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And the piper will lead us to reason.
It's Newberg Report Night @ Sherlocks in Arlington. Michael Young, Jeff Zimmerman, Chris Davis & more signing copies of the new book.
No, please: ignore the things we talked about in our meeting that you were supposed to communicate to people. I enjoy feeling my blood boil.
I don't want to go on the cart. I feel fine.
[blank stare]
Waking up after four-hour power nap. Will try to get normal night's sleep, then attack again in the morning.
Ooooh, boy. Just hit the wall. 21 hours afterThe Fan's station launch, two hours of sleep, not enough caffeine in the world.
@jenwinn Just Brakes advertises $100 for new brake pads & shoes in most cases. Get 'em today, and avoid "a real brake system NIGHTMARE!"
@danielthepoet The new address will be - still building it out, should be ready for prime time by CoB today.
Hey, automakers: ever think that part of the reason people aren't buying cars is due the lack of money being lent by banks?
@justdevin : 170 followers. @stephenfry : 28,840 followers. That's drawing power, folks.
Five! Golden! Toques!
Jebus. Not only am I reverse-engineering the web site they built for The Fan, but trying to get ahead of it. Bollocks!
@ninjamunkey Definite shock & awe. Just getting into the back end of it and making it my bitch. (Oooh, that sounded dirty.)
[Whistles, taps foot...]
To everyone NOT blowing up all forms of communication: Glad to see ya. Say 'hi' to your mother for me.
To everyone blowing up my phone / IM / e-mail: I don't know anything right now. Big word coming down at 4:00 pm.
Well. THIS turned into an interesting day quickly.


John Gruber Matt Hinze Paul Goode CNN Breaking News Joshua Green Allen rstevens Scott Kurtz D.J. Coffman Barack Obama Jason Reynolds Daniel Dessinger sohmer Lar deSouza Wil Wheaton scott wi #telligent Andy Ihnatko Kelly Jake Marsh Paul Whitaker Mike Guerrero Alexander Muse Kristina Lively J Leask (Telligent) UstreamTV MacLife Lou S. Dean Whitney Warren Ellis Southwest Airlines Lexigeek Taste Like Crazy sarahickman ericmarc halfway250 ninjamunkey
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