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@JewishTweets I saw that you tweeted @ilainie about Hanukkah. Thanks!
New name for boomer retirement - the staytirement...
@georgedearing validates my contention that content, as always, rules, and channel comes second.
@jewishTweets can u suggest Hanukkah resources for @ilainie?
In 1980 Chemical Bank tried to get ppl to use Pronto online banking. All 46 interested customers wr in focus grp
@ilainie lots of resources @ Also ask @JewishTweets
10 million h/h's have boomerang kids...Larry Cohen of many of you, show hands?
@banannie my doc has a web portal, can request Rx, get labs, make apts
JJ from is here...check out thw site if u r in banking...
Fierce Telecomm reporting ATT will cut 12k jobs in '09. Go to dial
Michael Horn speaking, NY FHLB board member. Telling us what's going on in DC...
NJBiz shud pay for these vids. They put their banner right in line of sight to camera...change cam pos between spkrs!
@phillyinquirer u shud get Toll to kick in a house...dont they have a big piece of inky?
We are rolling tv tape... bankers econ Outlook mtg.
@newmediajim clock is ticking on that guy's job, isn't it?
@newmediajim Safe & happy shooting today, sir! My cams are locked and loaded and we're headed 2 econ outlook conf in North Jsy...whr you?
@jonray Sookie: Bill, you're alive! Bill: Well, technically, no.
I need to stop getting up so early. The news is much less depressing after the world has a few coffees.
Worse tone-deafness than auto makers, Gannett's Asbury Park NJ Press delivery trucks for sale on Craig's List.


Wayne Sutton Chaitanya Sagar Josh Hallett Mike Manuel Alex Hillman Dean Landsman Chris Brogan drew olanoff Whitney Hoffman Brian Conley Bill Palmer Dan York Jim Long Paul Hyland Philip Campbell  C.C. Chapman Howard Greenstein Sandy giovanni neville Baher Al Hakim Jeremiah neovids Kami Huyse Ike Pigott Tac Anderson Greg Hollingsworth Tod Julia Roy Lan Bui Simon Dickson Colin Birch Todd Defren Mark Jones Linda Mills Jimmy
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