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I am gonna start tweeting more!
Yahoo! buzz is now open! Grab some code for your site, brah
I wish i could just frolic outside all day. Boo job
Looking at: "TwitThis" (
Theie are a lot of good looking people in sf. Contrary to popular opinion
Both destroyed and elated after Bay to Breakers
B2b was great. But they stole my. Camero. Boo.
The san diego airport is a cesspool. Is everyone in this city a stripper slash douchebag?!
@laughingsquid Trey from Buzz here... Look forward to an email from me in the very near future... I love the 'Squid.
Is pissed at that fuckwad that just littered on the highway. Yes he was driving an suv.
Sf freezing
Why isnt the flickr badge called the flickr stickr?
Home made pizza party at chez trey!
Hung over all weekend. Too much halloween?
At mission beach cafe... Classy!
Indecisive... Baseball game? Or mission?
Prepping for twitter brainstorm
Recovering from awesome day at russian river
Bandocracy meeting


Evan Williams danah boyd Nick Douglas Tara missrogue Hunt Scott Beale Jason Calacanis Emily Chang ashleystar Mickipedia Robert Scoble irina slutsky Hugh MacLeod Crystal Williams Melissa Gira Grant Kristie Wells Lindsay Lohan Technorati Leah Culver JTV Chris Pirillo WilloToons Cali Lewis Bonny Pierzina Lisa Brewster SXSW The New York Times Ariel Waldman Michael Arrington Techmeme heathervescent Yahoo! Nick Denton Ponzi Pirillo Barack Obama This Week in Tech Amanda Congdon