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My girl is presently displaying to me WTF++
Penny Arcade: "Driving in the snow with Seattle natives is like NASCAR in slow motion." #define NOTGOOD
As a side note, that Harry Markopolos link sorta forces me to respect @nitesh_dhanjani's comments about quality research. A point, he has it If you've not read Harry Markopolos's disassembling of Bernie Madoff, you should. Note, this is from *2005*.
Old meme alert: presently being rickrolled by Seattle radio.
@ccg is presently hypnotized by the iPhone ocarina app. I can confirm this is even more adorable than sounds :)
@ccg lossa people gunna die?
Good: Seattle has lots of parking. Bad: On its freeways. 90 minutes in and I've gone two miles.
Thank you Twitter: Ended up with D90, Sigma f/1.4 lens for low light+18-105mm f/3.5-5.6G ED AF-S VR DX Nikkor Zoom Lens" for standard use. Speechless. I'd heard a bit about those "RED" cameras, but this is Michael Bay levels of advertising...nom?
In other news twitteriffic needs to turn off autocorrect for words beginning with @. (@ori)
@pro I've been terribly disappointed in every autostereoscopic display I've ever seen. :(
@lazyweb OK, since you kicked so much ass on Nikon selection, low light lens recommendations? !<3Flash
Lazyweb: Is there anywhere one can find a low-light performance comparison between a Nikon D80, D90, D200, D300, and D700? that's a fantastic hoodie, Mr. Clark.
@kuza55 Pop-under windows are a reasonable enough approximation of applets that won't die. Also, FW admin interfaces ignore host header :)
Congratulations to #WorkHabit / @ccg / @jlambert: CDN2 ( is actually pretty cool -- a cloud-based plugin for a CMS
@johndoe678 WinMo warns you that a reset is coming and forces you to type A1B2C3 else before nuking device.


Jason Cosper seanbonner David Ulevitch Nitesh Dhanjani Bre Pettis dotBen Sofia Crystal Williams Damon C David Weekly Window Snyder Ori BarCamp LA BarCamp 3ric Johanson fak3r Sørεn Bicyclemark Jonathan Lambert Declan Fleming fukami Chef JoAnna Kejaja Chris Darbro Bino Gopal Viss Artur Bergman Ward pinguino kolb Erik Nelson Christofer Hoff Stephen Toulouse Eliot Phillips Beau Haugh tendency Strom Carlson