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@katym829 WHAT? You're too cool for Florida; you'll bring the average temp down at least three degrees.
iPhone weather app seems to be on the fritz. Keeps putting a glitchy little hyphen in front of all the temps.
Tony Romo has a 16.2 passer rating in the first half. WTF?
@CatRocketship Be sure to celebrate Festivus for the rest of us too!
@SarahJL Thanks for the #TwitterSpamPurge link. Nice to know it wasn't a virtual piece of chive in my teeth causing the drop in followers.
@danielshipton @TGMLeto Thanks. But if this #TwitPurge keeps up, I may pass the 1,000 follower mark again on the way down.
Thanks to all who responded ... except @miketempleton, for whom I am reinstituting my bad jokes on the 100s
Twitter on the fritz? Lost 50 followers while I slept. I would at least like to attribute the loss to one of many inappropriate tweets.
Saw Slumdog Millionaire last night. Excellent movie, very engaging.
@Klowner @sbzdega There should be a Twitter stream devoted solely to these types of winter driving tips to help the frictionally impaired.
@Kathy_L Protip: If you drive really fast, you actually end up spending less time on the icy roads.
RT: @gbeck $285 per hour for summer associates? Nice work, if you can get it . . . past a judge.
@carolinejones $110 & a few deets will get you a "provisional" patent application. Seems odd they went provisional
@joelrosenberg Ha. Preposterously stupid strategies seem to be becoming modus operendi. Perhaps they are merely playing to their strengths
WSJ:RIAA stops robolitigation a/g downloaders. Who knew suing grandmas & children would = public relations nightmare?
@cyberlaw Thanks, but I have that end covered pretty well. Would you have a link to a Keeping Your Inner Geek In Check website?
Bought my kids Season 1 of Gilligan's Island in hopes of staving off any more "Why is Daddy is the way he is" questions.
For some strange reason, I had envisioned my first flying car being faster than my first regular car.
For those not in the know, you can search patents for free on Google Patent Search


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