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@monimcg Congrats on getting power back!
@Sc00ter Yep, most likely - working out the kinks in the new space. Keep us posted though - it helps a lot to know what is/isn't working
Packing up and moving today. I packed early so I got photos of everybody else packing:
@garylerude You and me both! Every person at the old space (save a couple reporters) is furiously packing early, just in case. is being moved to the new building momentarily - may be down for a little while.
Just did today's last map update b/c station is moving - network will be off. Pls update if you can - Thanks!
@sau1 Thanks for the info - let us know when power comes back up. (Hopefully soon!)
#icestorm08 map is updated - - Please update your data if your power is back on, and thanks. Stay warm.
@monimcg "Heat and the truth" - words to live by :)
@monimcg Your neighbors should bake you a cake when this is all over for your dedication. You'd make a good reporter - or detective!
@monimcg Many thanks for the info - I'll share anything new I hear about your town as soon as it comes through.
#icestorm08 Updated all new data people sent this am. Pls update your data if your power's back, and thanks.
@dlmartin61 Many thanks for the update - I'll add it to the map. Btw, there aren't other power companies in E. Hampstead beside PSNH, right?
@monimcg Re: E. Hampstead - how many people w/o power that you're seeing? Far more than 12, I gather?
@acummings I'll check with her - thanks for the heads-up. Getting caught up on a lot of new data, apologies for slow reply. #icestorm08
@icestorm08 Map is up to date with all data I have. Pls update your data if your power came back - thanks!
#icestorm08 Just added latest Unitil info to our map. Pls update your data if your power came back. Thanks!
@acummings Thanks for the info. I've modified the map to note that residents report the numbers w/o power may be much higher.
@acummings Yikes! We will keep looking for further info on E. Hampstead. #icestorm08
@acummings Newest @psnh numbers indicate 12 customers w/o power in East Hampstead. That's down from 15 in the earlier update. #icestorm08


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