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Streesful week: we lost 20% of our employees at work this week. (Happens when there are only 10 people in your department and 2 leave.)
And now the firewall is blocking My poor, neglected blog is quickly becoming even more unused.
Between having a sick kid and a broken laptop, I am completely behind with every portion of my life. Luckily I had fun baby-cuddling.
Home from the doctor's office with terrific news re:Gabbie's hips. Everything looks great! Such a relief!
At home with a pathetically sick baby. We've napped all day, so it's not all bad.
@MelissaSummers I hadn't but it's fantastic! Thanks for sharing!
At the bottom of a sugar crash following the "Holiday Dessert Potluck" we just had at work. How the heck am I supposed to get work done now?
Can't wait to dress Gabbie up in her Christmas outfit for her holiday program at daycare tonight. Too cute!
I did jinx myself with my last tweet. Gabbie slept exactly 3 hours last night, 1 of them in her crib. Longest Night EVER!
Crabby baby tonight, hoping this means she crashes early and hard. (probably just jinxed myself, huh?)
Wearing a new shirt today. Realizing that the nursing boobs provide a lot more cleavage than I'm used to. Hope I'm not too inappropriate!
@sizzlesays I will be requesting that pie every year for my birthday now. I eat it with vanilla ice cream and hot fudge on top. YUM!
Would rather be napping or reading. Snowy days make me want to hibernate like you wouldn't believe.
@sizzlesays I was wondering the exact same thing before I left for work this morning. I caved and brought a sandwich instead, but regret it.
@CraftyHope I actually sat through the whole thing, and am dumber for having done so. My husband thought it was hilarious. I don't get it.
Note to self: never let husband run to video store unattended again. Strange Wilderness is by far the dumbest movie I've ever watched.
Having a girls day today since my husband has to work. So far we've napped and read some of Eclipse. Next: shopping!
I would very much like an apple right now. Which is so completely opposite of anything I normally crave.
Told my husband that if it weren't for Gabbie we should totally quit and run away together. We're both so stressed out it sounds very good.
@TheBloggess Best line from that link is that it's readily available in most homes and restaurants. Duh! Also, Barf!


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