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How does Alex Rodriguez decide to just switch countries for the World Baseball Classic? Are you kidding me?
Free and Awesome song from The Streets on
@MalcolmAtherton Tulsa has a good offense. I haven't see Ball State play.
@paullyoung Awesome! Always great to hear feedback from people who use the service.
What do you think is the best bowl game outside of the BCS games? The Emerald Bowl - Miami (Fla.) vs. California - should be good.
Trying to find all of the UNC Chapel Hill-related folks on Twitter. Send me their user name if you know of one.
Meh...the Meineke Car Care Bowl? Can't we get a bowl outside of NC. Plus all those WV people to NC = Okies to Dallas for Red River game.
@CubanaLAF It will be Dallas or Garland. I am looking at either the Y or trying to find a local club team to assist at.
@CubanaLAF Do they even look at the rest of your app if you check one - or worse - both? I imagine that is a deal breaker.
@CubanaLAF like someone that is one of those is going to be honest though. It is a yes or no check here question.
Reading over the YMCA Volunteer App. One question is Yes or No: Are you a pedophile or child abuser? - Do you think those groups are honest?
@DwriteN can't beat it for $1.99.
Listening to The Pogues while reading a few footie blogs. Great Saturday of action. Sunderland didn't deserve the L against United.
Music Rec: Amazon's $1.99 album today is Stars' Set Yourself on Fire. Just finished listening to every song, well worth two bucks.
Is there any reason to ever have an actual appointment to see a doctor? I've never had that appointment kept.
Anybody else checking out the Women's College Cup? UNC v. UCLA set to kick in a few minutes on ESPNU.
Less than an hour until the College Cup. Let's go Lady Tar Heels!
Just found about a new contest we are going to run. Anybody interested in checking out Miami around say Jan. 8? (College football fan?)
does anybody run or contribute to a company delicious account?
@andrew_dunn strange sight, but I like the layout, very powerful


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