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@rwang0 Buying your way in to things just isn't our style I guess
New analogy - middle school application process = RFP for the uber-student
Playing with the New York Times downloadable reader - so far really liking it
@HillhouseEvents Wow - did you get her name and license number?
just stumbled across - what do you think - cool or spooky?
@vielmetti can you please email me the specific bug you reported?
Great writeup by @ekivemark "Battling with Sharepoint"
People forgetting "D" in their private tweets reminds me of 2nd grade teach intercepting and reading secret notes out loud to the class
Wow, so that's what 8 hours of sleep feels like
@ginavon Thanks for the nomination
@justinkistner I think the vicadin counteracts the occassional crabbiness of @ross being in nicotine withdrawal - but i'm proud of him
Heads up - @ross is on Vicadin and muscle relaxants - just in case you see any weird tweets from him
RT @Socialtext: See some of the new features in Socialtext 3.1
Just had an awesome weekly Socialtext company call - it's such an honor to be part of this team
The Socialtext team just posted a new build to internal staging - I just love watching software come to life!
I feel so bad for my daughter - she's sick and had to miss her school's holiday program today despite tons of choir and band practice


Jack Dorsey Evan Williams Jerry Michalski Matt Galligan danah boyd Ross om Dave McClure Tara missrogue Hunt Dion Hinchcliffe Jeff Bonforte Thomas Vander Wal Christine Herron Susan Scrupski Reid Hoffman Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Veronica Belmont MJ Brian Solis Gabe Wachob Karen O'Brien  Chris Heuer Mickipedia Auren Hoffman Robert Scoble Jason Alexander Mel Kirk Stephen Collins Anil Dash Catherine Juon jimbo wales    Erica OGrady John Pederson Suw Jennifer Pahlka
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