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Having fun setting up my new ipod Touch. My dumb questions are making my kids laugh at me.
@liabo Doesn't it bug you sometimes that doctors actually act like they don't care what's truly wrong with you?
Looking for advice. May refinance my home loan. Should I wait to lock in for a while? Will the rates go down even more?
@abbieshipton I'm guessing that it will bring a baby! I am so psychic. :~)
@daniellebascom Sounds great, what is he making?
A must-read post for curly-haired women!
@podcasting_news As someone rattling around in an empty house, once filled with giggling little girls, I say enjoy it while it lasts.
@sellphone The Epiphany. You were correct.
@iowahawkeyes Let's not elevate him to God status, M-kay? :~). He most assuredly is a human. A fast and talented one, but human.
@mikesansone Perhaps they need technical help. Most people don't know how easy it is to set up a basic blog.
@garlicgirl saw a yummy dish on food network yesterday, chicken w/honey mustard glaze, goat cheese and pistachio crust. Looked yummo.
@mikesansone I don't think cost or access is the barrier. It's fear of the unknown, and the lack of a committed blogger.
Just left Central Iowa Shelter #dmtweetup. Chili, cornbread, cookies and milk. Good times, full tummies. Thanks to all who participated.
My take on Twitter for business, for what it's worth.
@BrettTrout I think it depends on the consistency level and involvement of the people. Technology snafus don't matter as much as intent.
Welcome @macsworldlive to Twitter! He's on the air now, streaming live at Click "Listen Live"
@S_Lovelace If lotion doesn't help dry skin, try a little baby oil right after u turn off the shower. A couple of drops will go a long way.
Going to serve dinner with DeMo tweeps tonight, to dinner with Jim, and then to a New Year's Eve party. Happy New Year, my friends!


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