Martin Buhr Ynema Mangum Byrne Reese why the lucky stiff
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